The price that must be paid to defeat evil.

Link to quote: Israel-Gaza war: Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel paying 'heavy price' (
On October 7th, Hamas fighters crossed from Gaza into southern Israel killing 1,200 people and taking about 240 hostages. The attack was well planned, and Hamas forces were well dug in behind hospitals and schools throughout Gaza. They had constructed an intricate system of tunnels traversing the Gaza strip, which is one of the two Palestinian enclaves that envelope the democratic State of Israel. I want to remind our readers one more time that Hamas has a charter that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and its people. And more importantly the Palestinians in Gaza voted for Hamas to represent them.
I personally believe that the spark for the October 7th attack and all of the planning that went with it was that imminent deal that Saudi Arabia was about to enter into with Israel. You see, after the Abraham Accords the middle east was on the fast track to moving away from always having the "Palestinian problem" front and center of any relations with Israel. The Hamas attack was designed to remind everyone not to forget the Palestinians. Now Joe Biden is moving back to the failed policy of the "two-state solution" while trying to pressure the US strongest ally into going against its own best interests.
Apparently, the Israeli Prime Minister is not about to bow. He didn't bow to Biden's mentor Barack Hussein Obama, and he didn't bow to the left's man in the White House. We will always remember the Prime Minister's response to the Iran Deal, which was meant as a counterweight to Israel:
Israel's war against terror has thus far taken a toll. Just recently the IDF reported their 154th casualty. It is a high price, and the road will be long and hard, but Israel has the right man at the helm. The families of the hostages have also added pressure on the government. To them it is simple: They want their family members back no matter the cost. In their name the Prime Minister has offered a generous deal which Hamas has yet to accept. That is good news politically. Bibbi tried for the families and Hamas wouldn't deal in good faith. Now the war continues.

IDF staff sergeant Birhanu Kassie was killed fighting in Gaza on Friday
According to the IDF: More than 8,000 Palestinian fighters have been killed during its campaign to date. May Israel succeed in killing every Hamas member, no matter how long it takes. And may Israel find a way to relocate the Palestinians far from any border with Israel.
Justice could not be better served.
Old Joe has been rebuffed:
"PM Benjamin Netanyahu is right — this is not the time to agonize over a two-state solution. Not as long as guaranteeing Israel's security remains elusive, and not until Palestinians switch their mindset from continuing to support viciously lethal jihadists."
Israel's Netanyahu rejects any Palestinian sovereignty post-war, rebuffing Biden : NPR
It is time the US tax payer was allowed to drop Israel, PA, Hamas, and Hezbollah like a bad habit.
Not our war; but we are sure as hell funding two factions (Israel and the PA). We get nothing in return on our investment from either.
Neither side wants to live with the other- so fuck them both. I don't care if they are reduced to throwing rocks at each other. At least it will be an even fight then.
Right now, there is no foreign aid flowing to any combatant. I don't know it was a planned strategy by Speaker Johnson, to tie border security to Biden's request for foreign aid to Ukraine & Israel, but right now it is looking like a stroke of genius.
unbelievable Vic, two daze in a row, we’re in agreement, WTF …
Van Jones is right. He has to go back into the basement.
Or as Norman Bates called it "the fruit cellar."
Trump is able to go to Court to defend himself from a political prosecution, then hop on a plane and deliver an unscripted victory speech in places like Iowa and NH. He also takes questions. Joe has little on his calendar, no opponents and can't deliver a speech written for him. You trying to draw a comparison is ridiculous. Biden's support has always come from those voting against Trump...and the American people.
1. Trump could not pronounce the word "smallest", a very common and often used word.
2. "We are an institute in a powerful death penalty." is utterly incoherent. I dont care if he went to Mars and back.
Quit while you're ahead John. Trump may babble a bit occasionally, but Biden is an example of the walking dead.
A credible statement is that both men are too old to be PotUS. That both men are elderly and showing signs of normal cognitive decline. That neither has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or cognitive impairment.
Hyperbolic statements about Biden's verbal mistakes and extreme downplaying of Trump verbal mistakes have no credibility.
Nikki Haley has none of these problems and is right there for the GOP to elevate to their nominee. But people like you will continue to carry Trump's water and then be stuck with him as the nominee.
Another day of Traitor Joe giving an incoherent speech, another day ending in "Y".
If only we could figure out what the benefit of messing with American women was?
It may keep me awake tonight.
I don't think it's possible to drink enough to figure that out and make him even remotely coherent. But our friends on the left seem to be able to do it supposedly stone sober.
So, I can save the Rum for Saturday night.
But our friends on the left seem to be able to do it supposedly stone sober.
I love to hear them try and compare Biden with Trump.
WTF does that mean ? Even if one decides those two sentences are out of context, they are garbled nonsense. Watch the videos of this.
I will admit, It is fun to see what they try to use as comparison.
You quoted it. You figure it out. [deleted]
Fetch us one. All I can find is the written word..........Thanks in advance
If I post the video will you shut the fuck up ? Just asking.
Just say yes and I'll do it right now.
On this subject, yes. Probably should have done it with your original commentary
I QUOTED him, with a link to the comment.
That is quite sufficient.
Instead of pretending he may not have said it why dont you try and explain what he was saying.
No link visible. You did NOT link the comment....................
Actually, I did.
we have to go through this same crap here every day. it is hardly worth logging on here anymore
Referring to your 2.2.4 you didn't
Country (institute) in decline do to the "death penalty" handed down on election day 2020.
Finish the fucking statement...................("we have to go through this same crap here every day")
And the growth of crime in the country due to lax interpretation of our laws and an open border. (my contribution)
I don't think Kamala would be happy with that word salad.
Didn't refer to users. That was your overactive imagination. It's time to close the damned border to there are fewer drugs coming across the border. Maybe you misunderstood the intended message.
Trump slurs words like that every single day.
Let us guess....
You believe Biden is coherent and makes perfect sense every time he opens his trap.
Delusional at best.
no he doesn’t, but that doesn’t make him the mental retardation formation that so many on the “right” have been so WRONG about.
they’re both too fckn old , and Trump is a delusional escaped mental patient that’s started a cult of personality, Syphiles Sybil and the many voices in my head
Biden is the puppet of the Progressive Left, programmed to profess daily lies, bullshit, and leftist propaganda all day every day. He reminds me of the drugged "leader" in this episode of the original Star Trek.
(4) Star Trek - Death of A Dictator? - YouTube
What language is Biden speaking here?
In the past, his slurring was attributed to his childhood "stuttering". I've known many people who stutter, but none of them slurred as if they were on drugs.
It was a very weak defense.
Getting back to the original topic. No leftist on this forum seems to find any fault with Hamas, the Palestinian "civilians", or Iran...the money and power behind all the hate and violence. But there seems to be daily criticism of Netanyahu and the Israelis.
Why is that?
gee, funny how republicans almost always seem to run to the defense of governments that steal or illegally annex land...
Kinda hard to do that when the Jews have had a claim on the land for a few thousand years. As much or more right to the land than to the so called "Palestinians". Do you favor the eradication (genocide) of the Jewish people?
“As much or more right to the land than to the so called "Palestinians".”
A right granted by…?
And they fight, and people die, and it will never end until a two state solution is put in place. No winners here… only more funerals and only more gnashing of teeth.
let's see a link to that land deed...
Let's see a link to the Native Americans land deed.
Throughout history land and resources have been won by conquest.
Certainly was the case in pre-columbian America.
It's in a vault along with the land deeds of ancient Assyrians, Persians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, and so many more.
please put up a pdf of that document here. I've never seen a deity's signature before.
“Throughout history…”
Domination, destruction and death have been the common denominator in every collective human endeavor. To hold anyone accountable for the actions of yesterday, today or tomorrow is but wasted breath and self righteous judgment. We are animals.
The best we can hope for is to surround ourselves with family and treat every encounter as a chance to make the day just a little bit better for everyone. Peace.
"Let's see a link to that land deed..."
So who built the Holy Temple of David? The Egyptians? Was Jesus a Persian? Let's see the "Palestinians" land deed? Did the consummate "Palestinian" Arafat the Egyptian give it to them? Are all the Arabs who came to Israel from other nations to work on the farms and in the industries built by the Jews the "real" "Palestinians"?
Would you ask the Native Americans for a link to THEIR land deed?
What is true in the late 1970's is true now. Here is a look at the debate in 1978, from the view of an MIT graduate who then went by the name Benjamin Nitay:
He nailed it then and as you can see nothing has changed.
Between 1771 and 1877 The US signed well over 365 treaties (most of the treaties are still in government files and some with NA tribes) with Native American tribes, many wars were stopped because of these ''Peace Treaties'' and many were signed by the US government in many instances it was because the wars were too expensive for them to keep fighting. Sounds great, unfortunately, it wasn't great for the tribes since the US government broke all of them and it was easier to lie and cheat and go to a kangaroo court to get the land and minerals than to keep on fighting.
Treaty-making as a whole ended in 1871, when Congress ceased to recognize the tribes as entities capable of making treaties and passed a resolution with no vote taken to stop treaties. No tribes were asked or consulted, the government's way to cheat.
The value of the treaties also came to be called into question when the Supreme Court decided, in 1903, Congress had full power over Native American affairs and could override treaties.
Now isn't that cool to make up the rules as you choose to get all that valuable land and its resources?
The SCOTUS decision is Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, 187 U.S. 553 (1903)
It ranks right up their the Dawes Act of 1898 and the Marshall Trilogy of 1823, 1831 and 1832 and Tribal Termination Act of 1953 as bullshit legalese to cheat NA's out of their land.
What is considered the last of the Indian Wars was fought at Leech Lake MN. in October of 1898 when the Pillager Band of Ojibwe defeated the US 3rd Infantry.
In a brilliant case of KARMA the Leech Lake Ojibwe won back over 11,000 acres of their land illegally taken by the US government a few years ago.
If anyone would care to know more about the Battle of Sugar Point or the cause of it just contact me as I have spoken to the last living survivor of that battle many times, he was my misnomis (grandfather), Thunder Water.
So now the tribes have learned the white way to win, go to court. We are graduating our own lawyers and have won numerous cases over the last few decades. The Corbel case went to every level of the judicial system of the US and we (NAs) won at every level and finally at the Supreme Court of the US, the reward was $3.6 billion to the tribes, due once again to the lying and cheating of the US.
Hopefully, that gives you a more accurate view of what transpired in the time frame of the Doctrine of Discovery and Manifest Destiny and beyond.
He doesn't have to, I explained it quite well in comment 3.1.11
wasn't great for the tribes since the US government broke all of them
except the ones the tribes broke.
Feel free to list those treaties and why they were broken or what led up to them being broken.
Perhaps you missed the point that both Congress and SCOTUS ruled that Congress could override the treaties. Of course, this is the direct opposite of what Justice Holmes who said that Treaties are the supreme law of the land.
their original lands that were systematically pilfered thru theft and illegal "annexations", or the barren reservation lands the government stuck them with until it became too valuable and they lost it as well, or the reservation lands they're on now?
I'm quite satisfied with what Kavika has to say.
I appreciate your dissertation about Native Americans, but none of my comments were about them. Also, this article's topic is the Israel/Gaza war, not Native Americans.
You're surprised?
When they tell you who and what they are, you have to believe them.
More BS by you Greg, I have on many instances condemned Hams et al.
If you going to make statements about everyone make damn sure that it is accurate which yours isn't.
You should be Jeremy, I addressed you directly sometime back when you tried that shit on me.
They speak of them as the oppressed, just like the teachings at the university.
I'm not surprised. Not in the least. Now how you deal with it, well, that's all up to you.
It's all about playing victim.
That it is.
I've already dealt with it directly with you, you're response is typical of those with no ground to stand on but only try to deflect from their own words.
So go to Walmart and get yourself a cookie. I. DON'T. CARE.
I know you don't that, when you can't own up to your own words it does make you look ridiculous most on NT see it or what it is.
And as I stated before. That is for you to deal with. Badgering me about your inabilities isn't going to fix anything.
You can state it a million times, BS is still BS. I've dealt with it, you can't and when something is broken it can't be fixed, your comments are the perfect example.
[This stands. Taunting is going both ways.]