Citing losses and destruction, Hamas figures in Gaza urge leaders to strike deal
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 7 months ago • 68 commentsBy: By AP and TOI STAFF

Photo: Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Yahya Sinwar in Gaza City, June 26, 2019. (Hassan Jedi/Flash90)
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Several senior Hamas figures in Gaza have urged the terror group’s exiled political leadership to accept the ceasefire and hostage deal proposal championed by US President Joe Biden, according to internal communications seen by The Associated Press.
The messages, shared by a Middle East official familiar with the ongoing negotiations, described the heavy losses Hamas has suffered on the battlefield and the dire conditions in the war-ravaged territory. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to share the contents of internal Hamas communications.
The official shared two internal Hamas communications, both written by senior officials inside Gaza to the group’s leadership in Qatar, where Hamas’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh is based.
The communications, from May and June, suggested that the war had taken a toll on Hamas fighters, with the senior figures urging the group’s political wing abroad to accept the deal despite the reluctance of Yahya Sinwar, the group’s leader in Gaza.
The messages suggest that Sinwar, who has been in hiding since the war erupted and is believed to be holed up in a tunnel deep underground, either isn’t fully aware of the toll of the fighting or isn’t fully communicating it to those negotiating outside of the territory.
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Several senior Hamas figures in Gaza have urged the terror group’s exiled political leadership to accept the ceasefire and hostage deal proposal championed by US President Joe Biden, according to internal communications seen by The Associated Press.
The messages, shared by a Middle East official familiar with the ongoing negotiations, described the heavy losses Hamas has suffered on the battlefield and the dire conditions in the war-ravaged territory.
And what is the attitude of all the anti-Israel pro-Hamas protesters on college campuses and outside institutions for whom 'From the river to the sea' meaning to destroy Israel, concerning that? Do they agree with the on-the-ground Hamas military leaders who want a ceasefire?
Several of them were asked what that meant. And what river does that refer two.
Not one of them knew what river that was.
Which PROVES that they have no idea what the realities of the conflict are, but it merely gives them an opportunity to openly expose their actual patent or even latent "good old-fashioned Jew hatred" (as said by a Nazi general to Oscar Schindler in Schindler's List).
The official shared two internal Hamas communications, both written by senior officials inside Gaza to the group’s leadership in Qatar, where Hamas’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh is based.
The communications, from May and June, suggested that the war had taken a toll on Hamas fighters, with the senior figures urging the group’s political wing abroad to accept the deal despite the reluctance of Yahya Sinwar, the group’s leader in Gaza
I'm a bit surprised about that. I was always of the opinion that the Hamas militants would continue fighting to the last man because if they die in a battle with the Jews they would get to deflower their 72 virgins and enjoy them forever in the Garden of Allah.
True of Hamas.
But not everyone in Gaza supports Hamas. True, almost no one there has put up significant resistance.
And I'm sure there are folks there who, while not supporting Hamas (and perhaps not even believe they will go to a marvelous Heaven if they kill Jews or any other "non-believers" ... people who just want to live in peace but know if they oppose Hamas openly they and their family will be killed (after being tortured).
At first the Gazan citizens cheered Hamas about Oct 7, danced in the streets and shared candies and sweets, just like they did for 9/11 (I guess the US college protesters would also cheer for the terrorist pilots who caused that). But the Gazans have been educated to hate the Jews (thanks to UNRWA) and call for the destruction of Israel so it's quite a shock for them to see that their heroes have not been able to prevent their lives from being made miserable in this war - it's been somewhat of a wake-up call for them.
They voted Hamas in, have supported them throughout, joined in their sending incendiary balloons and kites into Israel, celebrated 9/11 and Oct 7, allowed Hamas militants to hide among them, kept Hamas' secrets such as where the Hamas facilities and weapons were hidden, and have been helping to hide and imprison the hostages, and allowed themselves to be used as human shields, so I really don't give a shit how many civilians are collateral damage, no matter how many times and how loudly they announce how many children and women have been killed, and how many are starving. Fuck All of them.
Is that what your relatives (our people) who were killed by the Nazis would want?
You are comparing a situation in which the victims were INNOCENT with a situation in which the victims are COMPLICIT?
That's a distortion and you know I am doing no such thing. Come on. You of all people should know better. Tell me how many young children who have died in Gaza are "complicit".
How many in Sudan are complicit, in Ukraine…
Okay, babies and children who have not yet been taught by their UNRWA teachers to hate the Jews or have not been taught by their Imams to fight and kill the Jews (which the Koran tells them to do) are innocent and unfortunate casualties of war.
I wonder how many children were "casualties of war" in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo and Dresden that people feel sorry for.
IIRC, there weren't huge tent encampments on college campuses and demonstrations in sympathy for those people ....???
That's strange-- they never seem to mention that.
And no encampments on college campuses-- or tying up traffic.
I don't feel sorry for any "Casualties of war" from the Axis side in WWII or now in Gaza
That people may not feel sorry for innocent children, or adults for that matter, killed in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo and Dresden says something about humanity, doesn't it? As does war itself. You are certainly aware that the innocents killed in Hiroshima (and probably the other locations, although I don't know to what extent) are memorialized and mourned.
Double standards. The fact that Jews have been despised and made the scapegoat in many societies for several millenia.
Frankly, it outrages me. The Russians just bombed a hospital in Kyiv. Where are the protests?
Well, some of the more intelligent ones are beginning to realize...
But some still think that the attacks on October 7 were a good thing...
Were those people killed by the Nazis terrorists-- and mass murderers?
Actually I've rethought what I said about the women and children. Since the husbands and fathers (and mothers) do NOT take a stand against Hamas for whatever reason, and even support Hamas, and even support the attacks on Israel and its citizens, then THEY are the ones responsible for the deaths of the innocent, NOT ISRAEL. What could they do? They WAY outnumber the militants, they can swarm them (Did the French and Russian revolutionaries have the kind of weapons the armies did?), they can rat on the location where Hamas are hiding themselves and their weapons, they can expose where the hostages are hidden. Don't bother telling me they are not complicit, they are just as responsible for what is happening, including the deaths and maiming of their own.
Even if their mindset is starting to see the light, the biggest most antisemitic organization in the world, the United Nations isn't, still denying the complicity of their own agency, UNRWA.
Interestingly, I just read in the Jerusalem Post that the Hamas militants are now sending Gazan CHILDREN out to fight the IDF.
.If all goes well, this may lead to the end of this horrendous war!
I wouldn't be surprised if, upon hearing about the possibility of peace, the "Free Palestine" college students resume their demonstrations-- urging the people in Gaza not to give in to any Israeli conditions!
(Although if they do, my guess is that their protests will once again be totally ineffective).
Ah, maybe that answers my question about their attitude, above. How will they be able to express their antisemitism if they have nothing to protest? What makes me really happy is that their identity is being recorded and as has already been happening, they might find a lot of employment possibilities closed to them - their ignorance deserves that kind of punishment.
Well if there's a "permanent" cease-fire-- I'm sure the more extreme "Free Palestine" types will find something to complain about!
Oh of course! How could I not see it-- they will freak out because there's no "Palestinian" state"!
As Tex pointed out, there will not be a "permanent" cease-fire. It might go on for a while, but Netanyahu is determined to totally extinguish Hamas.
Golda Meir*
You cannot negotiate peace with someone who has come to kill you
*Israeli politician who served as the fourth prime minister of Israel from 1969 to 1974.
Another truism attributed to her:
Thankfully, Netanyahu ignored Biden's pleas to not go into Rafah.
I'm sure he will find that pandering to the antisemites and Hamas supporters might really cost him.
I'm sure he will find that pandering to the antisemites and Hamas supporters might really cost him.
Who-- Biden?
Actually the more extreme "free Palestine" crowd mostly sees him as too pro-Israel!
LOL. Well, what he did was put himself into a "lose-lose" situation.
The "palestinians" seem to have this unique skill of turning any situation into a "lose-lose" situation-- often for all parties involved.
I had resisted the urge to post this quote:
The "palestinians" seem to have this unique skill of turning any situation into a "lose-lose" situation-- often for all parties involved.
The "palestinians" seem to have this unique skill of turning any situation into a "lose-lose" situation-- often for all parties involved.
I had resisted the urge to post this quote:
that Arabs "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity"
because you and I (and possibly one or two other people here) have any idea who said it.
The "palestinians" seem to have this unique skill of turning any situation into a "lose-lose" situation-- often for all parties involved.
I had resisted the urge to post this quote:
that Arabs "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity"
because you and I (and possibly one or two other people here) have any idea who said it.
(Hint: its not those notoriously evil "Neo-Liberals"
of incredible malfeasance fame!)
No, but I believe his initials are A.E. But if I'm wrong, although I don't think I was, my best guess would be someone famed for such quotations, G.M.
his initials are A.E
Okay, we both know who he was, and maybe others can figure it out if we give them the hint that his first name could make them think of a singing group.
Anyway, see you later. It's movie watching time.
Doubtful-- most of them have already met their "Waterloo".
This video is one of the better explanations I've seen about the current Hamas war to exterminate the Jews. .I'm not always a big fan of Bill Maher -- he's said a lot of things I agree with, and a lot of things I disagree with. But this old video explains a lot about the Hamas war to exterminate the Jews. (In fact I was surprised about how well informed he is)::
Apologies to Buzz-- I know you can't see YouTube videos. So I will post more about it later-- I have to run out now to do an errand.
Since the Chinese government, and therefore the media here, are biased in favour of the Palestinians (as you might know it has invested much to win favour with the Arab/Muslim States) I don't think I'll be able to watch it.
No reason for Israel to stop now,
You may have a point there--- if Israel stop fighting-- and even withdraws from Gaza-- there are elements of Hamas who will start fighting again. (For example, firing rockets at civilian targets in Israel).
But there is one reason -- every so often an Israeli soldier is killed-- or severely wounded. If there's a "permanent" cease fire most of the fighting ends.
(Well, unless Hamas again breaks a long-standing cease-fire as they did on October 7th.)
Temporarily okay, but not permanently until Hamas is eradicated.
Maybe it could be re-stated to say : until their ability to attack Israel is quashed...most of Hamas eliminated.
After all, in WWII the power of The Nazi Party was eliminated. Unconditional surrender. (But there were still surviving Nazi sympathizers-- they were just rendered ineffective.)
Ditto Japan:
The bodies of some 2,600 Japanese soldiers were never found. In a stunning twist, a group of 35 soldiers survived within the caves of Peleliu , hiding out for some 18 months after the war ended before finally surrendering in April 1947.
Antisemitism and antiIsraelism and the command in the Koran for the Muslims to fight and kill the Jews will NEVER be changed. What I have sadly started to believe are the scattered opinions I've been seeing is that the world will eventually be taken over by the Muslims.
Even in the U.S.-- at one time there were things like this:
1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden
On February 20, 1939, a Nazi rally took place at Madison Square Garden , organized by the German American Bund . More than 20,000 people attended, and Fritz Julius Kuhn was a featured speaker. The Bund billed the event, which took place two days before George Washington's Birthday , as a pro-"Americanism" rally; the stage at the event featured a huge Washington portrait with swastikas on each side. [1]
That couldn't happen today!
(But American Nazis have not been totally eliminated. There are still a few American Nazi.
(But as a significant force in the U.S.they are now powerless).
Instead of the Nazis, now there is MAGA.
To be able to see your enemies, you'll have to learn how to look left.
It's necessary to look both ways because there are enemies everywhere - but there are just too many on the right.
Today your enemies are on the left.
Vic, my enemies are everywhere, not just right or left, but fortunately none have the ability to reach me, or to stop me from doing what I choose to do or say what I choose to say. However, I do have friends everywhere as well. By now it should be clear to see that I don't take sides, because each just might have some good with their bad, or some bad with their good. I said "might", because in some situations.......
Yes. Let us think of all the innocent people in the world and let us never let genocide happen ever again.
Or wrongly accuse a nation of genocide when it is not true.