Doctor convicted in overdose deaths of 3 patients
Via: nona62
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Doctor convicted in overdose deaths of 3 patients March 16, 2012: Dr Hsiu Ying "Lisa" Tseng listens in court during her arraignment, in Los Angeles. (AP) LOS ANGELES – The...
"I'll Be Me" , The Story Of Glenn Campbell's Journey Into Alzheimer's , To Re-Air On CNN In November
Via: johnrussell
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Last week I was looking for something to watch on Netflix and saw the documentary "I'll Be Me" in the "new additions" list. I always liked Glenn Campbell's songs and the movie True Grit , so I...
Meat and Cancer: What’s the Risk?
Via: jerry-verlinger
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Processed meats like sausage, ham, jerky, bacon, and cold cuts cause cancer, and red meat probably does, too, according to a new report. By Brenda Goodman, MA, Reviewed by Brunilda...
Family stunts disabled daughter's growth to expand her world
Via: johnrussell
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Family stunts disabled daughter's growth to expand her world In this Aug. 7, 2015 photo, New Zealander Jenn Hooper, background, plays with her baby son, Cody, and daughter, Charley, in Bali,...
A "Lightning Rod" for Tornadoes
Via: community
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
As non-scientific as it sounds, I have a friend who has a really good theory about tornadoes. It seems, no matter where a tornado strikes, a house trailer is either rolled over, blown away, or...
Shirt changes shape when someone looks at it
Via: hal-a-lujah
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Source What if the clothing you were wearing was controlled not by you, but by the people looking at you? A new shirt called “ Caress of the Gaze ” uses 3D-printed plastic and a camera to...
Technology isn't a tool, it's an instrument
Via: community
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Aaron Sorkin's Steve Jobs movie has been sitting with me — or maybe I've been sitting with it — for a few days now. I think it's a pretty good play that was made into a pretty good movie even...
Women Who Write About Tech Are Still Being Abused Online
Via: lets-get-lost
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Women Who Write About Tech Are Still Being Abused Online And about one-third of them report the harassment is getting worse. Posted: 10/13/2015 04:51 PM EDT Women who write about tech...
Deleting genes could boost lifespan by 60 per cent, say scientists
Via: community
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Scientists have discovered more than 200 genes linked to ageing and have found switching them off extends life Switching off parts of the genetic code could help people live longer,...
Scientists are from Mars, the public is from Earth
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Here is a very interesting table . It lists words that are often used in science but are commonly misinterpreted by the public . So without further ado here is the "Rosetta Stone" which...
Northern lights take unusual trip down south
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
WASHINGTON (AP) A baffling solar storm pulled colorful northern lights unusually far south, surprising space weather experts and treating skywatchers to a rare and spectacular treat. A...
The 8 Most Wildly Irresponsible Vintage Toys
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
These days, if a stuffed animal's plastic eye so much as wiggles, that toy is recalled faster than you can say "class action lawsuit." Back in the day, though, child safety consisted of just...
Major Medical Breakthrough for the Masses... A Diet Pill That Really Works!!!!
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
No, your not dreaming. This is no infomercial... Decades in the making, it seems that a husband and wife team has actually found only what could be supeseded by the youth pill... They have a fat...
Breakthrough: Israel Develops Cancer Vaccine
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
In a breakthrough development, the Israeli company Vaxil BioTherapeutics has formulated a therapeutic cancer vaccine, now in clinical trials at Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem. If...
The Plasticity of the Human Mind
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Neuroplasticity is a non-specific neuroscience term referring to the ability of the brain and nervous system in all species to change structurally and functionally as a result of input from the...
"Sweet Surprise" — HFCS Ad Campaign by the Corn Refiners Association
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
1. Here's a link to one of the original ads by the Corn Refiners Association lobby: (Not embedded here as embedding on this video has been disabled-- click link to view video: High Fructose...
Offending your friends
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I have been looking for material which would explain the problems uncovered by the "climategate" emails . It has to be something which does not require the reader to have advanced training in...
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
(This is not a hoax)There is a dangerous email virus going around. (I just got sent a copy via email).I forget the name of it-- will find it and post it. (Although its not necessary to know the...
In The Quantam World, Diamonds Can Communicate With Each Other
Via: kori
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Oxford physicists using bizarre principle of "entanglement" to cause a change in a diamond they do not touch. Dec 1, 2011, By Joel N. Shurkin, ISNS Contributor - Inside Science News...
11 Warning Signs of Low Testosterone
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Most people think of menopause as something woman go through, but it seems that for many men, they go through a type of menopause, it just happens much more gradual then woman, and so they don't...
Want to fly but hate airports ? Here you go :
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Build your own Girocopter OK , I hear ya . You don't got no $19 K to throw around ? Try this instead . Here is a paramotor version that you wear on your back . It doesn't have those enormous...
This Year's Top Science Images ?
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
According to this glitzy new website here are some of the top science images of the year : http://www.txchnologist.com/2011/ten-of-the-top-science-images-of-2011 I find it curious that what...
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