

Serving the Fish Eye

Serving the Fish Eye

Via: community  •  Wine & Food  •  21 Comments  •  8 years ago

Serving the Fish Eye I have been asked to provide examples of some of the customs and societal differences I've come to enjoy in China, and I will include some that I don't enjoy as well. Let's...
Meet The 'Sioux Chef' Rediscovering Native American Cuisine

Meet The 'Sioux Chef' Rediscovering Native American Cuisine

Via: jwc2blue  •  Wine & Food  •  40 Comments  •  8 years ago

http://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2016/11/22/sioux-chef What comes to mind when you think of food native to the U.S.? For many people it's soda, hamburgers and hot dogs. But think back further...
Should You Be Drinking Vaginal Beer?

Should You Be Drinking Vaginal Beer?

Via: community  •  Wine & Food  •  6 Comments  •  8 years ago

The Order of Yoni ("yoni" being Sanskrit for "vagina," and debatably the oldest word for pussy known to man) is a beer company willing to make your wildest fantasies come true, assuming your...
The origin of the species... ummmm... no. The origin of... Guinness!!

The origin of the species... ummmm... no. The origin of... Guinness!!

Via: bob-nelson  •  Wine & Food  •  5 Comments  •  8 years ago

Buzz does Beijing - First of a series

Buzz does Beijing - First of a series

Via: community  •  Wine & Food  •  1 Comments  •  8 years ago

Buzz does Beijing - First of a series of my travels in China The ceiling in the Temple of Heaven On the Discovery Group I have posted the first of a series of photo essays of my...
Take a break from political vitriol and marvel at the wonders of the Orient

Take a break from political vitriol and marvel at the wonders of the Orient

Via: community  •  Wine & Food  •  12 Comments  •  8 years ago

I can now say that I know China, and you will see why, if you care. Just click this link.... http://thenewstalkers.com/arch-man/group_discuss/4046/it-has-been-said If there is any...
Was WWI-Era Britain The Birthplace Of The Session Beer?

Was WWI-Era Britain The Birthplace Of The Session Beer?

Via: community  •  Wine & Food  •  9 Comments  •  9 years ago

http://static.vinepair.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/session-inside-768x384.jpg 768w, http://static.vinepair.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/session-inside-262x131.jpg 262w,...
Craft Beer’s Looming Crisis

Craft Beer’s Looming Crisis

Via: community  •  Wine & Food  •  12 Comments  •  9 years ago

You may want to grab a barstool before you hear this: Craft beer has some very serious issues. While things certainly seem bubbly on the surface for the category—years of double-digit sales...
Ramadan feasting

Ramadan feasting

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Wine & Food  •  6 Comments  •  9 years ago

Ramadan feasting By Laura Kelly, The Jerusalem Post, June 7 2016 A tour of the Galilee offers all manner of treats– even if you haven’t been fasting all day.   MANAL...
There's a serious problem with the shrimp sold at just about every grocery store in the United States.

There's a serious problem with the shrimp sold at just about every grocery store in the United States.

Via: johnrussell  •  Wine & Food  •  7 Comments  •  9 years ago

Don’t eat that shrimp https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/15/the-shocking-truth-about-shrimp-today/?tid=hybrid_experimentrandom_2_na   By  Roberto A. Ferdman...
Majority of canned foods in Canada and the U.S. have high amounts of toxic BPA chemical: study

Majority of canned foods in Canada and the U.S. have high amounts of toxic BPA chemical: study

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Wine & Food  •  2 Comments  •  9 years ago

  Majority of canned foods in Canada and the U.S. have high amounts of toxic BPA chemical: study By Bruce Cheadle, The Canadian Press (The National Post, reported by The Vancouver Sun),...
Popular German beers contain weed-killer linked to cancer, study finds

Popular German beers contain weed-killer linked to cancer, study finds

Via: community  •  Wine & Food  •  13 Comments  •  9 years ago

  Could this buzz kill? Traces of a toxic herbicide that has been shown to cause cancer have been found in Germany’s most popular beers. The Munich Environmental Institute revealed on...
Nespresso is the iPhone of coffee makers

Nespresso is the iPhone of coffee makers

Via: bob-nelson  •  Wine & Food  •  5 Comments  •  9 years ago

Nespresso is the iPhone of coffee makers original article by Sam Byford , The Verge ---------------------------- I wouldn’t describe myself as an advanced coffee drinker, not by any...
A curious thing happened on the way to the brewery this week

A curious thing happened on the way to the brewery this week

Via: community  •  Wine & Food  •  6 Comments  •  9 years ago

Kelso Brewery Gave Away Its Beer to Homebrewers A curious thing happened on the way to the brewery this week that had homebrewers lining up and down Brooklyn’s Fulton Street with heavy jugs of...
Shut up, food snobs. Chain restaurants are awesome.

Shut up, food snobs. Chain restaurants are awesome.

Via: johnrussell  •  Wine & Food  •  2 Comments  •  10 years ago

Those bougie elites who smugly dismiss them as disgusting are missing the point. By Michael Mitchell and Nick Wiger December 18 Nick Wiger is a writer and comedian living in Los Angeles....
The War on Delicious

The War on Delicious

Via: pat-wilson  •  Wine & Food  •  14 Comments  •  10 years ago

http://time.com/4091457/bacon-cover/ No carbs or no fat? Local or organic? Vegetarian or carnivore? These and many other questions have been the subject of more than a dozen TIME cover stories...
 Thriftier U.S. Consumers May Be Hurting Restaurant Sales

Thriftier U.S. Consumers May Be Hurting Restaurant Sales

Via: community  •  Wine & Food  •  9 Comments  •  10 years ago

By Brian Sozzi Follow | 10/29/15   Are consumers becoming more cautious and spending less at restaurants? The mounting evidence suggests yes.  On Thursday,  Buffalo Wild Wings (...
Wine and Food

Wine and Food

Via: sara  •  Wine & Food  •  25 Comments  •  10 years ago

I like wine, and I like food....some times I like and food together...that is all...*smiles*~Sara
Celebrity Chef Ted Allen Cooks His Favorite Pretentious Foodie Bullshit Meal

Celebrity Chef Ted Allen Cooks His Favorite Pretentious Foodie Bullshit Meal

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Wine & Food  •  12 Comments  •  10 years ago

The great exchange, 2012

The great exchange, 2012

Via: peter-loves-the-real-tea-party  •  Wine & Food  •  1 Comments  •  10 years ago

Is that too dramatic a title? Dunno. I do know that it might possibly be time for another beer exchange if anybody is so inclined. What better way to officially inaugurate the new year than to try...
Name that Beer Label (Quiz)

Name that Beer Label (Quiz)

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Wine & Food  •  5 Comments  •  10 years ago

L ink
Reading food labels, part one: What is lecithin?

Reading food labels, part one: What is lecithin?

Via: peter-loves-the-real-tea-party  •  Wine & Food  •  13 Comments  •  10 years ago

We see lecithin listed as an ingredient in almost all processed foods. What is it, and why do we consume it? Why is it in our food? In technical terms, lecithin is a generic term to designate...
Reading food labels, part two: What are Partially Hydrogenated Oils?

Reading food labels, part two: What are Partially Hydrogenated Oils?

Via: peter-loves-the-real-tea-party  •  Wine & Food  •  24 Comments  •  10 years ago

-Solid Trans Fat Well first, what is hydrogenation? All of the remainder of this article is from http://www.treelight.com/health/nutrition/PartiallyHydrogenatedOils.html , which...
10 Weird Foods You Should Actually Try

10 Weird Foods You Should Actually Try

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Wine & Food  •  3 Comments  •  10 years ago

While in Western nations ox penis is dried and sold as dog treats, in the Far East it is a common snack and noted to tastequite inexplicablyas seafood left a bit too long in the pan. Ox...
Beer Exchange Y2K12, 4

Beer Exchange Y2K12, 4

Via: peter-loves-the-real-tea-party  •  Wine & Food  •  46 Comments  •  10 years ago

Alright, our last exchange was a seminal success with some tasty brews changing hands...and after a hiatus to account for everybody moving, getting new jobs, and just simply surviving the winter, i...

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