Article History
The Republican Strategy? Fear and Lies
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 0 Comments • 6 years ago
“If I listened only to Donald Trump and those Republican candidates who follow his example, I would be petrified. I would be living in a bunker. I...”
If I listened only to Donald Trump and those Republican candidates who follow his example, I would be petrified. I would be living in a bunker. I would have cyanide capsules at hand. I would be convinced that the scattered protesters disrupting some Republicans’ meals were the advance guard...
Does Trump Deserve Credit For the Economy? The Numbers Say No.
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 0 Comments • 1 Like • 6 years ago
“His policies may have actually slowed the economic growth he inherited.”
How much credit does Donald Trump deserve on the economy? Based on the data, not much. Presidents deserve credit on the economy when their policy changes leave most people better off by creating conditions that stimulate employment, growth, investment, or consumer spending. While Donald Trump’s...
Conservative Syndrome could help explain link between religiosity and lower intelligence
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 0 Comments • 6 years ago
“New research indicates that social conservatism can help explain the negative correlation between religiosity and cognitive abilities.”
New research indicates that social conservatism can help explain the negative correlation between religiosity and cognitive abilities. There exists a cluster of psychological traits and attitudes that have been described as the “conservative syndrome.” The term isn’t meant to describe...
The More Education Republicans Have, the Less They Tend to Believe in Climate Change
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 0 Comments • 6 years ago
“Climate change divides Americans, but in an unlikely way: The more education that Democrats and Republicans have, the more their beliefs in climate...”
An exhaustive scientific report unveiled this month concluded that the earth is experiencing the warmest period in recorded history and that humans are the dominant cause of the temperature rise observed since the mid-20th century. That consensus does not extend to the American public....
BREAKING: Judge Wants Another Crack At Census Case After Revelation Of New Evidence
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 11 Comments • 1 Like • 6 years ago
“the challengers raised a “substantial issue” with the new evidence”
A federal judge wants to reconsider his ruling that the Trump administration’s move to add the census citizenship question was not racially discriminatory, now that the challengers in the case have put forward explosive new evidence that suggests it was. U.S. District Judge George Hazel, who...
The Clean Power Plan has been replaced by the Trump power plan ... which is literally no plan at all
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 1 Comments • 2 Likes • 6 years ago • LOCKED
“The new rules are that there are no rules.”
The Trump EPA, now under the guidance of coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, has completed its review and replacement of the rules for coal-fired power plants that were put into effect by President Barack Obama. And that replacement is … do whatever you want. The new rules are that there are no...
Founders Offer Wisdom for Protecting America from Fake News
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 0 Comments • 6 years ago • LOCKED
“Not unlike our own moment, many worried about foreign powers seducing the nation and also about the vulnerability of citizens to deceit and...”
In the early moments of the American republic, the nation’s sovereignty and security presented no small worry to the founders. In the 1790s, independence was in its fragile infancy, a nascent experiment threatened by the former mother country; and the French Revolution created anxiety those...
Opinion Donald Trump In revering Trump, the religious right has laid bare its hypocrisy
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 0 Comments • 6 years ago
“The evangelical fortress around the president can look like a problem, but progressives can use that heresy to fight opponents”
he annual anachronism known as the National Prayer Breakfast attracted its usual array of clergy, military, and political leaders in Washington on 7 February. Most prominent of all, of course, was Donald Trump, who used the de facto pulpit to call for outlawing abortion, among other positions...
Republicans Hate You
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 7 Comments • 1 Like • 6 years ago
“Republicans hate a true representative democracy, writes Drew Magary. And if they hate that, then they hate America. And if they hate America, then...”
There’s an election coming in less than two weeks, and before you go cast your vote, I’d just like to remind you of a simple fact, which is that Republicans hate you. Even if you don’t think they hate your guts, I have a surprise for you: they do. Go look in the mirror. You seem nice...
Reverend warns Christians against adopting religion according to Trump: ‘Praying for a man preying on many’
Via: Don Overton • News & Politics • 0 Comments • 6 years ago
“Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II afforded Politics Done Right a great conversation on those practicing religion according to Trump.”
Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II afforded Politics Done Right a great conversation on those practicing religion according to Trump. I asked the reverend how do we best reach those who are being led astray by their religious leaders, pastors, and shepherds. His answer was quite clear. Barber...