Al Franken's Political Assassination
FRANKEN is resigning at this moment to an oration of praise by his fellow Democrat Senators for his contributions to the Senate and for his work on behalf of his Constituents from the "State of 1000 Lakes", Minnesota.
Why is Franken resigning?
The accusations against him, especially those from the former MALE MAGAZINE NUDE MODEL, Leeann Tweeden, a notorious porn model are BOGUS, trivial, and politically motivated.
Trump, on the other hand, is a SERIAL SEX OFFENDER, a self admitted SEXUAL PREDATOR, who, incriminated himself on the widely viewed,"Access Hollywood" tape. Trump further perjured himself as a "child sexual pedophile" when he revealed in his own words on the Howard Stern show how he brazenly walked in on young teenager dressing and undressing during his pageants. Stern and Trump giggled like perverted six graders.
Trump has been accused four (4) times of RAPE.
Recently, a federal judge found there was enough evidence for a complaint against Trump and his best buddy, the convicted sexual pedophile, Jerry Epstein, to proceed through the judiciary process in a United States Federal Court, Judge Robin Abrams presides, Marshall Thurgood Courthouse, NY, NY.
Seventeen (17) credible women have come forward with allegations of sexual harassment against Trump, many with corroborating witnesses that validated the "sexual aggression" Trump references in the "Access Hollywood" tape.
Where are the calls for Donald J. Trump to resign? Where is the outrage from the so called, "Christian Right". Where are the calls for a Congressional Investigation from Congress?
Why hasn't the Senate, the House, or, a Special Counsel established to examine these horrific allegations against a president, currently under four investigations for possibly wrong doing?
Putting "PARTY", namely, the "REPUBLICAN PARTY," ahead of the country is reprehensible, injurious and, in my view, CRIMINAL!FRANKEN is resigning at this moment to an oration of praise by his fellow Senators for his contributions to the Senate and for his Constituents from the state of 1000 lakes, Minnesota.
Why is Franken resigning?
Why hasn't the Senate, the House, or, a Special Counsel established to examine these horrific allegations against a president, currently under four investigations for possibly wrong doing?
Putting "PARTY", namely, the "REPUBLICAN PARTY," ahead of the country is reprehensible, injurious and, in my view, CRIMINAL!
One of the most effective Senator in Congress has been destroyed by a Fox TV Network Sport Contributor, the well known, "SLUT", Leeann Tweeden, who concocted a frivolous story of so called, "Sexual Aggression", that involved, the, then, comedian, All Franken giving her a "French Kiss" during a comedy sketch that called for a kiss.
Bull Chips!
Leeann is a personal friend of Sean Hannity, who despises Franken. She is also a "Sports Stringer", a paid contractor) who has appeared a number of times on their Sports show.
Clearly, since her cable show was dropped she has been hustling Fox for a full time position, my "sauces" tell me!
While REPUBLICANS rally around that know Child Rapists, and, self admitted, "Sexual Predator", Trump, Democrats in the Senate go after one of their own without "Due Process".
This unprecedented miscarriage of justice was driven more by Kristen Gildebrand's unbridled, raw ambition to get rid of one of her biggest competitor, Franken, for the upcoming 2020 presidential election, by stabbing him in the back.
Talk about "sluts"?
Trump claims that Gildeband was "always in his office soliciting money" from him for her campaign.
So many whores in Congress. Perhaps, we should restrict the legislators to VIRGINS ONLY! What say, ye?
All the other "sluts" were lying too, right.
No, they were telling the truth. If one following the accusations, digs into Leeann Tweeden background it is very difficult to come to another conclusion.
Would one be correct to assume that 'sex' as an entity is a republican invention of convenience?
Something tells me, that when all of this 'hyperbolic sex stuff' plays out, Franken will have the last laugh.
Sorry to pop your bubble, but this is entirely a Democratic 'inside the party war'. Blame them for what they do.......The Repubs are watching the Democrats destroy themselves form within w/o any help from the outside. I have to agree that Kirstin Gillabrand is trying to position herself for the future, at the expense of others in her party, though I'll defere to the Pidgeon poop guy (he was somethign along those lines on NV) to call her vile names.
Obviously, some liberals on this board don't understand what happend. Franken was pushed out by his own party, in large part, to generate momentum against Moore. Franken was becoming a distraction in the national media and the democrats wanted to create a distinction with Moore, so Gillenbrand and company pushed him out the door to help their narrative.
The Need of the party was put above him and he was sacrificed. straight out of darkness at noon.
Republicans endorsed Donald J. Trump, an accused Child Rapist, a self admitted Sexual Predator, and, a man accused of rape by 4 women, one was his wife.
Seventeen women have come forward with credible evidence that Trump is, as he stated a "pussy grabber" in the now infamous Access Hollywood tape.
On the Howard Stern show Trump bragged about his pedophile activities. He told Stern how he got away with walking in on teenage girls changing their clothes. Giggling like a prurient school boy, he explained to the GREASE BALL, STEN, that he "was able to get away with it because he could always claimed to be on an inspection tour and as the owner of the pageant" no one was going to object. "Hee - Hee, Haw, Haw! Ain't that a guffaw, boys?"
The GOP (Government of Putin) endorsed the pedophile, Roy Moore, the maverick Republican "nut job" that believes we should only keep the first ten Amendments, and do away with the next 14. Doing away with the end of Slavery, and giving women the right to vote.
"Slavery", Roy states, "was the last time when America was great!"
Gay people should be jailed, is another one of his twisted sister, religious beliefs.
This freak, Moore, is not a CHRISTIAN, meaning, "Christ Like", he is a diseased sexual predator that has used his religion as a shield to hide behind and molest teenage girls as young as 14 years old.
It was a cheap political stunt that was unnecessary. Moore wasn't going to win. These hysterical political witches blew it big time.
We need to completely clean house!
No Gerrymandering!
No Koch Brothers' control of Congress!
Impeach Trump, try him and his entire family as "Traitors" and carry out the just deserved sentences.
Reverse the nonsense that "Corporations are people".
No lobbyist's money in politics at any level.
Elected officials are NOT federal employees, therefore, they are not entitled to retirement, benefits, and health care. They represent their districts or state. The state should pay their expenses, not every damn citizen in America paying for these parasites.
No foreign contributions to candidates.
No Citizens United!
No PACs!
No allowance for churches to conduct political activities under their non-profit status.
Re-instate the Draft, require that all citizens give a commitment of two years to the security of their country, along side of the professional Service Personnel currently carrying that burden.
Free College Tuition for all who want to attend college and meet the entrance requirements.
No military wars without Congress's formal approval!
A fool proof Gun Control laws.
I sure as Hell hope so. No one should be lynched by a mob of hysterical politicians without due process of an investigation and trial.
Who among politicians are without SIN? Let that Ass Swipe cast the first stone.
Democrats are as bad as Re-Puritans, guilty as Hell, ready to condemn an accused fellow traveler at the drop of a feather to deflect from the tonnage of baggage they carry.
And we all know that N.Y. State Governor Cuomo is going to be running on the Democrat ticket this time around. But the Democrats eat their young. Not news there. Calling somoene else a slut, etc., etc. is childish. There are other accusers....they must all belong to the same demonic union? You know the one taking down Democrat legislators left and.....well, left. Maybe if they didn't think that the laws of human decency were suspended when they got elected they wouldn't be in this situation now. And Al voluntarily decided to resign.........Innocent people don't do that. Has nothing to do with the other side of the aisle.
Agh, I see!
I think I spy:
A Self-Righteous, Born-Again, Upside-Down and Backward Re-Puritans that think REPUBLICANS are God's Right Hand because, in addition to H A T I N G "Gays", Liberals, Democrats, East Coast College Graduates, Mexicans, Haitians with Aides, African born in Huts, Afro-Americans, poor folks on Welfare, the disabled, and, anyone that ain't them, they hate the PRESS!
Badfish is beginning to smell!
There's no need to compare Franken to Trump and doing so just makes it look like you're making excuses for Franken. Like we should excuse Franken because Trump is worse. It hurts the argument instead of helping it.
Rather, argue on behalf of Franken on his own merit because that's totally viable.
The things Franken was accused of do not appear to be criminal, or at least not seriously, and there is some disagreement over what actually happened and everyone's role in it. Plus, it all happened before he was a senator. Just because someone says he did something a decade ago that offended her is not proof of his wrongdoing.
And when the accuser is a former playmate who freely flirted with soldiers and performers in the USO show, AND she's now a conservative commentator, her declarations of trauma are, at minimum, suspect. It's certainly does not establish that he should resign his senate seat.
A perfectly reasonable response was already planned. There was to be an ethics investigation, which Franken welcomed. Accusers should have to make their case and the accused should have a chance to respond to specific allegations.
But Democrats saw a chance to seize the moral high ground in advance of the 2018 elections and so they demanded he resign immediately before those hillbillies in Alabama could elect an accused child molester. Unfortunately, the voters in Alabama stole their thunder and refused to elect Roy Moore, making the Democrats' attempt at moral superiority moot.
Now they all realized that they lynched an incumbent senator for no reason and they want to undo it. But it's too late.
I'm not even a fan of Al Franken but I do know that when they had a chance to be fair, the Democratic Party treated him despicably.
Tacos there is every reason to compare Trump, a real sexual predator, and a life time pervert, to Senator Al Franken who was "accused" by a FEMALE, WELL KNOWN "MEN MAGAZINE NUDE MODEL", of the sin of "French Kissing" her during a comedy skit, 11 years ago, when they were both on a USO TOUR, instead of giving her a "stage kiss".
There is no need to defend Franken, that process should have been afforded the two term Senator during an Ethics Committee investigation of the "alleged incidents".
Then, and only then, should a fair and unbiased decision based on "Due Process", not, left up to a bunch of shrilling hysterical political harpies, who were too eager to gut one of their own. Their motive was simply to advance their own political ambitions.
Shame, shame on these political trollops!
The other accusers alleged that Franken pinch their ass when he was a comedian on tour 11 years ago, and they were groupie fans.
Franken was forced out on unfounded accusations without "due process", as he agree to in the form of a Senate Investigation. Instead, the ambitious harlots in Congress went on a slanderous, disgraceful lynching based on mere accusations.
Several female in the group of female Senators calling for Franken To Resigned are also eying the 2020 presidential election and had no compunction about stabbing him in the back to advance their political ambitions.
Teddy Roosevelt broke up the monopolies, Republicans resurrected and expanded their rule. Both party are corrupt. But, at this moment in time, the GOP is rotten to the core.
Here is a video that explains who Leeann Tweeden is and is not. Watch it and judge for yourself.
Leeann Sexually Harassed Robin Williams. She called out Franken for Sexual Harassment, then, this is SEXUAL HARASSMENT! She is a lying witch who stabbed her friend in the back as she jumped on the PUBLICITY TRAIN of Women Coming Out on Sexual Harassment in the Work place.
Watch the video. Then make up your mind if this is a bogus claim!
Horrible. How did she live through that horrific experience?
Franken finger never touched her. It was a comedian entertaining his fellow entertainers on a long flight from Afghanistan.
She maintained a friendship with Franken, until she threw him under the bus to ride the Sexual Harassment publicity train all the way to a full time job at Fox TV, where she worked as a "stringer".