Article History
Lots of demand, too little grid: The state of the US… | Canary Media
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 109 Comments • 9 Likes • 3 days ago
“An underbuilt power grid is preventing the U.S. from meeting surging demand with new clean energy. These charts show why that's the case.”
Interesting article here that attempts to quantify how far behind we are in terms of adding generation and transmission/distribution to accommodate the rapidly rising load in the U.S. and indicate which areas of the country will see the most significant load growth. I have been saying all along...
Commonwealth Fusion Systems to Build World's First Commercial Fusion Power Plant in Virginia
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 28 Comments • 7 Likes • 2 months ago
“/PRNewswire/ -- Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), the largest private fusion company, today announced that it will build the world's first...”
This has the potential to change the world, especially here in the US where the push for electric vehicles and explosion of high-capacity data centers is really pushing our generation and grid capacities. In my opinion, we should focus more on making fusion energy a priority than on the current...
U.S. embassy shut as Ukraine braces for possible retaliation after firing long-range U.S. missiles into Russia - CBS News
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 1 Comments • 2 Likes • 3 months ago
“The U.S. embassy in Ukraine says Russia could launch a "significant air attack" on Kyiv after U.S.-made missiles were fired into Russia's Bryansk...”
What are your thoughts on Biden's decision to provide Ukraine with long range missiles to use against Russia, which has now caused a cascade of events and a very dangerous situation in Ukraine?
Biden Justice Department, in Filing in Federal Court, Sides With the UN Against Victims of October 7 | The New York Sun
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 8 Comments • 2 Likes • 5 months ago
“Immunities of the United Nations from lawsuits in America are likely to be tested by 101 victims of terror seeking damages from the UN agency...”
Why would the U.S. Justice Department file to defend the U.N. (or more aptly one of its affiliates the UNRWA) against a lawsuit brought by 101 victims of the Oct 7 Hamas terrorist attack in Israel especially when ”UNRWA’s own investigation found nine of its employees “may have been involved” in...
Research: How to Replace Fossil Fuels with Nuclear Energy | Engineering For Change
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 6 Comments • 2 Likes • 9 months ago
“Nuclear power could take a starring role in a future where energy production has net-zero emissions, and three energy experts have mapped out the...”
Great take from some serious experts on the subject. Time to let the smart people lead and direct policy.
U.S. Wants Working Commercial Fusion Reactor by 2035
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 14 Comments • 3 Likes • 2 years ago
“Jennifer Granholm, secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, says that the U.S. is aiming to create a working fusion reactor by 2035.”
Some significant progress has been made in the last couple of years. Let's hope this time the dream becomes a reality. It will be necessary in my mind if we are to embrace a world of electric vehicles and less dependence on fossil fuels.
A Value Investor's Analysis of Student Loan Forgiveness
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 270 Comments • 7 Likes • 2 years ago
“Individual impact aside, Biden's student loan forgiveness will also affect the US currency and economy. Here's how we see it as value investors.”
I'm always interested in the thoughts, opinions and views of immigrants who have come to America from countries where there are few of the freedoms we have come to take for granted here. They tend to have fresh eyes when it comes to viewing this country as truly a land of opportunity. I have...
NASA's DART mission successfully knocks asteroid off course, Earth can now defend itself
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 16 Comments • 10 Likes • 3 years ago
“While the asteroid was of no threat to Earth, but the test demonstrated our capability to resist asteroid impact.”
Interesting milestone today in the name of planetary defense, but is the technology capable of stopping or redirecting much larger asteroids or planetary killers and avert an extinction level event (ELE)? Or will we need Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck to land on such a body, drill to exactly 800...
American states are now Petri dishes of polarisation | The Economist
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 161 Comments • 12 Likes • 3 years ago
“Only electoral reform can make them work properly | Leaders”
Interesting article about our worsening political polarization. And the solution sounds similar to things I have proposed here in the past regarding electoral reform. Although I would add that the "winner take all" electoral vote scenario for Federal Elections in the various states should be...
The James Webb Space Telescope is fully deployed. So what's next for the biggest observatory off Earth? | Space
Via: Freewill • Critical Thinkers • 14 Comments • 7 Likes • 3 years ago
“Work for the James Webb Space Telescope is just beginning after it was successfully deployed on Jan. 8.”
Without much fanfare, and as most of us were still sleeping on Christmas morning 2021 an Ariane 5 rocket launched from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, at 7:20 a.m. EST (1220 GMT; 9:20 a.m. local time in Kourou), carrying the highly anticipated, long-delayed James Webb Space...