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A rational argument for no restrictions on abortion

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A rational argument for no restrictions on abortion

By: Gordy327  •  Religious and not News Chat  •  91 Comments  •  8 Likes  •  last year
Is there a logical or rational argument against abortion?

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Is there a logical or rational argument against abortion?

By: Gordy327  •  Religious and not News Chat  •  419 Comments  •  14 Likes  •  last year

"Reproductive freedom is critical to a whole range of issues. If we can’t take charge of this most personal aspect of our lives, we can’t take care...

Creationism as a mental illness?

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Creationism as a mental illness?

By: Gordy327  •  Religious and not News Chat  •  445 Comments  •  15 Likes  •  last year

It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. --- Carl Sagan

Abortion is good.

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Abortion is good.

By: Gordy327  •  Religious and not News Chat  •  184 Comments  •  10 Likes  •  2 years ago

how come when it's us, it's an abortion, and when it's a chicken, it's an omelette? ---George Carlin

The "Pro Abortion" Argument

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The "Pro Abortion" Argument

By: Gordy327  •  Religious and not News Chat  •  208 Comments  •  11 Likes  •  3 years ago

“What we need in the world is to grow a culture where we value women. If we valued women as full human beings, we would not be having the...

Why abortion must remain legal and safe

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Why abortion must remain legal and safe

By: Gordy327  •  Religious and not News Chat  •  134 Comments  •  14 Likes  •  3 years ago

How come when it's us, it's an abortion, and when it's a chicken, it's an omelet? ----George Carlin

Correlation between religiosity and scientific illiteracy or hostility

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Correlation between religiosity and scientific illiteracy or hostility

By: Gordy327  •  Religious and not News Chat  •  438 Comments  •  12 Likes  •  3 years ago

Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. – Carl Sagan

Federal appeals court upholds Texas ban on standard abortion procedure

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Federal appeals court upholds Texas ban on standard abortion procedure

Via: Gordy327  •  Religious and not News Chat  •  67 Comments  •  6 Likes  •  3 years ago
The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 9: Sodom and Gomorrah

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The Fallacy of Biblical Stories, Part 9: Sodom and Gomorrah

By: Gordy327  •  Religious and not News Chat  •  48 Comments  •  11 Likes  •  3 years ago

“... there is no shame in not knowing. The problem arises when irrational thought and attendant behavior fill the vacuum left by ignorance.” ― Neil...

Coming Supreme Court decision in major LGBT rights case seen as bellwether of conservative court

Coming Supreme Court decision in major LGBT rights case seen as bellwether of conservative court

Via: Gordy327  •  News & Politics  •  38 Comments  •  3 Likes  •  3 years ago

“Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts.” – Barbara...

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