Difference between "Reporting", and "Sensationalizing" .... for the TDS Folks !

Same SUBJECT, two different ways of reporting the same information.
The Wrong Way !
Andrea Salcedo,The New York Times•October 2, 2019
Title: Trump Is 'Last Hope for White People,' Said Police Chief on Trial
This is the Adam Schiff-schifty and New York Times way of "Reporting?" what was in their own article - Just Adlib:
The Adlib: "once called President Donald Trump “ the last hope for white people ,” according to a recording recently played for jurors."
The real recorded statement as noted in the New York Times article:
"the former chief, can be heard saying that Trump was the last hope because “Hillary will give it to all the minorities to get a vote. That’s the truth! I’m telling you.”
I Just didn't see that "Last White Hope" thingy being actually said in the actual recorded statement as noted in this CRAP article.
Nocera is the Bad Guy....
Trump has nothing to do with what Nocera did …..
But the "ADLIB" and "Trumps" Picture, sure does make for great sensational news !
The Right Way !
This is how one should be "Reporting" something (Same info/facts as New York Times Article had above ):
By Paige Gross | For NJ.com
Title: Former police chief charged with hate crime was previously investigated by FBI
The former chief's stunning arrest also revealed that Nucera allegedly used the n-word freely to describe African Americans.
Pretrial motion documents filed recently by Nucera’s attorney further detail how his then fellow officers recorded the racist rants that are now central to the FBI investigation into Nucera.
One reporter on this subject is an actual "Journalist".
The other reporter (used lightly), on this same subject, is a friggin TDS Hack !
I guess it's all up to a Reporters Agenda.
No Agenda = Good Reporting !
TDS Agenda = Crap !
TDS is getting even worse, if that's possible. Even "Adlibs" are great now (Thank Schifty Schiff for that lying type Shit).
Just Report for a change, you so-called self-named Journalists. sheeeeesh !
Forgive me, but I don't text much on the phone and I'm not a teenager, and I really am at a loss when it comes to acronyms. Please tell me what you mean by "TDS" because the acronym finder has 121 meanings for it.
Trump derangement Syndrome.
It's an epidemic in this country right now. Seems Democrats and the Media have been working on a vaccine since January 2017.
They're still working on it.
TDS - Trumps's deranged supporters.
TDS - Imaginary condition which conservatives try and assign to those who oppose Trump.
As if there could ever be anything deranged about opposing a liar, crook, bigot and moron, of off the charts proportions in all of those negative characteristics, who somehow snuck into the presidency.
It is those who think his "presidency"***** is acceptable that are most likely the deranged ones.
TDS is the syndrome in which Trump's Deranged Supporters continue to support a proven crook and charlatan ... even people who in other aspects of their lives might be considered to have some ethics and morals. But apparently it's worth it to abandon those things along with their patriotism in order to "stick it to liberals."
Their hatred for liberals apparently "trumps" everything else in their minds.
Not all Trump supporters have TDS, but it's easy to tell the ones who do.
It is pretty damned sensational when the President of the United States is caught red fucking handed illegally pressuring a foreign government to illegally manufacture dirt on a political opponent in his reelection efforts. It is a high crime to ask a foreign government to influence or to interfer with an American election. It is highly illegal for an American politician to ask for or to accept foreign campaign assistance. Trump and Pence must both be removed from office immediately! Nancy Pelosi can finish out Trump's term and the damn gop can pick another candidate for 2020. Life will go on. The danger is not in moving too fast but rather in any hesitation to impeach, convict and remove the heads of this malignantly corrupted regime...
I didn't see anything like that in either of the articles noted above.
hmmmmm..... guess I should re-read them ?
Hmmmm. Me either.
Just an Adlib I suppose !
Isn't Trump The White People's Candidate? That is sensational...
You really should be more careful. I'm not "White" !
I don't care if you are pink...
Aren't all the Democrat Presidential hopefuls that are leading the pack ….. White ?
Now I'm "Blue"-------
I'd rather be dead than red...
The last time I checked the T in TDS still stood for Trump...
Thank you for finally admitting that white privilege is real...
Don't sensationalize like the New York Times did. It's unbecoming !
You are correct.
Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Yes he is !
We used to say that during the Cold War when the left was saying the reverse.
Haven't all the front runners for the GOP been white?
This aging white guy voted for Obama twice.
Yeah? Emm... didn't they say the same thing about Trump?
And ?
You were saying? My comment was in response to dennis's comment. Obviously, you did not read it.
Obviously …. I did.
Obviously....Democrats are the ones always worried about people being of color in their Politics, so your statement was a bit meaningless.
The Democrat front runners are Old White People. You should be worried !
Why? Look at the "Old White" man now sh*ting behind the desk in the Oval Office.
So....The Skin Color in a Political Party really doesn't matter ?
Ehh....remember....it was YOU who brought up the skin color first. So don't try to shove that onto me now. That trick of deflection don't work on me. As a Native American the color of other people's skin does not bother or matter to me as it seems it does to Republicans.
I asked a question. I didn't "Shove" anything onto you !
"As a Native American the color of other people's skin does not bother or matter to me as it seems it does to Republicans."
The Democrats are the ONLY ones ALWAYS talking about how "Color" diverse they are....not Republicans. Democrats ALWAYS talk about Old White Guys in the Republican Party as a bad thing, yet the 3 top Candidates the Dems have, ARE Old and White, and a Good thing !
Sensational !
If only we had an actual quote with those details in it.
What a perfect example of sensationalism over reporting.
There seems to be a lot of TDS going around. Especially here on NT.
How sad it is that the media has changed to yellow journalism and ultra-bias. It's getting so The National Enquirer has become acceptable journalism, competing with the mainstream media.
It used to be ……. "We report, you decide".
Now it's ….. "We Report and tell you what to decide" !
Sensational !!!!