The U.S. Men's Heterosexual Figure Skating Championship
Scott Hamilton (Taran Killam) and Tara Lipinski (Cecily Strong) cover U.S. Men's Heterosexual Figure Skating, a competition to find straight figure skaters in case of boycotts in Sochi due to Vladimir Putin's anti-gay stance.
Hetero is such a bad thing these days.
Does "Pansexual" really need to be the "New" flavor of the day these days ?
There's obviously nothing bad about being straight. I think what we are seeing is simply the acceptance that being straight is no longer revered as the "Gold Standard" and pushed as the only way to live for humanity. If society taking away the "Gold Standard" stamp on your sexuality makes you feel sad, perhaps you should ask yourself why other peoples sexuality being recognized as acceptable makes you feel like you're somehow being attacked.
Is a Really confusing time !
Were you confused when you found out there was more than one kind of Cola? Pepsi! RC! Coca Cola! Tab! Safeway Select! OMG so confusing! /s
I don't "Sex" Drinks.
I’ve always thought of the Harvey Wallbanger as a manly drink.
Metaphorically, it was in its day.. Just as the Pink Pantydropper was the ladies drink back in the day when sexuality was mostly expressed in polite society by acceptable metaphoric terms.
You know, the old adage Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker!
And how about songs? There are some great metaphorical ones like, "If I told you you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?"
Exactly. Heterosexuals aren't lesser but neither are any other people of their own sexual identity. I quite like being a a hetero feminine entity. I don't know how else to be. My DNA and biochemistry says I'm this but if it didn't, I'd still be way okay with who I am. How could I not be?
What the hell is there to be so frightened of? Live and let live!
Heterosexuality really is the gold standard. Heterosexuals tend to have fewer STDs and can reproduce biologically. Benefits outway the advantages at least from societies point of view
What the hell is there to be so frightened of?
Well there is this:
I'm far more concerned about the state of Ebola impact worldwide or the myriad of plagues that have bottlenecked humanity caused mostly by interaction with animals than I am about the stats on STDs. All scientific challenges to be sure.
Don't want an STD? Don't have unprotected sex, no matter your sexual preference. We humans are not immune from much, period. Some things we can take an educated proactive resistance. Others not so much. I've never has an STD. I did have rubella once. Thankfully it didn't kill me. It sure did many others though.
It's not easy being human or surviving the myriad of things life threatens us with. The virus, plant, insect and animal kingdoms have always been vying with us. They always will.
None of it equates or should equate with the willful demising of your fellow humans because you don't understand their bio-chemistry.
So I guess we should all ridicule those who drink alcohol, and perhaps try to pass laws allowing employers to fire any employee they hear about who has alcohol outside of work hours, or business owners who refuse service to those they know imbibe any liquor… right?
"You know, the old adage Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker! "
And sex won't rot your teeth
Male or female....or both ?
Well, I have always found pan fried bacon pretty sexy....
Baked is classy !
It is about skill on the ice, not skill in the bedroom. Screw Trump's puppet master.
Can't the Bedroom get a bit "Slippery" too ?
It sure can!
Hahahahahaha !
Satin Sheets SUCK !
Try "Silk Pajamas" too. It's worse !
Free "Bailing"
work good.
I think putin understands that these people are going to be role models and he is trying to shape the minds of his people in a way that is beneficial to their society. He probably understands that once you give an inch, they take a mile. Gay figure skaters today, gay parade down moscow tomorrow.
Has anyone seen the movie "Blades of Glory"? Now THERE'S confusion.
I sure have.