Jan 6 Committee Planning Blockbuster Investigative Special
By: Ken Meyer (Mediaite)

A new report says the House January 6th investigative committee is taking steps to turn their first public hearing into a major spectacle with all the production add-ons of prime time television.
Axios' Mike Allenreported Monday that former ABC News President James Goldston — known for overseeing Good Morning America and Nightline — has been working with the Jan. 6th committee as an "unannounced adviser." Allen reports that Goldston is helping the committee prepare a large scale multimedia presentation for their hearing on June 9 at 8 p.m. ET, and Allen likened the endeavor to the formulation of a "blockbuster investigative special."
"[Goldston] plans to make it raw enough so that skeptical journalists will find the material fresh, and chew over the disclosures in future coverage," Allen wrote. "He wants it to draw the eyeballs of Americans who haven't followed the ins and outs of the Capitol riot probe."
The committee announced the hearing last week by saying they will unveil "a summary of our findings about the coordinated, multi-step effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election." The hearing is expected to feature a mix of witness testimony, pre-produced videos, surveillance footage, and other materials related to the violent attempt by former President Donald Trump's supporters to revolt against his election defeat.
The Axios report goes on to say the committee has access to White House photographs "that have never been seen publicly," plus the release of new surveillance footage during the hearing. Republicans are expected to try counter-programming the hearing by painting it as an illegitimate, partisan anti-Trump event.

Whatever it takes.
Nothing will sway the 3rd of voters who think that Trump walks on water.
Shit floats.
The majority of voters saw that he was a reprehensible liar and unmitigated cesspool of a person, or at least saw that he was unfit for the office of PotUS. The media coverage of this event will not matter, whether they "both sides" it or not. The more damning the evidence, the more that those who see him as savior will disbelieve the media.
Look at the whole Q-anon fiasco. That started, much as Trump's campaigns, as a joke. Look at the place that Trump and Q have led us to. (Just look at some of the comments right here.... LOLOLOLOLOL)
Agreed. The committee will provide evidence and 1st person testimony, and the Trumpists will ignore it all, claiming all is fake and it is just a witch hunt.
This isn't an FBI investigation. It is a House investigation. Figured I'd better clarify since you seem confused on that.
See above response.
Looks like republicans are once again trying to sweep more deaths under the rug, rather than do anything about them. And it wasn't a "riot" it was an insurrection. Just ask the Proud Boys.
Nothing is going to sway the American public that is now faced with either filling the tank or putting food on the table.
(Just look at some of the comments right here.... LOLOLOLOLOL)
Starting with post 1.1....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
If it is you presenting them with that choice, shame on you.
Shame on you for building and promoting that false dichotomy.
Shame on you for presenting those alternatives with the implication that politicians control the economy and energy prices.
Maybe, just maybe, the January 6th committee has evidence that it doesn't want filtered, wants it brought out directly to the people. I don't know how much more evidence you need. I know that Jan 6th would not have happened minus Trump's incessant urgings and lies that the election was stolen. He bears culpability for the whole post election mess and he should spend the rest of his life locked up or in a stock so people can throw copies of the constitution at him. But first he should be made to apologize and give a full confession to all of the people whom he lied to to assuage his vanity.
Tell me, Vic. Would you vote for Trump if he runs?
May I wipe my butt first before I throw it at him?
Wait...no...that's not right....
I would let you throw TP...
You're a peach, Thomas!
Here's a viewer's guide John.
It includes over 400 links.
Good find Dulay
Thanks, it's a good read.
Only the TDS riddled will watch it.
Absolutely only those with a severe hatred for Trump, and have no idea why, will believe this will be a blockbuster, as John believes it will be.
I'll bring the popcorn.
You stole my thunder, John. That will be my story today. Without giving away too much, Let me just say that it is being produced by the same James Goldston who spiked the Jeffrey Epstein story. The story ABC was sitting on.
So we get a show to go with the partisan driven TDS three ring circus that is the Jan 6th committee.
Since they went all out and got a professional "advisor" in James Goldston they must need the presentation to make up for the amount of tired, rehashed, BS, and speculative made up bullshit they are about to release. Maybe they can have ominous lighting behind each committee member to make whatever they have to say more foreboding, dire, and give it the look of truth at least.
Midterms can't come quick enough to shuttle Pelosi's two hand picked ex Republican TDS driven stooges out the door; and have Republicans come to power and strip all of the Democrat committee members of their positions- including whatever other committees they are a part of. Paybacks will be a bitch for committee members that overstepped Congressional power long ago; and have turn what was supposed to be an investigation of what went wrong on Jan 6th- and how to prevent another event like it; to yet another get Trump at all costs sham wasting tax payer money.
I am surprised they are not planning to do it closer to the midterms. Must have finally figured out the vast majority of Americans have moved on and see this as partisan theatrics.
Because that's how a republican would do it? Make it a purely political stunt?
As much as you want to deny it, it is still bipartisan.
Democrats can't wait. There aren't that many legislative days left on the calendar; the House will be in recess the months of August and October. There's nothing the committee can do to hold Congress in session and keep Republicans off the campaign trail. And Democrats have an uphill climb to retain a House majority.
The committee will be interfering with the political campaigns if the investigation drags on much longer.
It stopped being bipartisan when Nancy hand picked the repubs to be on the committee and not the ones the republican leadership wanted.
Nancy blocked certain republicans from being on the committee, that were/are potential witness that may be called for testimony. Surely do not believe that witnesses should be on an investigation that they are part of?
What , specifically, do you have against the current republicans on the committee?
They were hand picked by Nancy and were already public about their hatred for trump and showed an inability to be fair and unbiased.
To Trump loyalists any Republican who doesn't kneel before their gold painted cow and vociferously defend and downplay the right wing conservative attempted insurrection is a RINO. They don't want Republican representatives who think for themselves or are loyal to the constitution, they want fascist partisans loyal only to Trumpism.
What evidence do you have that their hatred for Trump isn't fair and unbiased?
If they have a hate for Trump going into the hearings there is no way they can be unbiased during the hearings. Not sure why that is a tough concept for you.
I don't believe any of the committee members simply hate Trump out of some ideological partisan loyalty, they hate Trump because of his actions, words and disrespect for the constitution. Trump has proven himself a dishonest lying cheating scumbag and inciting a riot and attempted insurrection was just the last straw. The surprising thing isn't the tens of millions of Americans who rightly despise Trump, it's the millions who fell in love with such a despicable sack of shit.
Your claim that being unbias is all important is bullshit.
What you and yours want is MORE bias for Trump. Why not just admit that?
McCarthy gave up his control over GOP representation on the Committee by withdrawing ALL of his choices. The Congressmen who were rejected are uber bias for Trump. They are also proponents of the big lie and for illegally refusing to count the certified electors. Oh, and there's the little thing about them being material witnesses.
Why they hate Trump is irrelevant. They fact that they do means they can not be fair when being part of a committee that while they say is about an insurrection is actually all about Donald.
Unlike you I won't try to speak for others, only myself. What I think is congressional hearings have become nothing more than an opportunity for the members to hear themselves talk and hopefully get a soundbite on cable news. They are nothing more than political posturing with the next election as the prize. They should be abandoned until they can be what they were intended to be.
Unlike you, I don't allege something I can't prove. So, post a link of me claiming to speak for others.
As for hearings, there are many in Congress who represent their constituents quite respectfully by asking cogent questions and/or making relevant contributions. Jim Jordan and Jim Banks aren't included in that group.
Congressional investigations are not non-partisan unbiased procedures, they do not require an unbiased jury like in a civil or criminal court case. Republicans who hated Hillary spent years investigating her for anything and everything they could think of, do you really pretend that they were unbiased?
"What you and yours want is MORE bias for Trump. Why not just admit that? "
Then they are a waste of time and taxpayer money
Two major problems.
First Nancy doesn't get to choose what Republicans she wants to serve on the committee.
Second Cheney isn't a Republican, no matter what she might want to call herself. Adam Kinzinger is retiring; so he is a lame duck with nothing to lose. Both are looking for the next jigs. Cheney would be wonderful being a human dart board on the view. Kinzinger would be a willing CNN sock puppet.
Leftists have no damn room to talk to anyone on the Constitution; they only believe in it when it suits their purposes. Any other time they are tossing it in the garbage.
Here ya go...from your 2.1.12
"What you and yours want is MORE bias for Trump".
Did you forget already?
Answers 0 of the questions I asked. Thank you for not participating.
Absolutely true. However I am trying to ascertain whether any of the apologists can come up with any other reasons they are opposed to the current republican committee members.
And at this point, the answer is no, none can offer a reason to oppose them.
"Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as a member of their party also notes that Cheney voted with Donald Trump on policy 93% of the time."
Just because some Trump sycophants believe Trump 'is' the Republican party doesn't actually make it so. To proclaim she's no longer a Republican simply because she rebuked a thrice married serial adulterer and known liar who clearly lied to his followers which either unintentionally or intentionally incited an attack on our capital when he falsely claimed widespread voter fraud he's never been able to produce any evidence of is beyond shameful.
I guess there is one key clear difference between Trumpublicans and a Republican like Liz Cheney, Liz still appears to have a backbone. The Trumpublicans just slither around on their bellies at dirty Donald's fetid feet like the weak cowardly invertebrates they are. They clearly fell at Donald's feet because they are incapable of standing for anything.
Read it again. It is right there. Not my problem if you don't like it. But thanks for the heads up, it is obviously not worth responding to you.
That isn't speaking FOR anyone else, that is stating an opinion.
Doubling down on your failure to answer any of the questions.
I think reading comprehension classes are offered at most community colleges.
On Jan 6th, Trump stood in front of his adoring masses at his rally at the Ellipse and told them that there was still time for Mike Pence to follow Eastman's advice. The advice Trump was referring to was a plan to steal the election. These are known facts, not your relentless bs.
Stealing the election is not illegal? Or maybe you think if something is not illegal it is ok?
This site has become hopeless.
The utter ignorance coming from "conservatives" on this site is mind blowing.
Joe Biden is President, isn't he?
Isn't that the Clinton defense?
Compared to what? The Jan. 6th committee can't do anything except recommend. There won't be another impeachment trial. And the House committee cannot indict and prosecute anyone.
At this point the public has been well informed about what transpired on Jan. 6th. The public knows all the allegations. Trump's speech was highly visible. The riot was televised. The legal maneuvering following the election using litigation and recounts have been widely reported. The press has already done much more than the House committee can hope to accomplish. The only thing the House committee can disclose would be minutiae that won't change public understanding of who was involved or what they did.
Surely a televised political spectacle isn't needed to convince the Justice Department to indict and prosecute. At this late date, the House committee can't change public opinion. It's too late for phony outrage over old news to have any impact. There's a real risk of public blowback because of an all too obvious political stunt.
Just a coordinated effort to overturn the results of an election.
No big deal right?
They tried, that is what counts. If you try and rob a bank and get caught in the act you still committed wrong doing. Why does this have to be explained to you so extensively?
The press has already reported all of that. There won't be any surprising revelations that will change public opinion.
And besides, they can't reconstitute the paperwork that's been burned, flushed down the toilet and stolen, nor what's been deleted from the computer hard-discs.
What could the House committee do with all that information? Congress has a self made authority to compel testimony and compel people to provide evidence. But Congress can't do anything other than what the press does; publicly disclose information and issue reports. And the press has already made those public disclosures and issued reports.
The entire purpose of the House committee is to prevent Donald Trump from running for office and being elected. The House committee does not have the authority to indict and prosecute Trump. The House committee can only do what the press does in hopes of persuading prosecutors to indict and in hopes of swaying public opinion.
I think they can recover data from a hard drive. Nothing is ever really deleted
I agree, but since people know that, if they want to prevent it don't they physically smash the hard drive?
Sounds like a last desperate act to try and make the American people believe the committee is relevant and unbiased. Then on to the next diversion away from the biden shitshow attempt.
The notorious liar Adam schiff is on the committee. That’s really all anyone needs to know about it’s credibility. Its not designed to be anything other than an outrage generator for the perpetually outraged left.
Donald Trump approved of a plan to overthrow his own government. The Eastman memo is a smoking gun. That's all anyone needs to know. The rest is your denial of reality.
I don't think you understand what "overthrow the government" means. Making spurious legal arguments isn't it.
Nothing at all will come out of this travesty...Trump will not be indicted or charged with any crime, the Dems will lose both the House and Senate, and DeSantis will be your next prez.
Trump tried, among other crimes, to subvert the congressional procedures of Jan 6th. The Jan 6th convening of Congress is a proforma counting of the electoral votes. It is not a debate about the validity of electors, that would have taken place prior to Jan 6. The Eastman memo , which Trump approved of (we know that for a number of reasons, including that Trump mentioned Eastman at his ellipse rally and suggested Pence could still follow Eastmans advice) included an option for Pence to say the electoral votes of 7 states were "in dispute" and therefore would not be counted. Without those seven states Trump would win the electoral vote and be re-elected.
This may seem like a joke to you but it was actually an attempt to steal the election. These facts are not even in serious dispute. We just have the right saying "no one cares".
Liz Cheney, a conservative Republican, says the evidence against Trump and his cohorts is overwhelming.
Rejoin reality 1st.
Spare me your vast ignorance of this subject.
In that case you should be cheering it on.
The other guy knows little about this subject, but you obviously know even less.
My "vast ignorance"? You're the one still running with this. Not to mention every other "Trump's going down" conspiracy.
If the shoe was on the other foot these same folk would be demanding the execution of the insurrectionists. If that crowd had been left wing extremists trying to subvert the certification of Trump as President and it had been Biden at the rally inciting the crowd to go down to the capital and stopping the certification and the leftwing extremists chanting "Hang Mike Pence!" these hypocritical right wing conservatives would be demanding justice. But with their heads shoved so far up Trumps ass they don't see anything wrong with their shameless defense of treasonous insurrectionists. To them the ends justify the means, they don't care how low and despicable they have to be as long as they further their deplorable right wing conservative agenda.
We all know they would. They would be screaming from the rooftops how crooked the Dems are.
Their side doing it and it is suppose to be nothing. We are complaining about nothing.
Sometimes I think their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Because all conservatives cheer wasting vast amounts of tax payer money./S
Sorry that would make us Democrats.
Y'all sure as fuck did when the GOP 'investigated' Benghazi 5 TIMES over 2 YEARS.
Failed deflection, but hey....you tried
No, that makes you someone who fails to understand the manufactured perspective that drives him.
You're confusing a comparison with a deflection bugsy.
But hey, you be you.
I doubt the major networks will even carry this contrived partisan shitshow. The vast majority of Americans simply don't care about what happened on January 6. They're concerned with more important things...like having to choose between gas or groceries
It will be fun to compare the ratings of this with the Depp trial. It will tell the liberals how important this is to the general public. The only people that will actually watch it are the Trump haters so they can go back to sites like NT and spout how this is the end of Trump version 122.0.
I love people who say they are not Trump followers but then get all bent out of shape when confronted with evidence of his wrong doing.
If you are not a Trump follower why the fuck are you trying to protect him? He tried to steal the election. That means nothing to you? Jesus Christ !
Bent out of shape? You must have a different definition than I do.
You are mistaking indifference with protecting him. Something you have a tendency to do with people that don't share your outrage.
Actually I think you can compare this to Biden's speeches on tv and on the internet. Not sure about his gun grabbing rant a few nights ago, but the fiasco he did on line a couple of weeks ago garnered a little over 800 viewers online.
81 million voted FOR Biden because they thought he would be a good president is such bullshit
Your condescending snark gets old
your denial of reality got old a long ass time ago
Yup - the only "tickets" I've gotten in the past two months came from "trolling" this person.
Sad - really sad.
No Value [JohnRussell]
John, you can put this disclaimer next to every one of your posts.
How the hell is that NOT a ticket?
You damned right it is. Why else would they do this in prime time TV slots? It's a fucking advertisement for the Democrats and I hope like hell the networks are charging them advertising dollars to put it on parade.
The Watergate hearings were in prime time, so why wouldnt this, which is more serious than Watergate , be in prime time?
You really gonna compare the two?? LMAO they had actual hard evidence of the breakin and that Nixon knew about it and covered it up FFS...............
Which was uncovered during the hearings. Maybe you should review John Dean's LIVE testimony FFS.
www.mediaite.com /news/new-poll-whopping-76-of-republicans-say-biden-did-not-legitimately-win-the-election-as-jan-6-hearing-approaches/
NEW POLL: Whopping 76% of Republicans Say ‘Biden Did NOT Legitimately Win The Election’ As Jan. 6 Hearing Approaches
tommy-christopher 2-3 minutes 6/4/2022
As public hearings on the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol loom, a new poll shows a whopping 76 percent of Republicans say that President Joe Biden “did NOT legitimately win the election” against former President Donald Trump in 2020.
President Biden defeated Trump in an electoral landslide that has been reaffirmed over and over by state officials from Trump’s own party. But a year-and-a-half after Trump’s rally to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election culminated in a violent and deadly attack on the Capitol, that fact still hasn’t sunk in with a scary number of Republican-leaning voters.
Respondents to a The Economist/YouGov poll published this week were asked “Would you say that Joe Biden legitimately won the election, or not?”
By huge majorities, every Republican-leaning political subgroup — Trump voters (77%), Republicans (76%), and conservatives (73%) — said that “Biden did NOT legitimately win the election.”
Those results represent a slight increase over the results of the same poll in February, when majorities of Trump voters (76%), Republicans (70%), and conservatives (71%) said that “Biden did NOT legitimately win the election.”
The increase was most pronounced among Republicans.
Everyone else recognizes, by significant majorities, that Biden beat Trump in 2020. Among all respondents, 61 percent said “Biden legitimately won the election,” including 90 percent of Democrats and 61 percent of independents.
But poll after poll have consistently shown overwhelming numbers of Republicans who falsely believe that the election was “stolen” from Trump, including one from January that shows only 17 percent of Republicans would even consider voting for a candidate who admits Biden won “fair and square.”
The poll comes the same week that the House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol announced that hearings will begin next Thursday. The hearings will investigate the attack that was inspired and fueled by the false claim that Trump was the true winner of the 2020 presidential election.
There are STILL people who think we should try and compromise with these deluded assholes. Better to beat them at the polls. Many of them are beyond help.
Trump lost the election. This whole investigation is pointless . You want Trump charged and convicted of some alleged crimes. Not gonna happen
76% of Republicans think Trump won the election. Such mass delusion is a grave matter for any country.
And you think this little dog and pony are going to change their minds? It seems more likely that people will see it for the partisan bullshit the dems are trying to use to divert attention from the brain dead president and his failed policies and be pissed at the people behind it.
Who said anything about changing Republican minds?
The electorate is majority Dem/Indy.
That 76% of Republicans aren't worth trying to educate. They're far too willfully ignorant.
So you are hoping independents will ignore Joe and want to punish Republicans for trump and Jan 6th because of a tv show? Or maybe the committee suggests what is really needed is to abandon the electoral college?
However, I am hoping that people come away with a better understanding of what happened, who perpetrated it, and what we can do about it.
I haven't heard any legislative recommendations from the Committee yet, have you?
Based on what the GOP is doing in state legislatures, it's the results of the popular vote that is being abandoned.
Absolutely no one with a scintilla of a brain cell will watch this comedy.
That means a bunch of liberals certainly will, then go out and scream at the sky, or beat their significant other.
“…or beat their significant other.”
You are welcome to your opinion, but when you feel compelled to throw out shit like this, your commentary is rendered moot.
And what does it say of anyone who could vote that kind of rhetoric up?
Let us guess..
Dog whistles only triggered TDS ridden leftists can hear?
Yea maybe, but it has never stopped a triggered TDS driven leftist from posting far worse.
Love the link John.
First Mediaite is a left source, period.
Second the links keep referring back to a fucked up CNN poll- please try to refrain from trying to say CNN is neutral or accurate. No statics are listed on how many Republicans were called. The areas they were called in. If they really were Republicans and not just fucking Democrats giving answers the overly eager pollsters wanted to hear.
What you should be really concerned about is only 61 percent of Independents; and 90 percent of Democrats thought Brandon won legitimately according the same outstanding poll. Ten percent of Democrats believe the 2020 elections were rigged? Thirty nine percent of independents. The Democrats don't need a theatrical show to convince people- they need the Men in Black's mass nueralyzer.
From John's link AND block quote:
Note that the hyperlink in that sentence takes you to the Economist/YouGov Poll in question.
Fail, again.
Mediaite is not a leftist site.
It doesn't matter if it were John. The poll is linked in the article and the data cited therein is authentic.
What a lovely idea. We can hold it at the Kodak Theater in L.A. Ryan Seacrest and Oprah can co-host. We’ll have musical numbers from Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande. I bet we can get the Rockettes, too and maybe some balloons. We’ll have Will Smith show up to slap somebody.
At the end of the show, Geraldo opens up the sealed “Committee Findings.”
The premise escaped you.
They take a serious government process and they want to turn it into a prime time multimedia blockbuster. And you think I’m the one unclear on the premise. This is serious business and it is being turned into a sick combination of joke and propaganda. No one who does this or supports it should be taken seriously.
So a TV guy said that. You don't think he might say it in order to try and get people to watch a show that no one is interested in? Reminds me of the maddow excusive with Trump tax returns. 20 minutes of watching nothing to find out Trump paid taxes. I think I will use the time to clean my grill.
Now that is must see TV.
Without even seeing anything, the "righty", off the bat condemns the Investigative Special, that they have not seen, because, just like the GOP, who wants to see the damn EVIDENCE against someone. How could that ever change ones mind about that which is, the ACTUAL TRUTH....?
Our Country is in serious trouble, when this many can't see the Forrest
they refuse to OPEN THEIR DAMN EYES ! WTF people, being informed is beneficial to making an intelligent rendering, while putting fingers in ones ears and gargling, is the equivalent to your way of investigating, is NOT. God, or some Spaghetti Monster in the sky, Help US
Even though the attack was covered live from many, many perspectives, Republican voters after recovering from the shock ignored it.
After Republican politicians cried out for help during the attack and admitting it was horrific immediately after, they went into CYA mode and pretend it was no big deal.
Even though so many of the attackers of the police force and part of the mob defacing and destroying property have been caught and have pled guilty, Republican voters are doing what they always do, pretend it didn't happen.
They carried Bush's water until they couldn't get away from what a failure he was and how he failed all of us with wars and the economy, now Republican voters pretend he doesn't even exist.
They never, ever accept blame for anything, they just pretend and go back to a manufactured world where they are always right even if they are wrong. Lies aren't lies, truth doesn't matter and "alternative facts" can be anything they want it to be.
I pray for the day when this is all put into a more visible venue laying out actual facts as they happened and finally the day when right wing voters pretend Trump doesn't exist the same way they have done to Bush, Romney, McCain and even Reagan.
they don't dwell in the same reality, as they refuse to entertain ANY opinions, and or Provable FACTS, that they don't wish to be true, irregardless of whether or not, they are. Patheticism