By: lennylynx • default • 51 comments • 6 years ago
Before Donald Trump became President, I used to have a hard time figuring out how so many people could continue voting Republican, given their total corporate subservience and utter disregard for the American people. A certain number is understandable. A certain percentage could actually be fooled into thinking the Republican party is still viable, and of course, a certain amount of people...
Centrists In The Age Of Trump
By: lennylynx • default • 130 comments • 7 years ago
Even before Trump, it had been getting harder and harder to understand how centrists could remain in the center. The Republican party slid farther and farther into the swamp, to the point that they were little more than a gang of corporate thugs. How could ANYONE, save the most cultish of all right wingers, continue to support them?
The simplest explanation is that centrists simply don't...
The Unacceptable Support of President Trump
By: lennylynx • default • 282 comments • 7 years ago
As the horror show in the White House churns on, the continued support of Donald Trump by such a large segment of American society becomes more and more outrageous. How can any normal, reasonable person accept Trump support as a valid, respectable position?
The insane amount of corruption, obvious criminality, open and blatant obstruction of justice, constant lying, complete and utter...
Christmas Needs a Remake
By: lennylynx • default • 26 comments • 8 years ago
Who says discussion sites can't change opinions? The recent talks about Christmas have shifted my position on the use of the word 'Christmas,' that does bother a certain group of secular thinkers.
While right wingers are being a little too dramatic about the term 'Christmas' being under assault, their fears are not completely unfounded. There does exist a significant group of logical...
Who is Robert Mueller?
By: lennylynx • default • 30 comments • 8 years ago
The character and integrity of Robert Mueller has been under attack lately, from Republican politicians, talk show hosts, and even several of our own members here at Newstalkers. I can't help but wonder if all of these people attacking him, are familiar with just who this man is. The following is a brief rundown of his history.
Robert Mueller was born in New York City, August 7, 1944, the...
Fake News, Donald Trump, and the Left/Right Debate
By: lennylynx • default • 19 comments • 8 years ago
The left/right debate in this country is pretty much at an impasse these days. As many have observed in recent years, the two sides can no longer agree on a basic set of facts to debate from. Without this, of course, there can be no debate, it can't even get off the ground.
Increasingly, the position taken by the right is that the free American press, mainstream news outlets, mostly owned...
Trump Quotes [What is your favorite?]
By: lennylynx • default • 8 comments • 8 years ago
From crowd size to penis size, everyone has their favorite Trump quote, please share yours. The quote need not be recent; Trump quotes from years ago are also accepted!