Chinese virologist says she has proof COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab
By: Natalie Musumeci (New York Post)

Of course, Dr. Yan isn't a reliable source because she isn't anonymous. And Dr. Yan's research and information hasn't been peer reviewed. And a trusted member of the Chinese science community who directs the Wuhan Institute of Virology has denied everything.

A Chinese virologist who has reportedly been in hiding for fear of her safety has stepped out into the public eye again to make the explosive claim that she has the scientific evidence to prove COVID-19 was man-made in a lab in China.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a scientist who says she did some of the earliest research into COVID-19 last year, made the comments Friday during an interview on British talk show “Loose Women.”
When asked where the deadly virus that has killed more than 900,000 around the globe comes from, Yan — speaking via video chat from a secret location — replied, “It comes from the lab — the lab in Wuhan and the lab is controlled by China’s government.”
She insisted that widespread reports that the virus originated last year from a wet market in Wuhan, China, are “a smokescreen.”
“The first thing is the [meat] market in Wuhan … is a smokescreen and this virus is not from nature,” Yan claimed, explaining that she got “her intelligence from the CDC in China, from the local doctors.”
The virologist has previously accused Beijing of lying about when it learned of the killer bug and engaging in an extensive cover-up of her work.
She had said that her former supervisors at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, a reference laboratory for the World Health Organization, silenced her when she sounded the alarm about human-to-human transmission in December last year.
In April, Yan reportedly fled Hong Kong and escaped to America to raise awareness about the pandemic.
Now, she said she is planning to release scientific evidence to prove that the virus was made inside a lab in Wuhan.
“The genome sequence is like a human finger print,” she told the talk show. “So based on this you can identify these things. I use the evidence … to tell people why this has come from the lab in China, why they are the only ones who made it.”
Yan added, “Anyone, even if you have no biology knowledge, you can read it, and you can check and identify and verify by yourself.”
“This is the critical thing for us to know the origin of the virus,” she said. “If not we cannot overcome it — it will be life-threatening for everyone.”
She said she is coming out now because “I know if I don’t tell the truth to the world, I will be regretful.”
Yan also claimed that before fleeing China, her information was wiped from government databases.
“They deleted all my information,” she told “Loose Women,” claiming that people have been recruited “to spread rumors about me, that I’m a liar.”
Yuan Zhiming, the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has previously denied reports that the bug accidentally spread from his facility.
“There’s no way this virus came from us,” Zhiming told state media in April.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan is obviously a Trumpster or a Qanon conspiracy theorist or both. If Dr. Yan's claims were real she would remain anonymous and blame Trump.
Even if she does have said evidence, she will most likely never live long enough to present anything meaningful. The CCP would never allow it.
If she is in danger it is from Trump and Co. She should probably be put into a witness protection program before Trump, Putin or Bannon kill her before she confesses!
The story is debunked. People are sick of this shit...
Is TNT a propaganda arm of Trump and Putin?
Is it not contrary to the COC to post untruths?
The vilest of lies crafted to stoke xenophobia?
Advertisers run from association to such lies.
Well, we shall see. I remain hopeful that TPTB retain some decency and will make sure this is officially disavowed. Or, at least, removed...
Except the story hasn't been debunked. Which will be for another seed ...
Dr. Li-Meng Yan is not a pundit, reporter, administrator, or government official. Dr. Yan really is a working virologist and really did work for a WHO reference Hong Kong.
Dr. Yan is being debunked by attacking credentials, questioning motivations, and stifling her report. Dr. Yan is being debunked politically. The science hasn't been debunked because the science has not been reviewed.
You should also be aware that those doing the debunking have a vested financial interest in genetic modification techniques, such as CRISPR and gene splicing, for purposes very close to eugenics. .
Only in rightwing Lala Land. Pitiful reply BTW...
You can stick you fingers in your ears, your head in the sand and continue spreading rank lies and anti-American propaganda but the facts still prove otherwise. Have you no regard for your own credibility? No responsibility to correct misinformation. No regard for the truth? No decency or honor? The lie that Covid-19 was created and released by China is now completely debunked and been proven to be manufactured political propaganda created by Bannon specifically to misinform American voters. I cannot imagine anything more heinous when being done knowing which you are definitely doing past this point...
We'll see.
The Holocaust was debunked until evidence became so overwhelming that the Holocaust could not be denied.
You have focused attention on the politics while ignoring the science. Dr. Li-Meng Yan is not the only scientist that has raised questions. And Dr. Yan is not the only doctor or scientist that the Chinese government has attempted to squelch. Remember that the first information available to the intelligence community came from an unofficial source. A whistleblower made the world aware of the outbreak, the Chinese government did not notify the world.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus really did originate in China; Wuhan province according to available information. Everyone wants to overlook the importance of tracing a virus to its source because that doesn't fit the politics of the moment. Finding the source provides information useful for developing treatments and vaccines. Yet the Chinese government deliberately destroyed one possible source so the origin of the virus cannot be traced and the supposed host cannot be studied. And China has officially declared what the government deliberately destroyed as the only possible source. The Chinese government deliberately obstructed the necessary science to understand the virus and develop treatments/vaccines. There isn't any way to politically debunk those facts.
Okay, I've posted some new (supporting material). I believe those sources will meet the MFBC requirements.
Believing the science that only fits a desired political meme isn't rational.
Let me quote something you posted on my profile page not long after I signed up on NT.
"Boy you're an arrogant and pompous so and so. Think you know it all. "
Those are your words, not mine.
I hope she has good security.
She’s probably the reason we closed the Chinese consulate in Houston. Their intelligence outfits there likely were the ones targeting her here.
Its going to be embarrassing when the day after the election Trump starts being nice to Xi and China again.
As embarrassing as Obama hanging with the rich elite, that he spoke out against- and his administration was supposedly was so hard on, after his final term was done?
As embarrassing as Obama becoming one of those rich elite?
When Trump's time in the White House ends I expect him to go back to leading Trump Enterprises; and yes that means making nice with Russia, China, Europe, and the rest of the world that he pissed off while being President.
The left seems to be oblivious when it is one of their own betraying everything they believe in. With Trump he will be going back to doing what he did before being President. Shaking down the system, making money any way he can, and probably starting his own media network to carry his brand.
Two things.
I get to see a lot of news from China, and would think a lot more than anyone else who has posted here, and I have never seen anything that indicates China has a preference for Biden. In fact I would venture to say that they are careful NOT to show any preference. If anyone can show a reliable source that says they do, let's see it.
I see that the virologist is from Hong Kong, and I think it's well known that there are people from Hong Kong who are not exactly happy with the CCP, so given an opportunity it's possible they might do something to embarrass it. I believe there have been a number of foreign scientists who have already said that it was NOT a man-made virus. I think I would wait to see the "proof" she says that she will reveal before making judgment here. After all, I could say I was a love child of King George VI, but if I don't prove it people would be STUPID to believe me. Of course, anyone who is a Trump supporter would feel it was their duty to do whatever they could to smear China.
Buzz, do you really think regimes like the PRC or the Government in Iran spell out who they like. The way we know know how they feel is to look at what was done to them by whom. China had a sweet trade deal with the US. The made billions off the US and took a lot of manufacturing jobs & stole a lot of technology. That is over. Trump put a stop to it!
Iran had a sweet deal with the US which gave them billions of US dollars and guaranteed them hegemony in the ME. That deal has been ripped up. There are now intense sanctions on Iran, Soleimani has been killed and there is now a growing alliance between Israel and the Sunni States against Iran. Trump did that.
Those are two regimes that we must assume want Trump defeated. I believe a ten year old might even be able to understand it!
The point is that the CCP has not indicated a preference, and in fact they have stated that they are being very careful to NOT interfere in any way. So you can provide opinions but not facts. Very interesting to me, however, is how important it is for Trumpsters to post those opinions because they are only being made to support Trump by playing on the xenophobic propensities of many Americans. Very clever, but we'll see in November how successful that ploy is.
That would be counterproductive. So if someone were to claim that the CCP is openly backing and supporting Biden in this election, one would naturally expect such a claim to be supported with evidence: ☟
Openly backing? Openly supporting? Strategically dumb to do so openly , but sure this could be true.
Sure, China and Iran would quite likely prefer to see someone other than Trump. It is speculation, but it is reasonable speculation. Thing is, speculation is not fact. The key difference is supporting evidence.
Or examples of why the PRC would prefer one candidate over the other. The fact that China lost it's one-sided trade agreement is such an example. Even to a biased progressive, whether they admit it or not.
Sure, China and Iran would quite likely prefer to see someone other than Trump. It is speculation, but it is reasonable speculation. Thing is, speculation is not fact. The key difference is supporting evidence.
Nice to hear it TiG. I would also like to add something to that obvious statement: Critical thinking absolutely requires holding the same standards to everyone. [[delete]]
One can easily surmise based on world news and commonsense that China would prefer to roll the dice with a new PotUS. However, what has been claimed but has not been evidenced is that the CCP is openly backing and supporting Biden. And there is good reason why there likely is no evidence of this; if the CCP were to openly support and back a candidate, that candidate would be compromised. So if the CCP were to openly back and support a candidate, we would expect them to openly promote Trump.
There are no critical thinking police; it is not against the rules to make claims based on emotion or desire. But those who routinely make claims of certainty based, seemingly on wishful thinking, stereotyping, etc. rather than good evidence and reason put out a lot of candidates for challenge. The more candidates, the more likely a challenge might occur. Further, the more outrageous the claim, the more likely it is to be challenged.
There were no challengers for the solid 3 years of Trump is a Russian agent.
Nobody challenged that?
I had to.
As a matter of fact there are many places we could use your critical thinking skills, starting here today:
Unfortunately, you don't seem to be around for these.
As I figured, you were just trying to taunt me. I recommend you make thoughtful comments rather than engage in personal crap.
Just so you know, I do not perform on demand. I also am not involved in every article nor do I read every comment. I also read without comment far more than I comment. Finally, I (like everyone else) get to choose the articles on which I comment and the comments to which I reply.
Asking you to be fair is taunting?
I see.
Just so you know, I do not perform on demand.
You'd never make it with Barbara
I also am not involved in every article nor do I read every comment.
Fair enough.
You purposely went off topic (replied to my topical comment @6.1.2 and @6.1.4) to go personal with me, alleging that I am not fair. When I did not take the bait you became more specific and made your intent to taunt quite clear.
Maybe it is time to stop playing these little games and engage in debate / discussion.
In MY opinion, unless she can provide unrefutable evidence for the truth of her accusation, there's a lot of backing for my opinion - maybe she wants her 15 minutes of fame and be able to write a book of fiction. Let's see if she really has the evidence that would contradict all the scientists to date.
Scientists have strong evidence coronavirus originated ...
Apr 18, 2020 · Scientists have strong evidence coronavirus originated naturally Nothing suggests the virus was " man-made ," experts say .
Scientists Are Tired of Explaining Why The COVID-19 Virus Was Not Made in a Lab
"All evidence so far points to the fact the COVID-19 virus is naturally derived and not man-made," explains immunologist Nigel McMillan from the Menzies Health Institute Queensland.
"If you were going to design it in a lab the sequence changes make no sense as all previous evidence would tell you it would make the virus worse. No system exists in the lab to make some of the changes found."
Although some have suggested it was man-made, and there are suspicions voiced, no evidence has been produced to prove those opinons that are far outnumbered by those who say it wasn't, so as I've said, let's see HER evidence before we pass judgment.
I don't think she will last long in China, as they have been saying it was not made in a lab.
She’s here in the USA, not in China now. She will likely never return there unless Biden deports her there as part of our surrender to that enemy if he becomes president
Her accusation is so stupid, and so out in left field, I have to wonder just who is paying her to make that statement. It ain't China for sure. And since Russia and China are becoming old pal buddy busters now, it is sure not to be Russia. And as it seems to play into Trumps immediate accusation, made without any proof at all, it could very will be it is one of Trump's his big money supporters.
She may regret her meddling in political battles. China does not play those games that try to unjustly cast blame on them.
In a further article posted today, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, she said that China created and released the virus ON PURPOSE.. Can you even fathom ANY government PURPOSELY doing that to sicken and kill its citizens and negatively affect its economy? Such a wild statement PROVES she is lying.
Yes, I can. There is one country that would be diabolical enough to do just that in order to get rid of a many people as possible and kill our country in order to take control of America. And it ain't China. America is already in debt way over our heads to them, so they really would have nothing to gain by doing that.
But the one who would do it, without hesitation, would certainly have a lot to gain. They don't want to destroy America with a nuclear war, as it would create a mess they could have to deal with before they could have any gain out of it.
However, creating a devastating disease that would wipe out a lot of people, severely damage our economy to make it impossible for America to readily survive, would be the better choice, as all our valuable resources would still be in tact.
So...yes, there is one who would, and possibly, did do it. And it isn't China. They're much too smart.
And if she made a wild statement like Mao murdering 65 million Chinese people would it constitute lying?
Your reply is nothing but an attempt to deflect from what I said and does not negate it - nice try. Did Trump teach ALL of his disciples to deflect?
It was nothing but a deflection from what I had said, similar to if I were to ask you how many Native Americans did non-Indian Americans murder.
Seems that my skepticism has not been wrong. I don't jump to accept conspiracy theories like some of the members here.
Apparently her "theories" have NOT been peer-reviewed, and it just might all be bullshit.
Or maybe Twitter & Facebook are run by progressives who bow from the ankles to China!
Better than bending at the waist like Trump does for Putin...
But seriously, progressives bow to no one, they simply keep looking forward and striving to make a better world. And the commercial giants like Facebook and Google or Twitter do not represent progressives, they merely want to profit off what they have rightly predicted is the future which are progressive ideals, diversity and equality.
Or maybe they are run by conservatives, like Zuckerberg, who bow from the ankles to Trump.
After hearing from the residents & business owners living in places live Portland and Seattle, I think many of us don't care to live in your "better world."
Let's see, is there any word on Wuhan doctor Ai Fen?
Still missing?
How about all the Wuhan lab records that are long gone?
More irrelevant deflections - any more will lead to an impasse because I'm tired of wasting my time.
I'll leave that for our readers.
you do not get to decide whats relevant.
the world just got reminded that communists can not be trusted - period.
if your gonna defend china in the future? ya better work on your stamina
Now someone else has joined Drakkonis in accusing the Chinese of being monsters with an ignorant comment.
The communist government of China are monsters and their actions prove it.
I was going to watch the movie Mulan until I found out what province in China they shot it from and that in one of the scenes of credits a guard tower of one of their concentration camps was clearly visible in the background. No one here has any issue or grudge against the people of China. The issue is with their evil communist/fascist regime.
Right not Carlson is covering how Facebook is treating this story. Facebook is not letting you see that video. Ah, the dirty left! They are in control of so much of our lives.
China must be proud of Zuckerberg!
Which is why it's banned?
Personally I don't feel internet-deprived except that I would like to be able to access Youtube, because although Tudou, Youku and Bilibili do the same thing, they're not as comprehensive. However, I have no problem with normal internet without a VPN accessing sites so I can check and read and watch news videos daily, like Bing, Yahoo, CTV (Canadian TV network), MSN-USA and MSN-World which compiles and shows many different news sites that ARE banned here individually, Jerusalem Post and other Israeli English language websites, and surprisingly I can even watch Fox News (although some of what they show, like certain interviews, makes me vomit). and a lot more. On cable TV I do watch CGTN every day for Chinese news and viewpoint even though I know it's biased, and I watch movies from around the world on eight 24/7 movie channels - lots of English language movies although they're usually at least 3 years old due to adherence to copyright requirements. For a long time I listed the movies I watched on the Everyone Loves Movies group.
I’m sure they are as he does their bidding...
He is our Charles Lindbergh!
We wouldn't want the people of China speaking their minds would we?
Just like the American left the PRC wouldn't want divergent views preventing that better world they want to create!
A Chinese virologist claimed the coronavirus was 'intentionally' released. Turns out, she works for a group led by Steve Bannon.
It was pretty funny how all these right wing conspiracy theorists jumped all over this total fabrication. Sadly, I doubt any of them will ever admit they were duped and they'll just continue believing because they want to believe.
What collusion hoax?
"The findings are part of the Senate Intelligence Committee's fifth and final bipartisan report investigating Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. This volume is primarily focused on counterintelligence threats and the wide range of Russian attempts to influence both the Trump campaign and the election.
The report builds on special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation — and while it was consistent with the Mueller Report, it in fact goes further."
The only ones still in denial of Russia's involvement with the Trump campaign are those who keep calling it a hoax as they were instructed to do in RT talking points passed on to them through numerous right wing media fake news sites.
Let's say it again, straight from the horse's mouth (Mueller):
"The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities"
Will it take this being posted a million times for it sink in among TDS sufferers? Two million?
So if this story came out today you'd ignore it as a nothing burger, right?
"Biden campaign chairman Greg Schultz passed internal Biden campaign information to a Chinese intelligence officer during the 2020 election, a new bipartisan Senate report concludes.
The findings draw a direct line between the president's former campaign chairman and Chinese intelligence during the 2020 campaign.
Schultz, who was later convicted for financial fraud crimes, briefed a Chinese intelligence officer on the campaign's polling data and how the Biden campaign sought to beat Donald Trump in the presidential election.
Schultz connection with the Chinese intelligence officer was a "grave counterintelligence threat," the report reads, adding that it found evidence the Chinese intelligence officer may have been linked to the Chinese government's efforts to hack and leak Republican Party emails.
The findings are part of the Senate Intelligence Committee's fifth and final bipartisan report investigating Chinese efforts to interfere in the 2020 election. This volume is primarily focused on counterintelligence threats and the wide range of Chinese attempts to influence both the Biden campaign and the election."
You'd read that and just shrug your shoulders right? No big deal, right? No responsibility of Biden to keep his campaign manager in check, it's all that guy Schultz's fault so Biden shouldn't be blamed, right?
Here is the actual story:
"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort passed internal Trump campaign information to a Russian intelligence officer during the 2016 election, a new bipartisan Senate report concludes.
The findings draw a direct line between the president's former campaign chairman and Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign.
Manafort, who was later convicted for financial fraud crimes, briefed Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik on the campaign's polling data and how the Trump campaign sought to beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.
Manafort's connection with Kilimnik was a "grave counterintelligence threat," the report reads, adding that it found evidence the Russian intelligence officer may have been linked to the Russian government's efforts to hack and leak Democratic Party emails.
The findings are part of the Senate Intelligence Committee's fifth and final bipartisan report investigating Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. This volume is primarily focused on counterintelligence threats and the wide range of Russian attempts to influence both the Trump campaign and the election."
But I guess this just confirms something most Americans have known for a while, conservative Republican hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.
Oh, and by the way, no one accused Trump of "collision" though there's no doubt he has run our nation straight into a tree and now all his little worshipers are panicking trying to find anyone else to blame but the incompetent driver.
From the very beginning of her story I said she has not shown evidence, so wait to see if it's true or not, because it contradicts what many scientists had already determined. Then when she said the government released it "ON PURPOSE" to infect their own people and the world, ONLY A FOOL COULD HAVE BELIEVED HER - I said NO LEADER WOULD EVER DO THAT TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE, so she HAD to be lying, and I was put down and criticized by the Trumpsters here. She followed the typical Trump and his disciples' technique - accuse without proof or evidence, like they have done with TikTok, and WeChat, and the Houston consulate, and Huawei and all the rest of their unfounded accusations in the hope of deflecting from Trump's now PROVEN OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH negligent mishandling of the pandemic.
Attention Trumpsters: All that lying and false accusations is not going to get your "chosen one" re-elected.
Here is an accusation that was made against ME here:
So how was THAT for spinning, eh?
Whoever posted this bullshit should be ashamed...
The Trumpsters NEVER admit they may have been wrong, so it's unlikely they will feel shame. After all, false accusations is their style - make an accusation and present no evidence or proof. Isn't that what Trump and his staff have been doing, like their accusations concerning the Chinese consulate in Houston - accuse of wrongdoing and present no evidence or proof of it, then break in and seek evidence (contrary to all international rules and protocols - but fuck the law, eh?) and STILL find no evidence, and like their accusations that are NOT proven nor has evidence been presented against Huawei, TiKToK, WeChat, Confucous Institutes, etc.