Democrats Come Full Circle On Their Lies About Masking
By: Dave King

Blue city and blue state Democrats along with their federal counterparts are playing games with the civil and religious liberties of the American people, trampling upon our economic and assembly freedoms and trashing our God given rights on a whim by decree. From lockdowns to mandatory face diapers beyond the call of real science to support to limiting religious gatherings while sending their Antifa and BLM mobs on to our streets. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. They lost all credibility when they sanctioned “peaceful protests” and crapped upon re opening rallies, back the blue rallies, pro Trump events, and religious gatherings. We openly mock them to their faces and laugh at their mandates.

At the outset of the Wuhan virus infection, the now-revered Dr. Fauci said that the disease was not to be feared and that wearing a facial mask would do little or no good in preventing contamination of the disease to the wearer.
Nevertheless, leftist Democrats took up the banner of the mask anyway, because it gave Democrat mayors and governors a way to undermine President Trump in the political season of 2020, so they mandated facial masking as a political way for the public to stay fearful and miserable as Democrats blamed the Wuhan disease on President Trump.
But reasonable people saw the Democrat, control-freak, lie for what it was and decided that they could risk a little temporary illness if, by chance, they were among the very few citizens to contract the virus, so many people elected to not wear the worthless masks for the little or no protection it would give them. These select mask-refusers gained a lot in personal freedom and health by rejecting the Democrat edict to wear the mask.
So then Democrats changed their story and said that mask wearing was critical, not to protect the wearer of the mask, but to protect people that the wearer may come into contact with during the day. So then the logic of the leftists became that a mask-denier was a thoughtless, inconsiderate, public-health-threatening person who was putting other people at great risk of death and illness for not wearing a mask.
And then President Trump tested positive for the disease, so Democrats completed the full circle of lies and then told the public that masks protect the wearer, and that the refusal of the president to wear a mask all the time put him at risk, and they called him a disturbed, unbalanced and inconsiderate person who was deserving of being ill for not wearing a mask all the time and for conducting out-of-doors campaign appearances with crowds largely refusing masks as well.
Democrats have displayed their political corruption with a willingness to dictate to the American citizens how to behave, what to wear and when to wear it. Now that Democrats have found this new power to strike fear into citizens and to force them to adhere to authoritarian control, one fears for the next cold and flu season when they will claim that these annual diseases will be much worse and more deadly with the corona virus still active, and one fears for other power grabs that Democrats may resort to, beginning with unsolicited ballots already being distributed by mail to citizens of many states, for the election in November. And when you combine the above opportunities for anti-American forces to cause trouble on top of the summer of radical left rioting and burning, just get ready and stand-by for a winter of more-of-the-same from Democrats as the results of the next presidential election are tabulated.
Democrats have displayed their political corruption with a willingness to dictate to the American citizens how to behave, what to wear and when to wear it. Now that Democrats have found this new power to strike fear into citizens and to force them to adhere to authoritarian control, one fears for the next cold and flu season when they will claim that these annual diseases will be much worse and more deadly with the corona virus still active, and one fears for other power grabs that Democrats may resort to, beginning with unsolicited ballots already being distributed by mail to citizens of many states, for the election in November. And when you combine the above opportunities for anti-American forces to cause trouble on top of the summer of radical left rioting and burning, just get ready and stand-by for a winter of more-of-the-same from Democrats
220K dead americans by the end of the day due to the incompetence of one man that lives in the white house.
Actually if Trump were incompetent and or did nothing the number of fatalities would have been 8-10x higher now and we all know it. The disease is here now as it is only because of the malevolent actions by the people’s republic of China and their communist regime.
No, we do not "all know it". It is another WAG by a small group of worshipers.
Tell us, with your vast experience in virology, why the USA is being affected so disproportionately compared to other developed countries.
.....This control-freak elected official has already overseen –spurred on really – devastation on his city. And it looks like he’s not yet finished; neither is Empire State Governor Cuomo:
Plainly, what is not under consideration by these mini-tyrants? Reasonable efforts to protect the most vulnerable Big Apple residents (the elderly, those with compromising health issues) coupled with a policy of permitting the balance of New Yorkers to go on working, eating, shopping, living.
De Blasio v. Cuomo? Who’s more a menace to the people of New York City? Tough call, no doubt. Either pol seems intent on doing whatever he must to win that execrable crown.
H/T: New York Times
H/T: Newser...
You didn’t see the Fauci/ Birx briefings that said upwards of two million Americans could die if we did nothing around the time they added 30 more days to slow the spread on top of the first 15 day period. We have not forgotten. We will not allow you to attack our President when we are getting numbers consistent with doing everything right numbers.
It's not. Europe has more cases per capita than the US right now.
But, I know Orange Man caused the European outbreak!
Almost everyone has a comorbidity.
Yes Cuomo did that. That is because those communities are not following guidelines and their rates have suddenly shot up. Here on Long Island, we follow the rules and so far so good and everything is open. All of Manhattan is open. It's only freaking Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn who feel that it's their right to not follow the rules and then get the rest of us sick.
The city of NY is OPEN. Those small areas are not and it's their own freaking faults.
Please show me that because the only other country in Europe that is as bad as us is France.
it’s not just France. The UK, Ireland, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands...
We should be doing much, much better than Europe. E.g. France is 3.5 times as densely populated as the US. 73% of the French use public transit, whereas only 11% do here. It is much more difficult for them with a highly transmissible virus.
Even though we had 2-3 weeks more time to prepare, unlimited money, the best scientists & epidemiologists, and an incredible manufacturing capability, our president lied about the danger of the virus for 4 or 5 weeks. It was allowed to spread without any checks with devastating effect in NY & NJ. Our president did nothing to help with PPE initially and slows down testing even now. Our president made mask wearing and social distancing political statements. Testing/tracking/masks/social distancing are the best tools we have right now; our president has willfully crippled all of them. To point to him as doing the best job for us is willful ignorance.
Exactly! It’s all over Western Europe except Sweden at higher per capita rates than they are here. And the harder the lockdown regime was last spring in a given country, the more severe the new outbreak now is in that country.
What a misleading statistic. Alaska, our biggest state, is practically empty. We have large deserts and vast amounts of land in the western US that is almost unpopulated. If density is the magic bullet, you should look at the population density where people actually live. In fact, the USA has a higher percentage of it's population living in urban areas than France.
had 2-3 weeks more time to prepare
Two to three weeks? Even though the virus was present in January in the US? That's some timeline you've concocted. Europe has now had 9 months to prepare. Why has Europe been unable to mobilize to stop the virus in 9 months if the 2-3 weeks of preparation supposedly enough?
To point to him as doing the best job for us is willful ignorance.
To blame the spread of an uncurable virus on orange man with the example of Europe staring you in the face is no better than blaming witches. T
Oh wow! So very well put point by point. Thank you for posting that.
I saw on the news on Friday night that Belgium had a three times per capita rate of the US and Holland was 2x and the U.K., France, Spain, Italy and other smaller nations exceeded ours per capita.
You don’t know that. There are many who had co morbidities who died of their primary cause who had Covid in their system at an early stage who were list as Covid deaths instead of the primary original cause.
Another bucket of worthless conspiracy opinion from Dave King, the retired AT&T supervisor.
Nothing like a moderator resorting to attacking the source of the article and its author rather than commenting on the actual subject of it as per the terms of service and coc. He’s been a regular writer for the source for years and his life experiences and writing skills make him as legit as an op-Ed writer as anyone else who does it for an online and or print publication.
I made my comment and I stand by it as a participating member of NT since it was founded.
You should be thrilled whenever I comment on one of your libelous seeds because that takes me out of being able to moderate that thread.
Rule one. Never respond to comments you want to delete as off topic. It puts the comments in play.
Another Instagram reply?
Well at least it wasn't another cartoon or cut'npaste from the seed...
Yes I get it.
Orange Man, good.
Biden & Harris are every unchristian thing, undemocratic libelous, slanderous, childish thing you can find to repost.
They are clearly the worst possible choice in dealing with the China virus and virtually every significant issue facing the country.
It reinforced the seed and that democrats lie when telling us about Wuhan virus issues.
You forgot to add.
"In my honest opinion"
it reinforced nothing. It just proves the lies you believe and propagate.
The scientists at CDC, USDA and the FDA don't walk around with political identifiers on them.
Since you made Dave King the issue here:
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Dave King
Dave King
Democrats Come Full Circle On Their Lies About Masking
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A small sampling of his work to show how good a writer he really is!
Is that mess supposed to impress someone? LOL
I think it verifies that Dave King is a pseudonym, and a super spreader of retarded right wing extremism.
It's hard to believe that almost daily, one single 75 year old individual
can pump out so much conspiracy trash, lies and hatred,
while claiming to be retired and a patriot.
Did you know that your heroine, the Governor of South Dakota has led here state to a positivity rate of 35%. South Dakota leads the nation.
Oh, and the rural hospital are being overwhelmed.
The lawlessness, anarchy, riots and violence are getting worse, what can we do ? Vote for trump
At the outset of the Wuhan virus infection, the now-revered Dr. Fauci said that the disease was not to be feared and that wearing a facial mask would do little or no good in preventing contamination of the disease to the wearer.
Nevertheless, leftist Democrats took up the banner of the mask anyway, because it gave Democrat mayors and governors a way to undermine President Trump in the political season of 2020, so they mandated facial masking as a political way for the public to stay fearful and miserable as Democrats blamed the Wuhan disease on President Trump.
But reasonable people saw the Democrat, control-freak, lie for what it was...
He is a patriot, no doubt at all about that. He averages 2-3 columns a week, usually 2 but more with the election coming soon. The rest of your speculation is nothing more than that.
I forgot nothing.
Sure you have, and it's usually on full display.
Then there is this leftist hypocrisy about gatherings:
Superspreader Women's March Draws Thousands Across the Country
The media's double standard when it comes to the contagious Wuhan coronavirus and left-wing protests is alive and well. On Saturday, thousands packed the streets in that nation's capital to participate in the second Women's March being held this year as the United States struggles through the global pandemic. Other events are taking place in cities across the country, and while demonstrators are all championing various left-wing causes, the participants appear united in their opposition to Judge Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Outside the Supreme Court, the left-wing marchers encountered a group of pro-life counter-demonstrators who bravely held up signs in defense of the unborn and voiced their support for Judge Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation to the Supreme Court, which is expected to take place next week. Democratic nominee Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support abortion up to the moment of birth and believe babies who survive abortions should be left there to die.
The media hyperventilated for weeks about the Sturgis Rally held in South Dakota and even published cell phone data tracking the rallygoers' movements. Can we get the cellphone data for the Women's March attendees and see where these RBG-obsessed women are coming from? ....
That is not hypocrisy. First of all, demonstrations are protected by the Constitution. Second, all the people were wearing masks.
Second, show me where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support abortion up to the moment of birth and believe babies who survive abortions should be left there to die. You can't because it's not true. If you can, prove it.
And while you are at it prove that at the Sturgis Rally held in South Dakota cell phone data tracking published the rallygoers' movements, because it never happened. They were tracked to see where covid went. One last point, they had their rally, without masks, so please again tell me how they were infringed upon?
Another seed within a seed?
More lies from Town Hall contributors?
That statement from the article just proves there's no journalistic integrity in the editors at TH.
BTW, it can only truly be called a "potential" super spreader event if the majority of the participants are maskless
which the video and other pictures clearly show is not true. Masks were in evidence everywhere.
It was a huge crowd with lots of people packed in close proximity and no distancing and how do you know that each and everyone of them there were all wearing masks? If they were a Bethel outdoor worship event or a re open rally or a Trump peaceful protest then that constitution doesn’t mean quite so much..
It’s all building upon the theme of democrat inconsistencies, hypocrisy, and lies when it comes to lockdowns, enforced mandates, and who can meet publicly and who can’t and why.
I blew up this photo as best I could and looked to see if the people were wearing masks.
Down on the bottom right portion of the photo I identified 13 people whose image was clear enough to see they were wearing a mask, and none whose image was clear enough to see they were not. Many of the people in the lower half of the photo ,where the image is large enough to see, have their backs turned to the camera view.
Because I watched live feed from the event.
I need some more information about this event, since almost all of Trump's events don't have masks on (some do now since he got it).
No it doesn't. It actually proves that those regulations work. Now places who never had them are getting the plague, like never before. Have you not looked at the recent hot spot map of the US?
And there’s no way to tell if they all are. Besides for that political persuasion they probably view wearing them as some sort of rite of passage or a virtual purity test. The kind who wear masks alone inside their cars or spill drinks on the food of people at a restaurant eating their meal without wearing one. The kind of Karen like our governor who wants us to put it back on while between bites at our table with our family socially distanced from the next table with people seated at it.
Many of these events they don’t all wear em by choice. Under that same constitution and its protections that the women’s marchers had. I’ve been watching President Trumps peaceful protests in Michigan and Wisconsin on Fox News this evening. Lots of MAGA masks in the crowd behind him. In the more distant from him crowd virtually none. There was temp taking and hand washing though.
I have. And the places in the northeast and north that locked down the longest and the hardest expect to get it back worse than anywhere else in the country in the winter. Of course we will have the Trump vaccine before then so...
They weren’t infringed upon because of the state where it took place and its correct pro constitutional and pro individual rights and Personal responsibilities stance.
It was an outside event, just like the Hatch Act violations in the Rose Garden at the WH.
Was it Katie or KellyAnn who insisted the virus dies when exposed to Ultra violet ltight,
like sunshine?
I think based on your response that I should make a point of seeding all of his newest articles here...
Knock yourself out.
Absolutely no skin off my nose, lol.
Will Joe Biden Get Tested? – Ben Garrison Cartoon
It’s hard to believe, but Joe Biden is as bad as Hillary Clinton. Both are war criminals. Both are colossal liars. Both have obvious health issues.
The Democrats have fielded an abysmally weak candidate in Biden. His son Hunter is a crack head and pedophile. Joe is a pedophile with a cracked head.
Joe is an empty vessel for Kamala Harris and she’s the one who will be the one carrying out the Obama’s destruction of America should Biden win the presidency.
If elected, Joe Biden will become our first dementia-addled president.
read more:
Pedophile now? Do you simply repeat any negative allegation that crosses your path?
Better brace yourself, chances are very good that Biden will be elected PotUS.
That could happen. Hillary could have happened too. If it does, it does and the script is flipped. Heck, John and I could trade places.... /s
I really wish NT did not allow this kind of garbage. It is a BIG black eye on this site.
I can't imagine advertisers liking this kind of manure!
Why do some people insist on presenting themselves as morons? Its a mystery.
Biden presents himself as one every day on the campaign trail...
And many people feel that Trump does the same, especially at one on his hundreds of reelection rallies.
From the last 2 days...
Coronavirus outbreak linked to church gathering in rural Maine
West Virginia,
West Virginia Covid-19 outbreaks linked to church services, governor says
North Carolina,
50 COVID-19 cases tied to Charlotte church. Officials urge attendees to get tested.
5 COVID-19 outbreaks linked to church services
Read more here:
Because that’s such a high percentage of the total number of cases nationwide or in those states. People only get covid if they go to church?
No more than your non stop Trump isn’t qualified to be president/ he’s the worst ever seeds are...
Till there is a vaccine masks are our first and best defense against Covid-19. Along with social distancing and hand washing they are effective. Anyone saying otherwise is spreading harmful disinformation probably originating in the bowels of the Kremlin. Why else misinform Americans in ways that could get hundreds of thousands of people killed?
I hand wash and social distance all the time and wear a mask on the job and at church. I also wear them when I’m in a place where social distancing is impossible indoors or out. I make a point of not wearing one anywhere outside of my home or car where I can safely do so and be seen in public outside of church or work without one. I wear it as a matter of personal choice elsewhere as there is no legal force where I live compelling/enforcing it.
The disinformation that comes into this country is actually from our current Cold War enemy, the People’s Republic of China, particularly regarding the virus they created and brought to us.
What disinformation are you referring to?
It was brought to us by 43,000 Americans returning from China after Trump banned all Chinese nationals and before all travel was stopped in March forcing Americans to travel across the globe through Europe and NYC.
Poor management...
How China Ramped Up Disinformation Efforts During the Pandemic
By Joshua Kurlantzick , CFR Expert
September 10, 2020
Beijing has increased its manipulation of information as well as disinformation efforts around COVID-19 to damage democracies and boost itself, but its strategies have had mixed results....
read more:
And this:
China has been accused by Brussels of running disinformation campaigns inside the European Union , as the bloc set out a plan to tackle a “huge wave” of false facts about the coronavirus pandemic.
The European commission said Russia and China were running “targeted influence operations and disinformation campaigns in the EU, its neighbourhood, and globally”. While the charge against Russia has been levelled on many occasions, this is the first time the EU executive has publicly named China as a source of disinformation....
read more:
We don’t know the effectiveness nor total lack there of of wearing face diapers. There studies showing them ineffective as well as facts that in areas where diaper mandates are most severe the second wave is hitting hardest.
'They lost all credibility when they sanctioned “peaceful protests”'
They lost all credibility when they spent years attacking Trump's foreign policy from the right.
There’s that too. Now key generals are stalling on President Trumps plan to largely pull out Afghanistan by the end of the year hoping a New Democrat President will keep that war going even longer still.