
Biden Adviser, Obamacare Architect, Now Makes Money By Keeping You On Lockdown

Via:  XXJefferson51  •  5 years ago  •  69 comments

By:   Stephanie Gutman

Biden Adviser, Obamacare Architect, Now Makes Money By Keeping You On Lockdown
Emanuel’s main recommendation is a new lockdown. “Until case numbers recede to a level at which we have the capacity to effectively test and trace … nonessential businesses and interstate travel should be closed; restaurant service should be limited to takeout. People should stay home, going out only to get food and medicine or to exercise and get fresh air. … Then, and only then, we can try a little more opening,” Emanuel said

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We the People

The double standards and hypocrisy of these particular democrats knows no bounds.  This former Obama adviser who once wanted to severely ration health care to seniors to create Obamacare now wants to literally shutdown the whole country from sea to shining sea to protect them.  Different times, different democrat candidate, same overreaching government controls over our lives and how they our masters will permit us their serfs to live them.  Well he will see that he’s not going to get a redo just like communism isn’t.  There is no constitutional authority for either a federally enforced nationwide lock down nor for a federal national mask mandate indoors and out either.  Since short of court packing none will ever happen there will be many places around the country where there will be no compliance with either a total lockdown or outdoor mask wearing so they can give it up already or send in the tanks China style.  

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who some might remember from 2009 as a chief salesman for Obamacare, is back in the spotlight again with tuned-up public health priorities and a new Democrat to serve: Joe Biden.

Here’s a LinkedIn profile I’d like to see: In a fantasy world where everyone is obligated to tell the truth, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s top-of-the-page summary would read, “Professional medical ethicist. Served two American presidents by crafting intellectual framework and persuasive moral arguments in service of world-changing health care policy. Will craft bioethical philosophy and matching rhetoric to suit your needs!”

Emanuel, who some might remember from 2009 as a chief salesman for President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, is back in the spotlight again with tuned-up public health priorities and a new Democratic politician to serve. In this round of public service, he’s a member of Joe Biden’s public health advisory committee. With the pandemic ongoing, and health policy and virus restrictions front and center in this election, Emanuel’s position within Biden’s team matters.

Emanuel Wants Another Lockdown

Although there is a growing scientific consensus that extended lockdowns have caused more harm than good and that they don’t even contain virus spread particularly well (see Sweden’s bell curve, for instance, which looks just everybody other country’s bell curve), Emanuel’s main recommendation is a new lockdown.

“Until case numbers recede to a level at which we have the capacity to effectively test and trace … nonessential businesses and interstate travel should be closed; restaurant service should be limited to takeout. People should stay home, going out only to get food and medicine or to exercise and get fresh air. … Then, and only then, we can try a little more opening,” Emanuel said in a recent interview.

He would also throw in a nationwide mask mandate, indoors and outdoors, because our mask mandates heretofore have been “a hodgepodge.” True masking will only occur after deep cultural change, when masking is “normalized to the point that it’s abnormal to not wear a mask out in public,” Emanuel told McKinsey consulting.

Haven’t most of us been slogging through some rather extended lockdowns? Not good enough! says the zealous doctor. We’ve “never sort of stuck it out nationwide.”

In a peevish letter , addressed “to America’s decision-makers” on Sept. 30, Emanuel and his co-signatories want to know why “in many states, people can drink in bars, get a haircut, eat inside a restaurant, get a tattoo, get a massage, and do myriad other normal, pleasant, but non-essential activities.” In his insistence that we just didn’t do lockdown right, Emanuel sounds a bit like the old communists who frequent the coffee shops of the Upper West Side of Manhattan muttering about the real communism that never got its fair test.

‘Why I Hope to Die at 75’

By now you might be feeling a twinge of cognitive dissonance as you listen to Emanuel prattle on in defense of lockdowns, a policy that essentially cossets a small proportion of the population, the frail elderly, at the expense of everybody else, especially those in the workforce and preparing to enter it. Your sense of dissonance is due to the fact that this is exactly the population that Emanuel, the author of a chirpy 2014 Atlantic magazine piece titled “ Why I Hope to Die at 75 ,” ruled more worthy than the over-75s, who were not asking whether their “consumption was worth their contribution.”

The stats are in, and Emanuel knows them. The majority of COVID-19 fatalities have occurred among the over-80s, with a very large percentage coming from nursing homes, where life expectancy, according to many studies, doesn’t go much beyond five months.

Furthermore, another cold-eyed policy man, epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, who is largely credited with putting the U.K. in lockdown, has mused that “as much as half or two-thirds of the [COVID-19] deaths we see” might have occurred by the end of 2020 anyway “because these are people at the end of their lives or have underlying conditions.”

Given his balance sheet-obsessed Obama era statements, you’d think Emanuel would be popping champagne over this news. The Obama-era Emanuel had sermonized that the 75-and-overs should “stop getting any regular preventive tests, screenings, or interventions.” Even antibiotics would be out, as he wrote in his famous Atlantic article. “Death from these infections is quick and relatively painless. So, no to antibiotics.”

“I will die when whatever comes first takes me,” the then-57-year-old promised cheerfully.

Emanuel Is the ‘Rationer in Chief’

Times and presidents — or would-be presidents — change, however. During Obama’s first term, Emanuel was part of a general full-court press among the intelligentsia to sell a centrally run system more like U.K.’s National Health Service, famous for rationing care by age and generally encouraging a stiff-upper-lip, go-home-and-stop-whining approach to public health.

With Obamacare struggling for passage in the Senate, “persuasive arguments for rationing medical care via the theory of the necessary ‘rational allocation of finite health care resources’ were needed,” as one professor of neurosurgery, Miguel A. Faria Jr., put it in a National Institutes of Health publication. “It is in this context that the individual-based, patient-oriented ethics of Hippocrates, including his fundamental dictum, ‘First Do No Harm,’ have to be supplanted by the utilitarian approach.”

Emanuel earned his reputation as “rationer in chief” when he wrote, “Other things being equal, we should always save five lives rather than one, but things are rarely equal.” Accordingly, a system he proposed “produces a priority curve on which individuals aged roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated.”

Emanuel conceded that his plan appeared to discriminate against the elderly but explained: “Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination. … Treating 65-year-olds differently because of stereotypes or falsehoods would be ageist; treating them differently because they have already had more life-years is not.”

Keeping You on Lockdown Is a Lucrative Business

Get the difference? If you don’t, it’s probably because you miss subtleties apparent to people like Emanuel, who got degrees in philosophy from Harvard University. To me, it looks like a reversal straight out of “1984,” on the order of “Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

Emanuel’s priorities clearly lie with the Democratic Party, wherever it may roam ideologically, and with himself. Another reason the doctor seems so committed to the lockdown is that he’s now in the business via a newly formed company called COVID-19 Recovery Consulting, which helps “business reopen safely, responsibly, efficiently, and in compliance with the law.” In other words, it makes money helping people emerge from lockdowns — the same lockdowns Emanuel pushes.

Given the bombastic warnings of the “coming second wave,” warnings he helps generate, Emanuel will have plenty of work for a long time to come.


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Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

Emanuel Wants Another Lockdown

Although there is a growing scientific consensus that extended lockdowns have caused more harm than good and that they don’t even contain virus spread particularly well (see Sweden’s bell curve, for instance, which looks just everybody other country’s bell curve), Emanuel’s main recommendation is a new lockdown.

“Until case numbers recede to a level at which we have the capacity to effectively test and trace … nonessential businesses and interstate travel should be closed; restaurant service should be limited to takeout. People should stay home, going out only to get food and medicine or to exercise and get fresh air. … Then, and only then, we can try a little more opening,” Emanuel said in a recent interview.

He would also throw in a nationwide mask mandate, indoors and outdoors, because our mask mandates heretofore have been “a hodgepodge.” True masking will only occur after deep cultural change, when masking is “normalized to the point that it’s abnormal to not wear a mask out in public,” Emanuel told McKinsey consulting.

Haven’t most of us been slogging through some rather extended lockdowns? Not good enough! says the zealous doctor. We’ve “never sort of stuck it out nationwide.”

In a peevish letter , addressed “to America’s decision-makers” on Sept. 30, Emanuel and his co-signatories want to know why “in many states, people can drink in bars, get a haircut, eat inside a restaurant, get a tattoo, get a massage, and do myriad other normal, pleasant, but non-essential activities.” In his insistence that we just didn’t do lockdown right, Emanuel sounds a bit like the old communists who frequent the coffee shops of the Upper West Side of Manhattan muttering about the real communism that never got its fair test.

‘Why I Hope To Die At 75’

By now you might be feeling a twinge of cognitive dissonance as you listen to Emanuel prattle on in defense of lockdowns, a policy that essentially cossets a small proportion of the population, the frail elderly, at the expense of everybody else, especially those in the workforce and preparing to enter it. Your sense of dissonance is due to the fact that this is exactly the population that Emanuel, the author of a chirpy 2014 Atlantic magazine piece titled “ Why I Hope to Die at 75 ,” ruled more worthy than the over-75s, who were not asking whether their “consumption was worth their contribution.”...

Emanuel’s priorities clearly lie with the Democratic Party, wherever it may roam ideologically, and with himself. Another reason the doctor seems so committed to the lockdown is that he’s now in the business via a newly formed company called COVID-19 Recovery Consulting, which helps “business reopen safely, responsibly, efficiently, and in compliance with the law.” In other words, it makes money helping people emerge from lockdowns — the same lockdowns Emanuel pushes.

Given the bombastic warnings of the “coming second wave,” warnings he helps generate, Emanuel will have plenty of work for a long time to come.

Senior Guide
1.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1    5 years ago

Biden has said that if the science showed it that he’d lock the whole country down again in response to the China virus.  Well here’s the guy who will give him the “science” cover to do just that.  So, bottom line is that a vote for Biden is a vote for a national lockdown until we get a vaccine they approve of however long they want to take to approve it and a wrecked national economy for them to try to rebuild in their fascist image. 

Professor Guide
3  Dulay    5 years ago
Here’s a LinkedIn profile I’d like to see.

The LinkedIn profile she'd actually like to see is one in which she isn't a failed author and lightweight faux 'journalist'. 

Senior Guide
3.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @3    5 years ago

Yet another attack the author/ source comment that responds to absolutely nothing said in the seeded article. I’ve seen the Biden clown interviewed before at the beginning of the pandemic and he was back then during the 45 days to flatten the curve time frame advocating for a complete and total nationwide lockdown for the entire 18-24 month time he thought it would take to develop a vaccine.  His words were lock down until we have a vaccine.  Thank God no one listened to him then.  

Professor Guide
3.1.1  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.1    5 years ago
Yet another attack the author/ source comment that responds to absolutely nothing said in the seeded article.

I QUOTED the seeded article. 


Senior Guide
3.1.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @3.1.1    5 years ago

Except you left out the actual quote itself to take a shot at the author.  Here it is:                            
“In a fantasy world where everyone is obligated to tell the truth, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s top-of-the-page summary would read, “Professional medical ethicist. Served two American presidents by crafting intellectual framework and persuasive moral arguments in service of world-changing health care policy. Will craft bioethical philosophy and matching rhetoric to suit your needs!”

Professor Guide
3.1.3  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.1.2    5 years ago
Except you left out the actual quote itself to take a shot at the author.

Nope, I posted what I wanted to respond to. You and yours truncate the fuck out of statements all of the time so spare me the hypocrisy. 

BTW, the link you posted @ 3.2.3 cites what the ACTUAL LinkedIn profile summary would read:

Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice Provost of Global Initiatives
Chair, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy
Levy University Professor
Co-Director, Healthcare Transformation Institute
Perelman School of Medicine and The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania

Some lightweight faux 'journalist's' petty desire notwithstanding. 

BTFW, it also PROVES that your authors claim in the headline about how Dr. Emanuel 'now makes a living' is a LIE. Well done. Keep it coming...

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.1.4  Split Personality  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.1    5 years ago

It all starts with comment 2.1 which instead of you controlling the conversation, you voted up.

Now you have a thread of 11 or 12 off topic comments in the second thread

and have now contributed to derailing your own seed again...in the third thread.

Senior Guide
3.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @3    5 years ago



Stephanie Gutmann has written for publications ranging from National Review and the New Republic to Playboy, Elle and the New York Times’ Styles section. She is the author of two books, The Kinder, Gentler Military (Scribner) and The Other War: Israelis, Palestinians and the Struggle for Media Supremacy (Encounter). She lives in Rockland County, New York

Professor Guide
3.2.1  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.2    5 years ago

Yes I KNOW Xx. Her books don't sell. Neither of her books broke the top 2000 in their subject matter. 

The FACT that the most credible source she has written for is the NYT STYLE section bolsters her lightweight status as a 'journalist'. 

BTW, you forgot the link, fix that please. 

Senior Guide
3.2.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @3.2.1    5 years ago

No I didn’t it’s in the seed if you click on her name. That she wrote for both the liberal New Republic and the Conservative National Review gives her plenty of credibility for objective observers as does the topics she wrote about in her books.  

Senior Guide
3.2.3  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @3.2.1    5 years ago

As if we didn’t need more proof that Biden intends another shutdown if elected:  

...Shut down now, and start over.

Non-essential businesses should be closed. Restaurant service should be limited to take-out. People should stay home, going out only to get food and medicine or to exercise and get fresh air. Masks should be mandatory in all situations, indoors and outdoors, where we interact with others.

We need that protocol in place until case numbers recede to a level at which we have the capacity to effectively test and trace. Then, and only then, we can try a little more opening, one small step at a time.

You should bar non-essential interstate travel. When people travel freely between states, the good numbers in one state can go bad quickly.

If you don’t take these actions, the consequences will be measured in widespread suffering and death.

We need you to lead.

Tell the American people the truth about the virus, even when it’s hard. Take bold action to save lives -- even when it means shutting down again....

Professor Guide
3.2.4  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.2.2    5 years ago

She wrote ONE story for the New Republic in '97 and they haven't been a 'liberal' magazine since the early 90's. 

The topics of her books speak nothing to her credibility. If merely writing a book about the military lends credibility to an author, you would be heralding the #1 best selling author of 'Drift', Rachel Maddow. 

Professor Guide
3.2.6  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.2.3    5 years ago

Do you realize that you just linked a document that has 75 pages of signatures of medical professionals that AGREE with the first person to sign it? 

Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice Provost of Global Initiatives
Chair, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy
Levy University Professor
Co-Director, Healthcare Transformation Institute
Perelman School of Medicine and The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania

Does the Wharton School @ the University of Pennsylvania ring a bell Xx? 

Someone who you revere insists it's one of the GREATEST Universities in the US. 

BTFW Xx, I don't see Joe Biden's signature on that document.

Since you herald the FACT that Trump doesn't follow the guidance of the members of HIS Covid taskforce, WHY do you insist that Biden will follow the advise of ONE member of his? 

Senior Guide
3.2.7  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Tessylo @3.2.5    5 years ago

What both of you say about her detracts nothing about what she said regarding the man who is almost certain to lead the efforts to shut us down again should Biden be elected President. 

Senior Guide
3.2.8  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @3.2.6    5 years ago

I’m aware that this minority opinion is likely to be the basis for the so called science that Biden relies upon to actually re lock down all of America.  I’ve already provided all the actions Trump has taken elsewhere in the seed.  

Professor Guide
3.2.10  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.2.8    5 years ago
I’m aware that this minority opinion is likely to be the basis for the so called science that Biden relies upon to actually re lock down all of America.  

What evidence do you have that it IS a minority opinion Xx? 

Oh and you didn't answer my other question Xx. 

I’ve already provided all the actions Trump has taken elsewhere in the seed.

You provided WH propaganda. 

Senior Guide
3.2.11  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @3.2.10    5 years ago

I provided information from our/ your  elected American government.

Professor Guide
3.2.12  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.2.11    5 years ago
I provided information from our/ your  elected American government.

Like I said, propaganda. 

Senior Guide
3.2.13  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @3.2.12    5 years ago

No, that was the crap here from the socialist site.  

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.2.14  Split Personality  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.2.13    5 years ago

The crap from the WH website is equally suspect propaganda the likes of which many have ever seen from the WH.

Very long on opinion and very lacking in facts.

Professor Guide
3.2.15  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.2.13    5 years ago

No Xx. My reply is about the crap YOU posted. 

Senior Guide
3.2.16  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Tessylo @3.2.5    5 years ago

No, she’s not a liberal....

Senior Guide
3.2.17  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @3.2.15    5 years ago

I stand by everything I posted as correct information, especially the stuff from the White House website.  

Professor Guide
3.2.18  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.2.17    5 years ago

So you have gradations of how much you stand behind your posts. Please share the scale Xx. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
4  Greg Jones    5 years ago

To sum it all up...the shutdowns are not at all effective, and......

the beleaguered American people won't put up with any left wing government attempts to impose more

Senior Guide
4.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Greg Jones @4    5 years ago

That sums it all up perfectly and we won’t.  Biden and the guy highlighted in my seed can preach and scream and yell to their hearts content should they gain power but we will simply not willingly comply with any of their mandates.  We will listen to our local, county, state leaders who make recommendations/ and suggestions/ suggested guidelines  as to what they see as the best science on the issue from their perspective as per our federalist constitutional system.  

Professor Guide
4.1.1  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.1    5 years ago
That sums it all up perfectly and we won’t.

Bullshit isn't perfection Xx. 

Senior Guide
4.1.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @4.1.1    5 years ago

Yes it is! 

Professor Guide
4.1.3  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.1.2    5 years ago

The NT thought for the day:

Xx insist that bullshit is perfection. 

Professor Guide
4.2  Dulay  replied to  Greg Jones @4    5 years ago

Though I highly doubt you will, you really should go review what happened in Arizona. After trying to the wild west approach and a raging outbreak they had a 75% reduction in new cases after they mandated masks and shut down bars and restaurants. 

Your dog don't hunt. 

Senior Guide
4.2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @4.2    5 years ago

But that’s no where near a total lockdown.  

Professor Guide
4.2.2  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2.1    5 years ago
But that’s no where near a total lockdown.

Neither is what Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel is calling for, IS it Xx? 

Senior Guide
4.2.3  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @4.2.2    5 years ago

Yes, what the doctor is calling for is in fact a nationwide long term total lockdown along with a total mask mandate everywhere indoors and outdoors.  You did read the seed and the letter he helped write?  

Senior Guide
4.2.4  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @4.2.2    5 years ago

With the pandemic ongoing, and health policy and virus restrictions front and center in this election, Emanuel’s position within Biden’s team matters.

Emanuel Wants Another Lockdown

Although there is a growing scientific consensus that extended lockdowns have caused more harm than good and that they don’t even contain virus spread particularly well (see Sweden’s bell curve, for instance, which looks just everybody other country’s bell curve), Emanuel’s main recommendation is a new lockdown.

“Until case numbers recede to a level at which we have the capacity to effectively test and trace … nonessential businesses and interstate travel should be closed; restaurant service should be limited to takeout. People should stay home, going out only to get food and medicine or to exercise and get fresh air. … Then, and only then, we can try a little more opening,” Emanuel said in a recent interview.

He would also throw in a nationwide mask mandate, indoors and outdoors, because our mask mandates heretofore have been “a hodgepodge.” True masking will only occur after deep cultural change, when masking is “normalized to the point that it’s abnormal to not wear a mask out in public,” Emanuel told McKinsey consulting.

Haven’t most of us been slogging through some rather extended lockdowns? Not good enough! says the zealous doctor. We’ve “never sort of stuck it out nationwide.”

In a peevish letter , addressed “to America’s decision-makers” on Sept. 30, Emanuel and his co-signatories want to know why “in many states, people can drink in bars, get a haircut, eat inside a restaurant, get a tattoo, get a massage, and do myriad other normal, pleasant, but non-essential activities.” In his insistence that we just didn’t do lockdown right, Emanuel sounds a bit like the old communists who frequent the coffee shops of the Upper West Side of Manhattan muttering about the real communism that never got its fair test....

Emanuel’s priorities clearly lie with the Democratic Party, wherever it may roam ideologically, and with himself. Another reason the doctor seems so committed to the lockdown is that he’s now in the business via a newly formed company called COVID-19 Recovery Consulting, which helps “business reopen safely, responsibly, efficiently, and in compliance with the law.” In other words, it makes money helping people emerge from lockdowns — the same lockdowns Emanuel pushes.

Given the bombastic warnings of the “coming second wave,” warnings he helps generate, Emanuel will have plenty of work for a long time to come...

Senior Guide
4.2.5  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2.4    5 years ago

I don’t know how anyone can read that and maintain that the bad doctor isn’t calling for a total lockdown...

Professor Guide
4.2.6  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2.3    5 years ago
Yes, what the doctor is calling for is in fact a nationwide long term total lockdown along with a total mask mandate everywhere indoors and outdoors.  You did read the seed and the letter he helped write?  

Why yes Xx, YES I did. YOU obviously didn't. 

Here is the pertinent part Xx:

Non-essential businesses should be closed. Restaurant service should be limited to take-out. People should stay home, going out only to get food and medicine or to
exercise and get fresh air. Masks should be mandatory in all situations, indoors and
outdoors, where we interact with others.

A TOTAL lockdown wouldn't include allowing 'essential businesses' or restaurants to stay open to take out. 

If you're going to use the English language, stand by the definitions of it's words. 

Professor Guide
4.2.7  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2.5    5 years ago

I'm so glad that you two are in agreement. 

Professor Guide
4.2.8  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2.4    5 years ago

You still haven't explained to me why you think that rinsing and repeating the same bullshit makes it any more true? 

Senior Guide
4.2.9  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @4.2.6    5 years ago

Your post is ridiculous.  What he’s describing is as close to a total lockdown as a society could ever engage in and hope to survive.  All objective and rational human beings would agree that what the doctor describes in his words and writings is literally a total lockdown on a national scale.  If there was a total lockdown by your criteria of one the whole country would be dead within a couple of months from hunger not being able to buy food since essential businesses would have to be closed, farmers couldn’t get produce to markets, people would run out of meds, due of cold if they couldn’t get heat for their homes and power grids would fail, vehicles couldn’t be serviced or refueled.  So stop the ridiculous word games.  Not that the good doctors fantasy would ever come to pass even as he envisions it because we would refuse to comply with it and engage in peaceful protest and passive non violent civil disobedience putting the ball in Bidens court as to the measures and extent he is willing to go to attempt to coerce and compel obedience and compliance that won’t be voluntarily forthcoming.  

Professor Guide
4.2.10  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2.9    5 years ago
Your post is ridiculous.  What he’s describing is as close to a total lockdown as a society could ever engage in and hope to survive. 

Close to a 'total lockdown' is NOT a 'total lockdown'. Since each state defines what is an essential business, there were and are great differences in what businesses were allowed to stay open and which weren't. And the fact is, there are states that didn't shut down anything at all and those states are paying a price for that right now. 

Senior Guide
4.2.12  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @4.2.10    5 years ago

We’re done here... 

Senior Guide
4.2.13  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Tessylo @4.2.11    5 years ago

Are we done yet with that socialist manifesto?  

Professor Guide
4.2.14  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2.12    5 years ago

Cognitive dissonance is overwhelming isn't it? 

Senior Guide
4.2.15  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @4.2.14    5 years ago

Fauci The Grinch Who Stole Thanksgiving – Ben Garrison Cartoon

Ben Garrison October 19, 2020

And The Grinch Even Took The Last Can Of WHO Hash

fauci_gavin_newsom-thanksgiving.jpg Dr. Fauci wants to prevent you and your family from gathering together at Thanksgiving. Gavin Newsom is eager to shut it down in California. The virus scam has encouraged a lot of political predators to show their tyrannical fangs all around the world. Take Australia, for example. A woman in a park was recently arrested there by ‘authorities’ because she didn’t properly observe social distancing.

The tyrants continue to drum up fear and they’re using it to shut us down. They will take away as much liberty as we let them take. In the case of the medical half-pint homunculus named Fauci, he’s a diminutive quack with a giant ambition—controlling everyone. He in turn is controlled by his globalist masters—especially the eugenicist Bill Gates....

read more:

Professor Guide
4.2.16  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2.15    5 years ago

As much as I love Thanksgiving at my mother's house, that will NOT happen that way this year. We will be cooking as usual but we will not have our usual 8-10 guests, ALL of whom are over 55 and have pre-existing conditions that make us more vulnerable. I will be delivering plates to 2 sets of couples and my uncle won't be coming in from Chicago. We will get plates from mom and take them home. 

If all of the motherfuckers that don't wear masks and social distance would have gotten with the program, we could have and would have had our usual Thanksgiving.

So don't blame Fauci and put the blame where it belongs. In the laps of the anti-maskers. 

Senior Guide
4.2.17  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dulay @4.2.16    5 years ago

We are going to openly celebrate thanksgiving in complete defiance of their lunacy!  

Professor Guide
4.2.18  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @4.2.17    5 years ago



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