Embracing critical theory, teacher's union says they control what kids learn
By: Christopher F. Rufo (New York Post)

The political left wants critical race theory in every school district in the nation.
The nation's largest teachers union has approved a plan to promote critical race theory in all 50 states and 14,000 local school districts.
Over the weekend, the National Education Association (NEA) held its annual Representative Assembly, with delegates from across the United States voting on priorities and allocating funding for the upcoming school year, with the ideology of critical race theory — a form of race-based Marxism — taking center stage.
The union, which represents 3 million public school employees, approved funding for three separate items related to this issue: "increasing the implementation" of "critical race theory" in K-12 curricula, promoting critical race theory in local school districts, and attacking opponents of critical race theory, including parent organizations and conservative research centers.
This is a significant reversal. For the past month, liberal pundits and activists have insisted that critical race theory is not taught in K-12 schools. This was always a bad-faith claim — critical race theory has made inroads in public schools for more than a decade — but the NEA's official endorsement is the final nail in the coffin.
In the resolution, the union agreed to publicly "convey its support" for critical race theory, oppose restrictions in state legislatures, and use schools for political activism. The delegates pledged to "join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project" to hold a "national day of action" on George Floyd's birthday, recruiting teachers to hold political demonstrations and "teach lessons about structural racism and oppression."
The resolution also promised to develop a study to critique "empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, [and] anthropocentrism" — that is, adopting the most fashionable and intellectually bankrupt ideas from the universities and bringing them into grade-school classrooms.
President Joe Biden speaking at the National Education Association Representative Assembly on July 2, 2021.EPA/Samuel Corum / POOL
Finally, the NEA passed a resolution to "research the organizations" who oppose critical race theory — including grassroots parent organizations — and provide its operatives resources for attacking them. This is dystopian: The national teachers union will use union dues, originating from taxpayers, to attack public school parents who oppose the racial indoctrination of their children.
The NEA's militant stance on critical race theory provides much-needed clarity on the issue. Progressives such as MSNBC host Joy Reid can no longer disingenuously claim that critical race theory is only taught in law schools or that it is only a "lens" for examining American history. The teachers union has nationalized critical race theory and committed to the full range of left-wing radicalism, including opposition to "capitalism" and "anthropocentrism."
Moving forward, the question is now clear: Who decides what happens in public schools? Parents, voters and state legislatures? Or the national teachers union and its allies in the public school bureaucracy?
Fortunately, the American public isn't ready to cede its authority to left-wing ideologues masquerading as educators. According to a recent YouGov survey, 58 percent of Americans oppose critical race theory, including 72 percent of independents who believe teaching it in schools is "bad for America."
The uprising that has begun in local school boards could soon turn into a national movement, with implications for the midterm elections and beyond.
There is nothing more important than what happens to our children — and, as parents are quickly realizing, critical race theory is ideological poison.
Christopher F. Rufo is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

"Now, in many places, in our country, the state of our public schools is becoming an absurdity that is scarcely to be believed." "While an astonishing number of public schools fail to produce students proficient in basic reading and math, they spare no effort or expense in their drive to instill a radical secular belief system that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago."......Bill Barr
We are at war and it will take another president to decide it.
We need to continue to make war against that vile and evil propaganda in our schools come what may.
Thanks for the info, but do you have the source material the article talks about? I went to the NEA home page but I didn't find anything about this stuff. Did read some of their stuff there and they don't seem to talk about education much. It just seems like a political activist site for progressive ideology.
If you want your kids indoctrinated instead of being educated then send them to a parochial school or else home school [removed]
Sorry, you miss the boat on Catholic schools. They give kids a great education.
Catholic schools educate and indoctrinate. Yes, in most case they do a better job of educating than do most religious educational institutions.
And so does the left. Maybe it's time to separate such teachers and their union from tax payer funded schools.
Well its been a long time since I went k-12 in Catholic school, but I do know kids in the family who go to Catholic high school currently as a matter of fact.
Catholic high schools teach religion more from a philosophical point of view than from a strict doctrinal one. At least that was my experience.
What is it you think they indoctrinate kids with?
And religion is one class out of the many they take.
Graduation rates and college acceptance rates in Catholic schools are considerably higher than they are in public schools.
Rare agreement John. Some of the best learning institutions in the USA are Jesuit schools or otherwise religion based.
Progressives hate to admit that for some reason which is interesting since most of them claim to be so intelligent.
like getting rid of qualified immunity for police , get rid of tenure for teachers .
teachers only control what goes on in the class room , parents and society have a larger control over what students actually learn , CRT may or may not get taught in schools , CT ( critical thinking if left to its logical conclusion) would be its bain and downfall.
I'm all for it!
( chuckles like renfield)
So do most Protestant denominations private schools.
The cemeteries at the schools Catholics ran for Native American and Australian Aboriginals and unwed Irish mothers tell a very different tale...
separate topic
Really? The two biggest teachers unions would disagree about that. They are now openly demanding it be taught in 14000 school districts in all 50 states. They have declared war on their students parents on this issue.
Embracing critical theory, teacher’s union says they — not parents — control what kids learn
By Christopher F. Rufo
July 5, 2021 | 7:34pm | Updated
Vic, do you know who Christopher Rufo is ?
I guess Vic is not available. Christopher Rufo is a right wing activist who has created outrage against "critical trace theory" in order to promote himself. On his twitter page he has specifically asked people to send him money so he can carry on the fight. Rufo has openly admitted that he calls anything he doesnt like about "wokeness" critical race theory in order to try and rile up his conservative audience, which would then presumably send him cash.
I do, but it is irrelevant to his opinion. Why not focus on what the man has to say rather than smearing him or the source etc. The other day we had the ultimate attempt to cancel an article. Somebody actually pulled a comment out of the original article's comment section and charged that such articles provoked such comments.
Let's just focus on the argument being made.
lol. A few weeks I had never heard of him. Then I saw something that directed me to his twitter page. This person openly admitted that he wanted to call everything he doesnt like about "wokeness" critical race theory, which is absurd. He also appealed to his twitter readers to send him money.
In truth he is a grifter, but I suppose his fans will oppose that description because he gives them what they want.
Vic, I just made 3 or 4 posts on the seed about "the argument being made". Have you?
He's not the topic. His valid point is the topic.
Did you really think we are going to let the brainwashed do the same to our children?
Perhaps you could furnish me with a link to these resolutions so that I could READ them for myself. Taking two word phrases or partial sentences out of context fails to prove anything.
That's my favorite by the way. The one where the dumb as rocks Teacher's Union describes "Know Thyself" as an ancient African proverb !!!!!!
Um, ok. Or . . . Greece . Or China . Or India . All dating to - at the latest - 5th century BCE.
I’ve had professors that used to do with China what these people are trying to do with Africa. I.e.everything important that ever happened - or was ever thought of - came from this particular non-European civilization. It’s “education” with an agenda to glorify an “exotic” civilization over Western Civilization, which is supposed to be embarrassed at everything it allegedly stole from someone else.
Oh thanks for ANTOTHER article that fails to link to the ACTUAL resolution.
You're very welcome
Prove it!
The teachers union resolution that is the subject of this breathless article contains six A-F conclusions. I will paraphrase them
The NEA will
share and publicize what Critical Race Theory is and is not, and have staff available to guide members who want to fight back against anti CRT rhetoric
provide material that 'critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society"
publicly convey it's support for teaching age appropriate accounts of the unpleasant aspects of American history , " in teaching these topics, it is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of the past on current society, including critical race theory."
" Join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project to call for a rally this year on October 14—George Floyd’s birthday—as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression. "
promote honesty abut CRT
have NEA president make statements promoting racial honesty
New Business Item 39 - 2021 NEA Annual Meeting
I have read the resolution, and it is clear that the NEA does not accept being intimidated by conservative media and conservative parent groups. In the resolution they do mention critical race theory by name a couple times, but they do not say they will "teach" it to children, probably because it is not an "age appropriate" concept for children.
The teachers union does say they will conduct
"honest teaching of social studies topics, including truthful and age-appropriate accountings of unpleasant aspects of American history, such as slavery, and the oppression and discrimination of Indigenous, Black, Brown, and other peoples of color, as well as the continued impact this history has on our current society."
That is the only sentence in the resolution that relates to what children will be TAUGHT in school. The rest of the resolution relates to what teachers will discuss behind the scenes of the classroom.
There is nothing wrong with teaching children the unpleasant aspects of American history. In fact it's necessary.
Fuck them, we know what it is.
provide material that 'critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society"
It's sounds very Orwellian, not to mention Marxist/racist.
No way are we going to allow the left to do this. Not with our tax money.
Start at the 12 second mark.................
I've seen it. There is no question there is an obvious message there.
What is it about that commercial that bothers you? Please be specific.
What is it about that commercial that bothers you? Please be specific.
Nothing in that commercial bothers me. Did you see what I was responding to and then listen at the 12 second mark? Let me help you out..........first, post 4.2.2
Beginning at 12 second mark...........
Get it?
It appeals to leftist hate.
That which we say rioting in big blue cities for over a year.
No, thank you!
Prove it!
You proven more than once that you haven't a clue what about Orwellian concepts.
Ohhh, Marxist racists. More [blather...deleted]
You've repeated that lie more than once Vic. There have been NO riots in the US this year.
The only riot this year was Trump's on Jan 6.
The thing is, we already do that. All the CRT talk is just freaking people out.
They are freaking themselves out
Ignorance has that effect quite often.
“The ancient African proverb says, “Know Thyself.” “it is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of the past on current society, including critical race theory,” the union said.
The ancient African proverb? "Nnow Thyself" as most people might know is an ancient Greek proverb. It is inscribed on the statue of Apollo in the Temple to Apollo. The Teachers Union is that stupid and they want to teach our kids this evil ideology.
Teachers unions should stick to controlling joe Biden’s covid response.
At one point sex sold everything, now it is fear with even its purveyors buying it. America doesn't need a new President, it needs a new Arthur Miller.
You almost have to feel sorry for those posters who claimed CRT wasn't taught in schools, now their ally admits it publicly.
Uh, no.
Even the teachers admit it John.. That talking point was always ridiculous. Now it's dishonest.
I have already commented on this. The resolution is related more to reinforcing teachers against the attacks from the right on the subject of CRT than it is to teaching it. They will not teach CRT in k-12 schools, they will teach "truthful and age-appropriate accountings of unpleasant aspects of American history, such as slavery, and the oppression and discrimination of Indigenous, Black, Brown, and other peoples of color, as well as the continued impact this history has on our current society." and people like you will call it critical race theory because you want to take advantage of that boogieman approach.
Nothing new there when it comes to the liberal/progressive agenda.
They have to lie about it and hope if they tell the lie enough times it will become the truth.
That's standard practice. Remember when they denied that the Steele Dossier was used to get a FISA warrant. Then they moved to it wasn't just the Steele Dossier and eventually they admitted all of the above was true, but it was somehow a mistake.
The same with America. At one time they only said it had flaws, finally after taking full power they admit that they think America is a racist country and was from the very start illegitimate.
Once they think they are it total control the truth comes out!
The history of America as relates to people of color is racist, yes. Would you like me to start drowning you with proof of that Vic?
Why not admit the wrongful past and try to build a better future? You cannot go back and change what happened.
Give me a single decade in American history, from 1610 to 1970, when people of color were given equal treatment overall to whites. Thats 36 decades Vic. Name one where people of color were treated equally with whites.
Sometimes we hear the past defended with the argument that tens of thousands of whites died to make blacks free, as if that settles it .
What about the next 100 years ?
And there it is. Ten years ago I doubt you would have said that.
Would you like me to start drowning you with proof of that Vic?
And I'll once again drown you out it what this country has done for minorities and freedom in general.
Why not admit the wrongful past and try to build a better future?
We all know the nation's history, good and bad. Telling young white children that they were born racist and trying to make them hate themselves is pure evil, just as teaching black children that they are victims and trying to make them bitter. I'm more concerned with the "wrongful' present.
You cannot go back and change what happened.
Nor can we remedy any thing with unrelated generations.
Give me a single decade in American history, from 1610 to 1970, when people of color were given equal treatment overall to whites.
Every race has endured slavery. The USA ended it.
Thats 36 decades Vic. Name one where people of color were treated equally with whites.
Again, we know world history. Teaching people to hate whites is evil.
You never hear the past defended, but we do hear this obsession over race coming from the evil left.
What about the next 100 years ?
Do tell, what do you have in mind? Is it to make Whites hate themselves? Win more elections for democrats?
Oh, I know, maybe a final solution for Whites?
Now it's "world history" lol. I doubt if you would credit the good things the US has done to the rest of the world also.
Vic, please stop talking about "what this country has done for minorities", such claims are ridiculous and offensive in light of the words "all men are created equal". When all are equal no one needs to have something "done for" them.
I feel hysteria coming on in this seed.
Slavery is a big part of world history. It even existed in the New World long before the Europeans arrived.
Vic, please stop talking about "what this country has done for minorities", such claims are ridiculous and offensive in light of the words "all men are created equal". When all are equal no one needs to have something "done for" them.
John, you'll be hearing me talk a lot about it. There are no safe spaces on this platform.
That depends on how foolish you intend to look.
Not quite as foolish as trying to defend CRT or being obsessed with race.
Ah, the final argument for selling fear. Does it come with a free Lindell pillow?
Ten years ago I hadn't thought as much about the 100 years between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Act as I have done since. In the past 5 or 10 years I have learned much about the Confederacy , slavery, the founding fathers and slavery but especially the Lost Cause myth ,and how the South "won" the war of propaganda over what the war had been about, Jim Crow and the history of racial prejudice since the Civil War that I had not paid a lot of attention to before.
Many people didn't think it was possible in the 1940's.
The New York Times refused to believe it.
Ten years ago the left hadn't taken on this mantra.
In the past 5 or 10 years I have learned much about the Confederacy , slavery, the founding fathers and slavery but especially the Lost Cause myth ,and how the South "won" the war of propaganda about what the war had been about, Jim Crow and the history of racial prejudice since the Civil War that I had not paid a lot of attention to before.
You read that book only recently then?
Now that you read all that, what do you want us in 2021 to do about it?
Its not one book . It is many sources. The 'success' of the Lost Cause myth probably did more to inform race relations between 1870 and 1970 than any other single concept.
I dont agree with reparations for the simple reason that it would be prohibitively difficult to decide who deserved them.
What we need to start is for white people to stop denying reality. This is not "their" country. We should stop teaching schoolchildren to revere the "founding fathers" as individuals. It is a fetish at this point.
If there is a comparison to be made between then and now, it is with the same types promulgating the same fears.
That book was widely read, but I doubt the "Lost Cause myth" had any impact on race relations. I think it was allowed to be flourish in the south because there were southern leaders (democrats) who were still resisting provisions of the 13th Amendment and the idea of an integrated society any way they could. I think some northern politicians (like Woodrow Wilson) thought they were throwing the south a bone. I don't think Black Americans cared about it, as a matter of fact it wasn't until white progressive professors took offense to it did it become the issue that it has become.
I dont agree with reparations for the simple reason that it would be prohibitively difficult to decide who deserved them.
That's very nice of you John. Especially since there is nobody alive today who is offender or victim.
What we need to start is for white people to stop denying reality. This is not "their" country. We should stop teaching schoolchildren to revere the "founding fathers" as individuals.
What we need is for a President DeSantis to deny federal funding to any school that teaches leftist ideology.
The Lost Cause Myth is not a book . It is a topic in U.S. history.
But "The Lost Cause" is a book. Thus what the myth mantra flows from.
You know all that.
All of it trivial at this point, unless you advocate doing something about it?
There are a number of books that have the words Lost Cause in the title.
The concept refers to the effort by southern propagandists to rehabilitate the image of the confederacy and the south in the decades following the end of reconstruction. The lost cause myth was largely successful, hence things like Gone With The Wind and the movie where Shirley Temple danced with a slave and her daddy was a good hearted Confederate officer who all the slaves loved. Hence the right wing assertion over the years that slavery wasnt all that bad. Jim Crow would not have been accepted for 100 years unless the Lost Cause myth was a success.
Oh yes, one of them is about Jesse James. I don't need to look that up btw.
The concept refers to the effort by southern propagandists to rehabilitate the image of the confederacy and the south in the decades following the end of reconstruction.
I think we have exhausted that point, haven't we John?
Hence the right wing assertion over the years that slavery wasnt all that bad.
I NEVER heard that one. Could you be specific?
Jim Crow would not have been accepted for 100 years unless the Lost Cause myth was a success.
Was it the myth or simply southern resistance to reconstruction?
Since NO history can be changed, why 'dwell' on ANY history?
This just in :
We won't forget UNC.
Let's see if I have this straight: After the university rescinded the tenure offer, Hannah-Jones agreed to accept the position on a non-tenured basis. Then she demanded tenure and the board changed its position after making it an issue. Now, Hannah-Jones has denounced the university and accepted a position at Howard University. She is a hate-filled moron.
Conservatives caused the furor and now you're bitching? She is no moron, and as to who are the hate filled ... do you really need more than one guess?
How so? By not accepting the indoctrination of their children?
She is no moron
I think she is.
and as to who are the hate filled ... do you really need more than one guess?
I don't have to guess. They have rioted in big blue cities for over a year.
'They' also rioted on the steps and in the halls of Congress.
"Indoctrination"? Oooo ... scary word, damn that woman for a new perspective that does not conform to your world view. History and Revision are dancing partners, your Negationism is a wallflower.
We are getting close to time in the USA when more folks will tell people like this to fuck off. Many of us already do.
That's my perspective. Enjoy!
You are perfectly right on here!
Did you fail to actually read your own link AGAIN Vic? It answers your question.
But not the way some would like.
It seems obvious that the 'some' includes YOU.
Ah yes, angry and entitled .... a mantra for todays trendy liberal/progressive.
Guess you didn't read Vic's link any more than he did.
I feel like too many people on both sides of the chaos don’t understand that CRT is a legal theory taught in a couple handfuls of law schools. There is no reason to teach it in K-12 or even most undergraduate college courses.
If you want to teach the idea that American History is also a history of racism, race relations, and continuous struggles to expand civil rights, we already do that and have been doing that for a long time.
The whole conversation strikes me as a way of getting people riled up over nothing just for the sake of politics.
How does one teach critical race theory to young people before they even have critical thinking skills ..? many adults do not even have critical thinking skills..! Honesty in US history is what should be being taught.. then young people have the tools to think for themselves...
Apparently there is no longer Racial EQUALITY without White DEGRADATION.
My youngest went through a time of wondering if he should be ashamed to be white - I am sure you recall it was a rough time for me and my lil family
Opinion | 'Critical Race Theory' And How American History Is Taught - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
I do not have access to the NY Times beyond one free article - ask me about Foreign Affairs, and I have full access.... which is not the point ..
One of the disheartening thing about news, is that it is all (for the most part) opinion based ... one can find their 'view point' in most sources, one just needs to look -
News is now divided into (R) and (D) one side of the aisles news is a lie and the other is not .. posting on this site or any other is not going to change another's mind ...
Soooooo I have exhausting my brain .. in the words of a dreaded 'both sider' I declare a draw ...
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 1967 - YouTube
Reading, writing and...♪ my history, dot com ♪...
... but ...but ... the website does not work : )
Now the NEA has deleted the document detailing its support for CRT in k-12 education from its website. It worked for Stalin….
The best lie a liar will ever tell is to convince everyone they are not lying.
Article moved to "We the People".
Race based Marxism eh? See, when phrases like that are used I know there is nothing to be taken seriously in the rest of the article/seed. What exactly is “Marxist” about CRT? And gimme something better than it promotes some “us vs them” concept because then damn near everything qualifies.
LOL as if.
CRT has already been banned in several states. Expect more to come.