RINOs, Warmongers, Fake News”: Trump Has Harsh Words for Lying Elites in Brilliant Statement
By: Will
Reeks What They Sow
After just one year of President Biden, the ‘State Of The Union” is strong, as in reaks. Political cartoon by…
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Trump has been one of the few modern American leaders willing to speak the truth about Putin. While others, both on the right and left, pretend that Putin is a madman hunched over the nuclear button, Trump understood Putin to be, if a bit of a thug, an intelligent and calculating leader.
So, whereas others seemingly did their best to humiliate or ignore Putin, a derisive state of mind most recently shown by Biden refusing to say we wouldn’t make the Ukraine, long part of the Russian Empire, a NATO country, Trump treated Putin with respect.
Though he stood up to the Russian president too, such as by bombing Russian mercenaries in Syria and sending arms to Ukraine, Trump made sure to both demand respect and treat Putin with it.
So, Trump has made a number of misrepresented statements about the Russian leader’s invasion of Ukraine.
In one case, as the WSJ reports , he said “ I mean, he’s taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions. I’d say that’s pretty smart .”
In another , on the Buck Sexton show, Trump said: I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, “This is genius.” Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. So, Putin is now saying, “’t’s independent,’ a large section of Ukraine. I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s strongest peace force… We could use that on our southern border.”
In neither case was he defending the invasion itself. Rather, he was simply stating the obvious: Putin is smart and knows how to play weak western leaders like a fiddle.
But, of course, the Deep State types, the ones who have been outsmarted by Putin time and time again, don’t like hearing that. They like to pretend that their degrees and credentials, their scraps of paper from overpriced universities, are all that’s needed and that they’re far smarter than Putin.
They’re not. He’s outsmarted them time and time again and Trump is the only one that understood Putin well enough to counter him without raising tensions unnecessarily.
So, Trump, in a recent statement, sounded off on those that have been misrepresenting his words while disastrously mishandling the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. In his words:
“ The RINOs, Warmongers, and Fake News continue to blatantly lie and misrepresent my remarks on Putin because they know this terrible war being waged against Ukraine would have never happened under my watch. ”
Continuing his takedown of such people, he said “ They did absolutely nothing as Putin declared much of Ukraine an ‘independent territory. ”
Hitting the same group of losers and their palpable incompetence yet again to wrap up the statement, Trump said:
“ There should be no war waging now in Ukraine, and it is terrible for humanity that Biden, NATO, and the West have failed so terribly in allowing it to start. Instead of showing strength and toughness, they declared the Global Warming Hoax as the #1 threat to global security, killed American Energy Independence, and then made Europe, the U.S., and the rest of the World dependent on Russian oil.
They laid down the welcome mat and gave Russia the opening, now Putin may be getting everything he wanted, with Ukraine and the rest of the World suffering the consequences. It’s terrible, but this is what you get with Biden, the Democrats, and RINO warmongers! ”
Don't back pedal now trumpturd. We know you support that murdering thug Putin.
Gotta laugh at the people that keep saying we bring up donald and can't get over him yet here we are....
That you can’t get over him is not my issue. I as a supporter of him have no problem bringing him up. I revel in the revulsion toward him by the bi coastal secular progressive urban elites and enjoy promoting #47 anywhere, anytime.
So yes, you have an obsession. Not us....
No. I’m a supporter of him and his policies. We’re he not to run in 2024, I’d support another who was running and the most like him on ideas and policies.
Never have, never will. He’s still not our most dangerous enemy. Zi and fascist China are. Trump was tougher on Putin than any President we’ve had since he took power there.
You really do live in a fantasy land don't you.
You thinks it’s a fantasy that China is a much more dangerous enemy than Russia is?
Back to the Future
Obama ridiculed Romney’s Russia warning in 2012 during their presidential debate, and now? Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2022.
Read More »[DELETED] Communists are the worst. Ask Mike Pompeo who seemingly excused his bizarre love of Putin by saying he (Pompeo) has been "fighting communism" since he was a teenager.
Today both Zi and Putin are more fascist than communist.
That's why Trump admires and emulates them, as do some of Trump's supporters.
That’s why Biden is a huge fan of them both, especially Zi, and copies them as do some of his useless idiot supporters and voters
[And please take a refresher course on the uses and effects of modifiers.]
Donald Trump has never publicly made a brilliant comment, ever. His statements only get more and more dim and incomprehensible.
Trump is the very definition of brilliant. [deleted]
NewsTalkers where Trump opponents are protected from the exact type of criticism that Biden opponents are allowed to be subjected to….MAGA! America First! Trump 2024!
Please provide some brilliant Trump quotes. I suppose you’re thinking something along the lines of “you’re the puppet” is brilliant.
Quit projecting upon Trump the every day reality that is Joe Biden. Let’s go Brandon!
What is the difference between a gop elephant and a republican RINO? Elephino...
Biden’s butts buddy…
War Criminal
See more Ramirez toons HERE.
One Big-Gas Mistake
Biden says he stands with Ukraine while paying Russia money for oil that funds the war against them. Political cartoon…
Read More »Yes Putin is a war criminal and trumpturd should be considered one also for encouraging and supporting Putin and saying his invasion of Ukraine for no reason and murdering Ukranians was savvy and genius.
You realize that one can be both diabolically evil and a savvy genius. Satan qualifies. So does Putin and Zi. Biden gets the evil part down very efficiently
You're confused. trumpturd is the evil one.
President Biden doesn't have a nasty bone in his body.
You don't realize reality.
That's you ItIsMe isn't it?
I knew I'd figure it out!
It's the trumpturd supporters who are the spineless ones.
Go ahead and deny. I know who you are.
i knew a beautiful woman who didnt have a Nasty bone in her body....so i inserted MINE!
you Wood know , cause it's knot hard to figure a nice figure , unless literally a figurative, know ?
The question of the day!
He has a big bone around little girls where no bone exists…