Why are so many liberals and Democrats afraid of an African immigrant owning Twitter? | Washington Examiner
By: by Christopher Tremoglie,

So much for diversity and free speech eh?

Recently, equity, diversity, and inclusion have been the core tenets of left-wing political orthodoxy. So, with the news that Elon Musk would be leading a group of investors purchasing Twitter, one would think this would be celebrated by many on the Left. After all, an immigrant from Africa who received an Ivy League education and became a business owner and now leads one of the world's largest social media and tech companies should be the symbolic "dream" for Democrats and liberals. Yet, many have demonstrated a disturbing lack of enthusiasm.
Hardly anybody on the Left seems happy about the African immigrant's Twitter purchase. Furthermore, many have claimed they would be leaving the platform in protest because they object to Musk's promise of allowing free speech. It's odd behavior that should be exposed for its bigotry. After years of proclaiming to want to protect our democracy, many liberals and Democrats have protested protecting one of its hallmarks.
Consider the temper tantrum tweeted by former Vermont governor and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. In a recent tweet, Dean said, "Hi Twitterverse. Many thanks for the knowledge and sharing over the past ten years or so. If Musk takes over Twitter I will be off within a few hours. Might be just as well for my well being but I've learned a lot of valuable stuff from many of you. Thank you all. Howard."
Democrat Howard Dean announces, 'If Musk takes over Twitter I will be off within a few hours' https://t.co/6IMxmEX6BU
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) April 26, 2022
Dean deleted his Twitter account soon after the tweet.
Or consider the tweet of race provocateur Shaun King. King was so distraught at Musk owning Twitter that he blamed white power, writing, "At its root, @ElonMusk wanting to purchase Twitter is not about left vs right. It's about white power. The man was raised in Apartheid by a white nationalist. He's upset that Twitter won't allow white nationalists to target/harass people. That's his definition of free speech."
Shaun King is just jealous that @elonmusk is *actually* African-American pic.twitter.com/iZPhoK9Q91
— Lauren Chen (@TheLaurenChen) April 25, 2022
King also deleted his Twitter account shortly after this tweet.
Of course, at the root of Dean's and King's objections is nothing more than bigotry and prejudice — ideological bigotry and prejudice. They, and all of the other liberals and Democrats who posted melodramatic freakouts on Twitter after news of Musk's purchase, want to do nothing but silence dissenting views and opinions.
These people feel morally superior to those they disagree with and feel such dissidents are not worthy enough to enjoy free speech. They don't care about racial equity or immigrants or any other causes they allegedly support. All they want to do is have people support, indoctrinate, and reinforce their political ideology. They want to tear down American democracy under the guise of protecting it. Democracy isn't their ultimate objective — totalitarian absolutism is.

Truly amazing. And, you actually can self delete your account. Wonder why those that don't use theirs don't? Probably will now though in some form of protest (read childish tantrum)
Trump and his supporters are off topic. Those who respond to themselves to avoid keyboard cooties by actually replying to the person they are quoting/mocking/refuting will have their comments removed at the moderator's discretion. Comments MUST be directed at whom you are responding Off Topic posts are subject to same.
OMG, twitter without Howard Dean? How will we survive? At least he followed through with his threat, unlike all the people promising to move in 2016.
I have heard that conservatives have an increase in followers and liberals have a decrease in followers since the announcement. Not sure how true it is but it is interesting if true. I wonder if there will be an increase in the number of people buying puppies and looking for a safe space if they get their fefes hurt on twitter. Maybe they will start clubs in their parents basements where they currently reside. I also can't wait to see how many twitter employees will be quitting because their insurance does not cover all the therapist sessions they will need.
That being said it will be interesting to see what happens but twitter posters and followers seem to think they have alot more power than they actually do. I think that it is getting less based on the number of people not getting canceled by the woke twitter mob as there used to be and normal people fighting back. In the mean time watching liberal heads explode is must see TV.
Right wingers feel unfulfilled unless they can claim to be "owning the libs". They feel like Elon Musk's ownership of Twitter is a way to "own the libs". Its silly, ludicrous and meaningless, but it is their thing.
Wow, that is some first rate projection.
Who did you get the quote from "owning the libs"? Site your source; or is this your own made up BS trying bring in slavery and racism?
Leftists against free speech; unless it is their own that is. That is what this amounts to.
Will you clowns please stop with the "cite your source" nonsense?
It is my opinion based on paying attention to media over the past decade. You dont like it? Tough.
It is my opinion based on paying attention to worthless partisan hack media over the past decade.
Fixed it for you
I knew it. You make shit up, pull it out of your ass and expect others to accept it as real. Glad you finally fessed up.
I couldn’t have said that any better. Well done!
I have better insult but I am talking to liberals and must use words they will understand. It is hard for me to do, it's been a long time since I was six years old
Is that a combination of ignorant and arrogant? I like it
Nobody has said any such thing. Delusional as usual.
Elon Musk is the one that will be doing the "owning". The only people complaining and bitching are the lefties.
I guess support for these demographics are nothing but lip service. No real surprise there. It's not like they haven't been doing it for decades.
Kind of sad how the jerk off writer tries to portray Elon Musk as an oppressed minority because he is "african". He comes from what was at one time the most white racist country in the world.
Kind of sad how you blow off a real African American citizen from a questionable country or not.
Why the need to put African in quotes? Is it because he doesn't fit YOUR narrative of what an African is supposed to look like? Pretty racist.
White people are not an oppressed minority, even if they come from Africa.
To claim otherwise is just silly. Carry on.
Never made a claim. I ask you why you felt the need to put African in quotes? Is it because he doesn't fit YOUR narrative of what an African is supposed to look like?
I know it's hard but you should really try to keep up.
Why are you repeating your comment, which was inane the first time you said it?
Why are you avoiding the questions I posed?
Some people can't really tell the difference
Carry on my wayward son? Great song
Let's see, black good, white bad. Damn it John, that sounds racist!
If it works for exclamation marks, why not question marks as well? Think of the fun you can have with doubling or tripling ellipses.
Wow, let’s troll the whole internet, huh? Does it really need to be explained how stupid this straw man is?
First, not one person cares that Elon Musk is an immigrant, much less from Africa. So you have to play “Pretend” to promote the idea that being anti-Musk is somehow anti-immigrant or anti-African.
Second, as for him being some kind of liberal dream, that would obviously refer to black African Americans, who were enslaved and otherwise discriminated against, not because they were from Africa, but because they were black.
The author of this piece should be embarrassed to have published something so stupid.
Maybe he is applying to "The Huff Post".
Oh he has a long way to go before he gets that stupid
Exactly, like white Hispanics shouldn't count, liberals only dream about brown ones.
The old Deep Purple song or the Liz Lemon line in 39 Rock?
Aren't white Hispanics like white Africans, not worthy of any special recognition?
Of course not. That's the entire point of the joke. Because he represents the wrong kind of diversity. If you took progressive paeans to diversity seriously, Elon Musk, an immigrant from Africa where he's a minority, would be a superstar. He's about as unique a person as exists.
But progressive "diversity" cheerleading only applies to those minorities who think and act in their assigned roles. It's the opposite of actual diversity.
Guess I missed it being a joke.
I’m honestly not seeing this writer as being that thoughtful. For sure, progressives forget all about diversity when it comes to diversity of thought. I know he mentioned it at the end, but it seemed like an afterthought. Maybe he should have led with that.
Well you know "you ain't black".
The sad irony is that he actually 'immigrated' from Canada.
Only due to the fact that he knew that immigrating to the US would be easier from Canada than from South Africa so he went there first.
He screwed up.
Head to the southern border and simply wade across a river ..... IN
That's a lot of words to say, 'you are correct'.
Hahaha...Dean thinks he is relevant.
Perhaps, like a lot of people, he doesn't want to pay the new subscription fees that are on their way...
Where did he say this? Perhaps you like to invent stuff.
Best way to get rid of the liberal subscribers......... Take away their free stuff and make them pay a dollar a month.
Probably get lumped in with their demand for free tuition because they never knew they would be expected to pay it back when they signed the loan papers.
The number of liberals that are actually freeloaders, mooches or bums who want to cadge other people’s money is relatively small.
They are just a very loud and obnoxious group.
Agree but they too often get the politicians to buy into it thinking it will help them get votes. Of course in some cases getting free stuff can translate into votes.
Everybody under 40 just went "who is Howard Dean?"
Everybody over 40 just went "Howard Dean is still alive?"
Howard who?
Why doesn't anyone on the right grasp that foreign ownership of media is a serious problem? Murdoch has Fox which has been banned in multiple countries as propaganda, and now Musk wants to privatize "Twitter. Most right wing nuts have no concept of the wars and apartheid in South Africa which was white rule that his family was a big part of and eventually was defeated. Musk cares nothing about Americans. I just wish the "America First" extremists would wake up to how badly they have been played by outside foreign influence even in our own elections. Embracing foreigners with the hope of getting to "own the libs" is self defeating.
What countries would those be?
Are you implying that Rupert Murdoch who became a naturalized US citizen in 1985 or Elon Musk who became a US citizen in 2002 somehow lied on their naturalization papers or when they took the Oath of Citizenship? Or are you implying that a person must be born within the United States like Jeff Bezos to be a real citizen?
wow, it's obvious that you don't read anything when you respond. You are so far off from the comment you replied to that you might as well be on Mars.
Ok, then go read it again and tell me what the fuck you are talking about.
Because my comment that you replied to is not a defense of the right and there's just no fucking stretch you can find to make it so. It was a dig at post 9 which was a bitching about foreign ownership of media with obvious reference to Murdoch and Musk and as post 9 was so fucking wrong I got to ask someone if he really thought those two currently US citizens had lied when they took the Oath of Citizenship. Hardly a defense of the right.
But please, go back and read it again and then tell me just what the fuck you are talking about in post 9.2.1. I can't wait to see how twisted your logic is.
I would love to say she provided a well thought out cognizant and intuitive reply, but I can't lie that much. I do wish that at least once she would reply with an intelligent and on-topic reply instead of what she does... but as my grandfather used to say "shit in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one gets filled up first".
Except for the fact it is what you just did when you responded with "fuck it". That would make the above comment denial and projection.
I might fall out of my chair.
Any thoughts on US owned media and their attempts and successes in influencing the elections?
9.2 & 9.3 are locked
Locking the article. Seems someone went on a flagging bender. Thanks for all the contributions.