“I think spying did occur

The wheels are finally turning on the false narrative of "Trump colluding with Russia". We (conservatives) have long warned progressives that this day would come. After over two years and millions spent with anti-Trump investigators "investigating" everything Trump, we now know that the President did not conspire with Russia. The President told us all, hundreds of times, that he did no such thing. He was telling the truth. CNN, the Washington Post, The New York Times and MSNBC put forth unverified stories & leaks that proved to be bogus. It is they who lied to us. Those who believed their lies are left disillusioned. CNN & MSNBC's ratings have fallen. So the obvious question now is how we went down this path and why a US President was subjected to all of this?
We already know that the leadership of the FBI and the CIA had a bias against this President. We know that former FBI director James Comey and his disgraced deputy, Andrew McCabe lied & leaked info. We know that members of the Obama administration improperly unmasked American citizens, who were being investigated. We know that the "Steele Dossier" was improperly used to obtain FISA warrants.
What we heard from AG William Barr on Wednesday is that people may actually be held accountable! Right now there is an IG investigation of the origins of all these investigations. We also learned that the results of that investigation are expected by June. In the meantime the AG is looking into obvious questions, like why the Trump campaign was not advised that there may have been Russian interference. Isn't that the courtesy that was given to Sen Dianne Fienstein, when it was determined that she had a chinese spy on her staff? That is the norm isn't it? Funny thing, as it turns out, the Trump campaign was not infiltrated by the Russians. There was no spy. So, again, why didn't the FBI warn Trump?
If you are a civil libertarian, you care. Spying on a political campaign or American citizens is (as Barr says) "a big deal." At least the old fashioned liberals once believed that. Today's progressives, obviously, do not, at least when it comes to Trump or anyone who serves him.
“If it becomes necessary to look over some former officials’ activities, I expect I’ll be able to heavily rely on Chris,” Barr said. “I believe I have an obligation to make sure government power is not abused.”
Yes, Mr Barr, the time has come. Time to hold people accountable.

Now the left will try and smear Barr.
They already are !
Democrats smear anyone they don't like. It's always a "Personal" thing with the "Left".
They started yesterday. Pelosi said that she doesn't trust Barr and that he's "off the rails".
We can't trust Barr as AG, but it was no problem to trust Lorreta Lynch
The intelligence agencies and the FBI investigated Trump and his campaign, as well they should have. Most people don't call legitimate law enforcement activity "spying" , but knock yourself out.
As soon as Trump asked Russia to hack his opponent , he kicked open the door to the agencies investigating him as much as they wanted.
He never asked for his opponent to be hacked! Link please..
When did the investigating begin?
Of course he did . He suggested that Russia could "find" Hillary's missing emails. His comments were directly related to news stories about Russia hacking the DNC. So when Trump said it everyone knew he was referring to hacking. His comment referred to what was in the news that day.
He fucked up, as he has done uncountable times before and since. That, and other things, caught the attention of law enforcement and he became of interest. There was no conspiracy against Trump, just people in those agencies that were properly alarmed.
This topic has already been investigated.
So, now you finally had to admit he asked them to FIND her DELETED e-mails.
Apologize to the President!
It was all over the PUBLIC airwaves before Trump said it.
They love to twist or contradict everything Trump says
Well....Their "base" does have Purposely "Short" and "Ignorant" memories !
It's a base that needs to be scared into voting every election cycle!
When things are going well.....They're gonna find that "Little" someone in some corner who isn't doing well. They Must expand that "Little" thing in the corner to make it seem "Grand" !
Of course they do. It is always so much easier to blame the other guys than admit any failings on their part. That is just the way the left operates these days...
Why was the DNC so susceptible to hacking in 2016 after being notified by the FBI in 2015 and also supposedly being hacked by the Sanders campaign?
The Sanders computer expert said the DNC system was not safeguarded properly in 2015.
Everything Trump says needs to be fact checked. He is on the brink of a lie every time he opens his mouth.
He never asked for his opponent to be hacked!
Where did you find a copy of the Mueller report? (Please let us know-- I'd like to see it myself).
All Barr is going to do is investigate the investigation...leaving no stone or breadcrumb unturned.
So Barr is going to spy on the spies -- I love it!
Haha! John is referring to (and misquoting) public statements the President has made, but any time you want to bet that there is evidence that Trump had Wikileaks hack anything, I'll bet whatever you want.
How far did the investigation go on "Barrack Hussein Obama", or any other President for that matter ?
I hear that "ALL" talk with Russians ... ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME !
Again… deservedly.....this is ALWAYS my FAV. !
John, do you know the timeline of Russia's hacking attempts? These began in 2015 as reported by the FBI to the DNC. Trump was NOT even in the running to be the GOP nominee - nor was Clinton the Democratic nominee in 2015.
The DNC ignored FBI warnings and/or did not take the FBI warnings seriously enough to educated their staffers about computer safety protocols and also upgrade their system's cyber security.
Nothing will come of this, and I doubt Barr will even conduct any "investigation". He is simply making Trump feel good.
That's what many were hoping. Traditionally, one administration dosen't investigate the misdeeds of it's predecessor. Barr, however pointed out that spying on American citizens and an opposition campaign ARE a big deal! People will be held accountable!
Vic, you pay to much attention to right wing media, which is extremely unreliable. Nothing will come of this because the FBI did nothing wrong. The Republicans held all the power for two years and came up with nothing.
Oh, I beg to differ
The Republicans held all the power for two years and came up with nothing.
They couldn't even get Rosenstein to turn over documents. As I say John, your'e in for some surprises.
And in terms of the so-called "spying"-- WTF?
Everyone i s doing it now-a-days!
How Google and Amazon are ‘spying’ on you
Its now considered acceptable by millions of Americans!
Interesting turn of events .. why shouldn't the origins of the 'supposed smoke' that Comey saw, and felt needed investigated not be questioned? .. a counterintelligence investigation was launched against a seated president with NO evidence, just speculation that the presidents campaign was colluding with Russia..... For Pete's sake, Manafort was in bed with Russia and not even he was charged with collusion/conspiring with Russia... I think it is naïve to think that conversations were not being listened to … Papadopoulos was set up immediately following his joining of the campaign … Carter Page by October, after having left the campaign was the subject of FISA warrants conducting a fishing expedition... there is so much information available that so many refuse to research and read.
The media went as far as to call the president an agent / asset of Putin - and now the left thinks Barr is a puppet of Trump ….. ? A disservice has taken place, accusations/speculations became 'fact' to many among us, chanting a mantra of collusion/conspiracy with Russia - none was found …. I have to laugh a wee bit, Trump is to the left .. what H. is to the right … hard to say how many times this dead horse will be beaten …… there may as well be questions of those that 'saw the smoke' that started the counterintelligence investigation to begin with .. why would anyone have a problem with finding out whether the Trump campaign was spied on?
The sad thing is, we can all be 'spied' upon at their wishes, at any time.
What gets me the most is if us regular Joe's, me and you had any of these contacts or were taking any of these actions, we would most definitely be looked into.
Why do we hold different standards for people that are higher up the food chain?
I don't get why people cheer on people getting cleared of wrong doing, or at least having it brushed aside, when we ourselves would never have the same courtesy.
Don't think for one second that if we were to meet with Russian officials thinking to get dirt on someone, that we would have it brushed aside.
It sounds like some people are cheering for special rights for our higher ups, that we could never have ourselves.
The government has been spying on the Clintons for even longer than that!
Spying on Bill re: his relationship with Monica. Spying on Hillary re: the entire Benghazi Brouhaha. Then there is the ongoing spying on Hillary re: her emails...yet another "Spying Kerfuffle"... the spying by our government never ends!
You forgot this one:
“I believe there is a basis for my concern, but I’m not going to discuss the basis,” Barr said.
democratic underground.com no less! Notice I left that trash up there.
We managed to get through this without any deletions.
Thank you to all that engaged in civil discourse