
In 2020, Embrace Constitutional Conservatism, Not Progressive Socialism

Via:  XXJefferson51  •  5 years ago  •  10 comments

In 2020, Embrace Constitutional Conservatism, Not Progressive Socialism
Do we embrace constitutional conservatism? Or do we take the left’s path of progressive socialism? I know which road I’m taking. I’m supporting Trump, and I urge all Americans — Democrats and Republicans — to do the same, for the betterment of this country.

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S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

America is at a crossroads. Do we continue down President Donald Trump’s path of economic prosperity, real border security and a renewed hope in the American dream?

Do we embrace constitutional conservatism? Or do we take the left’s path of progressive socialism?

I know which road I’m taking. I’m supporting Trump, and I urge all Americans — Democrats and Republicans — to do the same, for the betterment of this country.

That’s why I have decided to join the Committee to Defend the President, one of America’s leading pro-Trump super PACs. The Committee is on the front lines of President Trump’s re-election fight, and we are committed to not only making America great again, but also making the “America First” agenda endure for years to come.

Since its inception in 2013, the Committee has made roughly $11 million in independent expenditures to support Republicans and conservative goals, in addition to contributing over $365,000 directly to Republican candidates.

Tennessee is a prime example. In 2018, the Committee mobilized on behalf of Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, spending more than $1 million to boost her candidacy and shield her campaign from left-wing attacks.

From digital advertising to door-knocking, the Committee engaged with Tennessee voters on all levels, inspiring them to vote for a pro-Trump candidate who believed in Tennessee values — good, old conservative values.

In 2020, we’re taking our support for President Trump to new heights. The Committee is planning $1 million spends in key battleground states such as Florida, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Anti-Trump Democrats like Joe Biden are making their appeals to working-class voters in those states, but they are still loyal to Trump.

Let’s keep it that way. By investing in battleground states, we can keep the electoral map in Trump’s favor.

Voter registration is key. Based on my personal experiences traveling around the country, there are millions of Americans who would support Trump, but didn’t vote in 2016 and fewer still in 2018. Many were unable to cast a ballot, but believe in the “America First” agenda that has transformed this country.

This is a golden opportunity for us.

For Republicans to win, we need to register them and get them out to vote for Trump and Republicans up and down the ballot. That’s why the Committee, in partnership with Great America PAC, has already launched the “Great America Voter Drive.”

Our goal is to spend $1 million to register new Trump voters this election cycle. If and when we do, we can mobilize a conservative army that can re-elect Trump in 2020 and defend his agenda for the next four years.

Again, America is at a crossroads. One path leads us to robust economic growth, historically low unemployment levels for African-Americans and Hispanics, and a clampdown on illegal immigration that advances America’s interests — not those of our countries.

The other path leads us down the dark and dangerous road of socialism — high taxes, government-run health care, and the decline of American entrepreneurship.

President Trump is leading us to a brighter future, and a greater America. Will you join us?


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Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

“Again, America is at a crossroads. One path leads us to robust economic growth, historically low unemployment levels for African-Americans and Hispanics, and a clampdown on illegal immigration that advances America’s interests — not those of our countries.

The other path leads us down the dark and dangerous road of socialism — high taxes, government-run health care, and the decline of American entrepreneurship.

President Trump is leading us to a brighter future, and a greater America.”

Senior Guide
1.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1    5 years ago

“Again, America is at a crossroads. One path leads us to robust economic growth, historically low unemployment levels for African-Americans and Hispanics, and a clampdown on illegal immigration that advances America’s interests — not those of our countries.

The other path leads us down the dark and dangerous road of socialism — high taxes, government-run health care, and the decline of American entrepreneurship.

President Trump is leading us to a brighter future, and a greater America.” https://thenewstalkers.com/vic-eldred/group_discuss/6715/in-2020-embrace-constitutional-conservatism-not-progressive-socialism

Professor Expert
2  Nerm_L    5 years ago

I'd prefer a Constitutional progressive.  But that ain't gonna happen.  Neither party cares about the progressive ideas of the founding fathers.

Senior Guide
2.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Nerm_L @2    5 years ago

Constitutional conservatives at least care about the ideals of the founding fathers and adhering to their original intent.  They created the means to adjust or modify the constitution without pretending to find new meanings or rights that weren’t there before.  

Professor Expert
2.2.1  Nerm_L  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2    5 years ago
Constitutional conservatives at least care about the ideals of the founding fathers and adhering to their original intent.  They created the means to adjust or modify the constitution without pretending to find new meanings or rights that weren’t there before.  

I agree that today's conservatives are doing more to protect the Constitution.  However, the founders of the United States were progressive, not conservative.

Senior Guide
2.2.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Nerm_L @2.2.1    5 years ago

They were classical liberals a movement that was inherited by today’s conservatives.  Today’s secular progressives generally dismiss and disown the founding of the country because even for the Age of Enlightenment then in progress, they were still too imperfect for progressives who want to hold all of our founders to today’s standards or reject them completely.  

Professor Guide
2.2.3  Tacos!  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2    5 years ago
Constitutional conservatives at least care about the ideals of the founding fathers and adhering to their original intent.

Sometimes this is true, but not always. Many conservatives think they are in line with the founders, but they are really just social conservatives and try to find arguments in the Constitution to support what they want. Even Supreme Court justices do this.

the ideals of the founding fathers

I think it's helpful to remember that the founders were - just as we are today - divided on many issues, big and small. The Constitution itself is chock full of compromises, as a result. Therefore, it's not always possible to refer unequivocally to "the ideals of the founding fathers."

They created the means to adjust or modify the constitution without pretending to find new meanings or rights that weren’t there before.

I would say, though, that most (or even all) of the founders intended that we see things in the Constitution that weren't specifically spelled out. This is plain from a basic study of the history of the writing of the document. The shining example is the very existence of the Bill of Rights.

Some of the founders (federalists mainly) felt that the Bill of Rights was unnecessary on the grounds that the federal government only wielded the enumerated powers found in the Constitution. All other authority remained with the states. That's logical, but the anti-federalists didn't want to trust to that, so they wanted the rights of people and states listed in the amendments.

The danger with this idea was apparent to the founders at the time. They did not intend that the rights listed in the amendments should be an all-inclusive, exhaustive list. They were just the really important rights they didn't want to risk losing. To cover their bets, we have the 9th and 10th amendments, which retain the idea that unmentioned rights still belong to the states and the people. However, even that has not prevented people from saying "if it's not in the Constitution, the right doesn't exist."

So, both federalists and anti-federalists felt the people had many inherent, unalienable rights that were not spelled out in the Constitution. They mainly disagreed on how to protect those rights.

Senior Guide
2.2.4  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Tacos! @2.2.3    5 years ago

I’m a proud tenther.  The 9th and 10th amendments are crucial and all to often ignored.  


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