
Impeachment Isn’t About Democrats Hating Trump; It’s About Democrats Hating You

Via:  XXJefferson51  •  6 years ago  •  84 comments

Impeachment Isn’t About Democrats Hating Trump; It’s About Democrats Hating You
You see, to Democrats, President Trump is the embodiment of middle America. Despite his wealth, fame, and celebrity, he represents the Iowa farmer, the Pennsylvania steel worker, the West Virginia coal worker, the Wisconsin teacher, and the Arizona small business owner. He’s the conservative dad who comes home after an exhausting day of work and puts on Fox News. Donald J. Trump is the man who refuses to cower to media and east coast elites; instead taking them head on, never backing down...

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We the People

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The American people are living through unprecedented times.  We are witnessing, as if spectators, an attempted coup unfold in real time on the daily and nightly news.  But make no mistake, the coup isn’t actually about Democrats hating President Trump.  Do they despise him, his demeanor, his success—of course; however, the coup that’s unfolding around us is driven by Democrats’ deep seeded hatred for you and me—the everyday, hardworking American.  

You see, to Democrats, President Trump is the embodiment of middle America. Despite his wealth, fame, and celebrity, he represents the Iowa farmer, the Pennsylvania steel worker, the West Virginia coal worker, the Wisconsin teacher, and the Arizona small business owner.  He’s the conservative dad who comes home after an exhausting day of work and puts on Fox News. Donald J. Trump is the man who refuses to cower to media and east coast elites; instead taking them head on, never backing down and relishing every second of the fight.  Trump is you.

To understand that impeachment isn’t about Trump look no further than the Washington Post’s Inauguration Day headline ‘The Campaign To Impeach President Trump Has Begun.’   Despite having won the 2016 in an electoral landslide, Democrats have plotted and schemed how they were going to take down Trump. Democrats have trotted out phony stories, fake news, fabricated evidence and a series of hoax scandals to no avail.  Each attempt has fallen epically flat further destroying their credibility with the American people and fueling their descent into lunacy and desperation.

Consider that since the Democrats’ latest impeachment hoax President Trump’s approval rating amongst Republicans has swelled to a staggering 95% and hauled in over $125 million in third quarter fundraising—dwarfing even the best fundraising quarter this year amongst Democrat presidential hopefuls.  Equally as impressive, Trump continues to fill larger and larger stadiums and attract a more diverse coalition of support from key voter cohorts that Democrats can’t afford to lose.

Unsurprisingly, instead of seeing the President’s support and fundraising prowess as a sign that they’ve mistargeted their political calculus, Democrats have doubled down their attacks and increased the fever pitch of their media hyperbole.  I say unsurprisingly because they have to; they have no choice.

Trump’s plainspoken appeal to main street Americans is unrivaled by anyone on the left.  It’s clear to any objective observer that Trump resonates with regular Americans because he is one.  Democrats on the other hand have trotted what is effectively a clown car of candidates. From ‘Quid Pro Joe’ Biden who appears to have leveraged his political influence as Vice President; to enrich his family to the Elizabeth ‘Fauxahontas’ Warren who lied for years about being Native American so she could exploit affirmative action to land a nearly half million dollar a year ivy league professorship; to Kamala Harris who used her elitist liberal privilege to sleep her way to the top of California Democratic politics.   Every semi-sane Democratic candidate that dared to hold their own party accountable on the issues actual Americans care about like transportation infrastructure, jobs, illegal immigration, border security, national security, etc. were institutionally shut down and shut out of the primary process. The Democrats have exorcised any notion of putting Americans, or what the issues they care most about, from their Party’s belief system and candidate litmus tests.

Democrats at-large have ripped off the masks that they begrudgingly wore for the past half century to expose the extremism, hatred and anti-Americanism that exists at the core of their ideology. More importantly, Democrats have realized that the only way they can maintain their chokehold on power is to destroy the American system of government as it currently stands and replace it with a system without the same Constitutional protections for free will and freedom in general.  

If we allow Democrats like Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi and the bunch to undermine the foundational principles of American governance we are not simply risking the loss of one of the most effective policy presidents in American history, we are risking our entire concept of freedom and way of life.

At the end of the day, it is imperative that we recognize the motivations of our enemy.  Sure Democrats hate President Trump, but that’s not what’s driving them.  What’s fueling them is their hatred for your freedom, your faith, your guns, your prosperity, your family, your property, and at its most core level, their hatred for you.

Democrats aren’t after Trump, they’re after you.  He’s just standing in their way.

Jake Hoffman is a contributing columnist at Townhall and  the founder, president and CEO of Rally Forge, one of the nation’s top conservative digital communications and media strategy firms. Follow him on  Facebook  and  Twitter .

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Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    6 years ago

Trump’s plainspoken appeal to main street Americans is unrivaled by anyone on the left.  It’s clear to any objective observer that Trump resonates with regular Americans because he is one.  Democrats on the other hand have trotted what is effectively a clown car of candidates. From ‘Quid Pro Joe’ Biden who appears to have leveraged his political influence as Vice President; to enrich his family to the Elizabeth ‘Fauxahontas’ Warren who lied for years about being Native American so she could exploit affirmative action to land a nearly half million dollar a year ivy league professorship; to Kamala Harris who used her elitist liberal privilege to sleep her way to the top of California Democratic politics.   Every semi-sane Democratic candidate that dared to hold their own party accountable on the issues actual Americans care about like transportation infrastructure, jobs, illegal immigration, border security, national security, etc. were institutionally shut down and shut out of the primary process. The Democrats have exorcised any notion of putting Americans, or what the issues they care most about, from their Party’s belief system and candidate litmus tests.

Democrats at-large have ripped off the masks that they begrudgingly wore for the past half century to expose the extremism, hatred and anti-Americanism that exists at the core of their ideology. More importantly, Democrats have realized that the only way they can maintain their chokehold on power is to destroy the American system of government as it currently stands and replace it with a system without the same Constitutional protections for free will and freedom in general.  

If we allow Democrats like Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi and the bunch to undermine the foundational principles of American governance we are not simply risking the loss of one of the most effective policy presidents in American history, we are risking our entire concept of freedom and way of life.

At the end of the day, it is imperative that we recognize the motivations of our enemy.  Sure Democrats hate President Trump, but that’s not what’s driving them.  What’s fueling them is their hatred for your freedom, your faith, your guns, your prosperity, your family, your property, and at its most core level, their hatred for you.

Professor Principal
2  JohnRussell    6 years ago

When is conservative media going to face obvious reality and realize Trump is a piece of shit human being? 

Until they come to that realization there is nothing to talk about. 

Senior Guide
2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @2    6 years ago

This seed is the counter/rebuttal to your recent seed with about 300 replies.  Unlike your article, mine is correct.  

pat wilson
Professor Participates
3  pat wilson    6 years ago

It's not about hate, it's about rule of law. You know, supporting and defending our constitution.

Senior Guide
3.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  pat wilson @3    6 years ago

We are witnessing, as if spectators, an attempted coup unfold in real time on the daily and nightly news.  But make no mistake, the coup isn’t actually about Democrats hating President Trump.  Do they despise him, his demeanor, his success—of course; however, the coup that’s unfolding around us is driven by Democrats’ deep seeded hatred for you and me—the everyday, hardworking American.  

You see, to Democrats, President Trump is the embodiment of middle America. Despite his wealth, fame, and celebrity, he represents the Iowa farmer, the Pennsylvania steel worker, the West Virginia coal worker, the Wisconsin teacher, and the Arizona small business owner.  He’s the conservative dad who comes home after an exhausting day of work and puts on Fox News. Donald J. Trump is the man who refuses to cower to media and east coast elites; instead taking them head on, never backing down and relishing every second of the fight.  Trump is you.  

Senior Guide
3.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  pat wilson @3    6 years ago

It’s all about hate.  Trump is defending the constitution and the rule of law.  He’s defending our way of life.  Our jobs, our economy, our judiciary, our energy independence, our Bill of Rights, our economic freedoms, our gun rights, our religious liberty.  Trump understands us Heartland Americans of the working and middle class.  We will now stand with him and yield nothing to those who despise us and want to steal our President away from us.  We will defend him to the extent that those trying to remove him will have to literally rend the country apart in order to do what they seek to us.  You will only get to him through and over us.  

pat wilson
Professor Participates
3.2.1  pat wilson  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.2    6 years ago

Trump doesn't give two fux about you or anyone else. Never did, never will but you go ahead and tell yourself all the fantasies you want.

Professor Participates
3.2.2  bugsy  replied to  pat wilson @3.2.1    6 years ago
Trump doesn't give two fux about you or anyone else

You think any politician does? Every one of them is out for themselves.

Masters Quiet
3.3  PJ  replied to  pat wilson @3    6 years ago

I can multitask.  Defend the Constitution while hating the usurpers.

Senior Guide
3.3.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  PJ @3.3    6 years ago

That’s what we who support Trump are doing.  Defending the constitution, our country, our way of life while not only hating but despising with a seething hatred all of those who would usurp from us.  

lady in black
Professor Silent
3.3.2  lady in black  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.3.1    6 years ago

Crooked donnie wipes his ass with the Constitution.

Masters Quiet
3.3.3  PJ  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3.3.1    6 years ago

X² - Trump is not adhering to the Constitution which means..........you are supporting someone who is violating the law.   You are abetting him in his crime. 

pat wilson
Professor Participates
3.3.4  pat wilson  replied to  lady in black @3.3.2    6 years ago

It better be a large copy !

Professor Principal
4  JBB    6 years ago

This mess with Trump and Ukraine is exactly what The Federalists was warning us about. Trump and Pence must be impeached immediately. Nancy Pelosi can finish out Trump's term and the gop can choose another candidate for 2020. I'd suggest Mitt Romney. Life will go on as long...as that is this is how it all plays out and quickly. Otherwise, we can all kiss our sacred Republic goodbye. [delete]

Masters Quiet
7  PJ    6 years ago

The only coup happening in America is the one being lead by Trump and supported by his Administration and base.  The true Americans must stand up to those who no longer respect our laws or our Constitution.  We cannot let them destroy our republic. 

Senior Guide
7.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  PJ @7    6 years ago

It is we in the Heartland who love our Republic, our constitution, our country, our exceptional America.  The bi coastal secular progressive ivory tower living, limousine liberal elite hate us and the America we stand for and Trump protects.

Professor Principal
7.2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.2    6 years ago
It is we in the Heartland who love our Republic, our constitution, our country, our exceptional America.  The bi coastal secular progressive ivory tower living, limousine liberal elite hate us and the America we stand for and Trump protects.

You need some new reading material. 

Masters Quiet
7.2.2  PJ  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.2    6 years ago

X² - You cannot claim Trump is defending the Constitution while he actively ignores it .   Congress is an equal branch of power with oversight authority that he is ignoring, 

Those who support him will be judged harshly by history. 

Masters Quiet
7.2.4  PJ  replied to    6 years ago

True Americans will follow the law established by the Constitution.  Those who ignore the Constitution are not true Americans.

Senior Guide
7.2.5  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @7.2.1    6 years ago

 I really wouldn’t but I have been getting new material as the liberal butt buddies at MBFC continuously takes away previously fine material.  My reading material is fine and right on.  I like some of my replacement material and besides , I didn’t need it to write what perfection I did above.  

Senior Guide
7.2.6  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  PJ @7.2.4    6 years ago

When the House actually votes to begin impeachment proceedings and the minority in the proper committees get the requisite input along with administration lawyers, then we will follow established and constitutional procedures.  In the meantime expletive delete them all and stiff arm them and all that support the effort.

Masters Quiet
7.2.7  PJ  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.2.6    6 years ago

X² - My hope is that one day you will be able to apply your own thoughts to an issue rather than spouting talking points.

For someone who claims you represent the heartland of America, you don't seem to understand America's heart and what makes us great.

Professor Principal
7.2.9  JohnRussell  replied to    6 years ago

On Meet The Press this morning, a U.S. Senator, Ron Johnson , came on the show and began a big argument with the host.  Johnson was putting forth Trump approved conspiracy theories. 

We need moderates and independents to step up and condemn Trump and trumpism, which is becoming an existential threat to the truth in public discourse. 

Enough of 'both sides' bs and 'niceties'. 

I am not singling your comments out, because on the whole I think you have been pretty strong anti-Trump,  but I read your comment just as I was thinking about what I had just seen on tv. 

"Tribalism" as an explanation implies multiple tribes causing the problem. At this point in history the problem is coming 90% from one side. 

Senior Guide
7.2.11  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  PJ @7.2.7    6 years ago

I actually am applying my own thoughts to these particular issues.  I meant every word I wrote above about Trump and middle America.  Trump’s doing a great job at draining the swamp and putting both parties establishments out of government.  He is the great champion of the working and middle class and we aren’t going to sit by idly while the bi coastal secular progressive ivory tower limousine liberals attempt a coup against us and the 2016 election.  

Masters Quiet
7.2.12  PJ  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.2.11    6 years ago

I thought the incompetence of Trump would destroy the country but I didn't realize it was the actual objective of both him and his supporters.   I appreciate you admitting your goal is to destroy America.

PhD Quiet
7.3  igknorantzrulz  replied to  PJ @7    6 years ago

They won't, but they've just set back our country a decade or two.

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
8  Steve Ott    6 years ago

This sounds like a re-hash of

They Don’t Hate The NRA. They Hate You.

Posted: Mar 01, 2018 12:01 AM
Townhall's whole belief system is centered on this: Republicans are right,everyone else is wrong. It is nothing more than a rag of sycophants.
"You see, to Democrats, President Trump is the embodiment of middle America." There are no facts with which to back this type of statement. It is all opinion. The very thing Townhall tries, without success, to condemn non-republicans for.

"What’s fueling them is their hatred for your freedom, your faith, your guns, your prosperity, your family, your property,..."

When did republicans vote to dismantle FISA, the no consitution zone? When did republicans vote the protect the muslim faith?

If you want to throw out allegations, fine, but you better be prepared to back it up with facts.

Senior Guide
8.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Steve Ott @8    6 years ago

Town Hall is a very fine news source.  They are also a great site for a solid opinion perspective.  Now, why do democrats hate us so much? 

Sophomore Quiet
8.1.1  katrix  replied to  XXJefferson51 @8.1    6 years ago
Now, why do democrats hate us so much? 

Ignorance deserves pity, not hatred. I seriously doubt they hate you. It's just that reading such utter bullshit day after day does tend to make intelligent, ethical people cringe.

Although all those who worship Trump and put him above our country, and who disdain honesty and ethics, really should be given one way tickets to China or Saudi Arabia.

Senior Guide
8.1.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  katrix @8.1.1    6 years ago

Ah the sheer arrogant condescending attitude toward those who presume to dare disagree with the edicts of the bi coastal progressive elite.  Followed by the true feelings of the left. 

Sophomore Quiet
8.1.3  katrix  replied to  XXJefferson51 @8.1.2    6 years ago
Ah the sheer arrogant condescending attitude toward those who presume to dare disagree with the edicts of the bi coastal progressive elite

Funny how you consider it "arrogant" when people expect you to give a shit about facts, ethics, and honesty - you know, those things the dude you pretend to worship stands for, rather than the orange dude you actually worship.

If my being informed makes me elite, so be it. You could give it a try sometime, it wouldn't kill you. Just because your god constantly tells you that facts aren't actually facts, you don't have to swallow his brainwashing.

PhD Quiet
8.1.4  igknorantzrulz  replied to  katrix @8.1.3    6 years ago

nicely, concisely , stated,

Sophomore Quiet
8.1.5  katrix  replied to  igknorantzrulz @8.1.4    6 years ago

I find it hilarious that someone like C4P - who often talks about how so much of what he does is driven strictly by the need to piss off liberals despite  - assumes that because he views everything through a partisan lens, embraces any lies his party tells and any misdeeds they commit, other people are just as partisan, unethical, and ignorant. Come to think of it - that's Trump's M.O.

Steve Ott
Professor Quiet
8.1.6  Steve Ott  replied to  XXJefferson51 @8.1    6 years ago

My personal opinion is that Townhall is nothing but opinion. I can't tell that news ever gets reported there. Hell, Fox is better at reporting news.

Now rather than opinion, why don't you give me some facts that show republicans don't hate me?

Senior Guide
8.1.7  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Steve Ott @8.1.6    6 years ago

Your opinion is that and it’s wrong.  They have news services.  We have two local talk radio stations and the news at the top of the hour one one is Fox News and the other is Town Hall News.   The evangelical Christian station uses SRN News.     

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
9  Just Jim NC TttH    6 years ago


Senior Guide
9.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @9    6 years ago

That sums it all up perfectly!


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