A Debate and a Rally out West

We haven't talked a lot about the democratic debates that have taken place thus far. This was the 9th DNC debate.
Last night I noticed there was a discussion focused on the debate live, as it was taking place. How interesting I thought that the first debate, which wasn't a total bore would generate a live discussion. It did finally get interesting, last night.
Maybe it was partly because of where the debate was held. Las Vegas, Nevada, has a way of stimulating the senses. It has always been my favorite city, though it is losing it's luster thanks to Casino's springing up all over the country. However, the real reason why the democratic debate stage came to life was because it was the first one featuring Mike Bloomberg. And the other democratic candidates were waiting for him. Each took their shots at him, especially the two far left candidates, Sanders and Warren. Sanders sparred with him over Socialism vs Communism, while Warren went after Bloomberg's "past" positions on "Stop & Frisk" and the origins of the housing crisis. For democrats the "Stop & Frisk" policy equates to racism. To mainstream America the policy saved lives and promoted safety. Democrats are totally blind to the progressive policies that caused the housing crisis. Bloomberg was right on both, but now has to apologize, like a child, for all of his past positions in order to campaign for the Democratic nomination. Has he really made the conversion?
For his part Bloomberg was very rusty last night. His opponents were in mid season form, while he looked like he could use some spring training. As a side bar debate, Mayor Pete seemed to keep going after Amy Klobuchar. Not sure who won that one. Both looked bad. Joe Biden looked like a man frightened by what might come out of his own mouth. Another terrible performance.
The winner of that debate IMHO was Bernie Sanders. Still the undisputed leader of the democratic party!
Meanwhile the big dance was going on in Phoenix, Arizona, as the President spoke before another packed house of enthusiastic supporters. Trump told the crowd that Bloomberg was getting "pounded" and that "mini-Mike" was now part of the crew. The President added... “We call him ‘no boxes.’”
President Trump with Sen Martha McSally
The President then went on to predict that he would win the state of Arizona in a landslide! (another Trumpism!) He then went on to list his accomplishments in the economy, border security, rebuilding the military and the appointment of Judges who were faithful to the Constitution as written.
The crowd went wild. He delivered for them.
He also (almost as the centerpiece of the night) introduced and voiced his support for Arizona Senator Martha McSally, who is in a tight fight for her Senate seat.
“This one is tough as hell, and that’s what we need.”
The President's performance last night?
In one word - superb

For your approval - the 2020 campaign.
Rules of civility apply
And they ruthlessly censored all references to Trump or his rally and the counter points he made at his rally during that debate. Thus why I don’t go that often on to a liberals seed. It will be interesting to compare the TV ratings on NBC for the clown car show vs. Fox News for Trumps event.
You have a death wish? Just be happy you're not in my shoes these days.
Speaking of which - how are you doing over there? Are you having to stay buttoned up inside?
Do you live close to Wuhan? Was it the animal meat market or the bio weapons lab there that caused it?
Aw jeez - he's gonna disappear.
You do love a good conspiracy theory, don't you? This is what happens when you only read fake news.
It was a question, not a statement of fact. Since we still don't know the actual cause, and we know how secretive the Chinese government is, anything is possible.
All the potential causes are speculation until we narrow it down to what exactly it was that triggered the outbreak.
I watched President Trump's speech live and I was very impressed with it. I then went back and watched the rerun of the Democrat's debate in Nevada. My impression is that they spent more time ripping into each other and attacking Bloomberg than they did talking about what they need to do to fix what they perceive as wrong with the country. I just watched and shook my head. They seemed more like a pack of hungry hyenas. To me, the only one who came off as half way credible was Pete Buttigieg.
Quite a contrast, wasn't it?
BTW, I think your'e right on McSally. She'll win it.
All that being said. McSally does bring a degree of Senatorial experience this time around.
That's what the GOP did at their last primary debates, too. That is one major reason I never watch the debates.
And these people on both sides are too stupid to apparently remember that their attacks on each other are just giving their opponents ammunition for the general election, and reinforcing the opinion many of us hold that most politicians are jackasses.
Nah, he's just a bully. He couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
No, he's far more juvenile, butthurt, egotistical, and impulsive than traditional politicians. But the Reality TV crowd thinks that's how people are supposed to behave these days, so he got elected.
See above.
So you didn't do well under the Obama administration? That's a shame. I did well then, and I'm still doing well. Trump inherited a good economy and it is still benefiting me.
Bloomberg's going to have spend another 500 million in advertising just to get back to where he was at the beginning of the day yesterday.
bloomberg never had a chance to begin with.
all he is doing is flushing money down the drain.
I hope he burns through a Billion - just for all the apologies!
Question: How badly did Warren wound Bloomberg?
Why would that matter? Trump's NDAs don't seem to bother his supporters one little bit.
What do NDAs have to do with Kavanaugh?
Trump is the king of NDAs, so I am not sure why his supporters would care about Bloomberg's use of them. They keep saying there's nothing wrong with Trump's use of them.
Yes, they thought it made sense to investigate allegations of sexual assault - as they should have.
The Good News Is That We Probably Won't Elect a Socialist. The Bad News Is That We Already Have, Many Times.
Americans probably don't want a president who will nationalize the means of production, but we're happy to keep electing ones who grow government spending.
Americans rather do like socialist policy, just not for the other guy.