
The Democratic Establishment Proxy Playbook

By:  Vic Eldred  •  5 years ago  •  82 comments

The Democratic Establishment Proxy Playbook
“We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by the you know, you know the thing,” he said to a confused audience.

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As of this writing Joe Biden has just been projected as the winner in Michigan, Missouri and Mississippi, which adds even more distance between him and the Socialist Sanders. Sanders would need to out perform Biden from here on in to have any chance at victory. That seems very unlikely. It has been quite a turn around for Joe Biden. The Democratic Establishment effectively coalesced the party around Biden last week on the eve of Super Tuesday, or as Biden called it "Super Thursday."   We know that 3 candidates quit the race immediately prior to Super Tuesday. Two of them endorsed Biden right away. Biden has received other key endorsements since. One of the women who endorsed him (Klobuchar or Harris) is likely to be his/the VP selection. However, problems with Biden mental stability persist. There have been constant gaffes & confrontations. The latest incident took place today with a construction worker.


  What is noteworthy is the last few speeches Biden has given. One barely lasted 15 minutes the latest only 7 minutes. It is clear that Biden is senile, which is to be expected at his age. He is 77. It has reached the point where the man can't seem to read or deliver a simple sentence. Now we are hearing about not having speeches because of the "Coronavirus." A handy excuse, which is also being used by his son Hunter Biden to avoid an alimony hearing in Arkansas (which I believe still lacks any reported cases of Coronavirus). 

So, the question is - are his stealth like handlers hiding him from the public?

The Proxy

The Game Plan:

It appears the establishment will keep Biden out of sight and bequeath all the talking points to the Trump campaign. Trump can get up in front of his supporters and run campaign adds listing all his achievements, including the economy, the judiciary, trade deals Et Al. The men behind the curtain are satisfied to make it strictly about replacing Donald Trump. That will be their campaign. If they get lucky and win - they will rule America.

You heard it here first.

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Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    5 years ago

A very risky proposition

Rules of civility apply

Sophomore Quiet
1.2  katrix  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    5 years ago

Trump is 73. So by your argument , he will be senile during his next term if he is re-elected. 

We have 3 old men in their 70s to choose from. 

Maybe we should vote based on their VP selections .

Senior Guide
1.2.2  XXJefferson51  replied to  katrix @1.2    5 years ago

Biden will be in a home and others will be ruling in his name until the 25th amendment says the convalescent hospital is not a suitable White House.  

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  katrix @1.2    5 years ago
Trump is 73. So by your argument , he will be senile during his next term if he is re-elected. 

That wasn't my argument. Not everyone becomes senile on becoming 77. I only said it was understandable when it happens. Trump is obviously a contrast to Biden. Trump is a tireless workaholic and is undeniably charismatic. Biden is senile and uncomfortable in the role of candidate.

We have 3 old men in their 70s to choose from. 

You forgot we also have one young & articulate woman too. Funny how the left could make her become almost invisible!

Maybe we should vote based on their VP selections .

Maybe Joe will select multiple VP's?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.5  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Tessylo @1.2.4    5 years ago

You know, stimulating the economy, making better trade deals' nominating qualified Judges, protecting the border, rebuilding the military and thoroughly undoing the progressive un-American system we had to live under for 8 miserable years.  That kind of stuff. He even has time to campaign. And he only sleeps about 4 hours! He's amazing.

Professor Principal
1.2.6  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.5    5 years ago

Trump   judicial nominees increase in ABA 'not qualified ...


Additionally, two more of Trump's nominees have either been rated as "not qualified" by a substantial majority of the panel, or by a simple majority. In total, nearly 8% of the Trump's screened nominees were voted as "not qualified" by a majority of the panel.


Senate Minority Leader   Chuck Schumer told The Hill , “I can say with perfect confidence that over the last three years, President Trump has nominated — and Senate Republicans have approved — the most unqualified and radical nominees in my time in this body.”

Despite their apparent lack of experience, the only thing that mattered – their loyalty to the GOP.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.7  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2.6    5 years ago

If one is a leftist any Justice who interprets the Constitution as written is deemed "Not Qualified".

Chuck Schumer might be censured soon for threatening two Supreme Court Justices.

Chuck Schumer might find himself running against AOC for his Senate position.

I wouldn't put my chips on Chuck Schumer.

Professor Principal
1.2.8  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.2.7    5 years ago

The American Bar Association said they are not qualified. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.11  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Tessylo @1.2.10    5 years ago

jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.12  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2.8    5 years ago
The American Bar Association

In 1982 the ABA gave Justice Robert Bork it's highest rating. Five years later they said he was unqualified.

Why John?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.15  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Texan1211 @1.2.13    5 years ago

Don't worry, I know what it's all about.  Around the time of George W's presidency is when the ABA could no longer be considered “impartial and nonpartisan.”  As far back as 1992 the ABA was already taking sides on abortion. We got the memo way back then.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2.16  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  XDm9mm @1.2.14    5 years ago
the American Bar Association, while protesting otherwise, leans appreciably left.

And they do it shamelessly!

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.3  Split Personality  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    5 years ago
The men behind the curtain are satisfied to make it strictly about replacing Donald Trump.

Oh shades of 2012 when the GOP just wanted Romney or anyone who could hold a pen long enough to sign a Ryan budget.

"Anyone but Obama" was on the GoP's lips at every rally?

Norquist: Romney Will Do As Told—David Frum

Is Mitt Romney so weak he won't be able to stand up to Congress?

What comes around, goes around, it seems.

Professor Quiet
1.3.1  Ronin2  replied to  Split Personality @1.3    5 years ago

Really, Romney weak- with the left still fawning over him being the only Republican voting to Impeach Trump?  Ask the writers of your articles now if they still think Romney would toe the line for good of the party?

What comes around, goes around, it seems.

Hopefully the Democrats will suffer the same fate as Romney; no support from the hard liners in the party. Joe needs to be shown the retirement door on his political career; and the Democrats need to learn what it means to impeach a President for purely political motives.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.3.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Split Personality @1.3    5 years ago
"Anyone but Obama" was on the GoP's lips at every rally?

And in the south certain voters would get in line and ask "Is this where I vote for Barak?"  Yup, they saved him in 2012, didn't they?

What comes around, goes around, it seems.

Iv'e never found that to be true.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.3.3  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.3.2    5 years ago

For one thing, as stated, it is backwards. It is basically and "wake before you act" type of warning.

"What goes around" - think about what you are about to do before you do it

"Comes around" - it may bite you too in the ass

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.3.4  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.3.3    5 years ago

Now that makes sense. The way you put it, all of it pertains to self. That I do believe in, but do I believe that everyone gets justice? - Nope!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2  Buzz of the Orient    5 years ago
"It is clear that Biden is senile, which is to be expected at his age. He is 77"

Hey, wait a sec - I'm 83 and still lucid, except I can't find my glasses I put down 5 minutes ago.  What was the question again?

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1  Split Personality  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    5 years ago

jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.2  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    5 years ago

jrSmiley_18_smiley_image.gif jrSmiley_12_smiley_image.gif

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    5 years ago
What comes around, goes around, it seems.

I never said it happened to everybody. Your'e still one of my mentors!

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    5 years ago
WATCH: Biden Gets Heated When An Autoworker Confronts Him On Gun Rights

Where is the part in the video where Biden acts "senile" ?

The seeded article is propaganda.  Which is fine, but propaganda style is more effective when it has a true and accurate message.  I think Joe Biden has one problem with his image - he talks too much, a problem by the way, that he shares with Donald Trump. 

We're going to see right wing panic.  Trump and his ilk cannot use the "socialism" attack on Joe Biden. So they are reduced to the old "senility" attack.  Biden is no more senile and has no more verbal gaffes or brain cramps than Trump does, but Biden has the positive attraction of not being a total asshole like Trump. 

Since Biden became the frontrunner, and we are slowly getting ever closer to the election, Democratic turnout has increased over the same primary states in 2016. Turnout was up in Michigan last night. People want Trump gone. 

Freshman Silent
3.1  bccrane  replied to  JohnRussell @3    5 years ago

So why did Trump come in second, by votes cast, when people who supported him didn't really need to turn out for him to win Michigan?

Professor Principal
3.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  bccrane @3.1    5 years ago

Because it was an election, and a lot of people think it is their duty to vote?

By the way, 1,400,000 votes in the Democratic primary in Michigan last night. 

650,000 in the Republican . 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.2  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.1    5 years ago
By the way, 1,400,000 votes in the Democratic primary in Michigan last night.  650,000 in the Republican . 

Yes there was a pretty HEAVY competition going on in the Republican primary that should have brought voters in droves .........../s jrSmiley_26_smiley_image.gif

Freshman Silent
3.1.3  bccrane  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.1    5 years ago
Because it was an election, and a lot of people think it is their duty to vote?   
As did I, but to me a vote for Trump was a wasted vote, so to make my vote count I voted the democrat ballot and voted for Bernie to try and force a brokered convention.
By the way, 1,400,000 votes in the Democratic primary in Michigan last night. 

650,000 in the Republican . 

And how many of those were doing the same thing I did?  The one's that crossed over to vote for Biden didn't want Bernie any closer to the presidency and those that voted as I did want a brokered convention or a Bernie win to see if the democrats can support Bernie's positions.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.4  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  bccrane @3.1.3    5 years ago

Some seem to forget that Michigan is an open primary state and people can do what you did and probably did so. "Operation Chaos"..


Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @3    5 years ago

part in the video where Biden acts "senile"

Where in the video is the part where Biden acts like someone who should be President?

Swearing at voters, calling them dog faced pony soliders....  The same party that was so offended by Mitt Romneys promise to hire women (the infamous binders full of womem remark) now is championing a senile liar whose temper is so bad his handlers have limited his public appearances to mere minutes to try and keep from embarassing himself?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4  author  Vic Eldred    5 years ago

Where is the part in the video where Biden acts "senile" ?

There are numerous videos where his senility is on display. Is that what you want we to do?  Dig up videos?


but Biden has the positive attraction of not being a total asshole

Then you ignored the video in the article

I think you have your eyes closed John. Everything you just said defies what the rest of us can clearly see.

Professor Principal
4.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    5 years ago

I think it is possible to tell someone "you are full of shit" and not be an asshole. 

Vic let's be honest, you come on here all the time, and literally ignore the facts that Trump is a KNOWN liar, crook, bigot, moron and cheat. 

You just ignore it.  You don't have a lot of credibility when you attack other candidates. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.1.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    5 years ago
I think it is possible to tell someone "you are full of shit" and not be an asshole. 

Biden obviously failed via that standard.

Vic let's be honest, you come on here all the time

John let's be honest, you (and others) come on here all the time to smear Trump. Here we see Biden is the prime example of what you've accused Trump of - only worse. Joe is mentally unstable. I know you don't care.You know others will be running things if Joe ever wins. That's what all this is about - going back to the horrendous Orwellian policies of Obama!

You don't have a lot of credibility 

I'll let the reader be the judge of who has credibility.

Professor Principal
4.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.1.1    5 years ago
John let's be honest, you (and others) come on here all the time to smear Trump.

It isnt possible to smear Trump. The truth is not a smear. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5  author  Vic Eldred    5 years ago

Lots of commentary this morning assuming that Biden and Sanders will debate as scheduled Sunday. Of course Sanders wants to do it. But why would Biden want that to happen? No upside, all downside. Likely to see more party elders not wanting debate to take place, either...Byron York

Ahhh...the Coronavirus! It fits so well into the Biden handlers playbook!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Vic Eldred @5    5 years ago
the Coronavirus! It fits so well into the Biden handlers playbook

The last thing the Democrats want is for Joe Biden to be a near a microphone in an uncontrolled environment between now and election day. Getting through his 5 minute rallies was is enough of a challenge. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5.1.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Sean Treacy @5.1    5 years ago

Lest we forget in that confrontation with the construction worker, Joe is saying he only wants to take away AR 14s !!!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
6  author  Vic Eldred    5 years ago

"Just watched

package of Biden gun exchange." 

1) didn't include "you are full of shit."

2) edited out threat to "slap" the guy's "face."

3) edited out Biden shushing female staffer.

............Scott Jennings


MSNBC edits the video!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
7  author  Vic Eldred    5 years ago

"We may have seen the last Joe Biden campaign appearance w/o a teleprompter today. Dems closing ranks to protect their fragile candidate. No more debates, no more random fight club moments, no more exposure of confusion/anger he frequently demonstrates ... management phase begins.".....Harmeet K. Dhillon


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