Despicable Mayor slamming the President during health crisis

The nations worst mayor is still playing politics. Even after making an egregious mistake, which places America's largest city at risk, he prefers to blame the President.
"Mayor Bill de Blasio has blamed President Trump for the city’s severe shortage of COVID-19 supplies even though City Hall didn’t secure its first order for emergency protective gear until March 6, The Post has learned.
Officials with the city’s Office of Emergency Management tried to purchase nearly 200,000 n95 masks on Feb. 7, but weeks later they learned the vendors had already run out.
It was not until March 6 and March 10 — over two months after the coronavirus outbreak first hit China — that they finally secured the first emergency procurements of masks and hand sanitizer, according to the city comptroller’s office.
“Our city is the epicenter of this outbreak in the United States, and we are lacking supplies because the mayor didn’t notice until two weeks ago?” fumed City Councilman Chaim Deutsch.
“We ought to have been prepared for this. Blaming Trump is an easy way to avoid hard questions, but it exposes a distinct lack of management on the part of this administration,” the Brooklyn Democrat said."
This is the same Mayor who refuses to cooperate with federal detainer requests, threatened to seize private property from landlords and is well known for soliciting donations from individuals who sought official favors from the City.
How did he achieve power you ask?
Answer: He represents the underbelly of American society. People who have learned that voting is power and if you have enough of such people with a particular grievance/or are pandered to, concentrated into a specific area, they will be able to elect the likes of a Bill de Blasio. After 12 years of the safe policies which Mayor Bloomberg granted the citizens of NYC, voters nonetheless elected de Blasio, who campaigned primarily to end the highly successful "stop & frisk" policy. As we all now know, progressives have declared the policy as somehow "racist" because it involved profiling! In other words it is completely irrelevant if a specific group commits an obscenely high percentage of the violent crime. That must not enter into any equation involving deterrence. Evidently that appeals to enough of NYC's voters that even someone like a Bill de Blasio can be elected Mayor of the nation's largest city.
We are living in irrational times.

For your approval: The Mayor
Rules of civility apply
Thanks for finding this article and sharing it with us here!
The federal government outbid states on critical coronavirus supplies after Trump told governors to get their own medical equipment
During a conference call with governors on Thursday, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker told Trump his state was denied three major orders of equipment because the federal government had outbid him.
"I'm not quite sure what to do with this, so I'm just going to throw it out there for you," Baker told Trump on the call, according to Bloomberg News . "We took very seriously the push ... that we should not just rely on the stockpile, that we should go out there and buy stuff and put in orders and try to create pressure on manufacturers and distributors, and I gotta tell you that on three big orders, we lost to the feds."
Baker, a moderate Republican, added, "I've got a feeling that if someone has the chance to sell to you and to sell to me, I am going to lose on every one of those."
Trump chuckled at that and then said the federal government probably offered the manufacturers a better price.
"Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves," Trump told governors during a phone call, The New York Times reported . "We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Points of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself."
And on Thursday, Trump insisted that it's not the federal government's job to procure necessary equipment for states.
"The federal government's not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and then shipping," Trump said during a White House briefing. "You know, we're not a shipping clerk."
Being out bid is far different from ordering at the very last minute.
It took Bill De Blasio until the beginning of March to order supplies for NYC to fight the China Virus
The president was acting as early as January to combat this pandemic
BTW Baker is a liberal Republican, just like most of MA Republican Governors. (Prime examples: William Weld & Mitt Romney)
BTW Baker is a liberal Republican, just like most of MA Republican Governors. (Prime examples: William Weld & Mitt Romney)
Egads! Tell me it ain’t so!
Seems that anything Left of Trumpylmania is liberal.
From the article:
Officials with the city’s Office of Emergency Management tried to purchase nearly 200,000 n95 masks on Feb. 7, but weeks later they learned the vendors had already run out.
What were you saying about De Blasio waiting until March to order supplies ?
You either didn't read the rest of it or think that I haven't.
"Comptroller Scott Stringer granted approval for the early March orders of masks and hand sanitizer the same day, but a medical supply vendor who has standing city contracts told The Post that initial requests for protective gear from the Department of Citywide Administrative Services were mired in bureaucratic red tape."
"It took the agency an average of 72 hours to complete an order, he said."
You do know there is a huge sudden demand for all of this stuff, right?
My post simply pointed out your error regarding the timing of De Blasio ordering supplies.
Well, you failed.
Read it again, slowly.
Read it. It has nothing to do with de Blasio's late request.
I wish I could say nice try, but being obtuse doesn't contradict what that article said.
He's made up his mind-- don't confuse him with the facts!
It appears that places like New York were waiting for the Federal Government to do their jobs for them. Doesn't New York, both city and state, have some kind of contingency plans for disasters and epidemics? Why were New York's hospitals and clinics not well supplied with equipment and medical supplies?. Didn't they learn anything from 9/11?
What is the federal government's job in a national disaster ?
At the moment it seems to be protecting rumps ass.
That’s what Pandemic Response Teams are for, ya know, the one rump got rid of?
Are you kidding? Are you comparing 9/11 with this? One was an act of terrorism and the other is an act of god. There is not a state that is prepared for this kind of disaster of this size. And like other acts of god, the FEMA is supposed to aid.
Not one state has prepared for a pandemic.
Nor had the federal government. The magnitude of this is enormous and btw doctors & nurses don't sterilize and reuse these masks they use them once and discard them and now they are discarding them multiple times during a single day. Think about that.
We are talking about a Mayor who waited a long time to put in an order. Did he thing the federal government should make out the order for him? Or is it just what it looks like?
The gop has worked for decades to shrink the federal gov't, regardless of department and its importance to the country. In JANUARY Trump was warned, and information was coming out. HE DID NOTHING. He doesn't trust our intelligence so he ignores the warnings. No preparation, no leadership, no TRUTH. South Korea had their first positive the same day the US did. They did their best. We are Italy. Lots of Americans are going to die because of this ineptness, his ignorance, the gop enabling. Even NOW they are more intent on helping the top more than the bottom. We have no leadership federally, and Cuomo is the best thing, the most visible and articulate person willing to step up.
I'm sure you will try, but no not even close.
Nor would we expect them to. I was being sarcastic. But for some reason, some fools think the Federal Government is supposed to have these needed items stockpiled and ready to ship at a moments notice? What exactly would that Pandemic Response Team have done that was not accomplished relatively quickly when Trump organized the team of experts that are working on the problem. Mercifully, we did not have an HRC or a Biden in charge of things right now, or we would be up the proverbial creek with no paddle. My point being is that the party currently out of power and likely to stay that way would probably done any better in response to this than Trump has done.
Utter and ignorant nonsense.
Look there is something that S Korea did right and we have done wrong and that needs to be looked at. I am not a specialist in handling national disasters, but neither is anyone else is. All we can do is look at examples of a nation doing everything right, learn and reproduce since we know this will happen again.
You are talking about the most densely populated city in the US. Gee, I can't figure out why we would have more cases.
Thank you MUVA for being reasonable.
It's time to stop placing blame and fomenting hysterical panic. NY Governor Cuomo's daily updates are quite informative, and I applaud him for this. But, the seeded article is about NYC's mayor De Blasio's inactions, is it not?
I totally agree MUVA. I think this underscores years of not preparing as recommended by the CDC. Who's to blame? Probably a lot of people. Where we go from here, is hopefully we learn for this and are ready because we know there will be a next time... it's just a matter of time.
At that point, he could have also looked at what Korea was doing and got prepared. It was obviously not enough to stop people from coming into this country.
I live in NY. For us this is no joke. NYer's are not panicking, thanks to the great leadership of Gov Cuomo, but it's not looking too good for us.
This is not an act of God.
that is what the left hopes happens here for political gain
I fear that is true!
You mean that after 3 times with these pandemics emanating from China, it is actually a preventable act of man?
Point well taken!
Then tell Trump to STFU. He blames EVERYBODY but himself and can't answer the most basic question honestly. He makes people feel worse when he talks because they know he's an ignorant liar. And since this is about how bad HE is doing leading the nation, and the mayor is talking about HIM. what ARE you talking about? He has mishandled every aspect of this so far.
Like a death in the family, pandemics bring out the best and the worst in some fishes...
Actually a better question might be-- didn't we learn anything from the first attack on the WTC?
As I'm sure you are aware, 9/11 was the second attack on the WTC (yes-- it was actually the second time those mysterious "Some People" did.."Something" to the WTC).
The first terror attack on the World trade Center was in 1993.
And that was when we should've learned some lessons-- because if we had, 9/11 could've been prevented . . .
(cont'd in next comment)
How so? Even in the bible "God" annihilated mankind on a local and global scale.
I'm aware of the fact that many folks here feel that it's "politically incorrect" to actually read an article before commenting on it, but this one is worth a read:
Lessons of the First WTC Bombing
BBB News
Last Updated: Wednesday, 26 February, 2003
Ten years ago, a bomb exploded in the car park of the World Trade Center building in New York, killing six and injuring over 1,000.
Six men are serving life imprisonment as a result.
But in light of the events of 11 September, a number of analysts are now questioning whether the attack was a warning that was never heeded.
I'm not so sure about that:
No need to be scared Vic!
You should learn to muster up your courage...and couragiously face the facts (no matter how terrifying may feel they are!
Are you kidding?
Naw-- he's just uninformed.
You talking about courage?
Let's end the insults!
Let's end the insults!
Well we tried...but unfortunately the Impeachment efforts failed!
For the record:
NY has acquired:
70,000 Hydroxychloroquine
10,000 Zithromax
750,000 Chloroquine
From the Federal Government. Trials will start Tuesday."
Excellent! Let's hope it works.
Zithromax would be great, but they work on bacterial infections, also known as Z pak. Zithromax is widely prescribed so it really shouldn't be an issue getting that. The others I'm not too familiar with besides being a Malaria drug.
The idea is that very few people in Africa are getting the coronavirus and so the assumption is that it might be this malaria drug that is the reason. Obviously, there has been no research done, but it is a very strong anti-viral so it might inhibit this virus as well.
Thank you!☺
China is now recovering from the scourge, and things are starting to return to normal .the people cooperated, voluntarily stayed home, and medical people volunteered and nobody argued and hatred, hoarding, profiteering and blame did not happen because recovery depended on cooperation and common sense. The people are fully aware that much better containment would have occurred had the government not silenced the early warnings, but that did not prevent them from doing what was necessary to win the war. Didn't Trump also not pull out all the stops immediately, but downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic?
What do you mean by "pull out all the stops'?
He did what he always does-- when ever there's negative news that might reflect badly on his administration, he always downplays the seriousness of the problem-- and his sycophants know they must follow suit. (See some of their statements-- comments here: for example, comments # 6.1, # 6.2, and # 6.3 are typical.).
The second pattern that is typical of him...he always blames someone else...whether justified or not. In this case any and all problems we have are China's fault-- mixed with an occasional dose of obsessive HDS or ODS. ("Hillary derangement Syndrome" or "Obama Derangement Syndrome").
Finally, the third pattern: deflect, Change the subject. (What we on social media sites call a "derail"-- trump is a master of that.
Perhaps to prevent panic he did NOT speak about the epidemic as a matter that required immediate drastic measures to contain it, BUT IT DID.
at first... when this all started...
trump was lied to by what is supposed to be a trusted world body but instead, trump was getting bad intel from a globalist organization parroting communist rhetoric.
but yes, it is important to remember WHO fuked up. (pun intended)
as much as you'd like things to work out otherwise, no one with any sense will blame any of this on trump.
it is almost as if the WHO worked with china to spread a virus around the globe...
just kidding... LOL "as if my ass... the WHO actually did work with china to spread that virus. no doubt about it.
and now we need to kick the WHO to the curb like we did to the global entities known as the WTO and the ICC
some stuff got lost in an edit. above. computer froze and got timed out before reboot.. that is always good fun
so for the record, I am not saying the WHO knowingly conspired with china to fuk everyone over..... LOL
gross negligence, communication problems, call it what ya will. matters not
WHO fuked up.
(and all this time I thought WHO was on first.... go figure).
To be honest, who is to blame for this or that should be the least of our concerns. Getting through this situation together with the least amount of pain, suffering, death and economic peril should be the primary concern. Does de Blasio, or the the President, lie, mis-speak, or bumble the technical details at times? Does a bear shit in the woods? Of course they do. The important question though, is do they follow the recommendations of the experts who have the most experience during this unprecedented and dynamic situation, and make the best of the resources already at their disposal at the NIAID, CDC, and other medical resources?
Certainly blaming Trump or accusing him of bungling the effort at every turn seems to be the flavor of the month. I have seen some references to Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID since 1984, in various discussions on NewsTalkers and other blog venues. Can we all agree that Mr. Fauci is an authority who can be trusted in advising a President on matters like COVID-19? My inclination, after much reading, is to trust what this man has to say.
In a recent interview for another article at The Atlantic , here is what he said,
Underlined emphasis mine. Now when you look at some of the author's spin on what was learned in his interview with Fauci, and some of the other articles at The Atlantic, you realize that nothing Fauci said even remotely supports the conclusions drawn by this author, or other authors at The Atlantic or other such news outlets, with respect to the President's willingness and actions to follow Fauci's recommendations. This demonstrates something I have found to be quite common with those who wish to criticize the President for his actions, or reactions, to this crisis; a tendency to ignore the fact that this is a dynamic situation that requires shifting strategies and trust in the experts to ultimately guide policy. Instead, the focus is on silly anecdotal snippets of stupid things the President has uttered rather than on the fact that ultimately he has followed the advice of the primary expert in the field on policy/action/response every step of the way.
With respect to this thread, if de Blasio felt that Trump has been to blame all along, then why didn't he seek the advice of his own medical resources and take action himself, much earlier. If he expects that Trump should have had a crystal ball to see beyond what Fauci was telling him, then where was his fucking crystal ball?
Just my observations. Fauci also spoke of he and the President sharing views on the virus today in an article on CNN Politics, despite minor differences in approach or presentation.
Fauci says 'there isn't, fundamentally, a difference' between his view and Trump's on coronavirus .
Unfortunately, that's not what is happening in the USA, rather than the world coming together to win the war against the virus. It's easier to make points by blaming others, increasing the partisan political duel, and creating wider divides rather than being cooperative with those who have experienced the battle and are better equipped to help end it.
The health workers still do not have the proper equipment, masks, gowns, gloves, etc etc. Trump approved the ''Defense Production Act'' I have not heard where the administration has required manufacturers to start producing the badly needed items?
If this is accurate why not. We have health care workers being exposed to the virus without the proper equipment.
Despicable thy name is tRump.