Obama Administration Scandals Are Coming to Light & His Legacy Is in Tatters
By: Victor Davis Hanson (National Review)

Each day that the Obama administration fades into the past, its wrongdoings manage to wander back into the present.
After years of suppression, all sorts of strange events keep popping up to remind us of what little is left of the Obama years — the Susan Rice memo, Christopher Steele deleting his computer records, FBI-doctored and lost 302s, text messages wiped clean, the bizarre Obama January 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting, the ambush interview of Michael Flynn, the unmasking and leaking of redacted names swept up in reverse-targeting surveillance operations, the administration fraud perpetrated on the FISA courts. The list is so overwhelming and bizarre that it ensures that anything at any time can now appear. And the result keeps reminding Americans of how corrupt were the years between 2009 and 2017 and how untruthful was the coverage of such institutionalized wrongdoing.
Feet of Clay
Emeritus Barack Obama now and then ventures out to go through the motions of an enfeebled defense for what is becoming an increasingly discredited administration. But his heart is not in it. His mind is elsewhere. His cause is no longer social activism and community organizing, if it ever was, but lucre and the perceived well-earned good life. The arc of his moralizing universe is long, but for the anointed like him, it apparently bends toward the just deserts of riches and material bounty.
First lady forever and bestselling memoirist Michelle Obama sometimes takes a hiatus from making millions to offer a half-hearted progressive warning about the sudden heartlessness of the country — reminiscent of her transitory 2008 warnings about a downright mean country and one of which she had previously not been especially proud.
The remains of the Obama team (Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Comey, Samantha Power) are not offering much of a defense for the Obama years — they are now too busy scrambling to hide their own legal culpability and exposure. The bending arc of the 2009 dream team finally ends in the platitudes of "I can't remember" and "Not to my knowledge" that will eventually find their way from CNN and MSNBC into the court room.
Obama entered office to gushes that he was a living god and the smartest man ever to enter the White House. He quickly won the Nobel Peace Prize and was courted internationally through a series of overseas tours. His brand was that he was not so much a citizen of an unexceptional America as a citizen of the now globalized world.
Obama entered with a supermajority in the Senate and a large majority in the House, with the likelihood of remaking the Supreme Court. When he left eight years later, he had lost both houses of Congress, lost the Supreme Court for a generation, and lost more than 1,000 state and local offices. Once Obama discovered in his last year in office that the more he disappeared, the more the public liked the idea rather than the reality of Obama, his polls recovered. His designated successor, armed with Obama's endorsement, a captive media, and a vast preponderance of money lost to outlier Donald Trump in the greatest upset in U.S. election history. Trump, remember, ran on being the antithesis to Barack Obama.
Gone with the Breeze
Because Obama sought to ram down the throats of the public a radical progressive agenda on the force of his supposedly charismatic godhead, none of his initiatives ever won majority public support. A few were pushed through on entirely partisan votes or by executive — and thus easily reversible — orders. For the most part, what Obama ran on in 2008, he quickly forgot. Instead, he sought to enact what he had once warned against, from open borders and gay marriage to radical deficit spending and one-size-fits-all federal medical care.
In fact, Obamacare remains a mess and hobbles along, to the extent the individual mandate was scrapped. The Obama future of centrally controlled, high-density, skyscraper apartment living, reliance on mass transit and subways, and energy-efficient crowded workplaces was rendered inert by COVID-19. Those who must soon return to the coastal-corridor paradigm are not too happy about it. The MeToo movement is now dead, killed off by its own selective applications and hypocrisies. The Obama federal Title IX counterpart edicts to universities are now being overturned on grounds that they are likely unconstitutional.
The Obama-administration appeasement of China is over and in retrospect seen as disastrous. "Reset" with Russia was as mythical as Russian "collusion." The much-heralded Asian "pivot" is a forgotten divot.
No one defends the Iran Deal much anymore, as Tehran struggles with sanctions, bankruptcy, a hostile Middle East, a suspect Chinese patron, the death of its terrorist master General Soleimani, popular unrest, and a COVID-19 mess. The idea of empowering the Iranian terrorist state and its appendages in Syria as a legitimate balance to Egypt, the moderate Gulf States, and even Israel was always unhinged. It was largely dreamed up by failed novelist Ben Rhodes, the organizer of the resistance foreign-policy shadow government that no one hears much about anymore.
Even the Arab world is relieved that Obama's estrangement with Israel is over with. Whatever the Obama policy toward North Korea was, it was a prescription for nuclear missiles pointed at the U.S. America met the Paris climate accord more effectively than most signees to the agreement, and through hated natural gas and not beloved wind and solar. The world did not end when the Golan Heights was not going to be given back to Assad's Syria, or as the American Embassy moved to Jerusalem.
The epidemic put an end to lots of Obama lore. Secure borders are now the unquestioned consensus, not caravans blasting through rusty cyclone fences. Globalization is a synonym for Chinese hegemony. China is no longer a helpful partner in American efforts to address climate change and epidemics, as Obama once waxed. The interior of the country is no longer written off, and jobs will come back without a magic wand, and more so due to fear of current Chinese monopolies of essential U.S. goods. Obama hallowed out the U.S. military and saw it rebuilt by Donald Trump.
Grant, Harding, or Nixon?
There is nothing left of the Obama creed of the "most scandal-free" administrant in memory. Before the collusion/obstruction hoax, the Horowitz report, the failed Mueller investigation, and the release of classified information, the public knew well of Fast and Furious, the data surveillance of the AP reporters, the GSA and VA messes, the weaponization of the IRS, the Benghazi mythologies, the Bowe Bergdahl swap, and the echo-chamber silence about the hidden details of the Iran deal. Each time Susan Rice was wheeled out to swear the truth, the public assumed it was a lie. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Slowly we are learning that the Obama administration — in its hatred of Donald Trump, in its paranoia that its precious legacy could in theory end in 2017, and in assurance that Hillary Clinton's sure victory would cloak its wrongdoing — sought to disrupt a presidential campaign, wreck a presidential transition, and abort a presidency. What did high Obama officials and leftovers not do to those ends?
They spied on the incoming national-security advisor by the phony ruse of reverse targeting the Russian ambassador. They sought to ambush Michael Flynn in a perjury trap. They doctored and then likely destroyed the FBI 302 report of their ambush interview. During the campaign, they trafficked in a fake dossier, cobbled together by a bought foreign national, on the payroll of Hillary Clinton's firewalls, and the FBI, whose made-up evidence was destroyed by Steele himself. Obama officials requested hundreds of unmaskings of those affiliated with Trump, and mysteriously many of the subsequent unredacted names ended up leaked to the press.
They doctored emails to fool a FISA court into spying on an American citizen. The CIA used contractors abroad to entrap minor Trump campaign officials. The FBI outsourced its responsibilities to investigate the hacking of the DNC emails to Crowdstrike, whose mantra that the Russians did it was always suspect and soon confessed as unproven. Former Obama officials — McCabe, Comey, Brennan, Clapper — blared on TV that Donald Trump was a Putin asset and a Russian colluder, even as they swore, while under oath, that they had no evidence for such assertions. In the end, all four at one time or another has either likely lied under oath to a congressional committee or lied to federal investigators.
The scandal list could be expanded but its present status could be summed up as Obama himself likely knew of these efforts to surveille, disrupt, and ultimately destroy the Trump campaign and transition, and he correctly knew that no one would pursue the fact of his knowledge.
Either his subordinates would provide a firewall around his divinity, or if they would or could not, the public could not absorb the idea that the Obama's administration was the most corrupt and scandal-ridden in memory.
Gilded Socialism
Finally, the Obama post presidency did not help his cause. After eight years of lecturing the nation about the proper time to profit, or identifying the point after which there was no need to make additional money, or that private business people did not really build their businesses, or the need to spread the wealth around, Obama liberated from office almost immediately rushed to the life of private jets and luxury yachts.
He signed multimillion-dollar tech and media deals characterized by requiring little expertise and less work but the promiscuous use of his brand and name. The erstwhile lecturer in chief about redlining and insidious bias bought a mansion in Washington's toniest district; and after warning about rising seas, coastal flooding, and the need to lower them, he bought a seaside estate at Martha Vineyard, for the fire sale price of just under $12 million. In other words, he knew no time to stop profiting; there was no point when he had enough money; he saw no reason to spread his wealth around; and he really did build his own empire,
The less charismatic purveyors of the Obama legacy have not done well.
Hillary Clinton hired a foreign national to compile a dirty dossier on Trump and seed it in the Obama administration. She blew an election and ended up babbling and fixated permanently on her failure, before pathetically joining the "Resistance." Joe Biden in his dotage may be spared her angst, given his own seeming inability to know exactly where he is and what he is supposed to say. Obama was supposed to have jump-started the careers of dozens of young, charismatic "diversity" imitators in the presidential arena, such as Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Deval Patrick, Kamala Harris, and Andrew Yang. All crashed and burned in the Democratic primaries, whether because they were not the Obama Adonis or because they reminded voters of his shallowness.
We were supposed to see a fundamental transformation of the country between 2009 and 2025, as the Obama-Clinton 16-year regnum finally made America right and correct. Instead, we witnessed eight years that ended in scandal whose full dimensions of criminality will take years to process.

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The remains of the Obama Administration
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Victor Davis Hanson has a marvelous command of words as he accurately tells the truth of the scandal ridden Obama years.
I see nothing but tears and mournful wailing and whining coming from the left wingers as truth and justice starts to prevail in the coming months.
For an Obama supporter, his time in office was an opportunity missed. The rest of us should consider ourselves lucky.
Remember when Obama said that he envied Ronald Reagan for changing the trajectory of America? Obama tried to change it in the opposite direction. He failed. Thank God.
The article you seeded is perfect and so right on! Bravo!
Victor Davis Hanson - American classicist, military historian, columnist, and farmer.
Why is it that the far right wing keeps thinking rehashing old Obama propaganda can at all detract from Trump's current idiocy and ignorance?
Could this be why the "Emerging Democratic Majority" isn't going to happen?
If there is going to be a political realignment it most likely be the other way - with the democrats losing those blue collar voters.
We (Conservatives) can now thank Barak Obama - for overreaching!
Has your brain been battered - splattered - all over Manhattan?
For the nimrods here (mods or otherwise) who won't get this and will take it as a threat, it is not.
Its simply a parody of some well know music lyrics. Y'all can figure it out, i know you can.
10 or 20 years ago Victor Davis Hanson was a somewhat respected academician and author of classical history, now he is just another far right crank.
Serious people don't write such drivel.
Conservative white man ... must attack .... must attack!
Just another instance of the right attempting to rewrite history to cover up for their POTUS's epic failure.
In other words, "LOOK! SQUIRREL!!!"
How is that a "rewrite?"
You mean the left still hasn't accepted that the Clinton Campaign paid for the fake "dossier?"
"Hillary Clinton hired a foreign national to compile a dirty dossier on Trump"
I notice the article completely ignored who actually hired the firm that created the "dirty", but non-debunked dossier.
Conservative Free Beacon originally funded firm that created Trump-Russia dossier
The dossier was already compiled by the time it went over to Hillary's campaign.
Nah, just another right wing lie.
Does Politico ever get anything right? No wonder national the press is so often wrong.
From the very first paragraph:
"Representatives for the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative online news site, informed congressional investigators Friday the outlet had originally funded the research firm that created the salacious dossier containing allegations of ties between Donald Trump's campaign and Russian operatives, the publication said in a statement."
That means the "never Trumpers" hired them first, but the research had nothing to do with the Steele Dossier back then.
That fact has been pointed out here on NT on numerous occasions!
More leftist BS that has already been refuted repeatedly
It is almost as if the left is stuck on stupid. The facts are not going to change no matter how much you deny them.
Nah, they are just useful idiots hoping if they tell the lie enough times it will become the truth.
Stay the course ....
Wow! Have you no shame? There's no excuse for that sort of blatent falsehood.
Considering you are spreading falsehoods like "was already compiled by the time it went over to Hillary's campaign." despite being pointed to the facts countless times, I think it's your clear you are playing the squirrell game, spreading lies when your heroes' actions are exposed.
What's next, Cohen was in Prague?
Hillary Clinton hired a foreign national to compile a dirty dossier on Trump and seed it in the Obama administration. She blew an election and ended up babbling and fixated permanently on her failure, before pathetically joining the "Resistance." Joe Biden in his dotage may be spared her angst, given his own seeming inability to know exactly where he is and what he is supposed to say.
Every word is the truth, prove it's not.
None of the morons who write for the National Review are serious, they simply spout pointless drivel and get all sorts of dumb shits to believe their fabrications. Obviously, if even half of what he was insinuating was actually true the Republicans would have hauled Obama and his staff into court. But all they have is conjecture, innuendo and worthless opinion. Hell, he's still harping on about the totally debunked Benghazi bullshit, IRS scandal and Fast & Furious which anyone with more than half a brain can easily dismiss as major nothing burgers. I'm sure the partisan piece of shits dead set on damning the first black President will continue to throw their useless opinions around, but that's as far as it will ever go because there is no "there" there. They need to shit or get off the pot, go arrest Obama and try him in court if you feel he did such terrible things as President, but these sycophants covering for dirty Donald won't ever do that because they know they will just get embarrassed by the courts throwing out their drivel like anyone with more than half a brain does with this piece of crap opinion piece. But boy do conservative morons love having their ears tickled and their hate for Obama massaged by these types of dishonest shit eaters.
Now it is for the historians to put it all in proper perspective. The man who began his presidency with so much goodwill left a trail of political corruption, record-breaking federal deficits, a poorly designed, poorly executed national health care law he rammed through a democrat held congress, the foreign policy disaster he left to his successor and the complete disregard he showed for the rule of law as president. The history won't be written right away. As Carl Sandburg once said "A tree is best measured when it is down." John Durham may add a bit to the final chapter.
But he was our first black president ..... that gets him a few points right there.
He may have received the Nobel Peace Prize for no other reason. To his credit, Obama was so embarrassed by it that he actually tried to get out of it:
Credit where credit is due, that is very much to his credit.
Historians will certainly put things in proper perspective, but this wannabe historian farmer Victor Hanson will be laughed at along with his moronic opinion and penchant for regurgitating old and tired bullshit.
Real historians will tell the truth about how Republicans have tried to take down Obama for the last decade and failed and then saddled themselves with the worst President in American history. History will not be kind to dirty Donald and his corrupt administration so get ready for the next 40 years like we had after Nixon of all the shit stains on Trumps sheets coming to light while all his sad little sycophants try to distance themselves and claim they never really supported him in the first place.
So any "Real historian" in your eyes just has to be a hard core leftist liberal in order to have any real credibility? Rigghhhttt....
every single one of those involved needs to testify under oath including obama and biden
Never going to happen; but I agree they all need to testify under oath.
And there is one of the largest problems we have today. Our elected officials have no consequences to bad actions and they know it.
don't bet on that...
if they are not held accountable we are officially a banana republic.
this year will be the low hanging fruit. ( fbi doj )
next year we clear the top of the tree. ( obama biden )
the evidence that will be produced against obama and biden in court cases against admin officials can not be ignored.
people have to go to jail. no one gets to walk away/
The AG has already announced that Obama & Biden, as it now appears, won't be part of any prosecution. Of course that still leaves a large cast of characters. Indicting any one of those intelligence chiefs would send a message.
he said "won't be part of durhams investigation/prosecution
durham is working on the low hanging fruit. ( fbi doj )
there will be more investigations to follow....
to take down a former president the evidence must be overwhelming
that evidence will be gathered and then produced in the prosecution of obamas admin.
after that, the evidence that obama was running the show will be overwhelming and public record
this is not a sprint, it is a marathon.
relax, watch the show, things have just started.
nothing is over yet - no one walks away
I am....You may have noticed that I put on my Avatar.....
wait for durhams prosecutions. that is when the meat hits the table.
things that never would have seen the light of day will be declassified and entered as evidence.
after that, barr will "publically change his tune about the likes of obama and biden
Because Republicans in power know if they tried to drag Obama and his staff in front of the courts only the Republicans would get embarrassed and laughed out of the building. All this hot air Republicans have been blowing for years has been for the benefit of their half witted base, they know the facts prove their slimy claims false, all they can do is fling poo at the Obama wall and hope anything sticks. It's really sad watching so many people lose their minds and ability to reason as soon as Obama is mentioned and can only lead one to believe there is a deeper motive behind it or perhaps a racially motivated hatred.
Yeah, we've all been waiting for years for something to stick after Republicans have flung so much poo, from the Benghazi nonsense to Flynn (who wasn't ever masked to begin with, what a shocker!). The litany of claims Republicans have made is large, the actual facts however are not on their side and they know it which is why we will continue with this charade of investigations into the last administration.
"But, but, but, but... we so WANT to believe the bullshit coming from our Republican masters mouths!". Well, all the sad sacks of useless hating on Obama should get used to disappointment if they aren't already, Durham won't be able to provide them the rope they've so been itching to lynch him with.
You whipped out the race card already?
No need to whip it out, it's proudly displayed by many, many Trump supporters.
It's not a mystery why so many Trump sycophants are eager to destroy any possible legacy of Obama, he represents everything they seethe with hatred for, a well educated minority, a lawyer and constitutional professor who had a position of authority of them and what they wrongly perceive as only "their country".
There is only one recent President who has been impeached for using the power of the Presidency to further his own personal political gain, dirty dishonest Donald. I'm sure it chaps the hides of his mindless followers, but that's a fact they cannot refute. There is zero evidence of any supposed "deep state" or any evidence that the FBI, NSA or CIA did anything illegal based on political motives. You can impugn all you want, all we have so far are a handful of missteps and mistakes by the FBI while doing their job of protecting Americans and our elections from vile piece of shit authoritarian nations like Russia who was caught red handed manipulating our Presidential election in the favor of their preferred candidate, the one they knew would do the most damage to western democracy. Now maybe some of you simply hate western democracy and all of our freedoms and love Russian style authoritarianism, so that fact doesn't bother you a bit, but the vast majority of patriotic Americans don't think it should be an ex-KGB agent and current murderer picking our leaders or even putting his thumb on the scale in favor of one or the other. That worries me far more than any procedure the FBI may have violated in an effort to uncover the truth.
You mean like (deleted) is planning to do?
Nice claim. Have any proof?
No, there is only one president that has been impeach purely for political reasons. The Democrats had jack shit of nothing to base the impeachment on; didn't follow proper procedure in the House with the closed door questioning that excluded Republicans; and failed to use the court system, which is the proper channel, to force witnesses to testify- because they couldn't afford to "wait".
Their impeachment articles were poorly researched jokes that Pelosi tried desperately to hold onto in a vain effort to force a Republican held Senate to do their damn jobs for them!
As for your bullshit Russia, Russia, Russia, collusion, collusion, collusion- they had 3 damn years to get something, anything; and came up with jack shit of nothing. What a fucking joke; and waste of tax payer money. All because TDS driven Establishment Democrats, and their lackeys, couldn't accept the outcome of an election where not one vote was changed due to Russian interference. Even the left's almighty lord and savior Obama stated as much.
But keep drinking the TDS Koolaid.
Yes. I do. It is obvious to the most casual observer of the depths of depravity that he will sink to. I am sure that, in time, the next couple of weeks, maybe a month or two or longer, I don't know for certain the timing but I do know in time it will.. very bad, mind you, maybe next year, it will come out that he is the most horrible, horrible person.
(deleted) doesn't need the shit to stick, he only has to say "there is a conspiracy" and all of the minions follow him lockstep. It actually helps (deleted) that nothing is provable, because then they are even more energized, "Gotta find the ball" running around to all the shows, articles like this one, practically drooling on themselves in co-conspiratorial delight because they know, they are sure, that something is coming.
Besides the fact that that is total unadulterated bullshit force fed to many Trump sycophants via Fox and the rest of the right wing lie machine, it's also a ridiculous claim made solely by those who weren't able to refute the facts of the case. The facts showed dirty dishonest Donald attempted to use his office to pressure a foreign leader into giving him dirt on a political opponent, and he was impeached for it.
What the fuck are you talking about? We have all the evidence that Russia did illegally interfere in our election on behalf of dirty Donald. That's a fact borne out by every intelligence agency. Whether or not piece of shit Putin actually had a conversation with the the moron in the oval office before the fact and criminally conspired is immaterial to what we know Russia did in an effort to help him win.
Yes, we know who has the real TDS, those who proudly display their "I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat" T-shirts and all those defending the indefensible.
It's funny to watch people who regularly repeat and promote ridiculous conspiracy theories get on a high horse about Obama.
Very entertaining.
He overreached.
I for one enjoy watching the TDS flow from some Obama supporters here. It is capricious, copious, outrageous and egregious.
Laugh my ass off regularly at that nonsense.
yes those were ridiculous"theories" alright.
meanwhile, everything I told you would happen (3 yrs ago ) . is happening just as I said it would.
I am still batting 1000
you should work on your long game. patience is key.
Except that, here in reality, exactly zero no nada zip ranking Obama campaign or administration officials have ever been indicted for any kind of official malfeasance while in office. Trump already cannot say that. So, let's get real. It is official! Obama's was the squeaky cleanest presidential administration in all US history! And, when all is said and done, Trump's will probably end up being recognized the most corrupted. Yep, that is more like it...here in reality! Butt, do keep making fools of yourselves. It is quite amusing again and again and again. Do let us know when you ever do get something to stick...
P.S. Andrew McCabe is still a free man and not facing any charges. You were surely wrong on that one, too...
You'll be the very first to know. I'll send a note.
P.S. Andrew McCabe is still a free man and not facing any charges.
The disgraced agent with the criminal referral? And your'e beaming with pride that the AG chose not to prosecute?
the investigations are just beginning and the evidence is overwhelming against certain Obama cronies.
"Witch hunt... hoax... fake news" Words to live by...
If Trump and the magas didn't find anything after all these years, ain't nothing to see. You'll be waiting for a looong time to find an Obama scandal. Since the gop was trying to get him the entire time he was in office. And got nada.
We've already had a few of them dating back to "fast & furious", the VA neglecting veterans and the IRS disabling Conservative groups before an election.
Doh, convenient memory i guess ....
try to keep up. seriously.
That is why (Deleted) is busily putting people in place to make something up.
Don't worry. He is signaling that yet another person who speaks truth to power is going to be replaced with a lick-spittle syncophant.
As far as the hard core liberal left, convenient memories are certainly of the selective type...
True. We waited years for Trump to finally admit that his birtherism "investigation" was a big nothing. His "Obama-gate" conspiracy theory will, predictably, have the same result. Right up there with the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting conspiracy. All of it just reactionary propaganda.
be patient like we were during the Great Mueller investigation
I don't quite remember it like that:
"The House Republicans just couldn’t resist a rant.
They had been hammering Robert Mueller from afar for the better part of two years, accusing the former special counsel of politically motivated bias, of “a witch hunt,” of needlessly dragging President Donald Trump through the mud"
Trump was especially "patient".
Nice try though...
Highly amusing that both the sites you quoted are blatantly leftist biased in their outlooks, and thus hardly objective non biased sources. In your own words, nice try though.
It is severe Obama Derangement Syndrome. The cult god has been acutely ill with ODS since his birtherism symptoms developed, and the hard-core reactionary propagandists keep the lies going. It is what they do.
First let me welcome you aboard.
Then I have to ask why you call specific criticisms of the 44th president "severe Obama Derangement Syndrome."
Is he above criticism? If so, why?
It’s funny really.
That is, attempts to equate collective criticism of Obama with that of Trump. The difference is massive in the mass media alone not to mention criticisms coming from the public. They can’t even come up with an original name for it and have to copy the TDS template.
Not sure who they think they are fooling. Only themselves in the long run.
Thank you.
No one is above criticism. I supported President Obama, and I also disagreed with him at times.
Is Trump above criticism? He acts like he is.
No, however this particular article takes a look at the Obama years.
But Trump!
That's how the Obama legacy is defended.
Lol ... nice one!
Since Biden is running on the Obama legacy this Obamagate bullshit is nothing more than an attempt to make Joe a less attractive candidate. It's predictable since Trump can't run on any policy. He doesn't know how to do anything but smear his opponent and it distracts the base faithful. It's been over 4 years now and I'm sure the Trump base still thinks Clinton will be indicted any day now. Hahahaha!
Making Biden look any less attractive is almost an impossibility. I'm not interested in Biden here, only the 44th president.
for me? I want every administration since reagan brought to its knees ( they all were corrupted beyond belief )
will they dig that deep? probably not.
but obama? he is not going to walk on this one. he will be made an example of so that bs never happens again.
if obama walks? that bs is sure to happen again. therefore, he has to go down in the end.
LOL! No one has brought up one thing that's can be criminally prosecuted. Not. One. Thing.
you are what I like to call "wrong
they have all the evidence required to prove everyone knew trump was not colluding with russians...
everyone questioned in schiffs investigations all said there was no trump russia collusion while under oath and then told the public the exact opposite
and you believed them.
time to wake up.
First, which law was broke?
Nothing but inuendo here. The Obama Admin seems to have made a point to "do things by the book". So you're striking out there. I see nothing here but political spin.
Hahahahahaha!!! That's just fucking funny!
Except that people from Trump's Administration WERE talking to Russians. That's a cold hard fact you seem to spin around.
Have you read any IG reports? The idea that the Obama admin did anything "by the book" to the point that it even supposedly had to be emphasized to "do things by the book" when briefing senior law enforcement officials. When you have to actually tell the DOJ to follow the rules, the culture of lawlessness is clear.
For those that have paid any attention to the news, it's clear the Obama administration paid no attention to the book. The issue is whether their deviation from the book was grossly negligent or criminal.
Hahahaha. Just last week the AG said he's not investigating Obama -
I'd pretty much guarantee if there were ANYTHING even remotely solid the quote from last Monday would be very, very different.
I know you guys tend to worship Obama as some sort of deity, but the Obama administration constitutes more than Obama. Please read what I wrote again.
ANYTHING even remotely solid the quote from last Monday would be very, very differen
My, how the standards have fallen. Democrats have gone from celebrating Obama as a lightworker, "that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve " are now gloating that Obama's multiple missteps don't constitute a crime. Good for you. Barr can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Obama's a criminal.
What a legacy. "Not a criminal, just grossly negligent!" Huzzah!
Gonna suck for Democrats when every criticism of Trump is met with, he wasn't indicted for that, so he did nothing wrong. Btu since that's the only defense that is offered for Obama, I guess that's all Trump requires as well.
Did you hear the rest of what Barr said?
"Barr did say, however, that “not every abuse of power, no matter how outrageous, is necessarily a federal crime.”
“As for President Obama and Vice President Biden, whatever their level of involvement based on what I know, I don’t expect Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr said. “Our concern of potential criminality is focused on others.”
“What happened to the president in 2016 election and throughout the first two years of his administration was abhorrent,” Barr said, adding that “it was a grave injustice and it was unprecedented.”
“We saw two different standards of justice emerge. ... One that applied to Trump and his associates, and another that applied to everyone else,” Barr said.
“The Durham investigation is trying to get to the bottom of what happened,” Barr continued, adding that it will “determine if there were any federal laws broken, and if there were, those who broke the laws will be held to account.”
That's pretty much what Democrats get now.
So, no evidence that any laws were broken yet? Thank you for making my point.
Does it matter to you?
Andrew McCabe lied to the FBI - I thought that was a crime?
The IG determined that James Comey was leaking sensitive information - Four of the rogue agents didn't classify the info, just in case.
The same IG investigation concluded that all four of the warrants obtained against one-time Trump adviser Carter Page were obtained “illegally.” - Isn't that a crime?
The report demonstrated that Comey serially lied, violated FBI and Justice Department rules and policies, and leaked documents all in his effort to defeat Donald Trump’s candidacy and then stymie Trump’s presidency.
We now know that Michael Flynn was framed.
All of the above is the sampler provided by a hamstrung IG
The main course will be served by the steady hand of John Durham.
You'll be second to know,
So Obama is no better than Trump, the supposed worst person in history. Gotcha.
Apparently not or he'd have been charged.
Really? Then why didn't Trump's DoJ charge him?
Again, isn't Trump in charge here? If there is a crime isn't it the AG's job to make sure they are charged?
Was it stymie Trump? Sounds like spin on your part. To me it looked more like a covering his own ass. One more time - It's up to Trump's DoJ to bring charges and they have not done so.
The FBI has already been investigated or we wouldn't know all those NOT crimes you pointed out. Durham is investigating to determine what the CIA and State Department's role in all this.
Oh, I'm sure there will be new articles online and seeded here until November at the very least. Perhaps it will help Emperor Trump hold on to power. We'll both see soon enough. In the mean time I'll keep chuckling at the impotency of political partisan outrage.
If it helps you sleep at night go for it.
Without any doubt he did. It is called a fact.
Really? Then why didn't Trump's DoJ charge him?
It's not quite that easy.
In the mean time I'll keep chuckling at the impotency of political partisan outrage.
And deep down "some" progressives know it was true and they only wish it had worked.
I only recall one prediction - that was predicting the left would roll out someone to make accusations against Kavanaugh. That's called a bullseye!
Nothing fact based there.
Who is "that one?"
I'm laughing so hard. dragging out the scary black man again. hahahahahahahahahaha
They dont want to talk about the orange disaster.
Let's not do that here!
Do what? Introduce some truth into the conversation?
Of course not, that wrecks the whole Republican bizzaro world narrative the Trump sycophants and brain damaged conservatives have been pushing for the last few years. They can't have people knowing the facts about their Great Orange Hope before this next election, they are desperate to control the narrative as you can tell by sad spineless fact-less seeds like this one.
Take it elsewhere.
Facts? You can't seem to acknowledge the facts concerning the previous president, never mind the current one.
That's because you never present any. All I ever hear is conjecture and innuendo which is why none of those you complain about from the Obama administration have been indicted of anything since Republicans know they would be laughed out of court if they tried to indict someone based on such thin conspiracy theories. And of course the conservative defense is to claim there is some fantasy "deep state" controlling things from the shadows which proves how sad and desperate they are grasping at straws fabricating conspiracy theories just so they can justify their hatred of the first black President.
True ..... since facts are what you make them to be.
Spin baby, spin!
If any of the supposed "facts" being presented by all these Obama haters were actual facts, Obama would already be in jail. As it is, not a single member of his staff have even been indicted let alone convicted of any crime. That's not spin, that's fact. None of the pointless conjecture and baseless accusations from any conservative here has ever been factually proven, all they have are disparate "factoids" they claim prove some malfeasance yet they haven't produced a shred of actual evidence of any crime. Dirty Donald himself couldn't answer the question when asked "What is the crime was committed in Obamagate?" to which all he could reply was "Well, you know what it is...". No, people with more than half a brain who aren't so gullible as to believe the non-stop right wing conspiracy theory nut jobs like Alex Jones and Donald Trump don't know what crime Obama supposedly committed. We're all waiting for some actual evidence, not just some FBI records that show the FBI interrogated Flynn the same way the police would interrogate any suspect. Flynn lied multiple times to investigators, no one forced him to lie. The only reason for him to lie was to protect dirty Donald. That was a crime and he plead guilty because he knew he was guilty. I frankly don't give a fuck whether the FBI were trying to get him to lie by asking questions they knew he would have trouble explaining. Flynn was also never "masked" so there was no unmasking. That was a total fabrication that had many conservatives here spouting bullshit out their nostrils for weeks. The only ones spinning anything are those who are desperate to try and prove their bullshit conspiracy theories.
It won't be long before you see just how "desperate" it is.
Off course when the swamp creatures get what they have coming to them i'm sure you'll just scream bloody murder that they were railroaded. Don't need a crystal ball to see that is coming.
The loony left is so predictable.
Sure, Hillary will be indicted any day now. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
You'll be screaming bloody "railroad" murder soon.
Count on it.
Check that, you probably already are.
Nothing like a preemptive "scream bloody murder" strike or twelve to help stoke a preferred narrative
Nope, because I actually know who the swamp creatures are and they will be unemployed as soon as this administration is unceremoniously tossed out of the white house. You can keep dreaming but history will not be kind to this President or his sycophantic brown nosing followers.
Good, i'm glad that works for you. Sadly, when its proven wrong, you will deny ever saying it or just scream bloody murder about getting railroaded.
nothing scary about obama... he is worthless piece of schit and nothing more than that.
oh I agree, the left is terrified of him.
and that just makes everyone else laugh because that was our plan from the start
wait till you see our next trick
In April of 2016 Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign operation and the DNC hired Fusion GPS to build a Trump-echo chamber. Fushion GPS got $1 Million to peddle a story of Trump colluding with Russia to a complicit press. That was the beginning of all of this.
ary Clinton's presidential campaign operation and the DNC hired Fusion GPS to build a Trump-echo chamber.
Using Russian misinformation no less. The Steele dossier was the greatest success of Russian espionage ever. The American media and half the country fell for it hook, line and sinker and even years later America's still useful idiots still believe in it's veracity.
Noooooooo, not Hilary again. It's like a rerun that we're being forced to sit through...........
The Reagan/Bush administration quadrupled government borrowing, and passed a country in recession with 8% unemployment to Clinton. The Clinton administration cut government borrowing by 2/3s, and passed a booming economy with full employment to Bush II. Bush II increased government borrowing by 1,300%, and handed a country with 8% unemployment in the deepest recession since the Great Depression to Obama. The Obama administration reduced government borrowing by 2/3s, and handed a booming economy with full employment to Trump. True to form, through diplomatic vandalism, idiotic tax policy, and a complete abdication of leadership during the pandemic, the Trump administration easily bested the Bush II destruction, and, unfortunately, Trump is nowhere near finished yet.
However, it is true that the huge number of arrests, indictments, and convictions of Obama administration personnel during his presidency is equaled by the huge number of arrests, indictments, and convictions of Obama administration personnel after his presidency. Those numbers being 0, and 0.
Conservatives really are a sick joke at this point.
I had to stop at the first sentence. It's so laughably incorrect to claim an economy growing at 5% is in recession that there's no point in going on with such partisan hackery.
"It's the economy, stupid"
1991 GDP growth rate was at -0.1%
Perhaps you weren't living here yet in 1992 and thus don't remember it well which is why you're so overwhelmingly uninformed.
You know bill Clinton took over the presidency In 1993 and not 1991 right?
Bumper sticker slogans are not reality.
In this case, it was reality for many people in the US. That, and the promise of healthcare for all, is why Clinton was elected.
Nah, the only sick joke here is the propaganda being peddled in your post. Great talking points for a PoliSci 101 discussion with a commie college professor but generally without real merit for anything but partisan bickering.
That said we could all talk about the crap economy Reagan inherited from Carter but that would be almost as worthless without more detailed explanation.