A prominent astrologer's analysis of the birthcharts of the presidential candidates
Mitchell Lewis is a prominent astrologer who specialty is financial Astrology and therefore he's also interested in current events. This article has a lot of detail, including some very technical Astrological information.
If anyone here decides to do the "politically incorrect" thing and decides to defy convention by actually reading the article before commenting here, I would recommend skipping over the technical stuff.
For example he says:
The presence of Uranus in that Full Moon shows that Trump truly is a contrarian.
You could google "Uranus in Full Moon" to try to understand the significance of that-- but its really more helpful to ignore that, because he tells you what's really important:that the Astrology shows that Trump is truly a contrarian.
Here are a few interesting things he's discovered by using this ancient art:
1. Trump
-- a tendency to blow emotional issues out of proportion. As we have seen by his actions, the chart shows that he is explosive and has no sense of boundaries whatsoever.
--The need for complete autonomy is so strong that he just doesn’t play nice in the sandbox and never will. his ego is very much in play all the time.
--His decisions aren’t really motivated by his intellect as much as by his need to express that restricted 12th house Mars.
--While Trump appears to be forceful and direct, in actuality he is anything but, and his actions show just the opposite. If his ego were strong and secure he would not react to every little slight with the meanness and dismissiveness he projects. He is in reality very thin-skinned and easy offended.
--His ego is quite fragile and it irks him to be corrected or challenged. a very confused way of thinking and speaking. His facts are often wrong, and he doesn’t care because his mind does not work in a direct or clear fashion
And there's lot's more in the article.
He then states:
Now, before my readers who support Trump get too angry, let’s take a look at Hillary’s chart. I try to be as open minded and objective as I can.
2. Hillary
--She’s very secretive and has a problem stepping back or apologizing for her indiscretions.
--I know many wonderful Scorpios and find their depth of feeling and understanding can be extremely useful. But they do tend towards secretiveness and can withhold information and hide their true feelings.
--With so much energy in that fixed water sign it can be quite difficult for her to open up and let conjunction of Mars and Pluto makes her controlling and quite powerful. It also adds more fuel to that Scorpio side. Mars rules our energy, and the ego. Pluto the ruler of Scorpio being so prominently placed in her chart increases her secretiveness and with the conjunction to Mars makes it difficult for her to open up and show the world who she really is.
--Hillary’s Moon is 29 degrees Pisces. Interestingly we see that 29 - degree aspect in each candidate. This placement makes it very difficult for her to show her emotions, and she comes across somewhat cold and distant. This is one of the biggest reasons some people are turned off by her. We want our leaders to be parental figures all cuddly and soft. She does not come across that way.
And there's lots more very perceptive insight into the psychological make-up of both candidates in the article (HERE).
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His ego is quite fragile and it irks him to be corrected or challenged. . . a very confused way of thinking and speaking. His facts are often wrong, and he doesn’t care because his mind does not work in a direct or clear fashion
This placement makes it very difficult for her to show her emotions, and she comes across somewhat cold and distant.
This is one of the biggest reasons some people are turned off by her. We want our leaders to be parental figures all cuddly and soft. She does not come across that way.
Yes, but attached to those perceptions of what we expect from our leaders also have a gender attached to them. We don't necessarily want our male leaders to be cuddly. We want them to be strong and assertive. So I think these characteristics and behaviors depends on the gender. Hilary has many of the qualities we look for in a male leader but because she's female these same characteristics are off putting.
Feel free to analyze me. My B-day is June 20th.
We don't necessarily want our male leaders to be cuddly. We want them to be strong and assertive.
I think what he's trying to say is that we also want our leaders to be people we can relate to on an emotionl levvel-- and that they be people who can reate to us. (Many people do not feel that sort of kinship with Hillary).
Feel free to analyze me. My B-day is June 20th.
We don't need to know your birthday to analyze you, LOL. In fact, I imagine many people here already have! (And they certainly aren't one bit hesitant to pontificate on the characteristics of any other NT user either).
June 20 doesn't tell me much except that your Sun is in Gemini (late Ge in fact). Which is only a small part of your chart. As you've probably heard by now, Ge love communication. They love to talk! Usually (depending upon the rest of their chart) they are curious, and love to collect information, to learn about things. Often they like variety. One of the things Ge hates most is...boredom!.
I've had some serious computer problems lately (Mercury Retrograde), so maybe in a few days I'll do a few charts here. (First one will be Dowser as she was the first to give me her info/ The only others I did here were quite a while back...Perrie and Larry.)
Hey what's that supposed to mean? You guys think I'm loony or something............
Hey what's that supposed to mean? You guys think I'm loony or something............
No it wasn't directed at you-- rather I was trying to say that people here feel free (often too free!) to analyze any other people here (whether justified or not!
As you've probably heard by now, Ge love communication. They love to talk! Usually (depending upon the rest of their chart) they are curious, and love to collect information, to learn about things. Often they like variety. One of the things Ge hates most is...boredom!.
Do any people who are not Gemini love to talk? Or are curious? love to collect information and learn about things? Anybody but Geminis like variety? Or hate being bored?
What astrological sign likes being bored by the way?
Do any people who are not Gemini love to talk? Or are curious? love to collect information and learn about things? Anybody but Geminis like variety? Or hate being bored?
Well, as I mentioned, Ge are often very curious-- therefore they often ask a lot of questions (see above
Of course they do.
But its a matter of degree. Those traits may be found to some degree in anyone but they are usually present to a much stronger degree in Ge. Often talkativeness is one of the first things people notice when meeting a Ge. (Other signs, maybe Taurus, are more more taciturn-- in addition, they often don't say very much.)
What astrological sign likes being bored by the way?
Its a matter of degree. For each sign there's usually one or more things that drives them nuts. For Ge that's often boredom. Other signs make prefer not to be bored, but for them its usually not such a big deal.
Probably the Earth signs (Capricorn,Taurus, Virgo) might not mind so much. They tend to be the most practical. So they might tolerate boring, dull repetitious activity if it will get them practical results. (I can see those earth signs being good accountants-- at least the boring part such as endlessly adding up columns of figures-- Ge and the Fire signs might quickly get bored).
What astrological sign likes being bored by the way?
Asked and answered.
Here's a very brief comment on Larry's chart:
Ok took a quick look at your chart. I really don't like to do this quickly-- I am usually very detail oriented & thorough, not suited ti Internet conversation.
Also, I don't generally like to do charts when Mercury is retrograde-- thinking is not at its best...and neither is communication of information. Anyway..
I won't say anything too personal. Here are a few quick first impressions: You may be quite an extrovert. Sun, Mars and Jupiter in Aries. Tend to be great at starting projects and getting others to join in. High initiatory energy? 10th house-- you career is important, you may be fairly well known in career or at work?
Jupiter & Mercury in 11th-- probably good with computers.
Probably quite idealistic. Friends are important. Uranus in Virgo in 3rd Hse. You may be unconventional & innovative thinker. Aries part of you likes to jump in, do things quick, get "the bottom line"-- but Ur. in Vi might mean you are good with details as well?
Interesting 5th house. A Piscean energy three. So you might be intuitive , be creative? Creativity through intuition? For "fun" you might like Spiritual/mystic things. And beer (but everybody like beer :^). 5th Hse is recreation and also re-creation. Some aspect of your relationships with children might be "Piscean"-- a bit unclear? Also you might have to make sacrifices in some way for children.? Moon + Neptune in 9th house-- you might really like philosophy, religion or spiritual stuff; travel (especially to foreign or very different places). Even foreign food or culture?
Looks like you might be a very emotionally sensitive and caring person?
Some interesting career stuff. In your career you may be much more aware of all of what's going on, but your co-workers and/or superiors may not be. And if you try to tell them they may not "get it"..?. You may also be unclear as to what career tp pursue or unclear about some other path to pursue in life? There are indications you might be a healer, a "spiritual" healer-- or become one someday.
Just a few first impressions...of course all this could be wrong. Does any of it ring a bell?
Some interesting career stuff. In your career you may be much more aware of all of what's going on, but your co-workers and/or superiors may not be. And if you try to tell them they may not "get it"..?.
There is little doubt that generalities such as this apply to many people no matter what their horoscope looks like.
John - are you grumpy tonight? I like astrology. Don't be a naysayers!
John - are you grumpy tonight? I like astrology. Don't be a naysayers!
Do you disagree?
Some interesting career stuff. In your career you may be much more aware of all of what's going on, but your co-workers and/or superiors may not be. And if you try to tell them they may not "get it"..?.
There is little doubt that generalities such as this apply to many people no matter what their horoscope looks like.
Well that comment of mine wasn't directed at "many people"-- it was specifically directed at Larry-- based upon my reading of his chart. Is that especially true of him, compared to "many people"? You'll have to ask him....
Well that comment of mine wasn't directed at "many people"-- it was specifically directed at Larry-- based upon my reading of his chart. Is that especially true of him, compared to "many people"? You'll have to ask him....
I wouldn't expect him to turn down a compliment.
While I wish I could take that as a compliment, it was (is) instead a complete pain in the ass.
I do understand what you are saying, and tend to agree with that skepticism;still, there are times when traditionally understood scientific explanations do not explain phenomena. I don't care for that hole, and believe that there are reasonable truths yet to be discovered. I open my mind, to what I am dissatisfied with not knowing.
still, there are times when traditionally understood scientific explanations do not explain phenomena. I don't care for that hole, and believe that there are reasonable truths yet to be discovered.
Even good 'ole Will knew that-- way back when:
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8)
My take on all this: Trump's weakness is his YUGE ego, Hillary's weakness is need for secretiveness.
IMO these traits are so deeply ingrained in their personalities that it is very difficult for either of them to control these traits no matter how hard they try.
(Although, as the first debate has shown. when she make the effort Hillary as better at it...)
The presence of Uranus in that Full Moon
Are you suggesting something suggestive here ?!
Is there a full moon out tonight?
If there is you'd better lock my coffin for the night.
Is there a full moon out tonight?
Actually its just the opposite-- Oct 1st is a New Moon. Traditionally its a good time fror new beginnings. The Moon is in Libra, which may mean we're in for a little more peace soon.
Mercury is no longer retrograde, but its still mildly in effect 'till the 6th.
The last Full Moon was on August 16th-- That was a bad time. (On the 16th and following days there was a sudden increase terror attacks: Ny, NJ, MN, Israel, a few others. Severe escalation in horrendous violence in Aleppo. It was an eclipse and there were predictions of fear, danger, etc.
My take on all this: Trump's weakness is his YUGE ego, Hillary's weakness is need for secretiveness.
That is the very take most people had before they ever saw this astrological analysis.
FAscinating article! I enjoy horoscopes, very much, and these seem to be right on the money...
Wow! Astrology!? LOL!
Has anyone sifted through any entrails to divine the election's outcome?
Be nice Cerenkov! soooooooooo........When's your birthday?
November 27. Astrology says I'm Sagittarius while NASA says I'm Scorpio.
However, there's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.
Nor mine. I think of it as entertaining...
Scorpio/Sagittarius - Ahhhhh. .... Much too serious with a pretty healthy ego (not that it isn't warranted) and you apparently don't like when a certain Gemini is sharing senseless and pointless stories (that's me in case you didn't get the connection). Your soul is too troubled - you need to be more silly! Get out of your intellectual bubble. I'm surprised you revealed your birthday so that's a start in the right direction.
Pj you mentioned you're are a Gemini. Based upon your comments, I'd guess you have some Libra somewhere in your chart as well-- could be Moon in Libra, Libra rising, several other planetsn in Libra, etc-- any of them could give you Libra energy.
November 27. Astrology says I'm Sagittarius while NASA says I'm Scorpio.
So apparently, while you don't believe there's any validity to Astrology, you didn't fail to mention what your sign is (or what you think it is).....Hmmmm...
However, there's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.
I totally agree.
(But that's probably only because I had a good statistics professor).
That's a Star Wars quotation.
But that's probably only because I had a good statistics professor
What I mean by that somewhat strange comment is he said that thing that statistics professors are so fond of:
Correlation does not necessarily imply causation.
Many people who believe Astrology works often feel the movement of the planets somehow control us. But IMO that's not necessarily true.
I have seen how there's a strong correlation between the movement of certain celestial bodies and things that happen in our lives.
But IMO just because there's a correlation between planets and events on earth-- that does not necessarily imply that there's causation! (Planets or similar forces don't control us....).
See that, how our Western scientific has led us to a rabbit hole that just leads back out the other side of the hillock? Just because we don't understand how something works, or cannot lay out schematics explaining it's mechanism, that does not imperil it's veracity. It should spur our curiosity and investigative prowess rather instead.
November 27. Astrology says I'm Sagittarius while NASA says I'm Scorpio.
Well, they're both probably right. (They are very different fields, so they use different method and therefore get different results. I would imagine that classifying you as a Scorpio works for Astronomy). However for the purposes of Astrology you are definitely a Sag.
Depending on the rest of the chart, Sag are often interested in philosophy. Generally like foreign cultures and travel.Usually have and/or appreciate a good sense of humour (particularly "corny" jokes). Sometimes interested in Law or legal matters. Some are often obsessed with "being right".
But that's just your natal Sun-- as astrologers say, it's just one tenth of your chart.
He definitely isn't a joke person.......or maybe it's just my jokes. Lol
Sag generally is. However, a chart is composed of many energies-- the Sun (often called "your sign") is ony part of your chart. That energy can be toned down or modified by having several planets in other signs.)
And its really important for Sag to be right-- so they can become very argumentative when you challenge their views.
I can't tell what's going on until I see the complete chart.
And its really important for Sag to be right-- so they can become very argumentative when you challenge their views.
Ha! In that case we have a house full of Sagittarius people on this site.
Six - I was thinking the same thing! hahahahaha
I have a minor in philosophy and I love to travel.
That's pretty cool Cernkov and something I didn't know about you. May I ask, who are your philosophical influences?
Camus mostly. I like existentialism.
I also like Zen Buddhism.
My wife and her whole family are Buddhist. In our home we have a small shrine to Bodhisattva Guanyin, to whom offerings are given, incense burned and prayers made.
It seems to me that Camus was quite interested in resolving the dualism presented by the absurd (though he may very well reject that description! :~) ); and, would have chosen the most pragmatic explanations that lead to peaceful existence. At the same time, with intellectually integrity enough to admit to ignorance about what he didn't know.
Would that be an accurate assumption? I'm no expert on Camus, though somewhat acquainted with his ideals.
I have a minor in philosophy and I love to travel
Well, I suppose John would say that that "could've been true of anyone"...
Depending on the rest of the chart, Sag are often interested in philosophy.
I almost feel like posting the birthdates of some of the many philosophers that were not Sagittarius, but the payoff on this discussion wouldn't justify the time.
Has anyone sifted through any entrails to divine the election's outcome?
Actually Mitchell Lewis (the Astrologer who wrote this article seeded here) did. He predicted a Hillary victory based on the Astrology. (I have also predicted she'll win-- however I didn't use any astrology-- just my guess based on news articles, watching them both on TV, etc.).
Interestingly, he also predicted she's only be a one term president.
I asked him to explain to me what particular things in Astrology he used to predict her win-- from an astrological perspective it made sense to me.
I never did ask him what he used to predict only 1 term (I would have never thought that).
I'd put more trust in the Old Farmer's Catalogue, but probably Hillary will win with a narrow margin but be replaced for the next term (by either another Democrat or a better Republican candidate). I think the voters are probably resigned to that.
I almost feel like posting the birthdates of some of the many philosophers that were not Sagittarius,
But the onl;y thing that that would prove is that you really don't have any understanding of Astrology.
Well, it would also prove you didn't even read my commentn on things like that. Here's what I said in a previous comment:
Sag generally is. However, a chart is composed of many energies-- the Sun (often called "your sign") is ony part of your chart. That energy can be toned down or modified by having several planets in other signs.)
And its really important for Sag to be right-- so they can become very argumentative when you challenge their views.
I can't tell what's going on until I see the complete chart.
Most people with Sag in their chart are interested in philosophy-- more so than most other people. One way a person could have Sag energy is if their sun is in Sag. But a person's sun could be in any sign (other than Sag)-- andif their rising sign or Moon were in Sag it woud produce a similar effect. Or if none of those were in Sag, but they had 5 others planets in Sag they would have strong Sag energy-- and would be similarmin many ways to a person with Sag Sun.
I'd consider Freud's analysis to be more accurate - it's all illusion isn't it - and here is proof of illusion:
Has anyone sifted through any entrails to divine the election's outcome?
Actually Mitchell Lewis (the Astrologer who wrote this article seeded here) did. He predicted a Hillary victory based on the Astrology. (I have also predicted she'll win-- however I didn't use any astrology-- just my guess based on news articles, watching them both on TV, etc.).
Interestingly, he also predicted she's only be a one term president.
I asked him to explain to me what particular things in Astrology he used to predict her win-- from an astrological perspective it made sense to me.
I never did ask him what he used to predict only 1 term (I would have never thought that).
Well Buzz, I'm no art expert-- but I do tend to enjoy pictures with naked ladies in them!
Oh damn. Perrie told me I can't post nudity so I deleted the article about the Australian girls parading full frontal, but this is a painting and not full frontal so maybe it's okay.
Thanks for the neat article Krish, interesting to say the least.
I wonder how the election date (NOV 8th) lines-up with astrological insights?
I wonder how the election date (NOV 8th) lines-up with astrological insights?
Actually If memory serves that's how the author of this article came to his conclusion that Hillary would win.
An astrologer can look at the positions of the planets on any given day-- and then see what their position is in relation to a person's astrology chart on that day.
So to forecast the outcome of the election the first thing to do would be to forecast the positions of planets on election day-- basically, thats running the day on an Astrology programme and getting the "horoscope" (the "wheel"). Then compare that to the chart of Trump, then to Hillary. See which is positive or negative, and if both are positive, which is more so.
He said Hillary's Astrology that day was much better.
I wasn't satisfied with his prediction of winner-- since I know Astrology, I wanted him to show me how he arrived at that conclusion. What he showed me made sense to me. (I don't remember most of it now. One thing I do remember was a strong and very positive influence from the Moon (In Astrology, the Moon often indicates Female, the Sun Male).
I've spoken to him occasionally. Its worth noting that he's a Democrat, but he is good at being objective in his work.
Interesting article Krish. I think that people who are naysayers about astrology, think of it as something akin to fortune telling. It really isn't, and has been used by societies for as long as humans have been around. It is better thought of as a way of understanding what's going on around you and general personality types.. as you demonstrated with these two candidates.
And I'm a Gemini, too!
It's nonsense used for entertainment. Something like Dr Phil in outer space.
Are you serious? Astrology is a primitive superstition. There is no scientific basis for it. It's a joke.
C & J (not to be confused as P&J)
Have no fear, I never taught it to my science classes. Of course you might want to discuss this with Nancy Reagan, too.
Don't put yourself in the same sentence with Nancy Reagan.
Have no fear, I never taught it to my science classes. Of course you might want to discuss this with Nancy Reagan, too.
Many important people in positions of power use Astrology, but keep it secret. (Nancy R isn't the only one who used it-- she just happen to get caught!)
One example:
“Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.”
― J.P. Morgan
Are you serious? Astrology is a primitive superstition. There is no scientific basis for it. It's a joke.
Just curious-- what are you basing that conclusion on?
Now I'm wondering-- how long have you studied it?
And how did you arrive at that conclusion? Taking courses, reading a lot of good books on the subject, attending lectures, conversations with many astrologers?
There is going to be a revolution of humans understanding their role on planet Earth, and it will be shattering to the current ideological status quo.
As you've probably heard by now, Ge love communication. They love to talk! Usually (depending upon the rest of their chart) they are curious, and love to collect information, to learn about things. Often they like variety. One of the things Ge hates most is...boredom!.
Do any people who are not Gemini love to talk? Or are curious? love to collect information and learn about things? Anybody but Geminis like variety? Or hate being bored?
What astrological sign likes being bored by the way?
Interesting article Krish. I think that people who are naysayers about astrology, think of it as something akin to fortune telling. It really isn't, and has been used by societies for as long as humans have been around. It is better thought of as a way of understanding what's going on around you and general personality types.. as you demonstrated with these two candidates.
And I'm a Gemini, too!
Astrology does have validity. (I don't know how it works, only that it does. And I know how to use it).
However what's really fascinating is the reason why so many people believe its a hoax.
But that takes too much typing to explain-- so I'll do it sometime soon.