Former lawyer for Stormy Daniels cooperating with Cohen probe, spokesman says
Keith Davidson, the lawyer at the center of agreements with two women paid to keep silent about alleged affairs from more than a decade ago with Donald Trump, is cooperating with the probe into the President's personal lawyer Michael Cohen, Davidson's spokesman said Friday.
"Mr. Davidson has been contacted by the federal authorities regarding the Michael Cohen probe in the Southern District of New York. Mr. Davidson was asked to provide certain limited electronic information. He has done so and will continue to cooperate to the fullest extent possible under the law," Davidson spokesman Dave Wedge said in a statement to CNN.
The White House has denied the claims of both women, Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.
The Washington Post first reported on Davidson's statement of cooperation.
You might remember this lawyer, he was the one who said he was representing Stormy Daniels and, Karen McDougal when they first were involved with the whole keep quiet for Trump thing. McDougal used him when she sold her story to the Enquirer and, got the shaft in that deal when Davidson turned on her and, went to work for Cohen and, the Enquirer to kill her story. I forgot to add the link.
Well, Davidson never said he would take a bullet for Trump.
It's an interesting twist given that Cohen apparently illegally conspired with Davidson to limit the settlement in at least these two cases. So the FBI is now using Davidson as leverage to get Cohen to flip.
It would seem that is the case.
Collusion with opposition counsel could easily result in disbarment. Ken Starr got disciplined by the controlling judicial panel for his collusion with the Paul Jones attorneys.....and he wasn't even involved in that case as a party or as counsel.
If it is proven that is the case then we are looking at Cohen not only wearing orange for a long stretch of time but, losing his license to practice law as well.
Here is a somewhat interesting tidbit (in a Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon kind of way).
Keith Davidson is a long-time friend and indiscretion-fixer/negotiator of boxer Manny Pacquiao. They have done quite a bit of high-profile socializing over the years. Manny Pacquiao is also a (convenient?) friend of Donald Trump, who asked him to be a judge in the 2015 Miss Universe Pageant in Miami . I say convenient, because at the time, Pacquiao was the 2nd highest paid athlete in the world, and Trump needed to boost the pageant's abysmal ratings. Since then, they have maintained their... relationship, even though Pacquiao's promoter, Bob Alum, is known as being quite the Trump-hater .
So yeah, I think it is entirely possible, and even probable, that Keith Davidson has been Trump and/or Cohen's boy all along. It's also possible that Keith Davidson's spokesman, Dave Wedge, has had a hand in the shenanigans.
Jeez what a friggin' mess.
I'm just glad that Rosenstein was so wise when he made the appointment for a special prosecutor, given Mueller's background in prosecuting mob bosses, white collar crime, and international conspiracies. He knows exactly how to leverage little fish like Davidson and Cohen to get the info he needs on the ringleader.
Indeed. I would bet that Cohen will roll on trump to save his own skin. From the moment Cohen's office and hotel room were raided, trump has been over the top in his praise of Cohen which just screams, "please don't roll on me because if you do, I am totally screwed!". Just need to look at Hope Hicks and her reaction to being questioned by Mueller's team...the next day she resigned. I am wondering what she was told and asked in that meeting the spooked her so badly because I am not buying the, "it's a coincidence that she resigned the day after she was questioned", BS.
At this point, it's almost a daily occurrence that we hear about Mueller and his team finding yet another little tidbit, or another raid, or another connection, or another indictment. Trump may have been told that he isn't the focus of the investigation, but my guess is that he was told that in an effort to get him to back off about firing Mueller and Rosenstien. Just a guess, but at this point it's pretty obvious to most people that trump IS the target of the investigation. If Cohen was the target, Mueller would have stopped his investigation already and you can't go much further up the food chain without involving trump. Cohen is as close to trump as anyone else in his admin..
OK. But how do I know you are not one of...them?
I hope the FBI has people looking after Cohen other wise that little fish might end up sleeping with the fishes before he rats out Trump.
Trump says he feels sure that Cohen won't flip on him, but, it seems more like merely a hope on Trumps part and not a fact. Cohen will spill his guts, if he has not already done so, to save him own neck, just like everyone else has. Trump demands loyalty from others, but, gives none to those he demands it from.
That could be a real possibility. Instead of worrying about him flipping on Trump, just tie him up with a cement block tied to his feet and flip him into the Hudson. Of course Trump wouldn't know a thing about it./s
Give that lady a cigar. This whole thing has needed a real judge looking at it since it all happened.
I don't know, this offer smell fishy to me.
Do you have anything of substance to add to the conversation or, are you just here to attack the posters again?
(through a megaphone) Sister, step away from the fish.
Trump might wish he was a mob boss but, he hasn't got the brains to be one and, on top of that Cohen was his go to guy for the "Deal you can't refuse" business.
skirting the CoC [ph]
I guess this answers my question. Be gone from my seed.
1. Try reading the link associated with that part of my comment.
2. Why would Trump have bothered to issue a press release which announced the celebrity judges and performers? In fact, why bother with using celebrity judges in the first place if not to boost ratings?
3. My point was to establish a connection between Trump and Keith Davidson.
4. Please spend the next 10 minutes slapping yourself silly.
Texan, I have told you to leave this seed if you can't add anything of substance to it, you have ignored this request, I now ask a moderator to make you leave.
A member can be removed from a seed for their comments being inadequately substantial??
Please leave this article. You have been warned several times to be on topic and not be discussing other members.
If that member does nothing except attack other posters and, adds nothing to the conversations as has been done in this case.
If it's for attacking other posters, I won't worry. About 75% of my comments have no substance to them!
At some point in your comments you discuss the subject, you usually don't deliberately try to derail the discussion.