
Hillary Clinton laments losing despite '66 million letters of recommendation'


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  kdmichigan  •  6 years ago  •  112 comments

Hillary Clinton laments losing despite '66 million letters of recommendation'
"To me, it was like applying for a job and getting 66 million letters of recommendation," she said in a CBS interview preview released Thursday.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Hillary Clinton compared her millions of votes during the 2016 presidential election as a letters of recommendation while lamenting that President Trump won. 

"To me, it was like applying for a job and getting 66 million letters of recommendation," she said in a CBS interview preview released Thursday. 
Clinton, 71, described her loss to Trump as "losing to a corrupt human tornado." 
Earlier this week, the former secretary of state said she came to the decision that she supported impeachment. 
"I did not come to that decision easily or quickly, but this is an emergency as I see it … This latest behavior around Ukraine, trying to enlist the president of Ukraine in a plot to undermine former Vice President Biden or lose the military aide he needs to defend against Trump’s friend, Vladimir Putin — if that’s not an impeachable offense, I don’t know what is," she said.


jrDiscussion - desc
Junior Quiet
1  seeder  KDMichigan    6 years ago

Poor Hillaryious Hillary. Still can't get over herself, Other than the millions she has made off of a career in politics someone needs to give her a participation trophy. She sounds just like the loony left that still support her. 

Freshman Silent
1.2  cms5  replied to  KDMichigan @1    6 years ago

The tired old windbag needs to give the 2016 election a rest. She lost because the People didn't want her ass anywhere near the White House.

Professor Principal
2  JohnRussell    6 years ago

Personally, I feel sorry for people who obsess about Hillary Clinton in Sept. of 2019.  She has been basically out of the news for almost three years. Are you stuck in a time warp? 

Junior Quiet
2.2  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @2    6 years ago
people who obsess about Hillary Clinton in Sept. of 2019

You can catch her interview on CBS this Sunday JR. 

Are you stuck in a time warp? 

Coming from you that is Hillaryious, Thanks for taking the time out of searching for your next "I hate Trump" article to comment though.


Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
2.2.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2    6 years ago

Is that the same pizza place where she was running the child sex ring? /s

The lies about her supposed ill-health were as just valid as the moronic claims of the pizza parlor where a right wing conservative showed up with an assault rifle demanding to get into the non-existent basement, because that's how monumentally stupid some on the right are.

Professor Quiet
2.2.2  Sunshine  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.2.1    6 years ago

Conservatives can never top the Democrats pushing that Trump is a Russian agent for three years.  What a bunch of dumbasses.


Junior Quiet
2.2.3  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.2.1    6 years ago
because that's how monumentally stupid some on the right are.

Is that like all the moronic left that bought into the Trump conspired with Russia?


Junior Quiet
2.2.4  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.2.1    6 years ago
he lies about her supposed ill-health



Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
2.2.5  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.4    6 years ago

And what does her tripping on a doorstop or a head bobble meme have to do with her health?

I find it hilarious that some peoples only defense of their known moron and obvious law breaker in the white house is to post non-stop pointless ignorant memes or sad bullshit conservative cartoons about a granny who's not even running for any office. I guess for some, when they've got nothing else, cut and paste pictures, two second comedy clips and big block letter memes are their only way to mask their profound ignorance and lack of education beyond grade school. But hey, if it makes them feel better about their sorry lot in life, then I guess there's no point in trying to take away the one way they manage to communicate the nonsense going on inside their empty heads.

Junior Quiet
2.2.7  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.2.5    6 years ago


Junior Quiet
2.2.8  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @2.2.5    6 years ago

You can catch her next cryfest on CBS this Sunday...



Professor Principal
2.2.9  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.4    6 years ago

Maybe this lame shit was a big hit on Newsvine, but other than BF, no one on NT ever really got into it. 

Professor Principal
2.2.10  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.4    6 years ago


You do know that is a doctored video dont you?   You believe so many dumb ass conspiracy theories its hard to tell with you. 

Junior Quiet
2.2.11  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @2.2.10    6 years ago
You do know that is a doctored video dont you?

If that is what you want to tell yourself JR, who ever did it was awesome they even doctored the reporters reacting to it.

I find it Hillaryious all these people triggering over a News report that is going to be aired Sunday that Hillary sat down for and is still crying about President Trump.



Junior Quiet
2.2.12  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @2.2.9    6 years ago


Professor Principal
2.2.13  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.12    6 years ago

You have found your communication level  ------ cartoons !

Professor Principal
2.2.14  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.11    6 years ago
If that is what you want to tell yourself JR, who ever did it was awesome they even doctored the reporters reacting to it.

The reporters are reacting to what she SAID, which was a humorous remark. 


Junior Quiet
2.2.16  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @2.2.14    6 years ago
Please tell me you are not as dumb as you look if you believe this video is real. 


The reporters are reacting to what she SAID, which was a humorous remark. 

Well then post the Video then JR of her not bobbing her head like a nutjob. 

I suppose she didn't get dragged in to her Limo van either. 

Professor Principal
2.2.17  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.16    6 years ago


Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
2.2.18  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.4    6 years ago

Making fun of someone falling demonstrates an unpleasant part of your character.  In addition, if you truly believe that she is having some kind of seizure in the other meme, and you think that is hilarious as well, then I'm going to guess that you missed church last Sunday.

On a related note, Hillary can't hurt you any more, so relax.

Junior Quiet
2.2.19  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @2.2.14    6 years ago
Please tell me you are not as dumb as you look

Oh no now NBC is faking news on Hillaryious Hillary.


Junior Quiet
2.2.20  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @2.2.18    6 years ago
Making fun of someone falling demonstrates an unpleasant part of your character. 

Need a tissue?

then I'm going to guess that you missed church last Sunday.

Church is for sinners, I don't sin.

On a related note, Hillary can't hurt you any more, so relax.

Hillaryious Hillary is the one that puts herself in the news on a weekly basis, If you don't like seeing articles of Abula then I suggest you might try just scrolling by them so you don't get your feeling hurt.

You can catch Hillary still crying about losing the election this Sunday on CBS being interviewed by Jane Pauley. 

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
2.2.22  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.20    6 years ago

I upped your comment based on the comedic quality alone.

Junior Quiet
2.2.23  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @2.2.22    6 years ago
I upped your comment based on the comedic quality alone.

I myself am going to try to catch the interview, the comedic value alone should make it worth watching.

Professor Principal
2.2.25  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.19    6 years ago

Hillary Clinton did not have a seizure. She was playing and having fun with the reporters.  [Deleted]

Junior Quiet
2.2.30  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Tessylo @2.2.28    6 years ago


Junior Quiet
2.2.33  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Tessylo @2.2.32    6 years ago
And there you go, proof positive that is all you have, stupid ass memes.  Pathetic.  

Yes your inane post seeking attention are pathetic, I agree 100%

Junior Quiet
2.2.34  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Tessylo @2.2.29    6 years ago
thanks to certain posters who are allowed to get away with it.  

Tell us how you really feel.


Professor Guide
2.2.36  MrFrost  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.30    6 years ago


Professor Guide
2.2.37  MrFrost  replied to  KDMichigan @2.2.4    6 years ago


Professor Quiet
2.3  Sunshine  replied to  JohnRussell @2    6 years ago
I feel sorry for people who obsess about Hillary Clinton 

Yet you always show up on the articles.

I don't think anyone is looking for your sympathy except Hillary.  

Professor Quiet
2.6  bbl-1  replied to  JohnRussell @2    6 years ago

"Stuck in a time warp?"  No.  Stuck in a cult.

Senior Guide
2.8  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @2    6 years ago

Hillary is an idiot.  A very corrupt and stupid one as well.

Senior Guide
2.8.4  XXJefferson51  replied to  Tessylo @2.8.1    6 years ago

It’s true that Hillary failed to become President so when we talk about that witch sore loser we are not talking about our great President.  

Professor Principal
3  JBB    6 years ago

What a pathetic attempt to divert from the fact Trump & Co have been busted for illegally conspiring with a foreign government to illegally influence and interfer with another US election. That was not a question. For Fuck Sake! Hillary Rodham Clinton has not held public office for seven fucking years. Whatever she is up to now, mainly just being a retired grandmother, has zero zip nada nothing relevant to the important news of the day. Our sacred Republic is in the throws of a full blown constitutional crisis and all the damn gop wants to talk about is an old lady who used to be a US Senator, Secretary of State and Presidenntial candidate...years and years and years ago!

Junior Quiet
3.1  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  JBB @3    6 years ago
What a pathetic attempt to divert


Professor Principal
3.1.2  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.1    6 years ago


Senior Guide
3.1.3  XXJefferson51  replied to  KDMichigan @3.1    6 years ago

Great response. Way to get em good.  Clearly and obviously well said.  A big thumbs up. 

Junior Quiet
3.3  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  JBB @3    6 years ago
What a pathetic attempt to divert from the fact Trump & Co

No diversion It is the Bitch Hillary and her butt ugly child that have put themselves in the news.

 For Fuck Sake! Hillary Rodham Clinton has not held public office for seven fucking years. 

Then why the fuck does the Bitch always have to put herself in the news on a weekly basis, Did someone force her to do a interview with CBS?

Junior Quiet
3.3.3  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Tessylo @3.3.2    6 years ago
Who Ivanka?  I thought she was a feckless cunt though.  

Who? No one brought up "Barry" or his husband.


Professor Quiet
4  bbl-1    6 years ago

Nah.  The only people doing any lamenting are the TGOPERS and the right wing.  The Trump is their baby.

Junior Quiet
4.1  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  bbl-1 @4    6 years ago

You can catch the latest Hillaryious Hillary cryfest this Sunday on CBS


Professor Quiet
4.1.1  bbl-1  replied to  KDMichigan @4.1    6 years ago

Yeah.  A lot of people are crying.  Children in cages, separated from their parents.  Misery in South America.  Misery in the Middle east.  Ukrainians staring down the Russian Army. 

Yeah.  A lot of crying. 

Professor Quiet
4.1.2  bbl-1  replied to  KDMichigan @4.1    6 years ago


Junior Quiet
4.1.4  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  bbl-1 @4.1.2    6 years ago


[KDMichigan and bbl-1, this thread ends here.]

Professor Quiet
4.1.6  Ronin2  replied to  bbl-1 @4.1.1    6 years ago

All were occurring before Trump ever took office; and will be going on once he leaves.

Or did you forget a full 8 years of Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, etc, etc.........

We cannot fix South America. We cannot fix the Middle East. All sides are fucking the Ukrainians- so cry me a river. They didn't need to follow Obama's lead and overthrow a duly elected pro Russian government. They should not be shocked when the US an NATO put the knives in their back by not sending military support. WWIII over Ukraine? Get real.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
4.2  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  bbl-1 @4    6 years ago

The Trump is their baby.

I sure would not want to be on his nappie detail.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
5  Paula Bartholomew    6 years ago

Imagine the shoe on the other foot....HRC won and Trump lost.  He is such a narcissist with the temperament of a two year old that he would be stomping his feet non stop.  He would decry "RIGGED ELECTION".  He would be like the old drunk guy in the bar, crying into his beer about it.  He would still have rally's, demanding a recount by working his deplorables into a rabid frenzy.  His entire family would be out in force blathering to anyone who would listen.  HRC has kept a pretty low profile overall.

Junior Quiet
5.1  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @5    6 years ago

Ah yes lets play what ifs. The only problem is that the facts are that Hillaryious Hillary loss and going on 3 years later she is still crying along with most of her supporters.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
5.1.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  KDMichigan @5.1    6 years ago

I was just saying that we have seen his temperament, especially when he does not get his way.

Senior Guide
5.1.3  XXJefferson51  replied to    6 years ago

Exactly.  The arrogant witch thought she could call people deplorables and still get our vote.  

Professor Guide
6  MrFrost    6 years ago

The picture listed isn't the one that is in the article. 

lady in black
Professor Silent
7  lady in black    6 years ago


Professor Expert
8  Krishna    6 years ago

Thanks for posting this!

By doing so, you have woken up many of us-- people who weren't fully aware of the very real danger Hillary poses!

(Although the good news is that, hopefully,  soon she will be impeached and removed from office!)


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