'Morning Joe' hosts say CNN Democratic debate 'painful,' call out moderator's 'bizarre' question
Category: News & Politics
Via: kdmichigan • 5 years ago • 46 commentsBy: David Montanaro

The hosts of "Morning Joe" issued stinging criticism Wednesday of the CNN Democratic debate in Iowa, calling it "painful" that the candidates were "bickering" about a two-year-old conversation in which Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., alleges that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told her a female candidate cannot defeat President Trump in 2020.
Despite Sanders' repeated denials, co-host Mika Brzezinski said CNN political correspondent Abby Phillip's questions on the issue were confusing to watch.
“He says he didn’t say it. So you turn to Elizabeth Warren and say, 'Did he say it?' That’s the issue. I mean, it’s bizarre," Brzezinski said.
"What the heck happened there? Are they listening? Because you gotta listen when you do a debate and then take the question to the next candidate," Brzezinski added, as panelists Donny Deutsch and Karine Jean-Pierre agreed it was a "miss."
Brzezinski said Democrats on the stage should have been proving they can take on Trump in November but instead were "bickering about a conversation that happened at a private event" two years ago.
"It's also painful to watch these candidates argue about this," she said.
"The Democratic base doesn't want to see this; they want to know how you're going to beat Donald Trump. That's what they want to see," said Jean-Pierre, as co-host Joe Scarborough called it "small-ball" for Democrats and said, "Nobody looked good on the debate stage."
"America's standing in the world is at risk. Our government and everything that we have believed that it was striving to be is at risk, and Dems are debating what someone may have said on the telephone two years ago," he added.
Meanwhile, CNN was accused of "media malpractice" over its handling of the disputed claim from Warren Tuesday night.
The liberal news network broke the story on Monday. The network cited unnamed sources close to Warren who claimed that the Vermont senator told her that he didn't believe she could win a presidential election because she's a woman. Sanders denied the claim, but Warren affirmed the report.
Sanders was asked about the dustup by Phillip.
"CNN reported yesterday that -- and Senator Warren confirmed in a statement -- that in 2018 you told her that you did not believe that a woman can win the election. Why did you say that?" Phillip asked.
"Well, as a matter of fact, I didn't say it," Sanders sharply replied. "Anybody who knows me knows that it's incomprehensible that I would think that a woman cannot be president of the United States. Go to YouTube today. There's some video of me 30 years ago talking about how a woman could become president of the United States."
"Sen. Warren, what did you think when Sen. Sanders told you a woman could not win an election?" Phillip then asked the progressive rival, which sparked audible laughs in the auditorium and a shake of the head from Sanders.
Warren and Sanders had a testy moment after the debate, when she refused to shake his hand.
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Ah yes Democrats least favorite subject, their candidates.
I didn't watch much but I did catch the, you said he said drama. I'll have to go with Bernie on this one, Warren is known for distorting the truth. Everything else about the debate...boring.
Warren is always playing the victim.
Well she is a liberal...
That’s why I watched the Trump rally instead. At least there we had pro America patriotic comments from our great American President.
So, Trump getting his fat corrupt lying ass impeached amused you? That is odd and amusing. You do realize that illegally conspiring with a foreign government to illegally interfere with our national elections is exactly the highest of high crimes our nation's founders imagined. Don't you? I guess that whole Hamilton and Maddison thingy completely evaded you. Huh? Trump should be removed merely for obstructing the investigation and for refusing to cooperate with Congress. It is called Obstruction of Justice...
Politicians and some Newstalkers here are very good at trying to put words in other peoples mouths. They are also good at not accepting what was really said when its inconvenient to the narrative they're pushing at the moment.
It's pretty sad!
Yep. Some are right here on this page right now.
Yeah, how dare anyone express anything other than the gop approved far rightwing party line?
You know what else Joe Scarborough says? He is always saying Trump is unfit for office and a threat to world peace and stability who should be convicted by the Senate and removed from office. Joe says that lots...
You're pretty good at expressing the far leftwing Democratic party line.
Did I specifically mention any particular names or party affiliation? No I did not! And I do not watch "Morning Joe" anyway. Don't like starting my days off with vitriolic politics.
See, there you go again. Pressing your partisan bias when not called for.
My ex used to watch the McLaughlin Report on Saturday mornings (or Sunday .,.. can't remember which). It drove me nuts. The last thing I want when I'm having coffee, reading the paper, enjoying the morning is listening to a bunch of grown men screaming at each other about politics. I started having my coffee out on the deck.
I had to laugh when I read comment 2.1 yesterday because only one "liberal" had commented at that point...
Fell free to laugh all you wish, makes no difference to me because I sincerely was not attempting to single out either side. Again, I never mentioned any names or affiliations.
Well it appears some people were triggered by your comment.
Not even "Morton" Kondrake or the infamous "Beattle" Barnes? And what of the suits John McLaughlin used to wear? Not interested, huh? Ok...
You got that right. We said.
It doesn’t take much to trigger snowflake secular progressives
I always liked that program