'You are an idiot': Trump mocked for tweeting about 'entrance requirements' to virtual DNC


Read full article Matt Mathers August 21, 2020, 5:49 AM·2 mins read Getty Images
Donald Trump has been mocked for suggesting that people needed ID to attend this year's virtual Democratic National Convention (DNC).
"To get into the Democrat National Convention, you must have an ID card with a picture..." the president wrote in an early morning tweet on Friday.
In years gone by, those wishing to attend the DNC have been asked to buy a ticket and provide photographic ID to gain entry.
But in 2020, proceedings have been broadcast on TV and online to help stop the spread of coronavirus.
This meant that ID and tickets were not necessary - and eagle-eyed Twitter users were quick to point this out to the president.
To get into the Democrat National Convention, you must have an ID card with a picture...Yet the Democrats refuse to do this when it come to your very important VOTE! Gee, I wonder WHY???
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
August 21, 2020
"It's virtual!!" one wrote, in apparent dismay at the president's oversight, or lack of knowledge about the event.
"Trump is so far gone that he doesn't realise the Democratic National Convention is virtual," another added.
A third simply said: "You are an idiot, seriously."
In recent weeks, Mr Trump has attempted to claim that this year's presidential election could fall foul to voter fraud, as millions of Americans cast their votes via postal services due to the pandemic.
You are an idiot, seriously.
— David Weissman (@davidmweissman)
August 21, 2020
The president's post appeared to be a broadside at Democrats' opposition to voter identification at elections.
"Yet the Democrats refuse to do this when it come to your very important VOTE! Gee, I wonder WHY???(sic)," Mr Trump wrote in the second part of the tweet.
Story continues
Traditionally, Republicans have tended to support stricter controls on voting - such as providing ID at polling stations - to combat "fraud".
But multiple studies have shown that voter fraud in US presidential elections is extremely rare.
Democrats say that tightening voting regulations would unfairly impact minority groups, who are less likely to have ID.

Where does he say you need an ID to get into the virtual DNC? I'm not seeing it anywhere. It must be somewhere because if not, then this would be another bullshit story. Everyone knows that you would need an ID to get into the actual physical DNC but not the televised portion, so he must have said you need an ID to get into the "Virtual DNC" for this story to be true. There is no way the Twitter crowd or Media would be deliberately playing stupid or obtuse considering how much beloved this President is by everyone, so it MUST be out there somewhere...
Help me find where he said that.
This was tweeted DURING the virtual convention. Why would anyone think he was talking about past conventions?
Trump was no doubt just re-tweeting right wing garbage talking points as usual. This hilariously ignorant argument from some on the right is that because back in 2012 the DNC decided to require a photo ID to get into the Democratic National Convention that it somehow was proof that voter ID laws weren't discriminatory. This is a flawed and monumentally stupid argument. The requirement was added for the first time because of the numerous death threats that Obama had received during his first term as President. There were many bitter racists threatening the Presidents life so requiring a photo ID was just common sense in a situation where people would be mingling with the POTUS. How many Presidents are there in the voting booth with voters? Why would voting be considered a high risk threat to a President thus requiring additional security?
This argument is just another lie on the mountain of lies conservative Republicans have used to cover up the actions they've taken to intentionally disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of eligible voters that historically vote for their opponents. It has nothing to do with protecting the election from fraud as there is no evidence of any widespread fraud, it is purely a political move to give themselves better odds in an election, aka cheating. But I don't think any of them have any shame or morals left so to them the ends justify the means, nothing is too low, nothing is too vile as long as it garners a 'win'.
So even if he hadn't made the comment during the virtual convention, he's still a complete idiot for trying to push such a stupid right wing narrative.
What makes you think he was talking about past conventions when the current one had the same requirement for those who were physically there?
None of that changes the fact that only an idiot would make such a hilarious flawed argument. Whether virtual or in person, the false narrative is still beyond stupid, it's like comparing apples and orangutans.
The flawed argument is that it is a burden to require ID to vote when you have to have it to buy alcohol, prescription medicine, drive a car, get a loan, cash a check, use a credit card or debit card (supposed to present it when using anyway) , open a bank account, rent or buy a house, see a R rated movie, and just about anything else in life. Matter of fact, there are places where you can be arrested and charged with resisting arrest or obstructing an investigation if you don't have an ID or refuse to present one.
Keep in mind that even though the past history of voter fraud is slim, by opening the doors to voting without ID or mass mail-in voting, you're actually giving BOTH Parties a chance to commit voter fraud. Do you really trust the Republican's honesty that much to give them that chance???
" If there is not reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed, an individual is not required to provide identification , even in these states "
" The court also held that the Fifth Amendment could allow a suspect to refuse to give his name if he has a reasonable belief that giving his name could be incriminating"
How many of those are rights specifically given in the constitution? How many of those are required to be an American?
Virtually non-existent is more like it.
Both parties have been voting by mail for decades in multiple States with virtually no vote-by-mail fraud. Why should we all be forced to adopt strict Republican voter ID laws we know they created with the intent to disenfranchise minority voters when there is simply no evidence of any widespread voter fraud? On one hand we have virtually zero voter fraud when voting as we have for centuries with no photo ID and even vote by mail, and on the other hand we KNOW hundreds of thousands of eligible voters will likely be disenfranchised by the rules Republicans have invented with the intention of disenfranchising voters, their claim of preventing voter fraud is just a big fat lie and they know it. Continuing to lie about their motives is just showing what scum bag cowards they are.
While I wouldn't trust a Republican as far as I could throw one, I know that to try and cheat by mail is harder than most slime ball cheating Republicans think it is and I know they will just get caught if they try, which would be really hilarious to watch.
The lines have been drawn in this election, and Republicans know they can't win if the majority of eligible voters vote so they have resorted, as usual, to dirty tricks and pond scum shenanigans such as screwing with the post office, fighting vote by mail initiatives, pushing strict voter ID laws and proclaiming the election invalid if they don't win. They are pretty much just copying the Putin playbook other than ballot box stuffing, which I wouldn't put past them either on their push towards fascism.
Well said, DP !
Now trump is saying the mail drop boxes aren't secure and they are not sterilized for Covid. You can't make this sh#t up !
Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about President Pelosi? Civil War? I hope that you are fine with both because this is what we are facing come January 20th, 2021. Both are actual possibilities stemming from the same reason--mail in voting. Which Party will concede without challenging the count? Neither. Which State will have all of the lawsuits settled over the count before 1/20/21? None. It doesn't matter either which candidate is eventually declared the winner. Neither side will accept it and will take to the streets in violent protesting of their outrage. The stage is being set for a Police State no matter who wins with a mandated mail-in voting. The losing side will claim they've been cheated. You know it. I know it. We ALL know it. We all ready have Antifa and BLM engaging in violence; do you think they will meekly accept the results, or see their ranks swell??? We have the Boogaloo Bois and the Militias gearing up for a violence. I don't know about you, but since we already have a system in place for Absentee voting, I don't see a need to send everyone a ballot in the mail that hasn't even asked for one.
You are assuming the dems retain control of the house , which is a definite possibility , but not in any way actually guaranteed , if they do not retain the house it would be a republican speaker of the house that would take that position you posit. and of course people will keep this in mind while voting .
I'm not worried about either because that's simply not going to happen and is just a pure fear bomb being dropped by Trump supporters trying to throw smoke because they know he's losing. The election will happen and Biden will win with an overwhelming majority in both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. If some sniveling losers try and start a civil war after Trump gets his ass kicked so be it, they dig their own graves.
If there was no mail in voting at all and Trump lost he would say he was cheated. He instigated a commission to look into voter fraud after the 16 election because he wanted to be declared popular vote winner as well as EC winner, and thought declaring millions of democratic votes fraudulent was the way to achieve that. Unfortunately his own commission couldnt find shit.
Trump's thoughts about voter fraud are utterly worthless.
You sir, are indeed correct on that...and I expect the Biden camp to do the same.
I actually hope you are right because the alternative is a very unpleasant thought...
Ok, so it is funny, or maybe I'm at the point where I'll laugh to keep from crying, but it really is embarrassing that our nation's highest office is occupied by a moron.
Best comment ever: "You are an idiot, seriously." Thank you, David Weissman!!
One of the reasons there are speech writers and press secretaries is to buffer the PotUS from making extemporaneous remarks that make him look like a fool. Trump, unlike most PotUS', cannot seem to stop himself from jabbering and tweeting away
and thus I have no sympathy when he puts his foot in his mouth.
What continues to suck is that every time he does this crap he makes the USA look worse to the balance of the planet.
And yet, there are those who continue to stand by him and regard everything he says as gospel or defend his BS. Talk about fools!
I suppose some people prefer to be cheerleaders and/or sheep.
Trump is basically a functionally illiterate adult. Think about it. He is either going to have to read from a teleprompter which is isn't good at, and when he freelances, there is no telling what nature of batshit stupid things will come out of his mouth....
His handlers for the RNC will need a few stiff drinks prior to and after his appearances.
$50 says they started yesterday.
Cirrhosis of the liver must be an occupational hazard when working for the Trump admin.....
The party conventions have always been closed to the public. For the general public the conventions have always been virtual.
People allowed into the convention do have to present some form of identification because the convention is closed to the general public.
We're talking about 8/2020.
There were reporters and other support personnel at the acceptance speeches. I'm sure they had to have an ID(press pass with a picture) to get in.
That's your argument in support of Trump's stupidity? Next you'll be saying that Trump was 'just kidding'. The next gust of wind you feel was generated by me...rolling my eyes.
That's correct. The 2020 virtual convention wasn't open to the general public, either. Those allowed into the virtual convention required a different type of identification.
Also note that participation in the convention was more restricted than for past conventions. States send delegations to the convention that participate in the roll call vote. That did not happen with the virtual convention.
Nothing in the 2020 DNC convention was like anything in the past, obviously. But I'll give you an A for effort.
Does it bother you when Democrats have been shown to care more about protecting their party than protecting the election?
Democrats want closed and closely controlled primaries while declaring they are for free and open elections. Democrats are telling the country to 'do as they say' while hiding what Democrats actually do. That's a very nice hypocrisy that seems to only be available for the elite.
Joe Blow public are just useful means to an end.
You're straying off topic.
No, because when they added the ID requirement in 2012 it was in direct response the the numerous death threats President Obama had received from right wing racists angered at having a black man in the oval office. Requiring photo ID's into a venue where the President was going to speak was purely a safety measure, not a "let's keep non-citizens out of the convention" bullshit narrative from the right. There is no such threat to the President when going to the ballot box and there has been no widespread voter fraud found that justifies the onerous additional photo ID requirements being made by conservative Republicans. Their motives are pure politics and have nothing to do with trying to prevent fraud and everything to do with trying to prevent minorities from voting because Republicans know they historically vote for Democrats. They know it and the courts know it. So they might as well give up the mind-numbingly stupid act of claiming the sky is falling from some imagined fraud, they're not fooling anyone but yourselves.
Isn't the topic a Trump tweet highlighting that the Democratic Party required ID to participate in a party function while stridently opposing requiring an ID to participate in an election?
The topic is really about Democrats adopting contradictory positions; do as Democrats say, not as Democrats do.
As you point out, requiring an ID is a security measure. Democrats are only using Republicans or conservatives or the 'right wing' as an excuse for imposing those security requirements. Democrats are admitting they have been easily manipulated into requiring what they stridently oppose. That highlights that Democrats are demanding the country do as they say but not as they do.
Democrats want their party functions to be safe and secure. But Democrats have officially adopted a position of unconcern for the safety and security of elections. Party functions matter, elections do not matter.
Seems to me that if security requirements are necessary for party functions then security requirements should be necessary for elections, too.
Got proof of this or it just your "out" as to why democrats want IDs at certain events but not others?
do as Democrats say, not as Democrats do.
Like with Trump, a republican, saying mail in ballots result in fraud yet always votes by mail.
Whenever I start to doubt myself in any way I simply look to the President and then I feel like the smartest, brightest person in the world.....or at least the United States.
The real question isn't about how stupid can this president be but rather how much more stupid do you have to be to follow him.
The stupidity is a bottomless well.
As my sainted grandmother would say, ''the trouble with stupid people like that boy is there are full of confidence''
Once again, the left wing nitwits fail to get his joke.
And there it is. So predictable. Trump fans will stand on their heads and spit wooden nickels to justify his idiocy.
"I don't kid." DJT
It isn't a joke if it is so fucking stupid that no one understands it.
It's not so fucking stupid that no one understands it. It's just fucking stupid.
He doesn't have the ability to form a coherent sentence much less a clever joke,
Donald Trump is mentally retarded. Yes that is a declarative statement and there is nothing to read into. I am flat our saying Donald Trump is a mental retard.
There is little doubt that he's had a stroke...... Remember the trip to Walter Reed?
That was to their dental department. Dentists have access to some of the best pharmaceutical grade blow out there.
I'm curious about an American legal matter, that perhaps someone can help me with. I have no doubt Trump will do everything in his power, such as signing an executive order or commencing a court action before the vote to stifle mail-in ballots. Is it possible to bring proceedings before the SCOTUS (even if by an immediate appeal from a lower court if no such direct action could be done) for a mandatory injunction from the SCOTUS that cannot be overrode or appealed that would prevent Trump from being able to prevent in any way mail-in balloting and the processing of same, no matter how long it takes to complete the count?
You need a professional opinion. Above my pay grade.
I believe he will use every trick in the book plus whatever else his deranged mind can think up, whether legal or illegal, to stifle the votes for Biden. He's desperate, and although he and his toady Pompous Pompeo are doing their damndest to deflect the public's attention away from his negligent mishandling of the virus towards building hatred for China and anything Chinese, surely Americans will realize his game. Unfortunately there are Americans who LIKE his game, and we have a share of them right here on thenewstalkers.
ain't that the truth
Back in the Bush-Gore election, the Democrats tried to have votes from the military thrown out.
But Trump has no legal standing or reason to do what you suggest.
I'm sure the Dems will contest the vote after Biden loses...again.
That should be phrased "successful" voter fraud.
Lot's of people probably register as Mickey Mouse - few of them show up to vote - I'm sure those that do have problems when they claim a Milwaukee home address.