Calcified Cement Heads are holding their "Hate Fest" & are showcasing #45 as the Headliner! Yuck!
Category: News & Politics
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it • 4 years ago • 57 comments
My Fellow Fiends, I am quite beside me-self! My panties are in a knot, and I am a fixin' to get "horse tied and whipped" by Right Wing Conservative Re-Thugs, who openly approve of the asinine behavior of that colossal despot, (#45) aka, "The Devil's Apprentice," in literate societies.
It is my personal, tarnished view, that that incompetent knucklehead is rightly responsible for the DEATHS of over 500,000+ Americans, who did not need to die. Why can't this global MONSTER not be arrested for "Negligent Homicide?" A drunk crashing into a car and killing its passenger would be! Why can't he? You know who I am talkin' about.
I refuse to say, or, type his name because it ignites by Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, sicken me to my very soul, and, worst, enlarges my prostrate so large that I have to drag it around behind me in a Red Wagon to keep from "pissing" on everything related to the GOP (Government of Putin)!
Do you have any idea how much a "Little Red Wagon" costs these days?
Forget Viagra, boys, at nearly eighty, I have decided to get my old, moth ridden military uniform out of the attic, dust off my AR-15, and, start preparing for the imminent Civil War, inspired by High School dropouts, Maroons, Angry Southern Red-Necks addicted to playing that damnable game, "Corn-Hole," 24/7/365, when they should be out looking "fer a job dat don't exist," as my good friend and spiritual advisor, Reverend Oral Fleece, "Straight from the Street and Not from the Police," always says.
The "Rev" is Pasteur of the "Church of the How Big Is Your Wallet - How Small Is Your Brain," located, here in the lovely, nearly all torn down village of Mildew, Ohio, where there are No Jobs - Not Even Blow Jobs!
If you don't know where Mildew, Oh-Ho-Ho is, it is just "one small step for mankind - one gigantic leap from Reality." Of course, if you are lucky enough to still have an automobile, we are the second exit from the one that reads "Twilight Zone!"
Make a SHARK right turn, or you will miss it. Now, fellows, and, "fellowettes" don't be put off by the barbwire fence, machine gun turrets, and minefield. Those are just for show. We are nice people who need annual rabies shots.
We are fixing to hold a pow-wow, and, yo'll is invited. Bring money! We have got to stop this peril. Cussin' is not doin' it.
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Time to put the flowers down, and, get out the brass knuckles the next time you go to church. Dentists
have been hit the hardest by the COVID19 Pandemic.
We should all do our part!
Of late, I have not deviled "" with my rubbish. The Hate mail was so much better than my articles that I felt intimidated. The "death threats" didn't help either.
Hope to hear from you. I am tired of talkin' to me-self.
Glad to see you back, missed your sense of humor.
Thanks, Duck! I never am sure if anyone gets it, since I can't hear them laugh. I love laughter even more than SEX.
Of course, I have never had sex, but, you get my intent.
I love it, and you are 100% right to keep the emphasis of your humor on Trump and his lackeys and cultists.
Thanks, John! I always appreciate your support. We have won some big battles, but, the WAR, and, it is a war, slogs on. We must not let our guard down. The angry, disenfranchised, easily led, under-educated gun-totting, self-identified Militia Patriots have demonstrated their will to KILL, maim, destroy to overthrow this country.
In my view, the hate runs deep, and, is not about to dry up anytime soon. Unfortunately, some in elected positions are as misguided as those screaming in the streets.
Thanks, John! I always appreciate your support. We have won some big battles, but, the WAR, and, it is a war, slogs on. We must not let our guard down. The angry, disenfranchised, easily led, under-educated gun-totting, self-identified Militia Patriots have demonstrated their will to KILL, maim, destroy to overthrow this country.
In my view, the hate runs deep, and, is not about to dry up anytime soon. Unfortunately, some in elected positions are as misguided as those screaming in the streets.
... the annual 2021 loser trump peter puffing contest and scumbag convention.
Amen, Brother Devanglical. Can I get an Amen from you, Brother?
All Hail The Golden Troll of Trumpism!
Is that my fairy godmother-father??
Why yes! Yes, it is!
Not to mention the use of the flag as shorts, that's just not right.
They do worship him. Shame, as I see Jesus getting a little upset with them and their false idol.
No, No. Jesus ain't jealous of Satin's child Donald Trump. No way.
Hey, CB!
Long time, no hear!
I have taken a little respite after our favorite candidate to ridicule got creamed. Man, was it a relief.
We all knew that Jan 6th, 2021 was coming, too.
I am about ready to get back in the game. Are you still in it to win it?
- Brother, John K. Roberts, aka, Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo, "Doctored!" Publisher of Eat The Press - Do Not Read It.
And, Flounder & CEO of the "Bird Droppings Institute - A Think Tank For Morons, No Idiots, Please!"
And, when I ain't ripping on these babies, I be preaching at my church, "The Church of the How Big Is Your Wallet, How Small Is Your Brain?" Under the pseudonym of "Reverend Oral Fleece," (Straight from the Street & Not From the Police).
Nice to reconnect!
Helllooooo. I was dreamin about you just the other day. Don't believe me? Oh, it's true. At moments such as that one can come up with some 'crazy' takes on what could it be. . . . . Don't believe me? I will give you another miss 'few': "Muva." "The Knight on the horse with Lance." "The People's Fish."
I imagine them on 'redder pastures' somewhere.
Oh Dr. Pigeon-Poo, you're a sight for sore eyes! Yes indeed!
Thank, you, CB. Send me an Invoice for those compliments. Save rates applies, 'est pas?
Compliments delivered at NO CHARGE! (Smile.)
What an unpatriotic use of the American flags as BOXER UNDERWEAR for a gold statue of #45. Not very patriotic!
Are you certain that the creators of this montrosity did not mean it as a JOKE, pulling one over of the Calcified Conservatives who attend CPAC annually, as if it is a pilgrimage to a Temple of Idolatory & Money?
Asking for a friend!
I have read that it was a joke
Is that a "Fairy's wand" in his hand or lapel? What is written on the white sheet the statue is holding in its right hand? Can anyone read it?
Fairy wand.
All I can make out on the lapel is Trump
It's not a fairy wand, it's a rectal probe, he's trying to get himself ready for prison.
I believe the top line says "We the People" which is hilarious because he's never represented the majority of Americans, ever. For most of his Presidency he had a dismal 37% approval rating and at his best he never got past 44%. But I guess if you're one of his supporters who discounts anyone with a skin tone darker than light beige as not being "real Americans" then you likely believe Trump had 100% support from "We the People". I think when they hear the preamble to the constitution they hear it as "We, the white Christian conservatives of America...".
Amen, Brother Dismayed Patriot. I toom my final "Trump Dump" on November 4th, 2020, and haven't looked back since.
Good to read your tasty posts.
"We The People. . . ."
It's pathetic, but true. Trump 'dimisses' everything liberal. He simply does not talk to us, because he does not respect us. BTW, that is old world conservativism proper. Donald Trump and Q-Republicans have never believed in diversity-at-large. That is the want minorities to participate in a republican party of White Male "Christian" Dominance.
What's rather sad is when I Googled a color chart for "tan" I got a link to
Notice 3 down, one to the right which apparently someone decided to name "Ashamed".
Other "shades of tan" that I found sad were "Tacha" which means "blemish, defect, reproach" and "Pancho" which is the male Spanish or Portuguese nickname for Francisco. The white male desire for dominance has a long history and has infected just about every facet of America.
I want to take this opportunity to be clear. I think White Males are great, smart, and yes even "hot." I think White Males are brave, bold, and incredibly diverse. So this is not an open attack on White Males. This is not me being racist. This is me, talking about diversity dominance.
Indeed, I will go one step farther: White Males, white people, a portion anyway, clearly don't understand how much loved by other ethnic groups they are. Other races love our white brethren, we just want those who do not think of us as equals to drop their superiority complex.
The so-called, "Republican Party," has grown "ulgy" over the decades, in my view.
That is not a "Generalization," it is my personal view as an observor for nealy 80 years.
You exaggerate!
I mean... just because our nation's Capitol was overrun by a mob impulsed by a defeated President who still refuses to recognize his defeat... is that any reason to be upset?
I mean... just because NOT A SINGLE ONE of our fascist-fellow-traveler Newstalkers members has seen anything wrong with the events of January Sixth... why should those of us who believe in democracy be upset?
You exaggerate!
Well, that's bullshit.
Every single conservative on here has condemned the riot on the Capitol...every single one.
Now, an assignment for you.
Can you condemn ANTIFA and BLM for the riots, burning and looting they conducted all through last summer all over blue cities and states, and are still going on today in Portland?
My guess is no...
just as soon as you point out which of those riots interrupted a joint session of congress performing a constitutional function of our government. choose a better false equivalency next time.
Come on, we all know not wanting to get killed by the cops and trying to ransack congress are the same thing...
And every single one has found Trump innocent of any wrongdoing.
Exactly. Our Newstalkers fascist-fellow-traveler contingent reminds us of that identity every time anyone mentions January Sixth. You'll find an example just above...
Bugsy: The "Oh, Well, such and such did it, too" is a no starter, even in 7th-grade debates.
Bugsy: How do you validate that comment, "Every single conservative on here has condemned the riot on the Capitol...every single one."?
That sounds like what T-Rump might say. It is disingenuous, "a sweeping generalization" that some folks substitute as a retort when losing a debate.
The issue seems to come down to what is right, or, what is wrong with this government. People have differences of opinion. Some even are based on facts.
Yeah, what kind of 'bull-pattier' does not comprehend that a riot on a street is not even remotely close to rioting inside the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. government.
T-Rumpers ain't comprehending much these days, and, sadly, those boys ain't never understood too much, anyhoo!
They be big on "Down Is Up - Up Be Down." Some of them damn near drown because of that at the last KKK campfire sing-a-long. Did you go?
Not one has ever admitted that Trump has ever done anything wrong. What does THAT tell you?
No indeed. What's in it for me?
That this is importantly a conspiratorial pact. Someting Q-Anon says: "All for One and One for All." It is a power bloc attempting to hijack an American political party in real-time.
Those proper republicans need to politically fight back hard!
But there are so few with integrity and principles. Because they are under attack by their colleagues they need unbelievable fortitude - and I admire them for their stance.
Me too. Because although I still have problems with conservatism proper, this period we're going through is a severe threat to the whole 'ball-game' of a country-community.
It tells me that Jim Jones of Jonestown is still alive and serving on the Board of Knucklehead at GOP HQ.
The FBI, Homeland Security the CIA, and the Whitehouse needs to DECLARE WAR on this dangerous DOMESTIC GROUPS.
Isn't it possible for the Federal Government to prohits dangerous Hate groups with a history of violence?
Proud Boys
Oath Keepers
Neo-Nazi Group
Armed Militica Groups
What Nationalists
Time for this nation to CRACK DOWN on this extremist, Right-Wing, Armed organizations whose known intent is overthrowing the government, promoting violence and intimination.
We might as well add the GOP (Government of Putin) to this list. They have sunk to their level.
Yes, Bobbie Nelson, I believe that this Conflict forced upon us by the "most Corrupt" Mut-her-Kard is far from over.
Thank you, Bob Nelson, for a minute I thought I was going NUTS!
You know folks, I believe that 7 is 8 and 8 is 7 because Rush LimbergerCheese came to me in a dream and told me it were so. And, I always believed everything Rush said.
Speaking of LimbergerCheese,
The Inbred Cheeto looks perfect up there.
Q Anon's Gaslight March 4th Inaurgranation DTJ was a FART instead of a start!
I say let them come. . . then when they all get inside the 'enclosure' - shut and lock the gates - andget on with the deprogramming scripts and pulse lights!
As Jim Carrie says, "All, Righty, then!"