USA admits there are Biolabs in Ukraine, says any biological attack will be 'Russia's fault'
Category: News & Politics
Via: moose-knuckle • 3 years ago • 62 commentsBy: httpstwitter. comopindia-com (OpIndia)

Recently, the Russian Defence Ministry had stated that they had found evidence of US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine which had urgently destroyed samples of deadly pathogens when the 'military operation' started.
9 March, 2022 OpIndia Staff 1206
On Tuesday, the US government's Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland testified before a Senate Foreign Relation Committee hearing on Ukraine in Washington, DC, and said that the United States was working with Ukraine to prevent invading Russian forces from seizing biological research material. The State Department also stated that it was concerned that Russian forces are trying to gain control of biological research facilities within Ukraine. The committee was set to examine Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the worldwide response.
At the hearing, State Department official Victoria Nuland was asked whether Ukraine has bioweapons. "Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of", she stated to the US lawmakers on March 8. "We are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach", she added.
Ukraine has "biological research facilities," says Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, when asked by Sen Rubio if Ukraine has biological or chemical weapons, and says she's worried Russia may get them. But she says she's 100% sure if there's a biological attack, it's Russia.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 8, 2022
Following the response, US Senator Marco Rubio quickly added that there were 'Russian propaganda' reports claiming the discovery of a plot by Ukrainians to release biological weapons, with coordination from NATO. He further asked that if a biological or chemical weapon attack were to occur inside Ukraine, whether Russians would be behind it, to which Nuland affirmed saying, "There is no doubt in my mind, Senator." She said that it is the classic Russian technique to blame the other guy for what they are planning to do themselves.
Really good cleanup by Rubio: interrupting Nuland's bizarre confession, which he did not expect, and immediately directing her to say that if there's a biological attack, it must be Russia.
Why is she so concerned Russia would seize such a benign "biological research facility"?
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 8, 2022
US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine
However, by saying that Russia will be responsible for a 'biological or chemical weapon attack' taking place, the Nuland has in a way admitted what the Russian government has been saying all along, that US-funded Biolabs are working on developing bioweapons on Ukrainian soil.
The US government's embassy in Ukraine had stated that they fund research programs in Ukraine that work on 'world's most dangerous pathogens'.
Recently, the Russian Defence Ministry had stated that they had found evidence of US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine which had urgently destroyed samples of deadly pathogens when the 'military operation' started.
This is two days after Russia claimed that Ukraine was close to building a plutonium-based dirty bomb nuclear weapon. On March 6, Moscow's foreign ministry had tweeted that Russian forces found evidence that Kyiv was eradicating traces of the military-biological program in Ukraine, financed by the Pentagon.
The war between Russia and Ukraine broke out on February 24 when Russia began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine through neighboring countries. In a very recent update, Russia has opened humanitarian corridors for the Ukrainian civilians to leave the besieged areas. According to the United Nations, the number of people leaving Ukraine has reached 2 million, and this is the fastest exodus Europe has seen since World War II.

For two weeks the MSM called this fake news. Turns out it was real news. WTF!
You know, it is just more disinformation from our clear as mud government.
Don't bother asking what we are doing funding biolabs in foreign countries. They will give you the posted BS answer. We have to create the new deadly diseases in order to find the cures for them; so that if they are accidently released we will have cures in place. Worked so damn well with Covid. Wonder if any world wide terrorist groups will make one of these foreign labs in countries that have less than honest governments a target? I mean now that we actually admit they exist that is.
They got caught, it's time we demand answers to why they would fund this garbage, including a lab in Wuhan China. Our government is full of shit, full of immoral dirtbags and we need answers.
Victoria Nunland did not kill herself!
Fucking seriously?
She is very much alive.
Russian troll, bio research labs and biological weapons facilities are not the same thing. If you consider them to be such then just about every univeristy on the planet is a bio weapons facility.
You should do a little research on this subject. It's fact, we did have biolabs in Ukraine.
[deleted, what were they researching?]
Hell, even my high school had some petri dishes growing stuff that could make you sick, if you drank or inhaled it.
My college biology lab had plenty of stuff that would make you sick, if you drank or inhaled it. And then there was the chemistry lab, where it wasn't unheard of for an instructor to inadvertently give us a day off class because he caught the lab on fire in the course of his research.
Any pharmaceuticals research facility making antibiotics, antifungals, or antivirals will have "deadly pathogens" on hand, because how can you test their effectiveness against those pathogens without having any pathogens around?
But sure, some pro-Putin anti-Americans will interpret that as Ukraine and the US engaging in biological warfare, because it suits their purpose, and they have to somehow try to defend Russia for bombing a maternity hospital today.
Who invaded Ukraine, Russia or the US? You seem to spend a lot of time looking for news stories to attack the US. [deleted]
There are 3 on here that seem to spend an inordinate amount of time being Russian apologists in regards to the Ukraine invasion. Going so far as to try and justify Russian aggression and vilify Ukrainian defense. Another 2 that seem to be leaning that way, but not as overtly.
Who are those three, Ozzwald? Are they leftists?
You made the accusation. Be an adult and call those people out, along with the posts they have made that back Russia.
Be an adult? From the one that criticizes every fucking thing.
Take your eyes and ears out of the right wing talk machine for once in your life.
I criticize what needs to be criticized.
Show me where I criticize "every fucking thing".
Seems like I'm on a roll when a leftists makes a claim, I offer to them to prove their claims.....
then silence
Anti-American and pro-Russian disinformation IMO.
What an interesting revelation. You should see China's take on this news...
So America is funding 336 biolabs around the world, 30 of which are in Ukraine. No wonder it has been trying its damndest to pin the Covid virus on China. Never before did I believe that America might actually have been involved in sourcing the Covid virus, although in the past I did suggest that perhaps a proper check of Fort Detrick would be a good idea. But I have never denied that it could have started at the Wuhan wildlife market, as that appeared to me to be most logical. Now I'm not so sure - with 336 biolabs, who knows where it came from?
Anoon Buzz..that can't be right.
China said we started it and then threw in Israel for good measure, plus Canada and other assorted countries as well...
I don't recall ever seeing anywhere that China said Australia started the virus. China suggested American military from military exercises in China in the fall of 2019, or imported frozen seafood, but never Australia, or Israel, or Canada. they have had a field day .
Australia it was beef
Canada shellfish and cod
Chile cherries
Brazil meat products
Greece, India, Italy assorted food products..
USA as you said..
Sorry can't find the info on Israel but it did rate a mention ..will have a snuffle around see if I can find it..
They may have been cutting off imports from the countries that made accusations about the Uyghurs, but I don't think it had anything to do with the virus. You didn't mention Australian wines.
Ah there was wine, barley, coal, crayfish yum we are still reaping the benefits, beef and timber..just as well as there is a shortage here due to a massive building boom..
All good because India took all the coal and other markets have been found for the rest..and we should never be reliant on one country..been saying that for yonks (ages).
Plus we were told by China would bring Australia to its knees, that was the Chinese foreign minister..but as always we are still standing..🦘
Well I am off to drown some fleas (have a shower)...enjoy your evening..
You're buying into propaganda, Buzz.
Sandy, I never said I BELIEVED the propaganda, I just happen to acknowledge what everybody knows, and that is that NOBODY knows the REAL truth, because it's impossible to know the real truth unless it's a personal experience. Everyone knows you can't rely on the media so you have to be aware of all possibilities and decide for yourself what's most reasonable, what makes the most common sense. A lot of NT members refuse to do that - they follow a party line and are simply not open to anyone else's opinion.
" OpIndia is an Indian right-wing news portal founded in December 2014 by Rahul Raj and Kumar Kamal. The website has published fake news and anti-Muslim commentary on multiple occasions , including a 2020 incident in which it falsely claimed that a Hindu boy was sacrificed in a Bihar mosque."
This right wing fake news site is completely mischaracterizing the statements. They use the terms "biological research facility" and "biological weapons" interchangeably which is beyond dishonest. The supposed "revelations" of there being biological research facilities does not in any way prove there are biological weapons being researched or manufactured in Ukraine. This is something Russian propaganda wants to claim so anyone making such a connection clearly has Putin's arm firmly stuffed up their ass and are nothing but Putin puppet mouthpieces. The lesson we should take away from this is how closely aligned right wing piece of shit fascists around the world, some even here in the US, are with Putin and his criminal cabal currently committing war crimes in Ukraine.
What are you quoting? You making shit up again? It's not in the link you provided.
It's the very first paragraph on the linked page. Not sure if you have a vision problem, reading comprehension difficulty or perhaps you're being blocked by a Russian government firewall.
Oh, wait. You're right. You edited out some items so the search didn't work.
My kitchen is a biological lab whenever I cook 'bubble and squeak', the morning after a healthy plateful my bathroom is a military grade lab.
Doesn't matter what anyone thinks about Russia. Hate Putin all you want. But Ukraine ain't the 'good guys'.
Don't smear lipstick on the Ukrainian pig. Ukraine really has produced and sold advanced military weapons to adversaries in the Middle East that have killed US soldiers. Ukraine really does have the know how and ability to make plutonium fission bombs. No one should be surprised that Ukraine would dabble in bioweapons or chemical weapons, either. Ukraine was a principle arms manufacturer for the USSR. Ukraine builds weapons as a jobs program to stimulate their economy.
Ukraine in NATO would be worse than Turkey in NATO. Go ahead and destroy Russia. But don't try to save Ukraine. Right now, Putin is doing Europe a favor.
Ukraine are the VICTIMS.
It is amazing how certain posters are showing their true stripes in regards to Ukraine propaganda. Their postings are almost word for word Russian state sponsored propaganda at times.
Victims of exactly what? Putin's stated goal has been to prevent Ukraine becoming a member of NATO. Ukraine has no control over admission to NATO; Ukraine can only request membership. So, what are Ukrainians fighting for? The right to request membership in NATO? And where is NATO in this fight? NATO is quite willing to supply portable advanced weapons to Ukraine which doesn't seem to expand the conflict. But NATO can't provide Russian made MiG aircraft over worries that they'll be drawn into the conflict? NATO is a self contradiction.
The seed provides confirmation that Ukraine operated biolabs. And the seed confirms that Ukrainian biolabs were working with deadly human pathogens that require destruction before Russians can seize the biolabs. Ukraine must destroy the evidence before Russia can obtain it.
Even in an environment of emotion laden propaganda, 2+2 still equals 4.
Ukrainians are victims of 'Wow...........'????? Yeah, that explains everything.
You see Nerm_L, the only people who don't know what the Ukrainians are victims of, are Russian citizens. Since they are only seeing state sponsored news, where it has actually been declared against the law to report on the Ukraine war.
Ukraine was invaded by Russia. Russian military (commanded by Putin) has caused considerable damage and loss of life (including civilian) and has disrupted the entire nation.
This is, and has been, all over the news. Hard to miss.
That ignores over a decade of history. And it ignores 14,000 killed in eastern Ukraine to defend a government established by an insurrection in violation of the Ukrainian constitution. What is happening today in Ukraine started before the insurrection of 2014.
You asked:
I answered. You seem to think that Ukraine people are not victims of a Russian invasion because the nation has a history.
Ukraine did not start this war. Russia invaded them and is engaging in arguable war crimes.
I suppose you would also argue that the USA was not victims of 9/11 because of our history. Per Nerm, no doubt, there are no victims because one can always go back in history and find some event that can be put forth as the reason for the attack and thus ... no victims.
You're wasting your time trying to explain the other side of a story on this site, Nerm_L. I've been chastised over and over for trying to explain that there are two sides to every story, and I changed my avatar to the Devil's Advocate in response to those who only want to use one side of their brain, who refuse to consider other possibilities, who can't see the forest for the trees.