Francis Scott Key and the Third Stanza - Believe It Or Don't
By: john-russell
History & Sociology
5 years ago
https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xLYiytV8xW4/WGp_Q2Z5rMI/AAAAAAAAmrQ/hCgFuJ4MCiMZDfYhb65zzh8HhEdLBFxuQCLcB/s1600/banner.jpg - - - Third stanza of the star spangled banner And where is that...
These Things Were Considered Normal 100 Years Ago –
Via: john-russell
History & Sociology
5 years ago
www.history-a2z.com /these-things-were-considered-normal-100-years-ago/ These Things Were Considered Normal 100 Years Ago – History A2Z . For humans beings, evolution is the...
This is a Great True Story
By: buzz-of-the-orient
History & Sociology
5 years ago
BUZZ NOTE: This should be baseball season time, so here is a story about a baseball player who would never have qualified as a player for the Cooperstown Hall of Fame, but something of his adorns...
History Proves It: The Christianity of America’s Founders Was Deliberate, Pervasive, Crucial
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1
History & Sociology
5 years ago
America unlike France was founded upon Christian principles. Most of the founders were Christian. They declared that our freedom to to pursue happiness and that our right to life and liberty...
Amazons were long considered a myth. These discoveries show warrior women were real.
Via: 1stwarrior
History & Sociology
5 years ago
These were the fierce warrior women of Ancient Greek lore who supposedly sparred with Hercules, lived in lesbian matriarchies and hacked off their breasts so they could fire their arrows better....
Rumble: the story of the Native Americans who shaped rock music - Native American Heritage Month
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
6 years ago
In an eye-opening new documentary, hidden Native American figures are finally given credit for influencing a vast amount of popular music Katie Bain @bainofyrexstnce Mon 21...
Congressional Medal of Honor hero Ernest 'Ernie' CHILDERS [1918 - 2005].
Via: 1stwarrior
History & Sociology
6 years ago
Ernest Childers (1918-2005) (Creek) joined the National Guard of Oklahoma in 1937 on graduation from Chilocco Indian School, and was called up for active duty in the U.S. Army by President...
MARIA TALLCHIEF ''Americans first Prima Ballerina'' Native American Heritage Month
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
6 years ago
This is a very long article about Maria Tallchief and the ''Five Moons''...American's first Prima Ballerina and the five native women that conquered the world ballet field. BETH MARIA...
Cmdr Ernest Edwin Evans, MoH Recipient, And The Battle Off Samar - Native American Heritage Month
By: kavika
History & Sociology
6 years ago
This article was written by a friend of mine, Honmana (Bear Girl in the Hopi language). This is considered the Navy finest hour. The quote says it all... Lieutenant Commander Robert W....
Native American Heritage Month - Will Rogers: Actor, Comedian, Political Pundit, Truth Teller - And Proud Cherokee
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
6 years ago
Will Rogers: Actor, Comedian, Political Pundit, Truth Teller—And Proud Cherokee. In our time, we can remember where we were when a few transformative events occurred—the assassination of...
Native American Heritage Month to Honor a true American Hero - M/Sgt Roy Benavidez MoH recipent
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
6 years ago
Roy Benavidez Raul (Roy) Perez Benavidez Born August 5, 1935 Died November 29, 1998 (aged 63) Place of birth Cuero, Texas Place of death Brooke Army Medical...
Chinese National Day Parade - Part 1, The Start and Military Section
By: buzz-of-the-orient
History & Sociology
6 years ago
Chinese National Day Parade - Part 1, The Start and Military Section October 1st was National Day in China, marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the present regime, The People's...
China's National Day Parade - First Half of Civilian Participation and Ending
By: buzz-of-the-orient
History & Sociology
6 years ago
China's National Day Parade - First Half of Civilian Participation and Ending This is a continuation of the beginning and military part of China's National Day Parade on October 1st,...
Final Part of China's National Day Parade and Ending
By: buzz-of-the-orient
History & Sociology
6 years ago
Final Part of China's National Day Parade and Ending This is a continuation of the beginning and military part of China's National Day Parade on October 1st, and of the first part of the...
The Forgotten History of the Native Americans Who Helped the Underground Railroad
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
6 years ago
Railroad An Underground Railroad historic marker on May 16, 2014 in Columbus, Ohio Raymond Boyd—Getty Images BY ROY E. FINKENBINE / HISTORY NEWS NETWORK...
36 years ago today, one man saved us from world-ending nuclear war
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
6 years ago
On September 26, 1983, the planet came terrifyingly close to a nuclear holocaust . The Soviet Union’s missile attack early warning system displayed, in large red letters, the word “LAUNCH”; a...
Shocking Video Shows What Happens To A Woman That Pretends To Be Buzzed
Via: loretta-mashkawidee-kemsley
History & Sociology
6 years ago
A video that was posted online by rehab clinic Centro Europeo Neurosalus showed what would happen to a woman that is intoxicated in public. The video was filmed in Madrid at 5:30 pm, and the...
Lessons of first WTC bombing (1993)
Via: krishna
History & Sociology
6 years ago
[I was motivated to seed this article from the past when I saw this recent this seed of this current (8/31/2019) news story: " Robert F. Kennedy Assassin Sirhan Sirhan Stabbed In Prison"]....
The Strike That Shook America
Via: kavika
History & Sociology
6 years ago
This coming Monday the U.S. will be celebrating Labor Day. The origins of Labor Day are not a picnic and BBQ, but brutal fighting for the rights of workers. This is one of the strikes that...
Aboriginal Talking Sticks - Native Custom
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
History & Sociology
6 years ago
Aboriginal Talking Sticks - Native Custom Traditional Talking Stick The Talking Stick is a tool used in many Native American Traditions when a council is called. It allows all council...