Robert in Ohio
The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  93 Comments  •  6 months ago

 “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  The text of the 2nd Amendment to the U.S....
My Flower Garden

My Flower Garden

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  18 Comments  •  6 years ago

As we get closer and closer to winter, the leaves are changing colors and falling to the ground and there are very few flowers left to see in the wild or in the yards of my neighbors. I flipped...
Changing Our Lives

Changing Our Lives

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  16 Comments  •  8 years ago

We all want things to be better - for ourselves, for our families, for our friends, for our neighbors, for people everywhere. But where does making things better start? Your thoughts?
The Enitlement Mindset

The Enitlement Mindset

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  32 Comments  •  8 years ago

The Entitlement Mindset
Old School and Proud of It!

Old School and Proud of It!

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  2 Comments  •  8 years ago

Don't get me wrong, I love and use all the modern electronic gadgets and am thankful for the creature comforts of the modern age, but there is a part of me that longs for the good old days and...


By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  7 Comments  •  8 years ago

Why Do "One of those Days" COme Around So Often?

Why Do "One of those Days" COme Around So Often?

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  13 Comments  •  8 years ago

We all suffer through "one of those days", but do they ever come in clusters for you? I find that the quality I perceive in "the day" is directly proportional to the company I keep and who I...
Making Our Way Over LIfe's Obstacles

Making Our Way Over LIfe's Obstacles

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  64 Comments  •  8 years ago

Life is not supposed to be easy and it rarely is, but I was raised to believe and still believe that success (personal success) is within our own grasp.
Is a Good Work Ethic Important to an Individual's Success?

Is a Good Work Ethic Important to an Individual's Success?

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  7 Comments  •  8 years ago

I was raised in a fairly humble, rural setting where we all had responsibilities (chores) and were expected to contribute to the welfare of the family unit, the church and the community. In...
Problems and Solutions

Problems and Solutions

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  18 Comments  •  8 years ago

Some people view every challenge, every hardship that they or anyone else encounters as a problem that "someone" preferably not them should solve and that someone else should pay for....
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