Haley Says Charleston Shooting at Historic Black Church Was Not About Racism
Haley’s comments are the latest in a string that have received blowback regarding her stance on racism and race
Aneeta Mathur-Ashton
GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haley on Wednesday rejected the idea that the 2015 Charleston mass shooting at a Black church was about racism.
Appearing on the influential hip-hop morning show The Breakfast Club, Haley told co-host Charlamagne tha God that the national media “came in and wanted to define” the event.
“They wanted to make it about guns, they wanted to make it about racism, they wanted to make it about the death penalty."
Charlamagne then interjected, saying, “it was about racism though.” Haley then pushed back, saying it wasn't. He then responded, saying it was a “racist mass killing.”
She then added, "But the point was I strong-armed them and said there will be a time we talk about all that. But right now, we have nine souls we need to put to rest. I didn't have that luxury. Because two days later the killer came out draped in the Confederate flag ... ."
Nine Black parishioners were killed in the shooting at the historical Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., on June 17, 2015.
The shooter, 21-year-old Dylann Roof, joined the congregation for a Bible study session that evening. He told the members that Blacks were “taking over the country” before opening fire.
Roof was given nine consecutive life sentences in 2017 after pleading guilty to state murder charges.
Haley’s comments are the latest in a string that has received intense blowback regarding her stance on racism and race.
LINK TO SEEDED ARTICLE: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/haley-says-charleston-shooting-at-historic-black-church-was-not-about-racism/ar-BB1hyYMl?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=e756b007b7f74d06bbac5af4ad4e1e49&ei=15
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Nikki is on a roll, here she is putting her foot in her mouth once again.
Of course, it wasn't racism, don't listen to what the killer said or wrote believe Nikki well just because.
This ridiculous pandering to the MAGA populists is sad. It certainly won't help her win independents.
Anyone with a brain has to be thinking, WTF.
trying to win over people that respond to a bully by appeasing them...
Yup. Pretty hard to figure Haley's position when Roof himself said it was about race.
maybe she was defending what she thinks was her "heritage"... /s
I am beginning to doubt if she has any idea what her heritage is...
South Carolina was the hub of the slave trade and the first state to secede. The confederacy dies hard down there.
Okay now. Hey!
No, shes assimilated into the culture of white southern grievance.
growing up in a state that was still teaching kids in the 90's that Jeff Davis was the Father of the Country.
She believes in the "lost cause" as strongly as the third generation descendants of carpetbaggers from Michigan and Wisconsin wear Southern victimhood today.
They talk and think like victims as if they had personally had something stolen from them,
reminding us "northerners every so often, that "The South Will Rise Again"
Racism is a sickness. Anybody, and I do mean anybody, who is a racist is a sick bastard worthy of being put on change now or die now 'watch.' Racists are monsters that don't belong mixed in with civilized people. Find racists and expel the worse of them from civilized society now!
Outrageous, a politician appealing to her constituents. That is like Lincoln believing that Blacks were inferior because that was a widespread belief in the nation.
Exactly. And that is what/why I can't hang with her attitude anymore than I can hang around say Candace Owens. I don't care whom anybody marries pe se, but this push to add on to mis/dis information and what may be a case of racial self-hatred I can't abide. People who have been oppressed by racism or even being setup to be oppressed by racists don't have time to pussyfoot around with its 'points.' Call it out. Condemn it. Move on.
Haley is adding to the problem of a 18th century- racial climate redux.
By denying History 101? I can see and understand her southern white victomhood, I spent many years there and still have family there,
but denying that Roof committed a racist crime is a bridge too far.
I’m not defending her language, I just see more complexity to Dylan’s crime than just simple racism.
But that's just it. Haley is a person of color. Were her ancestors high up in the food chain in India or something?
a red dot on ones forehead doesn't carry any social elevation in this hemisphere.
Was she a Brahman or an Untouchable?
Or, a middle caste in-between like Patels?
#4 red
So, if not racism, what the fuck was it?
Racism and much more:
Hate. Pure and simple.
Bred by racism.
... inbred by racism.
maybe she thought the killings were about states rights too...
I'll have to look at the video or audio and try to piece together exactly what the fuck she was trying to say.
Dylan Roof wrote a manifesto saying he killed them because he was trying to start a race war.
Sounds like racism, doesn't it ?
Never mind what Roof said or wrote, Nikki has this all figured out, it was the bingo game that he was pissed over.
I could not in good conscience support her in any way, would never vote for her, how could anyone?
low blow Tex, but not out of form for you
i’ll let your accused tackle it, Just thought it better to state with they present.
”So your comment has no value to me whatsoever“
another mission accomplished Tex. So, do you feel Haley might be showing signs she is possibly racist ? Or, do you think it’s pretty cool that my current location is about 4 miles from where the apparent “right” wing son, decapitated, deer old Dad ?
Blamed Obama, hilarious because a black man was elected president he is to blame for all problems especially racial problems that have existed for hundreds of years.
It would be best for Haley not to talk about race she does seem to be confused by the subject.
“It would be best for Haley not to talk about race she does seem to be confused by the subject.“
It seems to be a commonly theme that runs throughout the Republican Party. I’m not saying all are racist, i’m just saying…
What do you think of Biden’s record on racism?
Let her talk. . . let her expose her 'kryptonite' to the rest of the country. Continue, Nikki! : )
She has to take her foot out o her mouth first, CB.
i only have the CD, but the gaf’s im familiar with, are just stupid comments from someone who is famous for making such, as his mouth works faster than his brain. Look, we are All guilty to an extent of some forms of bias, because i really don’t believe Biden means to be racist, therefore, i don’t believe he actually is, just unable to hide biases that 99% of normal humans carry.
Haley, from what i’ve only recently witnessed, is definitely showing signs of having difficulty in explaining things race related, cause i have difficulty in her response to the cause of the Civil War , and Dylan Roof explained , in his own words, what Haley has uniquely interpreted and then attempted to tell us what Dylan “really” meant.
Haley is making a classic republican trip-up when talking about race, because she is operating in a conservative mindset. What somebody ought to ask her to elaborate on is what Reagan, Jerry Falwell, and Trump meant/mean by the phrase: "Make America Great Again." Because as she stumbles through her so-called, "explanation" for this phrase. . .it will soon come clearly into focus to her that in the supposed era of all things "greatest" in this nation's past. . . she would not be considered as president—if permitted to even run. That is, she would rapidly be reminded that people of color carved the path for Obama, Harris, and yes, Nikki of the GOP/MAGA.
as stated , the gafs i am familiar with , and your examples i am not. I don’t doubt your list, but until i have familiarized with your examples, i will suspend my opine. I will mention one thought, Joe grew up in different times, where all sorts of racist behavior was the norm. I believe Biden has matured from the biases of that time, but his gafs prove those biases still resonate present day, but i truly find him to be genuinely apologetic for his misspoken words and actions. Not so much for Haley and Trump , imho
So now you are making the case that Haely is wrong, we have always been a racist country?
Yes, I think that Haley is wrong or used poor language WRT our historical structural racism.
Within the NT community that doesn’t buy a pardon for our slave owning forefathers like Jefferson or Washington.
I remember when the first black driver came on our Philadelphia trash truck route and the police were flooded with calls that the gentleman and his two white helpers must have stolen the trash truck and were now stealing the trash.
Please speak for yourself.
Oh, the indignities we (all) have been made to suffer.
I’m very surprised that blue folks are surprised by this. Nothing new that I can see,
“Within the NT community that doesn’t buy a pardon for our slave owning forefathers like Jefferson or Washington”
Well i never heard or saw these individuals to be able to form an educated opinion about if they changed,and like SP, I do not hold the same opinions on peoples of different eras and environments to the same standards i would expect From Trump, Haley, and basically the vast majority of the GOP. Too few have called out Trump for his Glaringly Obvious most blatant Dog whistles and plainRacist language. Do you not thinkTrump has shown how myself to be Racist ?
I have no doubts about Trump’s character to include racism.
I do speak for myself and I observe and remember comments of others here.
Some here, especially MAGAs, never really have a point. They do not really stand for anything. They are mere knee-jerk contrarians who gig, bother and pester to run off all others. Pushed to make a stand, they're too cowardly. They resort to namby childish evasion, casting their lameass shade onto us, the genuine contributors.
well any and all can have at it, and we’ll see who in the end, is gig’ed, bothered , and oh so contrary, cause I believe you have read some of what in the past i may have said, as i’m fairly adequate at verbal jui jitsu, for in my top drawer, i posses many a black belt, that i do not discriminate against , i promise.
But i do recognize the good intentions with which your subtle warning was passed on, thank you, but i think i’ll take my chances, cause oh contraire, a worthy adversary is rare, or so my adversaries do often exclaim…
I have read quite a bit online about the slaveholding of Washington and Jefferson , and have listened to audiobook biographies of both of them.
These two men have a complicated relationship with American history, and they both did great things enabling the beginning of American independence and democracy. But two things can be true at once. Both of them owned and personally oversaw the activities of hundreds of slaves for many decades. While both professed "objection" to slavery in the fundamental sense, neither of them freed their slaves in their life time (Washington's will freed some but not all of the slaves on his property. They needed the slaves throughout their lifetimes for financial reasons, and there is no doubt that both of them enjoyed their upper class status within Virginia society. They knew slavery was wrong and yet, for personal reasons mainly, did not try and act against it. Unfortunately the 21st century people cannot go back and erase these truths. Or maybe, fortunately.
I agree they were wrong, yet perhaps, or more so probably, due to their slave induced “ wealth”, it sped up the formation of this country and the abolishment of slavery within it, but, they were definitely hippocritters “All men created equal” my ass, but as i’ve stated, i cut them a little slack due to the times, but no doubt they were WRONG. Now today’s racists, should know better, as being able to look back on the history of how those different than the majority,in so many instances, were treared Very Wrong by that majority, whomever that majority and minority were at that time and place
I am sitting here thinking that a racist like Dylan Roof has no excuse for being as dumb, ignorant, hate-riddled, and dangerous to minorities as he became, because little to nothing he hoped to exist (or return to) is possible in today's world. That is, minorities and marginalized people have not been cruel to his 'people.' Dylan Roof evidenced this in that he, of all places, went to a church, found UNARMED people, smiling, showing him tenderness, praying, and willing to do so on his account and behalf! He did not go, say, to a black nationalist group 'front' where it would have made more sense—if possible to make more sense.
And, maybe a different sweater next time Nikki...
She's out of her mind.
Of course! The topic addressed to her did not lead her backward to Obama or even George W. Bush for that matter. But she went there. What must be interestingly curioius to the white listeners of this show she is on is how a person of color can see so much wrong with other people of color while ignoring say, Ronald Reagan with his racial bigotry and rhetoric about "welfare queens" (and exploiting one individual as an arch-type).
"Welfare queens" was a totally offensive, racist dog whistle.
Yes it was. Reagan knew it was too. Because more whites were on welfare in his time than blacks.
But, Reagan was 'schooled' in how to use loaded, seemingly race-neutral, so-called colorblind wordsmithing which would cause fear and loathing of the Other, and injuries to Blacks and marginalized people at the bottom and on the peripheral edges of society
You all can go to the 'Dylan Roof' portion of this interview with former Governor Haley at 24 minutes and finish that section of the discussion at 32 minutes afterwards..
The video is full of information about Haley's perspective on issues and policies. I will even give her credit for making the most of the time allotted her to explain herself.
BTW, I am glad to post this particular video because I sense something. . .different about Haley's personal perspective that comes off as authentic. And, I think we all need to hear her out on it via this interview.
AS ALWAYS the easiest way to get through a long video is to use the 'gearbox tool' provided by Youtube to change the speed of the video to "faster."
While conversing at 24 minutes into this video with Charlamagne tha God Haley does state that Dylan Roof's actions at Mother Emanuel AME church were an instance (singular) of racial/racism, even as she tells the host, "I don't think America is a racist country."
Also, thanks to "The Breakfast Club" interview of former Governor Haley (above), I think. . . I can better see (may not fully agree with it still). . .what former Governor Haley is trying to do with her "problem" of discussing systemic and structural racism in America: She glosses over the blatant background full of the U.S. racist past (and present) and places a more POSITIVE spin onto it for the present and future. (I am getting a visual of an eternal optimist coming to mind).
It is getting her in trouble with liberals and may be so with independents, speaking the way she does about such matters, but it is 'pleasing' to her and MAGAs.
MAGAs want to forget the past history of slavery and segregation, not so that it won't or can't be repeated; they simply don't wish to discuss doing anything for minorities and marginalized peoples out of a sense of duty (to their fellow citizens).
Is that why she removed the SC state flag from the Capitol?
the confederate flag of traitors has been replaced by maga and trump flags...
At 6 above (video), at 27:50 minutes in Haley explains why she removed the rebel flag from the Capitol, dear TG!