Pastor Tells Donald Trump To Put 2 Billion Bullets "To Good Use" On Portland Protestors
By: imjustasteph (HillReporter. com)
BYSteph BazzleJuly 24, 2020
Rick Wiles, pastor, radio host, and conspiracy theorist, believes that there is a secret stockpile of bullets hoarded under the Obama administration for the purpose of quelling an uprising. Now, he says, Donald Trump should put those two billion bullets to use in stopping the protests that are ongoing in Portland.
Tru News
Right Wing Watch captured a clip from Rick Wiles on his Tru News show talking about protests in Portland. He calls on his viewers to reach out to Donald Trump and pass on the word that "he is now in possession of the [O]bama bullets, two billion [O]bama bullets." He says, "You don't have to tolerate this anymore. They were purchased for the purpose of putting down an insurrection. Well, you got one!"
Radical conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles tells Trump to take the billions of bullets that Obama supposedly stockpiled and put them "to good use" against protesters. — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) July 24, 2020
The notion that the Federal government is hoarding ammunition for various nefarious reasons, including causing shortages so that the average consumer can't access it, isn't new. CBS reported in 2013 that the conspiracy theory was actually inspiring a legislative bill, which would have prevented government agencies from purchasing more ammunition in any month than that department purchased, on average, in a month between 2001 and 2009. Senator Jim Inhofe actually perpetuated the conspiracy theory, saying, "President Obama has been adamant about curbing law-abiding Americans' access and opportunities to exercise their Second Amendment rights. One way the Obama Administration is able to do this is by limiting what's available in the market with federal agencies purchasing unnecessary stockpiles of ammunition."
In the Tru News show notes, Wiles' team further describes the alleged ammunition as "the billions of bullets Barack Hussein Obama hoarded to round up Christians and constitutionalists under a President Hillary Clinton."
Is this what Jesus would do?
The new Christian way.
Nothing new about it.
Paul spent a good deal of time trying to repair damage done to gullible new Christians by guys like this one. Someone is always coming along staying "Here's the real truth suppressed by the [politicians, Popes, etc.":
I hate to say it about my fellow Christians and friends but they can be real suckers for any charismatic figure that tells them they deserve to be treated as something special with extra perks by the rest of society.
In the historical fiction book "The Robe". The Roman Emperor Tiberius says "The Christian afoot is a formidable fellow - but- when he becomes prosperous enough to ride a horse ...a Christian on horseback will be just like any other man on horseback! This Jesus army will have to travel on foot - if it expects to accomplish anything!"
I guess if Christians do not want to kill off Christianity in the US for a hundred years - they might want to consider getting off that horse and getting out of politics.
I read the robe when I was young.
What gets me is Jesus would have been Jewish with dark skin.
The thought of him white with blonde hair would be a complete lie.
Didn't they make a movie of that novel with Richard Burton?
Yeah, I never watched it though.
"convert or we'll kill you". history has proven dozens of times that a few thousand need to be graphically splattered every so often to convince the rest of them to either keep it on church property or stfu. they're about due again...
For many scholars, Revelation 1:14-15 offers a clue that Jesus's skin was a darker hue and that his hair was woolly in texture. The hairs of his head, it says, "were white as white wool, white as snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace.”
New and old. Murder isn't a foreign concept to that religion.
Sounds like he got struck by lightning.
I'm not qualified to speak for Jesus - but he did tell one group of people :
The doctors obviously used the tongs on this guy to pull him out of his mother.
I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy...well maybe I would
Just shows me that a major part of the right wing has been nuts for a while.
The sad thing is, people believe this insanity.
The fact that some want to deny what was actually in the report, deny Russian activity and even deny that racism exists in segments of society, yes...insanity.
You're off topic. This is your only warning
"You mean the Mueller witch hunt, the Russian collusion hoax, or the lie that systemic racism is prevalent in the US?"
The trifecta of denial!
Lol seems a little excessive, even being generous and assuming 25% of the population is taking part in the protests that's 13,333 bullets per person.
Won't need a casket. All you would need is a jar
... better spent in mega churches.
This is America right now...
I agree. Get the Fed out of there and let it burn.
RIP Portland or any other city for that matter that voluntarily succumbs to radical mob rule
You want it, you got it. Let burn it baby, let em burn!
It just might turn into a disco inferno.
That'll get rid of all them incompetent left wing "leaders" and crooks.
Portland mayor has had the police out in force the last two nights after the mob attacked him when he tried to “protest”
Hey that fits, since it's by the Trammps Just like the dbags doing the rioting. Dbags and tramps
Let her burn baby, it's the new Democrat platform ..... burn baby burn!
Lol .... classic!
Yep. How dare people get out of line. Never mind the man that lost an eye from a teargas canister. Never mind all the wounds from rubber bullets, never mind the broken bones, being beaten.
It is all one sided in your world aye?
Where is your link to back that up? I looked it up on a right wing website that claimed he had been attacked by a mob, but that isn't what the video showed. It did show one guy asking him questions and another guy dumping a sack full of empty gas cannisters at his feet, but I didn't see any mob attack him
Awwwww you mean some people who CHOSE to go out and at minimum protest around other people who were rioting and very likely were rioting themselves, got hurt? Cry me a river. They put themselves front and center, they get what they get for it. No sympathy from me.
Where is your sympathy for all the LEO's who have been hurt simply trying to do their jobs, trying to control the scumbags who are rioting?
Yeah, the hypocrisy just drips off your statements .....
And the snark and nastiness just drips off of yours.
Just as one sided as in your world where the leftist Brown Shirts can do no wrong.
Mind answering a question? What was the man that lost an eye from a tear gas canister doing at the time? How about all of those injured by rubber bullets? Was it something illegal they were doing?
"And the snark and nastiness just drips off of yours."
That seems to be a common trait amongst tRump supporters. Especially the nastiness.
They aren't LEOs. They're private contractors hired by DHS to do God knows what
Opinions do vary
They are LEO's
All three letter acronym federal officers are LEO's.
Bullshit. You all can continue to ignore why there are protests to begin with and attack them.
Not working out very well in the minds of sane people.
Them scary Moms...
Yeah...contracted from some mercenary outfit. They don't act like they have real LEO training, but they do act like they did some work in Iraq and Afghanistan...wailing on people with sticks and trying to disable them by any means possible.
There's also video, I can't seem to copy it, of another vet just standing there berating these goons/thugs and they pepper spray him in the face, then run away. SCUM
The only difference between these thugs/goons/mercenaries is they haven't killed anyone, that we know of, yet. . .
Not bullshit. I'm ignoring nothing. Clearly there are a significant numbers who's sole purpose is to riot and foment unrest.
And i see pictures of scary moms all the time at Walmart.
Very scary!
Well, don't lay any wagers on them NOT killing anyone....
Get that name from right wing blogs? So you don't give a shit that he lost an eye just want to blame them.
Even one Major is saying that a small group of agitators keeps trying to infiltrate the protests to cause unrest and to agitate. For all we know that could be a right wing group trying to discredit it all.
My how the tables have turned. Believing the government is right no matter what they do and should put down any opposition at all costs.
I read somewhere they are border patrol and ice agents.
We may never know who these "agents" are
So the FBI is now bad eh? No so during the Mueller investigation right?
Characterizing those agencies as "mercenary outfits" must be the latest "resist" distinction for legal federal LE agencies and is absolutely ridiculous.
Are they perfect? No. Are they "mercenary outfits?"
Absolutely not.
So you actually think these are FBI agents?
If so, they are not trained very well.
Would you please copy and paste where I said the FBI is bad? You complain about people putting words in your mouth, I think you need a little face time with a mirror.
And how do you know they're not mercenaries aka contractors? You don't. Please indicate any identifying markings they have on those Army Surplus uniforms they're wearing.
Of course they are.
I'm not saying they are anything but it's been widely reported they are federal agents. Not a "mercenary outfit" as some have characterized it.
And not well trained? I think that overall they are exhibiting extraordinary restraint considering the shitbirds they are responding to but again and as you well know. I'm all for pulling them out 100%.
Let Portland burn for all i care ...... they deserve what they get the way they've handled this locally.
Sure, as soon as you show me where i said you did.
And this thread isn't about me.
You started it, you should know that.
Nope, not by any reasonable logic anyways.
I didn't make it about you.
You typed that and now that you know you are in the wrong, you're going to whine and say "you're making it all abut me!!!"
Well, in this case I did. But back to the question. Where did I say teh FBI were bad?
Bullshit, sure you did. You still are but it isn't worth a pissing match over.
Not even close
We know how big tRump supporters are on reason and logic . . .
Look, just admit you fucked up. If not...then let's just leave this issue alone. You were the one that asked "So the FBI is bad now" Did you not say that? And then I asked YOU where I stated that and then we go on a long trip around reality with you tripping over yourself twisting and turning trying to deflect, dodge, duck, dive, and drool.
Look, i didn't fuck up and if you think you're gonna gaslight me into admitting something that isn't true don't hold your breath
Where have you seen logic and reason coming from a trmp supporter?
You made it personal first.
Now let's put an end to this.
Absolutely NEVER, but I couldn't say what I actually wanted to say, I've got enough tickets already.
I've got room for a few more
Um, why are they there??? The cop that killed Floyd was arrested faster than any cop in history. The number of unarmed blacks killed by police for unjust cause is statistically insignificant compared to black on black murder. Racism had to be redefined in order for it to be an issue. So, why are they there?
It isn't about one person.
I'm kinda confused. To what are you referring? I don't see what I said as having referred to one person.
Oh bullshit. You stated the cop was arrested, insinuating because of that, the protests should have stopped.
I am not going to play weird word games with you.
Spent some time with ESI (executive security International).
They tried to send me out once to help break a strike.
I told them that that was not something I would do.
ESI never called again.
Have to wonder how many of these guys are from private security agencies.
Okay, thanks. Now I understand.
My point was not about a single cop, but rather, the mass reaction to that cop. All this is to a practically non-existent problem. The targeting and murder of unarmed black people. They take what happened to Floyd and transpose it onto every situation and expect the rest of us not to notice. I say this in response to what you said, which I will repost for your convenience.
So, again, I have to ask, why are they there protesting? It certainly can't be justice, since the cop, or cops, involved are being prosecuted so the justice part is being taken care of. So, perhaps they protest for another reason. Okay, fine. What's that reason? What is it they want in the end?
Not fond of word games myself. I was genuinely confused about your response so I asked a clarifying question. If that's a problem for you, then you should probably ignore this post because, if I am confused by something you say in the future, I'm going to ask more clarifying questions.
It wasn't a clarifying question and you are still stating it is about one person.
Again, it is not.
So, since I said, in words that shouldn't be confusing, that my post addressed not the individual, but rather the mass response to that individual, you've chosen to ignore my post. Works for me.
And again. Maybe again and again...
The mass response was not because of one individual.
It's not just about Derek Chauvin. It's also about the officers who killed Breonna Taylor. And Philando Castille. And Eric Garner. And probably Sandra Bland. And those who beat Rodney King.
It's about the automatic protection police officers are given when they can be seen, on video, killing suspects with illegal restraint techniques or excessive force, when those suspects have committed fairly minor crimes and are no threat to officers. I mean, Eric Garner was selling loose cigarettes. Floyd passed a counterfeit note.
Interestingly, Chauvin has been charged with tax evasion since his arrest. And the amount was much higher than 20 bucks.
It's about a society that holds some cops to be above the law, and gives only lip service to regulations against the use of excessive force by police against citizens, with blacks often being targeted with seeming impunity.
In this instance, the cops flat out lied and said he was facing them and reached for a gun.
There are plenty of examples. Floyd may have been a spark that ignited a fire yet he was far from the only reason for all of this.
Sometimes I think people are trying to be willfully obtuse.
Those are some pretty dumb cops to lie about the way Mr. Andres was facing them. They do know about autopsies and criminal investigations, don't they? I think a quick medical exam would have determined that the cops were in the wrong.
If only that was what it was really about but it isn't and it doesn't take much to see it.
I will quote so we are on the same page.
Everything everyone is rioting or protesting about is happening to everyone. It is not specific to any race. People want to say yeah, but it's disproportionately killing more blacks, which is about the stupidest argument I can imagine. As if we need to have the police either kill more whites or kill fewer blacks in order to get things proportional. The actual problem is the police culture in this country and it affects everyone.
Since this is demonstrably so, why is this a BLM only thing? Why have people lost their job, gotten stabbed, shot and who knows what else for daring to state that all lives matter? Why is a problem (the police) that affects every race being turned into the false narrative of systemic racism? Wouldn't you consider it racism to exclude victims simply because of their race? Does saying someone like Otto Zehm or Justine Damond doesn't count because they aren't black make sense to you? Isn't excluding the many cases like that a case of trying to force a racist narrative that isn't there?
So, again, why are they there? What is the intended goal of something like this premeditated and deliberate action ? How does s etting a fire in a building where people live or breaking into Amazon promote change in police procedure? How did what happened in CHAZ actually do a thing to help their supposed cause rather than hurt it? How does blocking streets and freeways do anything except piss people off against the cause? Now we have armed protesters and the inevitable has happened. Guy gets shot after threatening a person in a car with an AK47. Another "protester" shoots other protesters instead of the car he was actually trying to shoot. Something like four people shot in CHAZ. Those being the ones I can remember off the top of my head. Untold millions in vandalism damage.
What is the message I'm supposed to get from all of this? Is it that, rather than work within the system for change as others have done and gotten change, or just go out and destroy stuff. Create anarchy until we get what we want. I mean, I guess that's the anarchist's way, right? This is how to solve problems? Whoever is the most successfully violent in imposing their will gets to make the rules? Worked really well in CHAZ.
So, what if a bunch of people get together and decide to do to these protesters what they have been doing to others? Would that be okay? I mean, if it's a valid way to protest, then there shouldn't be a problem, right? But of course it would be a problem. And that's why I'm asking the question, "Why are they there?" They aren't trying to change anything. They're trying to destroy the whole system on a false narrative. Ender wants to complain about protesters getting injured but ignores the fact that if they weren't being violent, if they weren't doing the same injuries to the cops, it wouldn't have happened.
Here's an idea for protesting. Gathering at City Hall, for instance, in a peaceful manner in order to let your grievances be known. While you're there, educate other protesters on how they can effect change through voting, contacting their government officials or legal action. Have a coherent, logical argument and get people to talk to their neighbors about it and get them active as well.
Or we could just do it the easy way and go destroy shit and hurt people.
Well, I think I'll listen to protesters about their motives for protesting, as I'm going to assume that you're not telepathic.
You can do that without supporting violence, you know.
Sounds fair. So, what do they want? Trying to find out specifics, beyond simply shouting "Social Justice!" really loud seems hard to find. The most specific site I could find, Movement For Black Lives , an apparent umbrella group of fifty black organizations (although they don't say who), apparently wants everyone to give black people everything for free, not punish black crime, end capitalism, eliminate traditional families, fulfill every LGTBQ(and additional letters ad infinitum) wish list and, oh yeah, basically create their own country answerable only to black people. But everyone else has to pay for it.
And, for me, that's what it really comes down to. I mean, I get the police have a serious problem. I don't deny that at all. I'd love to see something done about it. Like ending no-knock raids, getting rid of Civil Asset Forfeiture, private prisons and more civilian oversight to name a few. But anyone who looks at it honestly can see that it isn't a black-only problem. But somehow it's wrong to think in terms other than it's a problem that only affects blacks, or predominately affects blacks. All lives matter because it's affecting all lives, not just black ones.
But worse than that, it isn't really about police brutality in the end. They are using this as a launch pad for a bunch of unrelated demands. I wonder how many realize that and what those demands are.
Then why in the hell do you accuse if not attack the protesters instead of trying to come to some understanding?
Your insistence that it is all political is bullshit.
You try to admit there is a problem yet instead of trying to come to a conclusion, try to place false blame.
I remember the last time BLM was in the news, after Eric Garner and Philando Castille were killed, a local woman asking the same thing - "What are they protesting over?" It seemed pretty clear to me that she knew what they were protesting over, and just wanted to argue about it with anybody who would answer her. I didn't bother. It wasn't worth it.
Um, I thought that would be obvious by now. Just because I recognize the police have a problem doesn't mean I have to approve of BLM and what the protesters are supporting. This is because I don't think BLM is what we're being told it is. I don't think they give a damn about police reform. I think BLM has a very different agenda in mind and most of the protesters are protesting for reasons that have more to do with socialism than anything else.
BLM is about police killing unarmed citizens!
Your obsession with socialism is immaterial.
"Spent some time with ESI (executive security International).
They tried to send me out once to help break a strike.
I told them that that was not something I would do.
ESI never called again.
Have to wonder how many of these guys are from private security agencies."
Erik Prince comes to mind, whatever the name of his Killers for Hire agency goes by now.
Which, this may be old news to some, but Prince is Betsy 'filthy rich bitch' DeVos's brother.
Scum, all of them.
Don't get involved with violent protesters combating the police and you won't get hurt. Notice that her first action was not to aid the man getting off the street? It was directly towards the officers that were pushing the man back; who was not complying in the first place. She put herself directly in harms way. Zero sympathy for her or the other Brown Shirts in the streets, or on their compatriots on the sides that were trying to get involved.
Stop doing stupid illegal shit and you won't get hurt!
I don't know what you were looking at but she ran to assist that man when he fell down (or was pushed down). She got hit with pepper spray or whatever they hell they fired out of cannon. And then she ran back up the hill under the trees assisting what I will now call her patient
Pretty sure that 'brown shirts' are far right wing Nazis.
Please get your political insults correct.
In fact it was 'brown shirt' neo Nazis that started out this marching season in D.C. and Charlottesville VA.
This ex-marcher from the sixties thinks marching during a pandemic is just dumb.
The worst I ever got was tear gas a broken thumb and a few bruises.
COVID-19 kills. It's way past time for folk to realize just how dangerous it is.
be proud mob supporters, you are carrying on the work started by the Democrats at fort Sumter:
The firework came whizzing over the fence so fast that the agent didn’t have time to move.
It exploded with a boom, leaving his hearing deadened and bloody gashes on both forearms. Stunned, with help from his cohorts, he stripped to his boxer shorts and a black T-shirt so his wounds could be examined and photographed for evidence.
He told his fellow agents he was more worried about his hearing than about the gouges and burns on his arms.
By the end of the night, five other federal agents would be injured, including another who got a concussion when he was hit in the head with a commercial-grade firework. One agent was hospitalized. Several agents have lingering vision problems from the lasers.
After each night of protest, they seize dozens of homemade shields, slingshots, blocks of wood and chunks of concrete.
“My friends have been hit in the head with hammers. I know people who have been shot with fireworks. It’s disgusting,” said the Deputy U.S. Marshal who’s been at the courthouse for weeks. “I’ve never thought I’d have to walk around in my office building wearing a gas mask to go sit in front of my computer.”
The rioters are nothing but scum of the earth.
Fuck em .... they represent the worst this country has to offer.
They go away ..... zero loss to this country.
Zero loss
So people fighting for their rights are scum?
Scum is what King George called those who participated in The Boston Tea Party. We call them patriots today. Well, Americans do...
George Wallace called Dr King and John Lewis scum for just walking across a damn bridge to protest against Jim Crow laws. Today they are considered to be All American Heroes for protesting against racial injustices. Like protesters today, it took a lot of bravery to stand up to tyranny and to social injustice. Actually, protesters should be called Anti-Scum.
I was pretty clear.
"Rioters" aren't people of value. No social values, no respect for anyone or anything but themselves. They ARE scum of the earth.
They go away and no one will miss them. Plus it would free up some basement rental space for a lot of moms and grandmas. Which IS a huge value since most of the scumbags were likely just squatting and paying for nothing.
Evangelicals self-proclaimed preachers encourage their followers to "Talk-In-Tongues" when addressing their GOD, and work themselves up into a Religiously induced seizure.
When speaking in "Tongues" are Evangelicals inadvertently inviting Satan into their lives?
I don't recall Jesus inspiring his follower to kill Romans, do you?
I wasn't alive then but by all means, tell me what he said since you apparently were.
Funny how fascism always comes back to bite you in the ass.
Can you elaborate? who are the fascists? Do you believe federal agents deserve to have Molotov cocktails thrown at them?
This is the "transforming" of the US by the new left wing we are now seeing on a daily basis, and will only worsen should Biden be elected.
If that happens...those on the right will have to defend themselves and push back against this left wing domestic terrorism.
Could get ugly, because the majority of US citizens are getting close to fed up with all this BS
What does your comment have to do with a pastor telling trmp to get out those 22 billion bullets he's got saved up and use them on the Portland protestors?
Biden is actually a moderate centrist.
Seems anybody to the left of Atilla the hun is a liberal in the eyes of the far right wing these days.
That's not what Biden is saying.
Joe Biden Says He'd Be The 'Most Progressive' President in History
So? Most moderate modern Presidents were progressive for their times. Lincoln was considered a progressive as were Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt. You act like moving forward, progressing, is a bad thing. It is the nature of humanity to progress.
He says put down the communist revolution. If he preached around here I might consider going to church again.
Complete insanity, if not just backwards thinking.
Where in the world do some get that protesting would be considered communist and not the government that is trying to put them down...
Do you think these folks on NT calling the protesters communists, scum, douche bags, and thugs think that our founding fathers were all those things when they protested against British rule?
Because the peaceful protestors, not the rioters, are protesting for a cause. The Colonials also protested for a cause. That's why I compare the two.
The only civil war that is happening is in people's minds.
It's my opinion. You don't have to like it
You, too, Suz. I like that we can disagree but still stay friends.
What an ignorant statement. Jesus wouldn't know a communist from a fascist....they didn't exist in his day!
Sad day when people would worship at the alter of the thought of killing their fellow countrymen.
They existed, but under different names.
Why did you stop going?
My mother gave up on trying to make me go.
''put them to good use'' I wonder if he means on his followers.
that's what I'm all for...
He certainly didn't mean melt them down to make a copper and lead calf to worship, they're already bowing down to the gold painted bully in the white house.
Well why not melt them down to construct a copper and lead image of their God....Donald J Trmp?
This guy is the poster boy for the pearl of wisdom that when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.
this blood thirsty evangelical deserves one of the traditional biblical epic conclusions...... yard art, cat food, or kindling.
It's amazing to me how close America is getting to a new civil war - and there are so many people with guns - scary.
wanna buy an AR? only been dropped once...
Where I am, civilians are not permitted to own guns. I see nothing wrong with that law.
I see everything wrong with laws like that
Maybe you hunt. Maybe you have a gun to protect your livestock from predators. Maybe you enjoy going to a shooting range for target practice. Maybe you think that you might need a gun for "self-protection" in a criminal situation. Are you of the belief that civilian ownership of guns in any way offers protection from a hypothetical "tyrannical" government?
HELL YEAH !, We are free because we are well armed and stubborn, not because of polotitions .
also guns are a good investment, their value goes up.
Respectfully, I don't believe that concept is realistic. I don't believe that armed civilians have the ability to maintain our free society in the face of a tyrannical government. I believe that our free society is maintained by an informed citizenry, and the consent of the governed through fair and free elections. The force that the state has at its disposal is overwhelming and far too great for civilians to resist. Can armed civilians oppose tanks, air strikes or tactical nuclear weapons?
I should have added guns as collectibles to my list. Some may own guns for investment purposes.
BTW stubborn can be a very worthwhile attribute.
Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement overcame the tyranny of Jim Crow and segregation through determined, stubborn, non-violent resistance. I'm not pretending that non-violent resistance would topple a Hitlerian regime. That took force such as had never before been levied, a massive international military effort. I just don't see how armed civilians can overcome a truly tyrannical regime. There were armed civilians, such as the French resistance, that were able to harass and cause disruption to the Nazis, but they could not have prevailed over the Nazis without the international military effort.
Let's just hope that we are never faced with that kind of situation in our country.
Stay stubborn!
Tell that to every grassroots resistance movement that ever succeeded in history. And there are a lot of them.
Can a tyrannical government guarantee their military will use such tactics against their own people. Very doubtful in such a case. I know i likely would have considered such an order unlawful for all but the most compelling reasons. And partisan bickering isn't a very compelling reason.
Every fall, in the USA, a very large privately funded very well armed group appears on it's own and then fades back into regular life. It would be unwise to challenge them.
there are a lot of them
Please name a few. The "Arab Spring" movement did succeed in bringing down some dictatorships (eventually to be replaced by other dictatorships), but the regimes did not employ overwhelming force. The U.S.S.R. and other Communist regimes fell to popular power, but again, the regimes did not use all of the forces potentially at their command. Taking Syria as a recent example, there were well-armed militias, but they could not overcome the air power of the Assad regime aided by their Russian allies.
Can a tyrannical government guarantee their military will use such tactics against their own people.
Of course not. But again, take the example of Syria. Also, think of the actions of the Chinese military regarding the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.
I know i likely would have considered such an order unlawful for all but the most compelling reasons. And partisan bickering isn't a very compelling reason.
That's because you were not indoctrinated by a vicious tyrannical regime. I'm not talking about partisan bickering.
What group is that? Would they be positioned to defeat overwhelming military force? I doubt it.
The US military will not be their target
The tough part isn't finding examples. The tough part is deciding which one's to name. But, since it is one of the best examples of such things, look no further than the history right in your backyard. If you are American that is. The revolutionary war. [deleted (no value)]
[deleted (no value)]
Right. Innocent civilians would be their target.
Good talk.
I'm an American. [deleted]
Interesting, since most Americans would immediately consider the Revolutionary War as THE peoples led overthrow of a government .... the topic at hand.
Most Americans should know, if they paid attention in school, that the Second Continental Congress formed the Continental Army consisting of 100s of thousands of troops of which approximaty 50,000 served at any one time, assisted by some local militia, was professionalized and was assisted by 10s of thousands of French soldiers and sailors; that the British troop strength was approximately 50,000, which consisted on no more than 22,000 troops from England of which no more than 12,000 served at any one time. and a total of approximately 25,000 colonial loyalists of which a small percentage participated at any one time, plus Hessians.
Was it the people's revolution to end British rule? Yes it was. And it was army vs. army.
Good talk.
Google a bit did we? Good job. Maybe you actually learned something today. Glad i could help.
That said, calling the Continental Army an "Army" next to the British Army back then is like calling antifa the 101st Airborne division. In that there was no comparison. The British were the preeminent military power back then. The revolution clearly started as a grass roots movement with no standing continental army to speak of until after the Battles of Concord and Lexington.
I like the peoples chances even better today if it comes to it. No respecting US military officer is going to follow an unlawful order and most mayors are afraid of a bunch of kids with fireworks and spray bottles full of bleach and piss.
If It comes to that it won't go the way you're thinking it would.
Bank on it.
Maybe you actually learned something today.
If only we could ever say the same about you. That would be refreshing...
You don't seem to know what I'm thinking. That's ok.
I don't know if this ahole has a physical church or not, but if he does and he wants to go political, tax him.