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The Myth of the Moderate Joe Biden
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 17 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“In fact, the truth slipped out during the presidential campaign. Biden promised to be the “most progressive president in history.” Unfortunately,...”
There is nothing nice or friendly or moderate about Joe Biden. He is a political animal. A commuted fascist far left ideologue. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. He hates the America most citizens love and revere. Now he’s using covid as a control tool to manipulate the people with.
America’s silent majority must fight liberals killing freedom of speech
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 93 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago • LOCKED
“If you are conservative — or merely non-leftist — in America, the hatred is palpable. They hate you in academia. They hate you in the media. They...”
The hatred that the woke bi coastal secular progressive elites hold toward traditional American values, toward freedom of speech, individual rights, religious liberty, economic choices knows no bounds. CRT, 1619, PC, cancel culture, and Wokeism is an anti American toxic brew of hate and...
'Unmasking’ critical race theory
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 91 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“After this week's column, “A Deeper Look at Critical Race Theory,” it would be wise for Bill to employ a food taster at Capitol Hill receptions and...”
Critical Race Theory is a clear and present danger to America and to the Republic we all hold dear and pledge allegiance to. It goes against everything our Declaration of Independence and constitution stands for and is 100% the enemy of God and religious liberty. It divides us and sets us...
Republicans have more confidence in church, military, police than Democrats: Gallup poll
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 38 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“The results indicated Republicans have more confidence than Democrats in the church or organized religion, military, police and small business....”
The church has been heavily abused and discriminated against during the pandemic, particularly in blue cities and blue states. This poll shows why to some extent as only a little over a quarter of democrats have a favorable view of religion and the Christian church. It’s even less it seems with...
‘Woke!’… Because ‘PC’ Wasn’t Idiotic Enough
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 31 Comments • 2 Likes • 4 years ago
“America will not survive this onslaught unless it resolutely returns to its principles of honor, decency, and truth. No leftist countercultural...”
Because PC wasn’t stupid enough the secular progressive left bi coastal elites have imposed woke upon us. We must not only continue to oppose it but openly mocks it and expose to public shaming and ridicule all who promote it and it’s tools such as CRT, 1619 project, collective guilt, etc....
Joe Biden's Town Hall With CNN Showed Us What "Misinformation" Looks Like
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 52 Comments • 2 Likes • 4 years ago
“Thousands of Americans died, but the commander in chief is not bound by this. He's not giving up. Indeed, Joe Biden has just begun to fight....”
Tucker is absolutely right! He’s speaking truth to power. He’s calling out our fascist regime on its propaganda and misinformation. Biden is a fascist dictator compelling big tech social media to censor truth and suppress the 1st amendment as agents of the government. He’s using the...
The Biggest Source Of ‘Misinformation,’ Lies, And Delusion Is Leftist Corporate Media
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 33 Comments • 2 Likes • 4 years ago
““These people believe in their bones that Trump was only elected because of ‘misinformation.’ Their solution is to rig the platforms instead of ask...”
The Biden regime, the lamestream mainstream fake news media, and big tech social media along with their gate keeping biased fact checkers are liars and are the domestic enemies of we the people. Their attempts to control information, what we can see and hear and where and how we can see it are...
Pelosi knows why Jan 6 riot happened, why won’t she tell us?
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 42 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
““So, if you want to know why officials who report directly to Nancy Pelosi repeatedly turned down security at the Capitol on January 6th even after...”
Tucker is absolutely 100% correct in every point made last night. I stand with most conservatives with him in full regarding every aspect of Jan. 6 issues and other examples of federal abuses of power. Well said Ticker Carlson. Nancy Pelosi’s committee is a fraudulent sham.
If you’re a 401(k) investor, check your ‘risk aversion’—now
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 10 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“The point is not that the market is certain to crash or even likely to crash, but that it may, and it’s better to work out beforehand how that...”
The markets are at an interesting point now? There are lots of questions as to what direction it will go. What’s driving it? How will policies affect it? It’s doing well with largely existing Trump trade, tax, and regulation rules. Would it continue to do well if all the rules are messed...
You have a right to be transgender. You don’t have a right to expose yourself to women.
Via: XXJefferson51 • We the People • 141 Comments • 1 Like • 4 years ago
“ If anyone you care about defends a person's right to display their penis in front of a group of girls and women, my heart goes out to you. It is...”
The degeneration of civil society brought to us by far left secularist democrats knows no bounds. On every issue they seek the lowest possible moral ground. Social issues are the worst. People who love America need to stand up and resist the excesses of the worshippers of reason and logic. A...