By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Just for Fun • 35 comments • 4 years ago
Best vacation ever!
By: Sunshine • Travel • 60 comments • 4 years ago
So in about three years I am retiring.
And the first major thing I would like to do is take my family on the vacation of a lifetime. I have already been planning and putting feelers out there to the family about what would be their once in a lifetime vacation. I haven't let on to them what I want to do quite yet until I can make a final decision on the destination.
I love to travel and...
When you surprise yourself...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Just for Fun • 6 comments • 4 years ago
It's not very often that I surprise myself; especially in a good way. Last night, not only did I surprise myself, but my family too. I never really took to cooking. Never really liked it much to be honest. I still don't really like doing it, but I'm getting better in spite of that. Well, I've never made my own fried chicken... like REAL fried chicken. Last night, I decided to give it a whirl....
Keeping The Big Lie Alive
By: Ender • Video • 132 comments • 4 years ago
This is getting beyond ridiculous. This group Cyber Ninjas should have never been allowed to do what they are.
A completely partisan organization that is trying to do all of this in secret and block anyone from seeing what they are doing.
They are pretending to be cops and trying to deny people access, even after a real policeman told her where to go.
My kids are awesome...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 41 comments • 4 years ago
Every day, my kids remind me of how awesome they are in several ways. My daughter is nearly 18 and I can only remember one time that she said something along the lines of hating me, which she quickly recanted and said that she hated that I was punishing her [I made her scrub cabinets for mouthing off to me at 13 years old]. My nearly 13 year old son has never said anything along the lines...
Heavy Metal
By: Ender • Music Video • 72 comments • 4 years ago
Going back to my roots
Take A Ride
On Heavy Metal
A Prince
By: Ender • Music Video • 32 comments • 4 years ago
A tribute of a master,
just because
It's Time We Change How We Dialogue
By: thedoctorisinthehouse • Politics • 67 comments • 4 years ago
It's time! The political atmosphere is poisonous. People are attacking, killing, and maiming others, not because of war, famine, or pestilence, but because of the political views we hold. We have moved to the point of our politics defining who we will associate with rather than our humanity. We are becoming increasingly a society that is so divided by our political affiliations that the long...
Obscure forgotten vehicles that were kind of fun to drive
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Just for Fun • 55 comments • 4 years ago
Can you name them all? Some are obvious, because they're labeled, but whatever.
Did you have flashbacks to obscure, publicly rejected, but secretly fun to drive cars? I've owned a couple of these.
Roller coaster of technology
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 21 comments • 4 years ago
My thoughts for today have to do with technological advancements. There's good and bad in technology. People disconnect from reality, not usually a good thing. People can productively work from home, which is usually a good thing.
Yesterday, my city's internet service went down at about 11 am and didn't return for roughly 24 hours. People in my city threw a fit in many instances. I had to...
Home Improvements
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 75 comments • 4 years ago
I've been getting roof quotes for my home and garage. It's a bit daunting. One company wouldn't even give an estimate because of the pitch of my roof; he recommended another place though. I had one estimate so far and it was for about what I would expect, $14,900 and I was guessing it would be about $15K. I've got two more contractors coming Monday for an estimate, but I doubt it will be much...
Ostara is Coming
By: Veronica • Wiccan • 24 comments • 4 years ago
Time to cleanse home, family and myself. Remove the negativity and open myself to positivity. Time for me to once again begin anew & try to be a better person. Let go of the bitterness, sadness and anger. Time to be fresh.
I shall try to follow the words on the image posted. Time to think before hitting the <enter> key or speaking. Time to let things roll off of my back...