By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Just for Fun • 41 comments • 4 years ago
Have you ever had a day or week in which you felt like you were trapped in a Twilight Zone episode?
This week, more specifically today more than the other days this week, not only are my dreams really crazy, but EVERYTHING has made me feel like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode. Verbal exchanges, work-related server crashes, my kids actually cleaning up after themselves, the weather going from a...
Réapprendre le français
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Just for Fun • 25 comments • 4 years ago
Je suis réapprendre le français. J'utilise YouTube, “ Learn French with Alexa .”
“Bonjour et beinvenue” is how most of her videos begin. I took French in High School (Freshman year), but that was quite a long time ago. I was actually surprised at how much I actually remembered. I don’t think that I would go through the trouble of relearning French if I didn’t have people to practice with...
Tearing Families Apart
By: Ender • Advice • 84 comments • 4 years ago
I was reading around today and came across this. It is an ongoing advice column that I would normally avoid. The headline caught my attention.
My Sister-in-Law Says I’m “a Communist Who Wants to Kill Babies”
So I Read it and it seemed all too real.
Dear Prudence,
My sister-in-law and I have very different political views. Actually, my entire family and I have very different political...
The Defense - Donald J Trump - Second Impeachment Trial - LIVE - The NewsTalkers
By: JBB • Opinions • 135 comments • 4 years ago
What are your thoughts regarding the so far lameass defense of Donald J Trump in his historic second impeachment trial?
Short and sweet...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Just for Fun • 33 comments • 4 years ago
This is short and sweet...
Is my household less "American" because we don't watch Football / the Super Bowl?
Quite frankly, we don't really watch any sports in my house. On rare occasions, when there's NOTHING else on TV, we will have a baseball game on, but that's pretty rare. We usually find something else to do. I've been to HS football games [my brothers played]. I've been to hockey games...
By: CB • Bands • 17 comments • 4 years ago
Debora Kay Iyall (Cowlitz pronunciation: [ˈʌɪalwahawa]; born 29 April 1954), best known simply by her professional name Debora Iyall /ˈaɪ.ɑːl/, a Cowlitz Native American, is an artist and was lead singer for the new wave band Romeo Void. Debora got her surname from her family adopting their ancestor Iyallwahawa's "first" name written at the time as Ayiel....
Guns, a controversial subject...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 228 comments • 4 years ago
While I understand that the following is a controversial subject, I would like everyone to remain civil while discussing. This is not an article to discuss any president past or present. I will flag anyone that mentions any president’s name [past or present].
CPL Renewal
I just renewed my concealed pistol license (CPL) for the third time, which means that I’ve had a CPL for 15 years now....
You Got Jokes ? Or Do You Got Jokes?!!
By: CB • Jokes • 42 comments • 4 years ago
This is the Funny Room! And NO!
That Ain't What You 'Thank' It is!
2020 was tart. A real twisted story and so we need to do something funny. Real funny!
Post a "I Got Jokes" moment one-liner or prose and we're be the judge of its ability to liven up a room in 2021. Pull from the joke makers. And yo! Give proper credit when you do!
Here, let me do the honors of...
DANCE & LISTEN PARTY for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
By: CB • Dance • 44 comments • 4 years ago
Roger Waters - Us + Them Tour - Denmark 2018 (Multicam)
NOTE: Amazing concert. 18 minutes in two blond women are going to "Pow!" you. Roger and the concert wows all the way through. Exceptional.
The women are 'boss' at 18 minutes, I repeat!
Credit to: Official release of "Us and Them" from
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Just for Fun • 102 comments • 4 years ago
When it comes to coffee, I can honestly say that I’m quite the snob. There are very few places that I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the coffee... and they’re all in Europe. I can tolerate coffee at a few different places here in the US, but the reality is, “store-bought” (Starbucks, McD’s, etc.) coffees here in the US don’t hold up to coffee in several European countries. Only if I’m...
Donald Trump Has Been Impeached, Again...
By: JBB • Opinions • 136 comments • 4 years ago
Ten Republicans joined Democrats to impeach Donald Trump for a second time this glorious afternoon. History will praise the bravery of those Big R Republicans who stood against the tyrant!
Is it any wonder that the once Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln is now known merely as the gop?
Arnold Schwarzenegger delivers a message
By: Ender • Video • 211 comments • 4 years ago