Buzz of the Orient


Voting has Ended

There has been a debate going on these days about moderation on the Metrified group.  Much discussion has been made about whether the moderation on NT is either too strict or too lenient, with the result of either causing membership in NT to increase, decrease, be attractive to new members, or turn them off.  

Because I am the site's spam police, and my duty is to review what every new member signing on posts, and to watch them for a while, to make sure they are not spammers, and if I see that they are spammers then to delete their membership, I get to see the fact that most new applicants for membership watch for a short time what is being posted on the site, and in most cases, unfortunately, they disappear never to be seen again. Because spammers know that during Western Hemisphere sleeping hours they might be able to post their spam (advertising, etc.) and get away with it for a while, that's when they mostly choose to post, and that is when I am awake and usually on my computer so I get to see it almost instantly and able to delete it.   

So I am concerned about why so many who sign up are never heard from again.  Depending on the wishes of the new member, either they want to be on a site that is civil, or they want to troll and insult and cause chaos.  If they see nasty comments, unnecessary filth, insults, stupidity on the site, they may think this is the place tor them and they will get involved and increase the chaos and the pressure on the moderators.  Is that what you want?   Is that why you're here?  If it were a civil site, then civil members are more apt to join in.  And I've made it pretty clear that that is what I would prefer to see. 

So this poll is for the purpose of indicating the feelings of the members here, how many would prefer stricter moderation to clean up the garbage, or else more lenient moderation to allow for more of it.  You might also feel that the moderation is okay just the way it is.   Please vote so we can all see how you feel.

To vote, just click on the little circle to the left of your choice - and vote only on ONE choice.  Then click on the word "VOTE" that is under the three circles.  Your vote is anonymous.

The Moderation is too strict
The Moderation is too lenient
The Moderation is okay as is


jrPoll - desc
Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
8  Dean Moriarty    6 years ago

It’s official the members have spoken and by a wide margin have determined the moderation is too strict.

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
8.1  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  Dean Moriarty @8    6 years ago

LoL! Too strict wins by 1.  Hardly a mandate after only 19 votes. ;)

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
7  Dean Moriarty    6 years ago

Only ten hours left to vote. 

Professor Quiet
6  Ed-NavDoc    6 years ago


pat wilson
Professor Participates
5  pat wilson    6 years ago

I voted. Too strict.

Professor Participates
4  1stwarrior    6 years ago


Wonder how to get this to all the members, not just the Metafied group.

Senior Guide
4.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  1stwarrior @4    6 years ago

I linked this to all of my groups.  May MBFC go bankrupt and be stricken down.  

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
4.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  1stwarrior @4    6 years ago

I originally posted the invitation to the poll on the Front Page so everyone would see it, but Perrie insisted it was META and moved it there.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago

It doesn't matter now. Not many members will notice it.  

Citizen Kane-473667
Professor Quiet
2.1  Citizen Kane-473667  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    6 years ago

Don't give up just yet.  You actually got in the last Comment on my article before I had to lock it to stop the downward spiral.  Hopefully, some will be peeking in to see how the fireworks played out over there and will see your poll. I know I'm pretty interested to see where it goes in the polling responses.

Senior Guide
2.2  XXJefferson51  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    6 years ago

That was the idea in getting it off the front page.  There are notes about it in other groups and I’ll link this to my groups.  As long as the hate filled bigoted, anti Christian, anti Jewish wildly left Biased MBFC is here my stand is with the too strict side.  Oh and the double standard about what liberals can get away with as sweeping generalizations compared to conservatives who get deleted for saying exactly the same sentiment in reverse.