Coming from Newsvine :(
Hey, y'all
Are there any other Newsviners here? Looking for a place to replace my NV need, somebody said this is the place. I see one needs to seed an article first and hope others will join in commenting - same as reddit, I suppose?
Anyway, I totally bummed out - I used to like to just go comment and read comments on ALL the articles that NBC published, not just those hand-selected by who knows who, but i guess I will try this forum.
Any newsviners here have a good-ish experience? Any recommendations? thanks, ANV

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Yeah. I'm here. I don't think this will work though. The main part of newsvine was the fact you could auto-create a forum by clicking on 'comments' on the story itself.
i have to agree with you so far, j. This site is disappointing so far.
I think it might have some good potential if they can auto-create a forum based on the URL of a news article. This can be accomplished by using 'last url' which is naturally stored in the browser, or using a 'create forum by url' button. Newsvine worked like that.
Hi anothernewvoter and Phoenyx13 and welcome to NT. I am the sites Resident Advisor and chief bottle washer.
As far as I know, there are not many sites that auto create those discussion. What most people do here is copy and paste the part of the discussion they want to cover. Other than that, everything else is pretty much straight forward.
Still working on the posting issue. It's a hard one to pin down, since it works for some and not for others. Those are the worst type.
The glitch seems to be fluctuating - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, some places it works and sometime it doesn't. This is a really bad thing to have occurred when so many new members are signing up and checking out the site. Hopefully they will be patient.
I'm posting this a couple different ways to see if I can get it to stick.
possible coding issue i'm sure - i deal with those a lot
they can be very frustrating, Perrie Halpern R.A. !
that's a shame in my opinion, it was definitely something i enjoyed - the ability to click on any news article and see the forum or create a new one for discussion, but every site is different and operates differently, Perrie Halpern R.A.
I'm culheath here just as I was at complaints so far.
Newstalkers sucks! maybe if they went back to the Oldstalkers??
And Welcome to you too, Lenny. Are you brave enough to tell us who you were on NV, or just going to make nasty comments?
Why ask? What would be the point of knowing his prior persona elsewhere? Those who have been here for quite a while are equally vile in their comments.
The purpose of this site is discussion, even if we don't like the other person's comment. You have been answering most people respectfully and I demand the same for them on a personal level. I don't have to like what they say, but they are not here just to take jabs at the site.
And I am not going meta any further on this.
Equally with some of the new members? Don't have to go too far to know who some of them are.
Please don't continue with this. It is a non productive discussion and will only lead to bad feelings.
Same as I am here, RA, Lenny Lynx from Newsvine.
Thanks for being upfront Lenny. I was also a viner like you. I know losing your home must stink.
I was a viner too, lenny for many years. I didn't really find that much fault with NV as a forum as I really didn't visit that often. However, I did have some very nice Friends there. I left NV because I found the new format with the Nations stuff too confusing and hard to navigate. When I was invited to try NT I thought I'd give it a go, and I decided to stay. And slowly many of my old NV Friends came over as well, so it was like finding NV again only better.
No one likes to lose their home, and it is not easy to find a new place that feels the same. But, I for one hope that you will give NT, and its Members, a chance. And....if you like the no holds barred kind of set-tos, there is the Heated Discussions group that is totally unmoderated that you can think about joining if you stay with NT for 3 months. But, outside of the Heated Discussions, civility and respect towards other Members in discussions and debates is required, and moderators are on hand to keep the peace and a civil environment for all Members.
So I hope that you will consider giving us and NT a chance. (smile)
Listening to Doors again? Dont get your Fins Pinched.
Welcome lennylynx. If you need some help learning your way around NT and working with the new features there are many of us here would are happy to help. Just give a yell if you need help and someone will be happy to help you out. (smile)
Lennylynx, I'm sensing a bit of frustration from you with that comment. Maybe a bit of NV withdrawals. You should relax. If NT isn't to your liking, perhaps you need a hobby. May I suggest...needlepoint?
OK so these are our class clowns.. what is a teacher to do?
Needlepoint can be very hard on big thumbs....
In fact I am all thumbs..
LOL, those aren't thumbs, those are the ''fickle finger of fate''....
That's a CoC violation R.A. watch yourself.
Do you have a lot of blankets?
I used to Crochet a lot of sweaters for my young ones, and dresses for my Daughter. I made most all my own baby clothes and blankets. I learned to Crochet when I was about 5 y/o from my Grandmother. She made the most amazingly delicate doilies and lace. I tried knitting as well, but, it was really boring to me. My favorite Crochet pattern was the Shell stitch. It was especially pretty in variegated yarns. I also made capes and shawl for my Mother and Friends. I always found it a lot of fun to create my own designs. (smile)
My Mother and Father traveled the country in their motorhome for 6 years after my Father retired. My Father was a Disabled Veteran and a lifetime member of the DAV. My Mother crocheted lap blankets for the disabled Veterans while they were parked for a day or so here and there. When she had a dozen or so they would look up a local DAV location or Veterans hosp and donate the lap robes for the disabled Veterans.
She said it kept her from being too bored in the long evenings and also helped the disabled Veterans who could certainly use them. For her is was a labor of love and enjoyment. (smile)
"It's relaxing I think."
Indeed it is. Have a good evening. (smile)
Fish have thumbs? Whooda thunk?
Kavika has a lot of blankets too. Some of his Indian Blankets are on his bed but most of them are in his garden.
Kavika has a lot of blankets too. Some of his Indian Blankets are on his bed but most of them are in his garden.
Sometimes when I'm typing I think I'm all thumbs.
When I.m typing, it's my keyboard that's all thumbs. (big grin)
Calm down Lenny, go get your coffee, we all know how you get without it...
What is unique about NewsTalkers (with the demise of NV) is that it is a forum for discussion. Most of the other sites have or are moving to a list of comments approach. That stifles discussion in that it does not scale. Quickly one loses track of the threads and commenting stops.
NewsTalkers will be continually improving (at least that is the intent) based largely on what is good for the members (instead of what is convenient). That, as a longtime viner, is the complete opposite IMO of what took place at Newsvine. So personally I like the attitude of the owner and established key members here.
Finally, the moderators here are trying to perform the difficult balance of free expression and civil discourse. Not an easy job and it is nice to see it again.
I'll ditto that! Welcome Newsvine Transplants!
First impressions?? Well, after seeing my lighthearted joke [newstalkers/oldstalkers] being described as 'nasty' and 'vile,' I'm guessing this site is rather over-moderated. So, I guess referring to right wingers as 'dumbass righties' is pretty much out of the question, huh? Lol...
Not really, there are plenty of right wingers who say that about Dems here. (grin)
Yeah we are all pretty stupid, but then since he had to ask the question, what's his excuse?
Love ya sis....
I kind of took his comment as dipping a toe to test the water. (grin)
"Love ya sis....
Back at'cha, Bro!
No silly. Shamans do prefer the pool. Medicine men like the the sweat lodge!!
Indian 101.
What Perrie said.... (grin)
*Effervescent snort!!*
We've been hearing quite a bit of this lately.....
But we understand when your coming from a place that was so one-sided for so long....
That's the perfect answer, NWM. And those that complain about getting 'moderated' here are generally the ones that deserve it the most, based on their comments to others.
Well, that was my bad... and I am sorry. I didn't pick up on the joke.
As for your question.. we try to keep the name calling down here from both sides.. so yes there is moderation... but on the flip side, they can't call you names either.
I was on NV for over ten years and i don't remember you. I do remember many on NV who posted like you're posting here on NT right now.
It's different here. You won't be in a protected class like you were on NV. Sooner or later your nonsense will catch up with you and you'll get the boot, reboot and reboot, etc. You can't help yourself.
You know it, i know it and the American people know it.
The American people?? Lol! The 'American people' know that a guy who calls himself lennylynx just signed up at a place called Newstalkers, and that he will eventually get banned because he just said something disparaging about Donald Trump? I don't think so, Sparky, I don't think the 'American people' at large know this or would give a crap about it if they did!
Sorry you missed the quote reference but why don't you man up (or more likely woman up) and tell us who else you really were on NV.
Regardless, good luck .... you won't last long here. Your safe space died 09-30-17.
You and i are done here.
lenny, people disparage trump here every day. i do it myself.
do it with a little style though, ok.
NT does not prevent people from expressing their viewpoint.
i think complaining about a site you havent even experienced yet is poor form.
Yep and it's not hard to read between the lines as to the purpose in doing so. This one will not last long here.
John and I don't agree on much, but I agree with what he stated.
I did Sparky, I was Lenny Lynx on Newsvine too, like I already said. Are you calling me a liar?
No Lenny, they just don't know you as well as we do.
Are there any other Newsviners here?
This is my first public comment on this site. I was a Newsvine member for 3 years and joined NewsTalkers yesterday, Oct.1. I'm still learning how to navigate this site and have a lot to learn, but I like what I see so far.
IMO, NT is better than NV, because unlike NV's moderators, NT moderators want to be fair to everyone and expect all users to engage in respectful, mature discussions.
The name I use here is the same as the name I used on NV.
Same here and welcome Jasper.
Welcome NT Jasper.
Hey there, Sparty. Thanks for the welcome. Good to see you here!
Thanks for the welcome, kavika!
Welcome, Jasper! Glad to see you!
Thanks for the friendly welcome!
Just popping around getting the "feel" of the place. Seems quite a nice venue............
Welcome Jim and loki! Happy to see you here on NewsTalkers. I hope you enjoy the forum as much as we do. There are a good many Groups of various Interests here as well as many great features. Just click on Groups at the top of the screen and scroll through the list of Groups to see what is now there. If you don't see one of interest, you can start your own Group. The R.A. will help you set it up.
While there is Moderation on this forum, the Mods are fair and do their best to maintain a civil and respectful environment for all Members. No one is ban happy on this forum, just follow the Code of Conduct for this site and all is well. The CoC can be found at the bottom of the screen if you want to check it out.
If you have any questions or need help with any of the features, there are many here who are happy to help. (smile)
Hey Jim .. good seeing you .. making my first post YAY!
I have been roaming the halls, does see like a nice place!
I like it too. It will be nice to give an opinion without being called awful names.
I think using the wild west is an understatement
I was on Newsvine but Im not sure how long I will remian in this dump. NT seems to be a right-wing swamp.
Did you think Newsvine was more evenly balanced?
NT seems to be a right-wing swanp
That is no reason to leave, unless you're looking for an echo chamber. Stick around and demonstrate how wrong they are like I do.
It was fairly even most of the time, except towards the end when there was no moderation and the conserva-trolls and re-regs had the ability to do as they wished.
Welcome to NT! I am the Resident Advisor, so I am the go to person here if you need help, and lead moderator.
NT is what you make it to be. We are a friendly community with a lot of groups of special interest. NT represents all political views. I encourage you to not make a snap judgement.
I'm not going to stick around if I am going to get warned or banned ever time I prove that a TEAbag or conservative is wrong. I did that before at another forum and it wasn't fun, even when I was able to prove that the forum admin was a TEAparty troglodyte.
The trolls were on both sides and you know it. The fact that you do not point that out is telling of what your true intentions are here.
It's pretty simple, if you don't like it, don't participate. No need for the melodrama. That was a NV M.O. not a NT one from what i have seen so far.
Welcome to NewsTalkers epistte! Glad to have you join us here on NT.
Yeah...there are a good number of right wing Members here, but, there are a good many Members who are of other political preferences, and some non-politically affiliated Members as well. If you think there are too many right wing comments then hand around and help balance the 'swamp'. (smile)
Still was extremely segregated and unless you were 100% on board, the liberal echo chambers would either delete your posts or outright block you. I got blocked from a couple of nations with one comment "against the grain". Hypocritical admins of nations were in abundance
Hi there, epistte - From your NT comment history, it seems that you've remained in "this dump" for at least two months. I encourage you to scroll through NT's membership list. You'll find that many of NV's left wing users are also members of this site.
Well, nice to see you. Good Bye. Huff-Po might be more to your liking.
BTW, coming here and insulting the site in your opening salvo is why so many of us left Newsvine.
and your idea of fair and balanced leaves a lot of realism out.
Once the vine moved into Nations one could pick and choice where they wanted to comment (well until blocked) - some posters (no names necessary) could not control themselves .. and had to invoke those of a specific mind set .. because they were easy targets and could be riled easily.
All they ever wanted was an echo chamber!
Welcome to NT! I am the Resident Advisor, so I am the go to person here if you need help, and lead moderator.
Thank you for welcoming me, Perrie.
NT is what you make it to be. We are a friendly community with a lot of groups of special interest. NT represents all political views. I encourage you to not make a snap judgement.
I don't understand what you mean by saying that I made "a snap judgement". I've never made snap judgments about anything or anyone in real life or online, and I can assure you that I won't do it on your site. I look forward to having a positive experience on NewsTalkers.
I was also blocked from a couple of nations for some mild-mannered comments that were in disagreement with the status quo of those nations. However, I thought it was hilarious. As they talked to each other and all agreed with each other, the commentary was a round-robin of kudos without a whit of insight or brilliance. Perhaps real discussions will take place here without the snipers.
I disagree. It is a rather well accepted fact that Newsvine was heavily liberal / progressive / D in terms of its membership. I lost count how many times I responded to complaining conservative / R people to stop complaining about bias on a site where you are in the minority. My advice was to simply recognize reality and operate accordingly (or find another site).
Hey epistte!
Good to hear from you! I love the new avatar!
It's not a right wing swamp by any metric. We do expect more than partisan ranting though.
That is what is known as the Circle-Jerk, it happens here from time to time but it is legal to respectfully call it out when it does, then ignore the practitioners, such proponents don't last here long...
You are welcome to prove a conservative wrong. But do you HAVE to refer to someone as a TEAbag? Therein lies the problem. Prove anything you want, just don't insult or degrade a member.
I ended up commenting in many nations that I would not normally comment in, because oftentimes the person I was replying to would only post in certain nations and was blocked from nations that I normally commented in. Also, I was blocked from a couple of nations over there simply due to disagreeing with people. I don't recall ever getting a suspension over there, despite being very passionate and critical of the mods over there. And, to be clear, I became a member here when the site first opened; but I did not actually post much or comment much at all until recently when the Vine started dying. But, I knew it was going to die the moment they rolled the Nations concept out. I loved it when the Vine allowed the author or seeder to be the main moderator of the article; that way we had some control over the behavior of the commenters and could nip the hate in the bud before it began. With the Nations, you had many people getting away with being hateful due to sheer volume.
Not in any Nation where admins were only an email away.
After Nations, I could find discussions where comments were deleted in a timely manner. Much like I am seeing on NT today.
Before Nations, it was a free for all where eventually Tyler waded in and suspended/banned people who refused to abide by the rules.
In an adult world, we really should not require moderators.
Some Nations were that way by design!
With NO one at the helm, we admin did our best - I ran a pretty tight ship as an admin in First - Read ... yet that was only a percentage of the volume. Moderators can do so much more than an admin could, having say in only one place ... Newsvine sent us to Nations and then walked away - it was a Free-for-all after that...
Well, yes and no. There may seem to be more RWs here, lord knows I noticed what seemed to be a lot of RW seeds like "Democrats are addicted to lying" or some similar name. I'm new here from NV, third time on as a member, third comment. But it now seems that like NV, there is a troll club here too though not near as large as on NV and a lot of the (heh) more aggressive RW seeds may all come from that small group or even just one of them. I haven't checked yet.
So don't give up just yet. If the moderators can just maintain a high-school level over the lower grade school insults of NV, it will be a plus. Now I'd like to see if the moderators are fair, because some of the admin. on NV seemed to bend a bit (sometimes a LOT) to the right. That would be a big plus too.
Well, if you're going, then go. If not, learn the CoC and stop acting like you're on Newsvine. Debate the story, stop insulting people personally. There are other places where you can be heard and not worry about opposing opinions. This is not one of them.
Wow, the paranoia runs deep in some.......troll clubs.....LOL.....Kind of like JR, Blue and Hal? Oh wait, that's left wing....and there is no club.
Some days the front page look like this:
Trump Sucks
Everything about Trump sucks
The Republicans Suck
Everything about the Republicans Suck
It goes back and forth, but if you need to believe in conspiracies here on Newstalkers, you're wrong, but go ahead.
An unbiased read will show you that there is plenty on both sides of the fence. But I don't believe you are or are trying to be unbiased.
That would be a nice world.....not sure it's in this galaxy though.
Welcome to NT Jasper! happy to have you join us here on NT. The different format might take a bit of getting used to, but, if you need any help with learning the features of NT just yell out, there are many of us here who are glad to help. (smile)
Mine as well. I remember you Jasper.
Welcome aboard.
i went pretty much "dark" at NV months ago. Not a fan of the last election cycle and not a fan of what has happened since. Also, not a fan of being called a "KKK, NAZI, White Supremacist" every time I disagreed with some of the distinguished NV members. Hell, I am only half white. Of course just before the end, a new phrase surfaced. "Fascist Russian". Well I am half Russian, so they were right on that account. As for the fascist part, two of my cousins piloted USAAF Bombers and bombed the NAZIs into rubble.
Anyhow, in the past. Welcome to everyone.
Dave, as you know that kind of language here on NT is a CoC violation. And those who engage in that kind of name calling find out quickly that it is not acceptable here. If you see any such language being used at any time, toard you or anyone else, flag the comment and let the Mods handle it. That is their duty as Mods and they do it best.
I advise all new comers to read the NT Code of Conduct. You can find it here:
or listed at the bottom of the screen.
It will help better understand what is and is not acceptable here on NT.
Thank you Raven Wing.
Hello all. I am kinda new here myself. I joined right after they announced newsvines doom but never really came here much. I am having some difficulty nVigating and otherwise finding my way around but I am sure that will come in time.
I see many of my old friends and aquaintances from the vine here but i wont list them because I will start sounding like that sickly sweet lady from "Romper Room" looking thru her magic mirror. (Yes I know that dates me) First off I am a guy and second even as a child I couldnt stand that woman.
Welcome arkpdx! Glad have you aboard. If you need help with any of the features or navigation just give a well, there are many here who will be most happy to help. (smile)
Welcome to all the new Members from Newsvine! We are happy to have you join us here on NewsTalkers and I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Moving to a new 'home' is never easy, there are always new things to learn, and old things to miss. But, if you need any help with getting used to the new forum just give a yell and someone here will be most happy to help. (smile)
Hello Raven Wing .. you seem to be an individual with knowledge of NT - How does one start a group? Is that something that needs to be done through Perrie?
Hi Color me! Welcome to NT. Yes, as you are new to NT and not that familiar with the format I would suggest that you contact Perrie (RA) for help in setting it up. You'll need a name and she can help advise you with that. You can contact Perrie by Chat at the lower right corner of the screen, or by using the Private Notes, which is located in the list under your user name at the top right corner of the screen. Just hover your cursor over your name and dropdown list will appear.
Once you get into the Private Notes, click on the New Note tab, then enter Perrie in the Recipient bar and her name will pop up, and select it. Then type in the name of your subject in the Subject bar, then type in your message. When done, click the Send tab at the bottom of the message window. Then wait for her to email you in return.
If you use the Chat window, if she is online her name will appear in alphabetical order in the list, then just click on her name to send her a message. If she is not online her name will not appear in the list.
I hope this helps. (smile)
Thank you, much appreciated ... the information you provided is very helpful.
Now I just need to remember where I am at, in order to negotiate my way back to where I was when this adventure started.
You're very welcome, Color Me. If you want to get back to the home page, just click on Home at the top of the screen. That will take you back to the Front Page or Home page. Then look for your username in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
I think I may have mastered navigation .. there for a wee bit I had all kinds of things open. Could not figure out whether I was coming or going...
Thanks for your assistance : )
Any time Color Me, and you are most welcome. (smile)
I think almost everybody here was on NV at some point or another. For example, despite my not logging on there for probably four years, I was the owner of the Beervine and How To nations.
Anyway, I hope everybody just joining finds something of interest on Newstalkers. We have no lack for groups to satisfy the more focused conversations and a general forum (i.e. the front page) for those who like to chat or hash out the issues of the day, argue and debate, etc...
Typically, there are growing pains with each new member as they learn who is who and in what way they prefer to interact with older members. We hope you take some time to feel things out, get your feet wet, and so on.
We do have a flag function if things get out of hand, and moderators will look over flagged comments. If they are CoC violations, they will be removed, although a copy of each will be retained by the moderating staff in case there is an appeal and the appeal is upheld regarding a comment (plus it simply gives us better insight as to the general participation on the site). We also try to be mindful of comments that deliberately skirt CoC. As a rule however, comments won't be removed unless they are first reported and/or things are obviously getting out of hand. The moderating team is made up of individuals from both sides of the political spectrum and some in between, so you don't have to worry about moderation leaning heavily in one direction or the other.
I'm sure there are plenty of other things to chat about, so don't hesitate to ask any member if you have questions. Everybody here is happy to help out given the opportunity.
Just an aside: I'm still getting notices from NV about people wanting to join nations and even one from NV telling me I'd been made a moderator. Do the the PTB there not know (or refuse to believe) they're soon to be, if not officially already, extinct?
It took me two years after leaving the vine to stop getting those automatic e-mails....
The software and server are still running, they haven't actually pulled the plug just yet...
We hold our members "DEER" and hope they become NT "STARS".
A. Mac/A.G.
Just thought I'd announce my presence here as a newsvine abandonee.
I've been scrolling through the threads and recognize some familiar names. I'll just have to get used to the new layout.
Hi Rmando,
I am the Resident Advisor here. If you need any help or have any questions you can always get me either on chat or by our email system, "Private Notes".
Thanks to you and Hippocrates for the offers.
Hey Armando, howzit hangin'? Here I thought I might never see another of your insane rants, and I sure would have missed them! Welcome buddy...
How's it going?
Don't worry. I'll never run out of "rants", as you call them. ; )
Sad day - RIP Tom Petty
Yes sad day.
He is the one who saved us from disco.
I'd say that was Van Halen.
They certainly played a big part of that.
I read that he is alive!
I had heard the same thing - so I looked it up .. his profile when Google says Born 10/20/1950 - Died 10/2/2017.
msn needs to update.
Yeah, initially somebody in the LAPD tweeted that Petty had been taken off life support. Now that tweet has been deleted and the claim that he was taken off life support refuted. Hopefully that is the case and he makes a full recovery.
Hope so.
I just got the chance to sit back down .. some reports still say Tom is dead - others Tom is alive...
If he is alive and in the hospital, I hope he is comfortable and recovering ..
So sad! He was one of the great ones!
there seem to be a lot of people here, which is nice, but there do seem to be a lot of people here who ironically are looking for a "safe space", this should be interesting to say the least...
Are you the Phoenix? If you are, welcome aboard. You sure were given a rotten deal at NV.
i have no idea who you are referring to, magnoliaave
i have always been Phoenyx13 - only one profile in NV, never banned, never a re-reg, Magnoliaave, i think you must have me confused with another.
It appears I do. Nevertheless, welcome.
no harm done, thank you, Magnoliaave
Welcome Phoenyx! Happy to have you join us here on NewsTalkers.
For those who need a 'safe space' so to speak, there are a good many Groups here they can join if they find any that interest them, or they can start their own group. Some of the Groups don't deal with politics of any kind, so if they are not interested in dealing with the political rhetoric they can join one of those. Also, anyone can start their own article/discussion about any topic that is not in violation of the NT Code of Conduct., which is listed at the bottom of the screen.
I hope you enjoy NT as much as we do and if you need any help just give a yell and there a many here who are happy to help. (smile)
i'm aware, its rather interesting so far - the former NV members who have joined, Raven Wing
i will do so, i appreciate the offer, Raven Wing
You're very welcome, Phoenyx. I'm glad that you are getting familiar with NT and its features. (smile)
So far, I like it!
Welcome Capt. Cave Man! Glad you like it here at NewTalkers so far, and hope that it will become your new 'home'.
If you need any help with any of the features or anything else here on NT just give a yell. There are many of us here who are happy to help. (smile)
I'd like to make a couple of points to the new members here.
First, if you see a comment in Purple, that's a moderator comment. As such, please refrain from using that color if you tend to change font colors.
Second, we DO have a Code of Conduct (CoC) as well as a Terms of Service (ToS). They work hand in hand. Take a moment to look them over.
While we do not as of yet have an Ignore function, you can block people on Chat, as well as block Personal Notes from them. However, please do not block the moderators, as they may on occasion need to contact you. Doing so is a bannable offense.
If you feel that a comment is in violation of our standards, please flag that item (that's the little red flag button found on each comment). Let the moderators sort it out.
Also, just like on that other site, Meta articles have a forum. It's called, surprisingly, Meta. Please post all meta type articles in that forum. They still show up on the front page.
Finally, to the left of your screen are articles that are written by our members, not seeds. In there you will find a few meta articles about some of our site policies such as Red Box Rules and Impasse.
Have fun!
Ex Newsviners .
We are Strangers in a Strange Land.
It's tempting to go congregate in one of the NV groups here, but I think I'm going to try to learn the language and customs and assimilate first.
I'm looking for a place for data driven discussion - the comment formatting options look especially rich - I see a table option and media embed.
I think that will facilitate t
hings once I learn just how they work.
If I find I simply cannot contain my baser urges - I can always make a quick trip to the CNN comment section.
Rev Larry Robinson is in the House. Joined Newstalkers a couple of months ago but only participated on one thread
Thanks for the warning!
Newstalkers rocks!!
I was on NV until the lights went out......
I was, almost. I took a break to do some laundry, then logged into Facebook. A NV friend who is also on FB posted that NV had gone dark.
Hi! I was on NV but very rarely ever commented unless it was an article about my area. I mainly like to read other peoples comments to get other points of view.
Hello all, I see a few names I recognize.
I'm still trying to learn how "Possible Skirting" fits into a constant as a violation.
It's not easy figuring out "Implied" rules that aren't in writing.
What is "possible skirting"?
Was used as a reason for deleting comments.
Hmm, ok, thanks!
Skirting, is intentionally trying to insult someone, repeatedly, while not actually insulting them-the intent is there and it's obvious when you see it. We have some folks here that are very practiced in skirting the CoC
OK, Spike! That makes sense. And, right you are...! Thanks very much!