This Texas Mall Just Put Up a Giant Ten Commandments Monument
The newly named Music City Mall in Lewisville, Texas has a new attraction. It’s not another anchor store. It’s not an Apple Store. It’s a giant Ten Commandments monument installed by new owner John Bushman.
Now you can see a display that reminds you not to have other gods before God… before you head to Spencer’s to buy fake vomit.
“We’re not trying to make a statement or create a controversy,” said mall general manager Richard Morton. “This is part of Mr. Bushman’s belief system, and he’s not ashamed to share it.”
That’s… fine. It’s pointless, but it’s fine. At least it’s private property, for once, so Bushman can do whatever he wants.
Let’s not pretend anyone is going to pay much attention, though. No one’s going to a mall to learn why thy must obey the Christian God or why they shouldn’t commit adultery.
Hell, even Bushman doesn’t really care. The mall is open on Saturdays and Sundays, so forget keeping the Sabbath Day holy. The movie theater presumably features films where characters take the Lord’s name in vain. He’s counting on teenage customers who come to mall to get away from their parents rather than honoring their wishes. And every store in the mall wants you to covet their goods.
He would’ve been better off just putting up a sign saying “Thou shalt not steal” and leaving it at that. Instead, he used his faith to create a spectacle, to drum up publicity, to make more money. Just like Jesus wanted.
This monument is nothing more than the death throes of a dying business model. It’s not illegal, but like the rest of the mall, it’s a relic that should’ve evolved a long time ago.
Bravo!!! See how easy that is, Christians? Find private property to put your dogma on. That way, I know which malls to spend my atheist money at, and which ones to ignore.
When you insist on putting this garbage at the court house, I have no choice but to have to look at it if I am required to be there - and you will have no choice but to look at Satanist dogma that is legally put right next to it either.
You miss out on so much when wasting your time protesting some "cause".
Me....I shop where the product is I "Want" ! Haven't met a sign that physically hurt me yet !
Not on public property. so it is OK
Maybe it’s time for mouthbreathers to get back on topic.
I’m not a Christian and it really doesn’t bother me. I’m not much of a mall rat but this wouldn’t steer me away from shopping there.
Same with one of my favorite online retailers B&H camera they often shut down orders on the website on Jewish holidays and Saturday but I’d still place orders with them.
If my only option were to drive another 20 minutes to get to a different mall, I’d probably shop there too. I’ll be the one cracking jokes about it.
I'd find a way to put the 3rd tablet beside of it in Mel Brooks fashion.
It's on public property so who cares. Looks like a nice place to set my soda while I browse the wares in the store. The store across from this one needs to put one of these up.
skirting the CoC [ph]
OK here we go again.
This is to both Hal and OSM and not necessarily in that order.
This is an official warning. Do not engage each other anymore. The comments you two are making to each other do nothing to forward a discussion and are a string of insults. You have both already rang up multiple skirtings.
Hal please take note. I am making it clear not to engage each other.
I did not invite him on to my seed, and I have not engaged him in any way other than to question the wisdom of him engaging me after you warned him not to. Go ahead and read this entire seed and see for yourself.
If you guys can stay away from each other on an article, I am fine with that. But you can't engage each other directly or indirectly.
Can I use mental telepathy to get into his brain and fix it?
That and a glass of wine almost made me lose my balance.
I am on your side here, but, show some respect for those of us that sacrificed a lot for this country. Ok? Just asking. OSM goes against all of my beliefs, ALL of them, but I would want him backing me up before just about anyone here. When the lead starts to fly, no one cares about left or right, we just want someone to help us defend the Red White and Blue. Ok? People like me, OSM and others here gave all we could, others gave it all. I cannot even tell you about the tears I cried when a fellow soldier died, and there was nothing I could do. I can't tell you how much hurt I endured when I found out that my best friend wasn't coming back. I don't care if you don't agree with OSM, I don't agree with much of what he says either, but at least show some respect for what the man, and people like he, and me, and others have sacrificed as well. I cannot even tell you the hardships I dealt have no idea. WE...are the reason you have the right to disagree and express your opinion....don't diminish it by slamming the people that gave you the right in the first place.. I am not trying to be mean to you, I am not defending any position here at all. But show a touch of respect, ok?
LOL. You just made me dizzy.
I’ve always considered respect to be a two way street. Our dialogue has had nothing to do with military service. The only thing I can offer is that I won’t be engaging him anymore, per Perrie’s insistence. Beyond that, I’m not one to accept being continuously disrespected just because someone has a military background. That doesn’t mean I don’t have respect for one’s military service.
You are missing my point I think, but that's ok. Love your posts, keep up the good work.
Lol - please point out the grammatical errors. This should be good.
One of my favorite episodes is when the guy who just wanted to read - was in a bank vault when the end of the world came - when he came out and saw that he had all the time in the world to read without anyone bothering him - he broke his glasses. Classic. They had a twilight zone marathon this weekend. Another good one was where this couple woke up after a party in a house - didn't know where they were. They were on another planet - in a little girls' dollhouse/town layout
Have you watched Black Mirror yet? It's basically like a modern version of the Twilight Zone, focusing on the intersection of technology and sociology. Every episode is unrelated to every other episode with no repeat characters, so they can be watched in any order. I love it. Season four just dropped on Netflix.
Both of those are my favorites as well as "To Serve Man".
I watched the fourth season this weekend (Black Mirror). Good show. Got Mr Giggles hooked, too
No, not yet. I have so much in my que(? spelling) - I'll have to add that to my list.
One of the greatest TV shows ever. That and the Honeymooners.
That was a great episode. There are too many awesome TZ episodes to name. People watch the ball drop on New Years, I watch TZ (or Honeymooners) episodes.
I forgot that Twilight Zone was on Netflix. Now I can go re-watch my favorites.
Isn't Netflix great?
It's the best, Gordy, the best!
I start a show then start another one, then start another one...
I probably have 6 or 7 shows that I need to finish
So much irony in that statement. Do you at least want to insert the disclaimer "self and present company excepted?"
I hope you ponder how silly that statement is. Did you imagine that someone would make the claim that people go to the mall for that specific purpose? Do you further imagine that awareness of God's word should only be raised in places where people set out to find it? I want you to to apply that theory to any form of advertising, politics, or social activism. Are you prepared to cancel gay pride parades except in locations where everyone there was hoping to see a gay pride parade? Should we only have billboards in places where like to go driving and view advertising? Should we have special TV channels that are only for political campaigns and the effort to get elected be banned from every place else?
You're trying to hold this sign to a standard you would not apply to any other form of communication of ideas.
You might want to consider not criticizing religious practices or ideology you don't understand. Ignorance doesn't help your argument.
What makes you think parents don't want their teenagers to go to the mall? What makes you think any teenagers are at the mall in defiance of their parents?
Definitely not what "covet" means in the context of the commandments. You have a lot of studying to do.
Has it occurred to you that I did not write the article? Lol.
I don't care who wrote it. I'm responding to what is written there.
Charleton Heston was but was Moses a Christian? He's the one who the OT says received the 10 Commandments from God.
Certainly not as Christ wouldn't be born for another 1400 years. Moses was raised and tutored in the Egyptian faith, raised as an Egyptian prince. He then spent decades in exile before returning to free his people, spend forty years wandering the wilderness while writing the accounts of Adam, Noah, Abraham, and creating the Jewish faith out of thin air. He single handedly tied the Israelites back to the first human which gave them a sense of community and purpose, otherwise it would have been difficult to lead what some believe was several hundred thousand people and keep them from splitting off on their own. Interestingly, much of Genesis parallels Egyptian mythology, even many names are similar, like the first being on the earth named "Atum" arising from the watery chaos of Nu.
LOL DP. Thanks for the lesson, but I was only being facetious with my question, in response to the comment I quoted.
Sounds like somebody's belief is so fragile and frail that they need a reminder that their god is watching.
That's a great explanation for why the mall owner erected it. Thanks for that perspective.
West Texas shitholes with more than 2 traffic lights all have a big lighted cross on a hill just outside of town.
I'm getting to the point I can't take the religious bigots on this site.
Let me know when you have arrived there. I'll help you find the door.
I posted this article about a Christian who posted Christian dogma on private property. I've said repeatedly here how this is a good thing, and is exactly how this Christian should be expressing his desire to spread his religious beliefs - on private property, not public. How strange that you and MUVA and others have yet to recognize this, and come here to complain about anti-religious bigotry on NT. Do any of you read anything before you post?
That's just silly. Separation of church and state anyone?
Nobody is complaining that there is a public mall that has a statue of the Ten Commandments, but you guys come here specifically to complain about atheists who are complaining about a public mall that has a statue of the Ten Commandments. It's hilarious. Those atheists only exist in your head.
You mean like Houston and, Dallas? I think those places, even though they do have some problems, aren't "shit holes", in fact they have some very nice things there, great BBQ for one thing.
Okay, consider this. I am sure there are many millions of Americans who have invested in shares in corporations, or have retirement funds from organizations that have investments in corporations, and the businesses those corporations might NOT "Honour the Sabbath", so does that make those Americans sinners? If the mall in question is owned by a corporation, and as I've posted above, American law considers a corporation to be a person, totally independent of its shareholders, directors and officers, then why would the man (who might well religiously honour the Sabbath) who owns the shares be considered a sinner? The corporation is the sinner, so crucify the corporation.
Possibly - that's up to them and their god. It certainly calls into question the sincerity of their beliefs. Kinda like Hobby Lobby execs investing in companies that produce contraceptives, then denying their employees contraceptive coverage because they have "closely-held" pro-life beliefs.
No, it's not just me.
One can stipulate that their funds not be invested in certain ventures. If they have such a serious objection to abortion and forms of contraception they don't understand, one would think that they, as savvy businesspeople, would know this.
But I guess it's ok if it makes you money. Do as they say, not as they do.
Their exemption from the ACA provision requiring contraceptive coverage was based on their "closely held beliefs". Those beliefs obviously weren't held all that closely, if they financially supported the development, production, and marketing of those same contraceptives by way of their investments.
Their beliefs are either "closely held", or they're not. They shouldn't have been able to have it both ways.
You support blatant hypocrisy?
Supporting and profiting from sin. No different than investing in a whorehouse and voting for lawmakers that make whorehouse legal despite the Bible saying whoring and whoremongering is sinful. In the OT, this would have incurred the death penalty.
If Christianity no longer lives under the Law of the bible but lives by the Grace of God, why do they keep putting up the 10 Commandments everywhere? Are these not Laws, Laws that the religious are no longer bound to? Would a monument of Christ's last words on the cross be better?
So confused. Either they mean something or they don't, and if they do then shouldn't all the laws? Shouldn't all of the OT? If they don't, then stop already.