‘OUT!’ Trump orders CNN star Jim Acosta to leave Oval Office after reporter’s newest outburst
“Did you say that you want more people to come in from Norway? Did you say that you wanted more people from Norway? Is that true Mr. President?” Acosta frantically shouted.
“I want them to come in from everywhere… everywhere. Thank you very much everybody,” Trump responded as Acosta continued to bark questions.
“Just Caucasian or white countries, sir? Or do you want people to come in from other parts of the world… people of color,” Acosta shouted.
Trump then pointed directly at Acosta and simply said, “Out!”
Frankly, I don't think Acosta should be allowed within 100 miles of the President.
love it--you the man trump.....accosta needs to be barred from the WH completely..the guy is mentally deranged
Take your hate someplace else Tess - like back to . . . . .
Please stay on topic and stop with the spam comments.
THANK you for stepping in, Perrie! It happens on MANY seeds/articles several times a week and disrupts the flow of on-topic discussions and debates that most of us want to have.
norman-- i would not call him arrogant, just incredibly stupid and rude..the press has it's hard on of hate on full display and their are pictures of it.
well since trump is the one still in the oval office and accosta is not --it would disprove you
Acosta is a bigger media villain even than Sam Donaldson was when Reagan was President.
What exactly is the topic? A member of the press trying to get an honest answer from Trump? Trump's ongoing war on the press and on the truth would seem to be pertinent to the topic of a frustrated reporter searching for truth.
Because he exposes the incompetence and racism of the Donald. Sad when you have to defend the President by attacking the press because he can't answer their questions honestly.
Is that how you felt about Obama consistently attacking Fox News?
When did President Obama kick Fox news out of a room? When did President Obama talk about revoking Fox News broadcasting license? The answer is never and you know it. You have a very skewed view of that relationship, which was non-stop partisan attacks made by Fox on the President and the President occasionally joking about their attacks.
hahaha..your attempt at spin is amusing. when Fox News ask questions it's attacking, but when CNN does it's their duty. You are so funny, funny, funny.
straight from the horses ass:
Then you post a link that states that they weren't banned from anything.
No they didn't. If you read your linked article the only thing Obama did was go on every Sunday news program but Fox one Sunday. They were not banned from the white house briefing room or other news conferences with President Obama.
That is a true statement and not in any way "throwing them out of the room" as I stated.
Trump and his administration hate to be held accountable by the press and act like they are being persecuted when they are forced to address their previous statements and actions. Trump apparently believes that he can create his own reality by lying.
He cannot deny that he called foreign country shitholes because even Fox News reported his statement. Now he is trying to spin that statement and it isn't going well.
ummm, yes, he denied it.
Fox News has since reported that he, and others have denied that it was ever said.
So.... you are wrong, again.
So why di they have to back peddle ?
THey even can't keep up with Trumps ever changing opinions and unintelligible double speak
I wouldn't call that a back peddle, they just reported that the charge has been denied by Trump and a couple others who were in the room.
Frankly, I think they most certainly should have ran a retraction, but as far as I know, they haven't.
That is either a furious back-peddle or they didn't do their work before they reported it the first time. The fact that Trump denied saying it isn't proof that he didn't say it. You might want to familiarize yourself with the words spin and lying.
Yeah, you might want to do that, since it is only one piece of shit Democrat that is claiming he said "shithole".
Are you also claiming that Jeff Flake(R.) lied?
Fox News previously reported that Trump said it and defended his remark.
One thing the stupid liberal Trump haters have problems understanding is that here in the U.S., you do not have to prove your innocence, but people like you who are throwing shit and see if it will stick, need to prove the guilt of a person you are making a charge against... Welcome to the U.S., you just get here? Or maybe you live in England or something, and don't understand how the American judicial system works?
Since he was not there, then who give a fuck what he has to say, he's the biggest Trump hater in congress behind Maxine Waters.
Ok, that is how normal people refer to places like Haiti, or Somalia, that is true, but it is still not proof of what Trump may or may not have said, god you have weak arguments today, lol!
Care to go into one of the Hillary articles and repeating this line???
Didn't think so.
Because the alt-right have declared her guilty despite all the evidence to the contrary?
Fox "news" is an oxymoron. Fox is nothing but a far right wing propaganda machine. They even went to court to win the right to lie to their viewers. President Obama showed great restraint in his dealings with Fox. I wouldn't have let a Fox propagandist within a mile of the WH.
Seems our current president takes his marching orders from Fox. That's all he watches on TV.
Wrong again. It was not FOX news that went to court but a privately owned FOX Entertainment affiliate station.
Semantics. The station operates as a part of FAUX Noise, just like any CBS, NBC or, ABC affiliate. It was FOX's lawyers that went to court so, it is FAUX Noise who won the right to lie.
Isn't that an accurate description of your commander and chief? Birds of a feather...
Tessy, you need to understand the wisdom of that old paleontologist that said, "It is better to keep your mouth shut, and let others think you are stupid, than to open your mouth and confirm their opinions".
Just sayin.
Is that the newest racist tactic for not owning up to the racism? Can't possibly fail.
I saw CNN Jake Tapper cut off White House adviser Stephen Miller because he didn’t like what Miller was saying. Don Lemon recently killed the mike on John Frederick for the same reason. So, when CNN gets obnoxious at the White House, I see no problem in Trump telling them to get out.
That's not what I saw. I saw the host of a show refuse to give a whiny little white nationalists three minutes of unchallenged propaganda. When Jake invited him on the show it's with the understanding that the host asks questions and then the guest acts like a human and answers them instead of trying to take over the interview to go on a one-sided partisan tirade. If Steven Miller wanted that, he should go start his own show, I'm sure he'd have enough white supremacists and Nazis to get a few viewers to watch it, the rest of us will watch real news, not the Trump propaganda network.
isn't it called the Tucker Carlson Report?
He’s got a show and it’s called the White House briefing. CNN shuts up Trump supporters on its turf and Trump shuts up CNN on his. I’m not a Trump supporter but CNN’s bias is blatant.
CNN is not a public servant, much less the top public servant.
If CNN takes sides, then it should expect to be treated accordingly.
same goes for Fox News
And Obama treated them accordingly. Trump can do the same to CNN.
Almost everyone takes sides. Should the president not be held to a higher standard as our top public servant?
The media should, itself, adhere to a higher standard and ensure that its reporting is unbiased. If it takes sides, then it’s part of the political opposition and the president should treat it as such.
Yeah! A president shouldn't say things like " the police acted stupidly" or " If I had a son he would look like Travon".
Tranlation: The fucking little fascist slimeball was refusing to answer questions put to him instead trying to filibuster his time. CNN apologized to its viewer for having let him go on as long as he did.
Haha...good for Trump. He needs a restraining order against Acosta. Something seriously wrong with this man. He wants to control the narrative, and when he can't gets wacko. all of CNN has turned into wackos.
good thing Trump isn't
it is
Some might not sense the sarc here
some may not
Pss't, Lib50 was referring to you when he said that.
psst...I was referring to LIB
double post
what's sarc ?
Acosta should be permanently banned. CNN can either sit out of any briefings or send in a grown up.
Is there one at the Clinton News Network?
Anything to protect your shitbag* of a "president," right?
* my homage to the language he uses
All legitimate reporting and questions should be banned from the Trump White House. If Americans need to know anything concerning the president or his positions on policy, Americans would be best suited to hear only the statements provided by the White House.
MAGA can only happen under the most favorable conditions.
Acosta and every reporter that dares to question this president should have all of their assets seized, citizenship revoked and sent to an offshore US owned island until they come to their senses. The Omarosa, "You will bow and kneel." Freedom hangs in the balance.
Reporters are free to ask any questions they want- as long as they are real reporters. That means impartial, professional and honest.
That seems highly subjective to the Trump administration. They started out by giving One America News Network, Daily Caller and Breitbart access while denying multiple major news outlets.
Any one of those outlets has more credibility than CNN.
I thought you said your standards were:
If you those outlets meet your standards, your bar is pretty low.
Ok, I understand why you would say that about two of them, but One America News Network is pretty straight up.
When did a Breitbart reporter get suspended and kicked off from covering Trump while causing the stock market to drop? The retractions are all coming from NBC, CNN and ABC.
Ethical news agencies make retractions and corrections when they make mistakes. The one's you respect don't.
There are a lot of examples but the most recent that I know of is their reports about WaPo paying a fake Moore accuser. OAN refused to retract.
Ethical news agencies don't make mistakes like that in the first place.
Says WHO? Name a news agency that hasn't made a doozy of a screw up. The ones that do make corrections and retractions, those that aren't pretend it never happened or double down like Hannity on FOX.
I suppose your idea of a "real reporter" is someone like that little lying kneepadding, ass-kissing scumbag chickenshit Hannity.
Let's call Hannity what he really is
a pansy-ass, lickspittle, cowardly, chicken hawk who didn't have the nads to put on a uniform and do the job he expected other people to do
And when the hell is he going to do that water boarding thing he said wasn't torture?
Oh, you mean like on the Trump Propaganda Network, AKA FOX News?
I deeply bow to your superior descriptive skills.
Sounds a bit like bill clinton and obama to me.
But they weren't calling for people to be tortured or to go to war were they?
Just wait until I get wound up....
and I wind up with objects headed towards me in rapid secession ( not Jeff )
it could be over due to my centrifugal, I am forced to spin like a corny cobbled cobb web spun of deception,
either that
or they were throne at me from peoples in fairly near proximity of my voices in and spewing out of my mutated talking head
all the same to me, yet different in similar weighs that lift my head up high via leverage pulleys without belts to support my heavy pants that fall under wear I wore out my welcome Everywhere
Indeed it does.
accosta got his ass handed to him just like dicky turbin did--both of them took to whining some more, cryin if you will...what a bunch of loony tune deranged losers are on the left ..this is not gonna play well in iowa in 2018--bye bye dems
Yes, I do believe that the antics of acosta and the rest of the anti Trump media, will seriously help the Republicans in 2018, I don't think they are ready to face the facts that all the fake racism charges levy'd against the Republicans going into 2016 are part of what propelled Trump into office.
So you believe telling him to "get out" or saying in reply to Dick Durbin repeating their racist statements "Nuh uh!" as "ass handing"? That's just sad.
Acosta got his ass handed to him, yes.
Dicky boy got his ass handed to him, yes.
What's sad is TDS people don't realize how stupid the rest of the world think they are acting.
How? He's been proven correct, all the defenders have said was that he "mischaracterized the Presidents statements" or "I don't remember" or "I though I heard shithouse, not shit hole". Dick Durbin hasn't flinched from his exposing the petulant vulgarian in the oval office so I don't know why you would see that as getting his "ass handed" to him.
I guess one of Trumps golfing buddy's has TDS too.
Why does Sen Graham golf with trump? He has way too much class to be hanging around with trump
I have no idea why he's golfing with Trump but, he has and, he even admitted it in an interview.
Gosh, it is really sad when you see someone who has Hillary Derangement Syndrome this bad. Norm do you ever think of anyone else except Hillary? Do you have the hots for her?
"I asked Hillary if she stole Haitian relief funds"
"Every penny of the more than $30m raised was deployed on the ground, with no overhead taken by the Clinton Foundation." said a spokeswoman for the charity.
The bulk of it went to UN agencies, international aid groups, private contractors and donor countries' own civilian and military agencies.
Jake Johnston, an analyst with the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a nonpartisan group that has studied the quake reconstruction, told the BBC that the problem was their use of outside contractors and not paying funds directly to Haitians.
"They relied too much on outside actors," Mr Johnston says, "and supplanted the role of the Haitian government and domestic producers."
So more right wings lies about Clinton, not that I'm surprised, they love telling lies about HRC.
Don't you know? Hillary is their go to Boogy Woman. Bwahahahaha.
Acosta and the Clinton News Network still cant accept the fact their little darling lost. The Hillary LOST Butt Hurt Bern Continues.
He deserved to get Tossed!
Jim Acosta is a dick, but he's also a bad journalist. The purpose of his job and his access is to inform the American people. Instead, he does and says whatever he can to disparage the president and to get himself as much camera time as possible.
Adults understand that Jim Acosta is not asking the president a question to investigate possible racism. Rather, he was accusing the president of racism even in spite of evidence to the contrary. Asking where he wanted immigrants to come from is a legitimate question. But after receiving the answer of "everywhere," Acosta, like a bully, took a cheap shot at the president. He knew the president couldn't, or probably, wouldn't respond in kind, and if he did, the aftermath would go worse for the president than for Acosta. Acosta is a bully and a dick.
Trump, who is constantly disparaged by CNN, showed far more class than Acosta. The really sad thing is that CNN, apparently, is not in the least embarrassed by Acosta's adolescent behavior.
I really do not care about CNN's or Acosta's image.
What I am concerned with is the image our POTUS projects domestically and internationally - he just seems to be clueless about "class".
Can hardly blame President Shittypants for being angry at having his racist fascism exposed like that. Good onya Acosta. It takes guts to bell the pussy in his own litter box.