
Secret House memo: Shocking facts or misleading hype?


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  7 years ago  •  318 comments

Secret House memo: Shocking facts or misleading hype?


WASHINGTON — A secret memo written by Republicans from the House Intelligence Committee either reveals "shocking" spying abuses by the FBI and Justice Department, or it's just a Republican-created distraction away from the ongoing Russia investigation, just as the probe moves closer to President Trump.

House Republicans are pressing for the memo's public release and are joining a "#ReleaseTheMemo" campaign on social media that Democrats say is being promoted by the Russian government to discredit the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. The Democrats cited reports by the German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy that researchers couldn't recall the last time an issue had been promoted so much by Russian bots and trolls .

The uproar underscores once again the deep partisan divide among House Intelligence Committee members, whose investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia has been marred by infighting.

FBI and Department of Justice officials have complained that they have not been able to view the memo, and Democrats say the document is a misleading attempt by Nunes and other Republicans to cast doubt on special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, possible collusion by the Trump campaign with Russia, and possible obstruction of justice by Trump.

Mueller, a former FBI director, was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May to conduct the investigation.

Mueller's probe has so far resulted in guilty pleas by former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign aide George Papadopoulos on charges of lying to the FBI. Former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his associate, Rick Gates, were charged in October with conspiracy, money laundering and acting as unregistered foreign agents. Both men pleaded not guilty.

Mueller is now reportedly seeking to interview Trump.

On Wednesday, Schiff said Democrats on the committee have prepared their own memo and want it released publicly if Republicans release theirs.

"Regrettably, it has been necessary for committee Democrats to draft our own memorandum, setting out the relevant facts and exposing the misleading character of the Republicans’ document so that members of the House are not left with an erroneous impression of the dedicated professionals at the FBI and DOJ," Schiff said.

At a committee meeting on Monday, Democrats will make a motion to allow their memo to be made available to any House members who want to come to the panel's secure room to read it, Schiff said. If Republicans vote to release the GOP memo publicly, Democrats will demand that theirs be released too.

"The Russians, who are pushing the campaign to declassify this information through its social media bots and trolls, will no doubt be thrilled," Schiff said. "We would strongly urge against this course, but would have to insist that our memorandum be likewise made public so that the entire nation is not then misled."

So, the short answer is that the gop's "secret memo" is a mere diversion from the real issues now at hand which are Trump and Co's collusion with the Russian government during the last election cycle to the detriment of American voters and American laws, money laundering, financial malfeaseance including requisite quid pro quos and other assorted high crimes and misdomeanors starting with purgary and likely including high treason at the highest level of our current government. Do Americans believe in Justice anymore, or not? Nunes' little olde memo is the original nothing burger and so if the damn gop wants to make a big deal about it then the gop must allow the other side of the story to be told and the gop damn sure does not want that to happen. Again, please not the part highlighed in black above and be aware of what is going on. Take notes. Save pages. There will be an accounting one day of who was on whose side during this our nation's latest electoral and constitutional crisis...

Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    7 years ago

Do Not Buy The Gop's Hype. The Whole Truth is the Only Truth. Let the momos fly. All of them...

Rex Block
Freshman Silent
1.1  Rex Block  replied to  JBB @1    7 years ago

What in the world is a "momo"?

I don't think we should believe all the hype, deflection, distraction, and lies emanating from the Democrats. The American people have the right to know the truth about any irregularities and illegalities in the investigative process, and therefore the memo should be released. So far, there has been more than enough information released to warrant a full investigation into the Obama administration's possible illegal use of the DOJ and FBI for purely political purposes.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Rex Block @1.1    7 years ago

That, "Momo". was a Typo. But since that is all you've got what we needs is momo memos.

Let ALL the memos fly. All of them and not just the gop's misleading diversion of a momo...

Rex Block
Freshman Silent
1.1.2  Rex Block  replied to  JBB @1.1.1    7 years ago

Gee, lighten' up bro'.

Professor Principal
1.1.3  seeder  JBB  replied to  Rex Block @1.1.2    7 years ago
Gee, lighten' up bro'.

How bout you don't call me bro'? I'm not your bro. I have bros. You aren't one...

Professor Principal
1.1.5  seeder  JBB  replied to  gooseisgone @1.1.4    7 years ago

Did you even read the article? Democratd want all the memos and the reports and the secret testimony made public not just the gop's gop...

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
1.1.7  Colour Me Free  replied to  JBB @1.1.5    7 years ago

Not according to the article you seeded, it says:

On Wednesday, Schiff said Democrats on the committee have prepared their own memo and want it released publicly if Republicans release theirs.

"Regrettably, it has been necessary for committee Democrats to draft our own memorandum, setting out the relevant facts and exposing the misleading character of the Republicans’ document so that members of the House are not left with an erroneous impression of the dedicated professionals at the FBI and DOJ," Schiff said.

At a committee meeting on Monday, Democrats will make a motion to allow their memo to be made available to any House members who want to come to the panel's secure room to read it, Schiff said.If Republicans vote to release the GOP memo publicly, Democrats will demand that theirs be released too.

"The Russians, who are pushing the campaign to declassify this information through its social media bots and trolls, will no doubt be thrilled," Schiff said. "We would strongly urge against this course, but would have to insist that our memorandum be likewise made public so that the entire nation is not then misled."

Sounds more like the (D)'s would insist their memo (not that they want to release everything) be made public IF (R)'s are to release their memo...

I find it interesting that Russian bots and trolls seemingly are being blamed for everything going wrong in the world today... those damn'd phony accounts that most everyone with a couple active brain cells can see are prob not legit just by the ridiculous screen names. (I do not personally use social media - yet I have had friends send me screen grabs of these accounts, and their posts - wowza)

Collusion seems to be taking on a new meaning with every article written - all I am interested in, is an semblance of truth from our current or former elected officials.  Former President Obama ignored a threat to the 2016 election - he should be held accountable for enabling the 'assault' on the election .. the excuse of 'he was afraid to be accused of meddling in the election' is BS when the supposed security of the Nations election process is being threatened!  He was the President of the United States of America and it makes NO sense that he waited until after the election to address the 'threat' to the election -- or was the 'threat' only considered a 'threat' after H lost ... sadly that is what it looks like to the untrained  eye!  The trained eye of the alphabet security agencies seemingly did not think the threat was that serious either..

Now there is a Russian troll (or a Putin) under every bed or hiding in the closet of the #resist Trump crowd!

Professor Principal
1.1.8  seeder  JBB  replied to  gooseisgone @1.1.6    7 years ago
OHHHHHHH..... only if they can put out their own memo.

That is correct. The Democrats don't want only the gop's partisan memo released unless the FBI's response and the Democrats own memos and evidence are also realeased to the public. Again, I say release all the reports and not just what the gop wants out there. It is all going to come out in the wash anyway. So, why is the gop stalling and trying to divert the public's focus from the real matters at hand with the gop which holds all of the reigns of power. It is pretty obvious what is going on and one sided is not the way to go...

Professor Principal
1.1.10  seeder  JBB  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.9    7 years ago
Don't hold your breath there dear for any truth from our current 'elected' officials meaning the gop

It is no wonder the once Grand Old Party of Lincoln is now known merely as "the gop"...

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.1.11  Trout Giggles  replied to  Rex Block @1.1    7 years ago

Ok...so now we know that Nunes and the Republicans know how to write a memo.

Release the damn thing and let's have a look. I'm grading for spelling and grammar. Others much smarter than me can check it for accuracy

Professor Principal
1.1.13  seeder  JBB  replied to  Release The Kraken @1.1.12    7 years ago
Those who find it alarming and those who haven't read it and are alarmed at it's potential release.

Law enforcement is concerned with the release of classified information. Nothing is new there. Try to keep up...

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
1.1.15  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Rex Block @1.1    7 years ago
The American people have the right to know the truth about any irregularities and illegalities in the investigative process, and therefore the memo should be released.

And you're fine if sensitive intelligence that could be used by our enemies is released with it/them? If the answer to that is yes, then you will have admitted that you're complicit with those enemies. 

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
1.1.16  Colour Me Free  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.9    7 years ago
Utter bullshit

Oooo my dear - Do share, what did the former President do when he learned of the 'threat' to the 2016 election besides ignore it?

Have a nice rest of your day....

PhD Quiet
1.1.18  igknorantzrulz  replied to    7 years ago
bent over and grabbed his ankles for him.

WHy must you constantly let your fantasies fly when posting >>>?


You seem to have selective memory, cause I remember distinctly Obama coming on the screen and explaining Russia was behind the Wiki leaks leaks, that were emitting a warm yellow stream, that Trump obviously loves to bask and bath in

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
1.1.20  Colour Me Free  replied to    7 years ago

LOL!  Perhaps so, the former President did nothing regarding the 'attack' on the 2016 election by a foreign adversary for the minimum of 4 months.

Professor Guide
1.1.21  MrFrost  replied to  Colour Me Free @1.1.16    7 years ago

Had Obama said or done anything the cons would have whined that he was trying to influence the election. But since he decided not to say anything, the right is bitching about that. Remember who kicked the russian diplomats out of the country? Wasnt trump. And speaking of that...when is trump going to get around to imposing those sanctions against russia that congress passed months ago? Meh, golf is more important than putting sanctions on a countfy that attacked us.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.2  Vic Eldred  replied to  JBB @1    7 years ago

What we are going to do is let the American people judge. As far as this fictitious story about "Russian bots" circulated by Adam Schiff & Dianne Feinsteine, who are two of the most partisan members of Congress, it was totally expected. They came out with this DISTRACTION as soon as they heard Hannity telling people to call their representatives to release the document. There has to be something there that frightens them. That report should be released before there is an interview by Mueller of the President.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    7 years ago

If the memo is all that ridiculous then Schiff should be pushing to declassify the underlying documents to the maximum extent possible. But he’s not and that is telling. What is also telling is that nothing about the memo has leaked. Which it would have if it wasn’t serious.

If there is anyone working at the behest of the Russians it is Schiff and the rest of the people pushing this ludicrous “collusion” narrative. As Chuck Grassley said earlier today this whole farce is based on information provided by current and former Russian intelligence officers and flogged by a company with deep ties to the Kremlin…that would be Fusion GPS.

schiff thinks democrats are idiots who can be endlessly distracted with talks of Russians and bots. For that I guess, we can't blame him.  It works. But to the rational mind, schiff's sideshow about bots just looks pathetic. The memo will stand and fall on it own, discredited theories about who is promoting it on twitter won't have any impact on its credibility. 

Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sean Treacy @2    7 years ago
If the memo is all that ridiculous then Schiff should be pushing to declassify the underlying documents to the maximum extent possible.

If you read the article and were not just repeating the gop's hype you would know that Schiff wants the gop's memo released but only if the FBI's response and the Democrat's also classified memo are released simultaneously. He has offered to let the gop look at Nune's memo, the FBI's response and the Democrats own memo regarding the same information which is being falsely flogged by the gop and which is only a small part of the whole truth. If you are uninformed about the article at hand then do not comment...

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.1.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  JBB @2.1    7 years ago

 wants the gop's memo released but only if the FBI's response and the Democrat's also classified memo are released simultaneously

You don't seem to have any clue what this is about. The memos are simply be summaries of evidence. In order to evaluate the veracity of the memos, the underlying information needs to be released. Schiff should be asking for the evidence to disprove Nunes' memo to be made public, not to provide an unverifiable summary of his own.   The Republican want the actual evidence published.

You shouldn't seed articles about topics upon which you are uninformed. 

Rex Block
Freshman Silent
2.1.2  Rex Block  replied to  JBB @2.1    7 years ago

We know already that the Dems "momo" will be a bunch of made up non-facts. Why are you afraid of the truth?

Professor Principal
2.1.4  seeder  JBB  replied to  Rex Block @2.1.2    7 years ago
We know already that the Dems "momo" will be a bunch of made up non-facts.

Actually, we don't. That is the point. Let all the memos and reports be made publci so we can decide for ourselves. People are sick and tired of being lied to and mislead by the damn gop...

Freshman Silent
2.1.5  owlsview677  replied to  JBB @2.1.4    7 years ago

Release all of the memos? Dang JBB, there you go making sense again. We are tired of being lied to by the Establishment, GOPS and DEMS both. We are also tired of constantly listening to people with no more facts than we have that theirs is the only truth.

The left is definitely on defense. The old let's use the media to convict someone in the court of public opinion isn't working this time. In fact, it is backfiring miserably for the Dems. Any evidence Mueller tries to put forward showing collusion or any other action by Trump is already tainted by the actions of members of his team.

Regardless of how the investigation concludes, there is always going to be a cloud over the President's head and a deeper distrust of Congress. The question of what is true and what is false will never be answered. The Mueller Investigation will be used as a distraction and a diversion politicians and trolls on the internet for years.

Once again, the joke is on us.

Professor Principal
2.1.6  seeder  JBB  replied to  owlsview677 @2.1.5    7 years ago
Dang JBB, there you go making sense again.

It happens. I want to see what Nunes little olde partisan memo has to say and what the FBI says in response to that memo and what the Democrats have to say about the whole situation, too. Viva La Information...

Russian bots have been demanding that Nunes' memo be released, millions of such calls for its release on the internet but oddly those Russian bots and the internet trolls who spread their manure oppose the release of all the info. They support Trump and that is a fact. It is an odd day in America when the gop is in bed with the Russians opposed to full transparency and against the whole truth ever getting out. Even denying it exists...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.7  It Is ME  replied to  owlsview677 @2.1.5    7 years ago
The left is definitely on defense. The old let's use the media to convict someone in the court of public opinion isn't working this time. In fact, it is backfiring miserably for the Dems. Any evidence Mueller tries to put forward showing collusion or any other action by Trump is already tainted by the actions of members of his team.


It's just a party for the Parties !

Freshman Silent
2.1.8  owlsview677  replied to  JBB @2.1.6    7 years ago

Does a public showing of support by the Russians actually show support for President Trump?

It has been ingrained in us that Russia is the bogeyman who for years have worked at undermining our government, reducing our economic influence and keeping us divided. It would make much more sense to support the Democrats if they truly supported Trump. Anything the Russians support brings an automatic cloud of suspicion, distrust and divisiveness. Exactly the way the Russians like it.  If Hilary had been elected, the same thing would be being done to her.

Democratic collusion is just as possible as Republican. I am still haunted by what Obama thought were "mike off" comments suggesting he could do more for Russia when he didn't have an election to win.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.10  It Is ME  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.9    7 years ago
President Obama never suggested he could do more for Russia.

WHAT ????????????

Actual Collusions with Russians ?

And You constantly say "YOU RESEARCH" ! laughing dude

Professor Principal
2.1.12  seeder  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.11    7 years ago

Obama is retired. Zero Obama administration or campaign official were ever indicted for crimes against the US of A...

Trump and Co cannot even say that, already. I suspect they'll have to add a wing to the FCA to house the Trumpers.

Freshman Silent
2.1.14  owlsview677  replied to  It Is ME @2.1.10    7 years ago

Thanks It Is Me. I was so busy laughing at such a display of either complete naivety or pretended ignorance you beat me to posting what the whole world saw and heard. Though the Dems and the media would rather sweep it under the carpet, it wasn't all that long ago.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.15  It Is ME  replied to  owlsview677 @2.1.14    7 years ago
Though the Dems and the media would rather sweep it under the carpet, it wasn't all that long ago.

Short memories....that I know is on Purpose. liar

Loved Obama's consoling arm stroke ! It was such a caring and reassuring thing towards the Russian President. Almost "I'll have your baby" like !

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.18  It Is ME  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.16    7 years ago
Stop putting words in my mouth

Your doing fine on your own !

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.19  It Is ME  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.17    7 years ago
They pretend we didn't hear what we actually HEARD, ON TAPE!!!!

Bingo ! thumbs up


actual see and understand what they ACTUALLY Write either. winking

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.22  It Is ME  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.21    7 years ago
Don't address me again and stop lying about me.

I comment on your own words. Do you have a "Ghost Writer" ?

Freshman Silent
2.1.24  owlsview677  replied to  JBB @2.1.12    7 years ago

Obama is not retired. Hasn't even pretended to retire.

None of his people have been indicted or convicted of anything, yet. That in itself is rather odd. Wouldn't that make him the only President to have such a record?

It is obvious that Mueller's investigation is going to spark other investigations. Time will tell.

Just saw your 8.2.1. LOL. Mob connections and organized crime. Does the name Daley mean anything to you?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.25  It Is ME  replied to  owlsview677 @2.1.24    7 years ago
Obama is not retired. Hasn't even pretended to retire.

The Liberal media has been touting how Obama is putting his footies right back into what they say he has stayed out of.

Junior Quiet
2.1.27  Spikegary  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.21    7 years ago

LOL....good luck with that, here on an open discussion forum........

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.1.28  It Is ME  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.26    7 years ago
Still don't see where President Obama said "I can do more for the Russians"

But you tell me all the time...you don't read or listen to anything I put up....so how would you know ? stunned

PhD Quiet
2.1.31  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Release The Kraken @2.1.30    7 years ago

"they are all liars"

so you feel U do not have a shade of the shady sights you protestith about, from the views you project from your own shadows...

cause some of us, aren't buying it.

I agree they have serious liars on all sides, yet One side certainly seems to have monopolized on the Truth, while the other, not so damn much.

Freshman Silent
2.1.32  owlsview677  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.26    7 years ago

I don't see where anyone said the words you quoted. I know you are determined to score some points but you aren't going to by making up false quotes.

Professor Participates
2.1.33  bugsy  replied to  JBB @2.1.12    7 years ago
Zero Obama administration or campaign official were ever indicted for crimes against the US of A...


Professor Quiet
2.2  bbl-1  replied to  Sean Treacy @2    7 years ago

The 'bots' aren't pathetic.  Those who believe them are.

Professor Principal
2.2.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  bbl-1 @2.2    7 years ago

Good Point...

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.2.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  bbl-1 @2.2    7 years ago

you don't seem to understand.

What's pathetic are people who believe lies about Russian bots pushing the release the memo movement. 

Twitter did the research and:

 Twitter’s internal analysis has thus far found that authentic American accounts, and not Russian imposters or automated bots, are driving #ReleaseTheMemo. There are no preliminary indications that the Twitter activity either driving the hashtag or engaging with it is either predominantly Russian.

Schiff is playing you for a fool, again. 

Professor Principal
2.2.3  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sean Treacy @2.2.2    7 years ago

I guess you missed the part about RW American trolls spreading what is fed to them by Russia's anti-American propagandists...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.2.4  It Is ME  replied to  JBB @2.2.3    7 years ago
fed to them by Russia's anti-American propagandists...

How many folks in this country are "Actually" coordinating with Russians in your mind anyway ? 

An Enquiring mind wants to know. geek

50% of the country ?

Maybe More ?

Almost sounds McCarthy like huh. stunned

PhD Quiet
2.2.5  igknorantzrulz  replied to  It Is ME @2.2.4    7 years ago
An Enquiring mind wants to know.

We doubt you could coordinate with a coordinator, but

Inquiring   minds might be curious as to how you do not see you are being played by these bots, and even furthering their false curriculums

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.2.6  Sean Treacy  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.2.5    7 years ago
us as to how you do not see you are being played by these bots, and even furthering their false curriculums

It's funny you have been brainwashed to believe a conspiracy of bots is promoting the topic.

To wit:

Twitter’s internal analysis has thus far found that authentic American accounts, and not Russian imposters or automated bots, are driving  #ReleaseTheMemo . There are no preliminary indications that the Twitter activity either driving the hashtag or engaging with it is either predominantly Russian.

PhD Quiet
2.2.7  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sean Treacy @2.2.6    7 years ago

Coming from Newsvine, in the ecstatic bliss of moderationless, near its demise, I thoroughly N Joyed Thrashing and Trashing Russian/GOP Trolls, as these asses were one in the same. There are actually some floating around here, as ones so informed, are rarely ignorant of that which they choose to spew.

be happy N gay you met me here on News Talkers, cause U would of wound up sad N melancholy elsewhere    


Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
2.2.9  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.2.7    7 years ago


As RA and chief mod, any behavior, as you described will be met with moderations and if necessary, suspension. I would advise you to change your tactics. 

PhD Quiet
2.2.10  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @2.2.9    7 years ago
I would advise you to change your tactics

I thought I stated as much.

Delete, suspend, or expel where you deem required

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
2.2.12  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.2.10    7 years ago

I would prefer reform. Is that possible?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.13  Trout Giggles  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @2.2.12    7 years ago

He can do it.

<gives David the Mom stare>

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
2.3  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Sean Treacy @2    7 years ago
If the memo is all that ridiculous then Schiff should be pushing to declassify the underlying documents to the maximum extent possible. But he’s not and that is telling.

You seem to unaware that Nunes and his fellow thugs-and-slugs on the committee have completely shut the Dems out of any of this process.  That's why the latter are putting together their own memo and will release it.  Nunes has been trying to derail a proper and honest investigation into The Shitbag® from the beginning.  

PhD Quiet
2.3.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to    7 years ago
Nobody is talking about schumer.

That's because they are talking about Trump.

What is your deal ?

You seem too knowledgeable to be so acutely obtuse of what is truly going on in our damn country.

Why do you feel the need to constantly push false narratives ? 

PhD Quiet
2.3.3  igknorantzrulz  replied to    7 years ago

skirting the CoC [ph]

Freshman Silent
2.3.4  owlsview677  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.3.3    7 years ago

Do you enjoy sounding like a stereotype?

At the end of every chapter of the Trolling for Dummies handbook are these words.

Never admit to being wrong about anything. When cornered press anger buttons by making personal attacks and deflecting into meta arguments.

PhD Quiet
2.3.5  igknorantzrulz  replied to  owlsview677 @2.3.4    7 years ago
Do you enjoy sounding like a stereotype?

most definitely

I almost always have stereo on while typing away at keys till bored, like a drill

bit      hole saw        cause what I see, and have sawn

in half the time it takes for double speak, to squeak out another false accusation from an accusatory one

who   obviously, doesn't give a hoot hoot about which conversation he would choose.

To pollute a

river of deceit, is sometimes to drown in deception...

Professor Quiet
3  bbl-1    7 years ago

What ever.  Will the 'incredible man' ever reveal his 'incredible' taxes?

GOPERS, at least some of them are flailing.  They Russia dirty too?

Trump is now at the Davos thing.  Without Melania.  Stormy seas ahead? 

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  bbl-1 @3    7 years ago
Trump is now at the Davos thing.  Without Melania.  Stormy seas ahead? 

The lookout attop The SS King of Vulgaria is yelling, "ICEBURG", as Trump diddles in Davos.

Junior Quiet
3.3  Spikegary  replied to  bbl-1 @3    7 years ago

Whatever....changes the subject when the discussion doesn't just put your approved talking points up.

True American Pat
Freshman Silent
4  True American Pat    7 years ago

Republicans don't need a diversion away from Mullers investigation......it's been over played for so long...and has delivered no evidence of Collusion.......

Nobody is Paying Attention to the Failed Muller Probe .......

Except Trump Haters......

Keep Hating.......and I'll keep enjoying watching Trump and America.....Win.

Professor Principal
4.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  True American Pat @4    7 years ago
and has delivered no evidence of Collusion.......

Muellar has secured indictments, guilty pleas, agreements to cooperate but he has not issued his report...

Trump has yet to even testify. Word is Donald Jr is toast. Now Bannon is cooperating Trump is in hot water.

Rex Block
Freshman Silent
4.1.1  Rex Block  replied to  JBB @4.1    7 years ago

Whose word? Based on what evidence? If there was any real evidence of anything, it would have been leaked long before now. Liberals can't help themselves when they think they have a "gotcha" Y'all  got nothing and never will. Let it go.

But there really needs to be an investigation into all that hanky panky that Obama and his surrogates in the agencies tried to throw the election to Hillary.

Professor Principal
4.1.2  seeder  JBB  replied to  Rex Block @4.1.1    7 years ago
But there really needs to be an investigation into all that hanky panky that Obama and his surrogates in the agencies tried to throw the election to Hillary.

That is already done. Remember? The FBI and the Democrats have secret memos to release, too?

Professor Quiet
4.1.3  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @4.1    7 years ago
Muellar has secured indictments, guilty pleas, agreements to cooperate but he has not issued his report...

All of which is unrelated to the crazy libtard conspiracy theories of collusion and obstruction of justice.

Professor Principal
4.1.4  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @4.1.3    7 years ago

Nine years after he came into office and a full year out exactly ZERO Obama administration or campaign officials have ever been idicted for malfeaseance. Trump and Co can't say that one year in. It ain't gonna get better. Please do go on whistling past the gop's graveyard though. I like it...

Professor Quiet
4.1.5  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @4.1.4    7 years ago

nothing related to Trump.

too bad for you, because hatred for a person does not make them guilty.

Professor Principal
4.1.6  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @4.1.5    7 years ago
too bad for you, because hatred for a person does not make them guilty.

No it doesn't as exhibited by the multitudinous gop investigations of H. Clinton resulting in No Indictments...

Professor Quiet
4.1.8  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @4.1.6    7 years ago
No it doesn't as exhibited by the multitudinous gop investigations of H. Clinton resulting in No Indictments...

Nothing Clinton was investigated for was without warrant.

What factual piece of evidence do you have that Trump may have committed a crime?  Even the top investigator for the FBI stated there was no crime.  

Professor Principal
4.1.9  seeder  JBB  replied to  gooseisgone @4.1.7    7 years ago

More indictments are coming but Paul Manafort was indicted for conspiring with a foreign enemy to defraud the US of A...

Professor Quiet
4.1.10  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @4.1.9    7 years ago

Manafort is suing Mueller, lol

Professor Principal
4.1.12  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @4.1.10    7 years ago
Manafort is suing Mueller, lol

So what? Manafort is on trial soon. A jury of his peers will decide. I've got a rope if you've got a tree...


Professor Quiet
4.1.13  Sunshine  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.11    7 years ago

read it and find out for yourself

True American Pat
Freshman Silent
4.1.14  True American Pat  replied to  JBB @4.1.12    7 years ago

Trump should take a page out of the Democrats Playbook and take the 5th.....

Muller comes in .....Swears Trump in.....Trump takes the 5th....Flips Muller the bird.....and says......

Professor Quiet
4.1.15  bbl-1  replied to  True American Pat @4.1.14    7 years ago

Except 'the lawn' is not Trump's.  The lawn is ours.  We are not a Plutocracy or a Theocracy, yet.

True American Pat
Freshman Silent
4.1.17  True American Pat  replied to  bbl-1 @4.1.15    7 years ago

Not if he interviews him in Mar a Largo......

Professor Quiet
4.1.18  bbl-1  replied to  True American Pat @4.1.17    7 years ago

When one has nowhere to go and all day to get there, always take the path without the marker.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
4.1.20  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  True American Pat @4.1.14    7 years ago
Get off my lawn

You people and your Walter Mitty fantasies--always hilarious. 

Junior Quiet
4.1.22  Spikegary  replied to  JBB @4.1    7 years ago

But guilty pleas to what exactly?  Lying to the FBI-which can mean, I said my name was spelled with one r instead of 2.  Once again, you are trying to take little tidbits and turn them into a meal.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
4.1.23  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  JBB @4.1    7 years ago
Muellar has secured indictments, guilty pleas, agreements to cooperate but he has not issued his report.

They just cover their eyes and plug their ears and pretend nothing's happening---then gulp down heavy doses of rightwing rage media and believe every bit of bullshit they're fed from that stinking trough. 

Professor Principal
4.2  seeder  JBB  replied to  True American Pat @4    7 years ago
Nobody is Paying Attention to the Failed Muller Probe .......

That just simply is not true. Mueller's probe is ongoing but not done. Nobody knows what all it will entail...

But, considering the gulity pleas, indictments and who is talking now it surely doesn't look good for Trump.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.1  It Is ME  replied to  JBB @4.2    7 years ago
But, considering the gulity pleas, indictments and who is talking

Money issues by people Pre Trump, and bad statements made to an agency, that already knew the "Truth".....the Entire "Truth", that found the "Actions" before the bad statements, wasn't worthy of going after in the first place.

in "Honest" words....nothing much on the "Russian Collusion". tough guy

Professor Principal
4.2.2  seeder  JBB  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.1    7 years ago

How about we wait and see what Mueller says in his report? It is plainly obvious the damn gop wants to dismiss the felonies already admitted by Trump and Co. For God's Sake, Trump's former National Security Advisor, Flynn, jsd pled guilty and both he and Trump's former top strategist, Steve Bannon, are working with Mueller's team now. We all understand why the gop would love to dismiss Mueller's finding before they are released and why Trump andt the gop are trying to discredit Mueller but in the bitter end I doubt they will be able to without facing the worst of consequences from the American voters on Tuesday November 6th. It is going to be really bad for the gop and the only question left is, "How Bad?". If you are unaware of what is going on there are other sources besides Fox News.

True American Pat
Freshman Silent
4.2.3  True American Pat  replied to  JBB @4.2    7 years ago

If Muller had something on Trump ......it would have been leaked as soon as it was discovered.....It would be the biggest story in the World.....

They have Nothing on Trump.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.4  It Is ME  replied to  JBB @4.2.2    7 years ago
How about we wait and see what Mueller says in his report.

Would that also be directed towards those that have already found Trump "Presumptively" Guilty ...... JBB  ?

Professor Principal
4.2.5  seeder  JBB  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.4    7 years ago

In case you missed it Mueller already has indicted Manafort and got guilty pleas from Flynn and Popandoupolous and now has Bannon on his team, too. I will wait for the real report, the final report, from Mueller. I am not concerned about how I will come off. It is Trump and Co sweating.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.6  It Is ME  replied to  JBB @4.2.5    7 years ago
In case you missed it

Since you did miss it....I already posted about them in my initial post 4.2.1 ! close call

All to do about everything BUT Russian Collusion ! geek

Junior Quiet
4.2.7  Spikegary  replied to  JBB @4.2.2    7 years ago

Lets wait and see?  But you post this crap with your opinion of GOP whiners about the 'memo' that the Democrats don't want released, that you have no idea what the contents actually are.  Yeah, you're the open-minded tpye that we should listen to.

Um, No.

Professor Principal
4.2.8  seeder  JBB  replied to  Spikegary @4.2.7    7 years ago

This is not about me. Obstruction of Justice is a serious crime. Mueller will report on the collusion soon and I will accept his finding. Until then, denials are piling up but not as quickly as the indictments and gulity pleas coming from Trump and Co. In the end it will be the Big G Gop Republicans who demand Trump step down. Just my opine but history bears it out. Remember Tricky Dickey Nixon. It was not the Democrats who demanded he resign. It was the Big R Republicans who loved America more than they had loyalty towards an out of control presidency...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.9  It Is ME  replied to  JBB @4.2.8    7 years ago
Obstruction of Justice is a serious crime.

Where is the "Obstruction" happening again ?

From what I have read, no one is stopping Mueller from doing anything what-so-ever.

There is a HUGE amount of "conjecture" in the "obstruction all-the-time" Faux media, but NOTHING about "Actual" obstruction. 

Professor Principal
4.2.10  seeder  JBB  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.9    7 years ago
Where is the "Obstruction" happening again ?

Trump firing Comey because he wouldn't drop the Flynn investigation is just one...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.11  It Is ME  replied to  JBB @4.2.10    7 years ago

......Democrats wanted Comey Fired because of the Hillary shit....so Trump obliged them.

What's the problem again ?

Professor Principal
4.2.12  seeder  JBB  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.11    7 years ago

Trump fired Comey because Comey would not stop the Flynn investigation. Now that Flynn has pled guilty it seems obvious Trump was obstructing justice. Mueller will report. People will decide once ALL the reports are made public...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.13  It Is ME  replied to  JBB @4.2.12    7 years ago
Now that Flynn has pled guilty

Can you tell me what Flynn pled guilty to ?

Don't forget my post 4.2.1, which is truth as told by all media.

"Trump fired Comey because Comey would not stop the Flynn investigation."

Trump Fired Comey because of exactly what the Democrats thought. He was a Buffoon !

Professor Silent
4.2.15  lib50  replied to  True American Pat @4.2.3    7 years ago
They have Nothing on Trump.

Oh, I have a feeling there is a lot of information on Trump, and when he testifies under oath things will become more clear.  Of course the Trumpers are scared shitless!  Just watch Nunes and Johnson and their traitorous attempts to push Russian propaganda, being helped by Russian bots!  For those of you stuck on collusion, time will tell.  But if you think that is all that is threatening Trump's reign, buckle up.  This has moved beyond that.  And its obvious republicans are nervous, they are likely partners in treason.  But relax, these investigations take time.  Remember how long and how many Benghazi investigations happened?  This is worse.  And it isn't over.

Rex Block
Freshman Silent
4.2.16  Rex Block  replied to  JBB @4.2.2    7 years ago
It is plainly obvious the damn gop wants to dismiss the felonies already admitted by Trump and Co.
What felonies by Trump? You're really in over your head and getting desperate. Need to check your facts before you post lies

Professor Quiet
4.2.17  bbl-1  replied to  lib50 @4.2.15    7 years ago

Follow the money.  Trump is dirty. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
4.2.18  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  True American Pat @4.2.3    7 years ago
They have Nothing on Trump.

If Republicans had this current situation in reverse, with multiple guilty please and indictments and an ongoing investigation into Hillary or the Democrats they would be on cloud 9. They would be proclaiming justice was finally being done and the guilt was obvious. But because it's against their party they downplay, disparage and deflect trying to put the best spin possible on it. The same goes for Trumps own words admitting he sexually assaults women, if it were Bill Clinton caught on tape saying "I don't even wait, I just start kissing" "grab them by the pussy", they would be replaying it every day on every right wing media source as proof of his guilt. The hypocrisy of the GOP knows no bounds. 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
4.2.19  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.9    7 years ago
Where is the "Obstruction" happening again ?

1. Trying to get Comey to scrub the investigation into Flynn (now a confessed felon) 

2. Pressuring Comey to stop the entire investigation into the Russian hacking of the election

3. Firing Comey for not doing #2 (and admitting that as the reason to Lester Holt in a taped interview--you can see and hear it for yourself). 

4. Attacking the Mueller investigation and the FBI and CIA directly and via scumbag congressional surrogates in the hopes of discrediting our entire national security apparatus.  

More is coming out every day, so stay tuned. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.20  It Is ME  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @4.2.19    7 years ago

Too funny ! laughing dude

Now tell me True....Which one of your bullet points has STOPPED or HINDERED any investigation again ? geek

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
4.2.21  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.20    7 years ago

That's it.  Laughter is the best medicine and you're going to need a lot of treatment. 

Freshman Silent
4.2.22  Explorerdog  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.13    7 years ago

You are right Flynn has not made a plea because he has an "arrangement" to spill his guts (if he doesn't get a trump pardon first) in exchange for a get out of jail card, I would not be surprised if Flynn gets his pardon that state level charges descend on him like rabid wolves. You don't get to commit treason and everyone just shrugs their shoulders.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.23  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @4.2.22    7 years ago
I would not be surprised if Flynn gets his pardon that state level charges descend on him like rabid wolves.

If you haven't been watching ALL the media yet....Flynn was all about lying about what the FBI already knew, months and months before he testified. if what Flynn did was so egregious before he testified, the FBI would have had him in jail faster than Martha Stewart went to jail for lying to the feds. stunned

Apparently, what Flynn did before he said he didn't, wasn't much of a ta-doo in the first place. geek

Freshman Silent
4.2.24  Explorerdog  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.20    7 years ago

If I were the subject of this investigation laughing would be a long way out of my mind, I would be trying every diversion, misdirection, and undermining the credibility of every source of information that was critical of me in any way. I would ally myself with an outlet that would work diligently to cover my tracks, always go on the attack against the opposition, and never communicate all the various troubles that I generate daily. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.25  It Is ME  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @4.2.21    7 years ago
Laughter is the best medicine and you're going to need a lot of treatment.

So ya gots no answer to your own laughable bullet points ?

Freshman Silent
4.2.26  Explorerdog  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.23    7 years ago

Even ignoring all his Russian entwinements, a kidnapping conspiracy is less than cute. 

PhD Quiet
4.2.27  igknorantzrulz  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.25    7 years ago

IS it ME,



It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.28  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @4.2.24    7 years ago
If I were the subject of this investigation laughing would be a long way out of my mind, I would be trying every diversion, misdirection, and undermining the credibility of every source of information that was critical of me in any way.

Seems to me, Mueller has diverted things AWAY from Russian Voting collusion, since the FEW he has gotten (Lying about what the FBI already knew and Money issues pre-Trump), had NOTHING to do with Russian voting Collusion at all.

Remind me WHOM has been "Diverting" things in the "Collusion" thingy again ?

Freshman Silent
4.2.29  Explorerdog  replied to  Explorerdog @4.2.26    7 years ago

AND the FBI doesn't deal at the state level.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.30  It Is ME  replied to  igknorantzrulz @4.2.27    7 years ago


It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.31  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @4.2.26    7 years ago

Whatever the "Media" tells you I suppose. tough guy

Freshman Silent
4.2.32  Explorerdog  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.28    7 years ago

The collusion thingy is like saying you were drunk hit a car head on AND texting, collusion would only be a factor for the piling on of charges. The head of the dragon is going to be conspiracy, money laundering and if this goes deeper than we have any idea could become treason. His financial entanglements will be his undoing and he has been the dirty player for so long he thinks he is untouchable. Between the Russian Mafia, the Italian Mafia, Duetches Bank, He is no business man he is a grafter a manipulator of the con. His success in business given the wealth he started with would be overshadowed by simply making a few good investments.

Freshman Silent
4.2.33  Explorerdog  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.31    7 years ago

Didn't happen you say, or did not faux tell you?

PhD Quiet
4.2.34  igknorantzrulz  replied to  It Is ME @4.2.30    7 years ago

Skirting the CoC [ph]

Junior Quiet
4.2.35  Spikegary  replied to  JBB @4.2    7 years ago

I think JBB is (partially) correct, the Dems with TDS are praying ferverently that Mueller will uncover something, anything that Trump has ever done even remotely wrong.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.36  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @4.2.32    7 years ago
collusion would only be a factor for the piling on of charges

Tada !

Have you seen anything different than piling on of everything BUT actual collusion ?

Funny thing here....since this all started....Democrats in congress seem to have forgotten their collusion argument to gain votes. Seems their love of "Illegals" is more the forefront of politics now.


....based on that...

who has this infinity to collude against Americans again ?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
4.2.37  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @4.2.33    7 years ago
Didn't happen you say, or did not faux tell you?

What "Actually" happened again ? patience

Professor Principal
4.3  JohnRussell  replied to  True American Pat @4    7 years ago

Your comments reveal the mindset of the typical Trumper.  

What I would sincerely like to know is - when are the 35% of Americans who ardently support Trump going to realize that they are not "the people" , but rather a noticeable minority. 

As for no one paying attention to the Mueller probe. The world's biggest liar will be questioned by investigators probing him for illegal activity, where his every sentence and phrase could lead to criminal perjury charges. 

I think people will be paying attention. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.3.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3    7 years ago

The world's biggest liar will be questioned by investigators probing him for illegal activity, where his every sentence and phrase could lead to criminal perjury charges.

Mueller doesnt even want to ask trump about collusion. There's obviously nothing there, so when are democrats going to apologize for manufacturing and publicizing a false myth to destabilize a presidency?

Professor Principal
4.3.2  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.3.1    7 years ago
There's obviously nothing there

That is yet to be seen though what has already been revealed is damning enough if you ask me. There is more and more evidence of collusion every day. Only those who will not see don't see...

Professor Principal
4.3.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.3.1    7 years ago

How do you know what Mueller is going to ask him?

If Mueller had not uncovered "troubling" information about Trump and his campaign and his administration this would have all been over already. 

I hope he does destabilize the Trump presidency. It is a travesty that needs to be aborted. 

True American Pat
Freshman Silent
4.3.4  True American Pat  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3    7 years ago

And your comments are of the typical Trump hater......Hoping for something like Perjury.....because Russian Collusion with Trump is a Fantasy....

As for being a "Minority".....President Hillary vomit  .....Knows how accurate these polls are.....

BTW.....This Minority.....Has the White House.....a Majority in both the House and Senate.....and now that the economy is roaring.....paychecks are increasing......bonuses galore.....kicking ISIS's ass....etc...People are starting to realize that the Doom and Gloom predictions of a Trump Presidency was nothing but a bunch of BS!

All I can say is Chuck and the Gang are going to need a lot more Tissues..... 

Professor Principal
4.3.5  seeder  JBB  replied to  True American Pat @4.3.4    7 years ago
As for being a "Minority".....President Hillary  .....Knows how accurate these polls are...

Senatorial elections cannot be gerrymandered. They are state wide. Besides, Trump and the gop are now less popular than anal warts and dental absesses. BTW, Hillary got 3,000,000 more votes. I love math...

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.3.6  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3.3    7 years ago
How do you know what Mueller is going to ask him?

The scope of questioning has been widely reported. 


Professor Principal
4.3.7  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.3.6    7 years ago

from your link

It was not clear how much Mueller would ask about questions of collusion with Russians regarding the 2016 presidential campaign.

The lawyer-to-lawyer discussions about Trump's possible testimony are informal and Mueller is not obligated to accept the terms presented by the President's team. If negotiations break down, Mueller could seek a subpoena to compel wide-ranging testimony from the President before a grand jury.

Transyferous Rex
Freshman Silent
4.3.8  Transyferous Rex  replied to  True American Pat @4.3.4    7 years ago

Your Honor, I object

On what grounds Mr. Reed

It's devastating to my case.

I think the truth is that neither side really wants anything brought to light because that would expose abuses...period. This is one big shell game. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4.3.9  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3.7    7 years ago

Sure John. Maybe Mueller forgot to bring it up.

Your theory is now that Mueller's going to negotiate over what topics he will inquire about, not get an agreement to discuss collusion, and then ambush the President in front of his lawyers with questions about collusion that are outside the  agreed scope? Do you think Mueller is really that shady or stupid?  The remedy for Trump is impeachment, a political process. Do you think lying to the President about which topics will be covered during an interview to try and trick him is politically smart or conducive to getting Republicans to turn against Trump?

If Mueller has an ounce of integrity, he will stick to his agreement and be very upfront with Trump about he will cover. That's how an honest, unbiased prosecutor confident in his evidence would approach the interview. Not like a weasel, relying on lies.   

Moreover, Trump doesn't have to testify to anything. Mueller can't force him to testify  without a shit load of litigation on a question that could create a constitutional crises. . 

Freshman Silent
4.3.11  Explorerdog  replied to  JohnRussell @4.3    7 years ago

Don't you know the lawyers are coaching him every waking (except all of his alone time) moment because they know what a shambles he will leave in his wake answering a seasoned investigators questions. I expect it will be I don't remember, I don't remember, can I plead the fifth or how about executive privilege, Ivanka come hold me.

Freshman Silent
4.3.12  Explorerdog  replied to  JBB @4.3.2    7 years ago

Collusion is the petty part, it is the shiny point on the iceberg.

Freshman Silent
4.3.13  Explorerdog  replied to  Sean Treacy @4.3.9    7 years ago

He will ask questions that he has the answers in hand, if trump plays a game then it will become a subpoena and he will be swimming upstream.

Professor Quiet
4.4  Sunshine  replied to  True American Pat @4    7 years ago
Nobody is Paying Attention to the Failed Muller Probe .......

yep...nothing there.

number 2 guy at the FBI and staunch Hillary supporter knows it too.

Now the FBI agent sent to work for the Mueller probe is revealed to have told his mistress there was 'nothing' to investigate just two days after it began and talked about deleting texts

Peter Strzok, the deputy assistant director of counterintelligence, told fellow FBI agent Lisa Page in texts that he had been asked to be part of Mueller's team but he wasn't sure he'd accept the invitation.

'You and I both know the odds are nothing. If I thought it was likely, I'd be there no question. I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern, there's no big "there" there,' he told her in May 19 a message the FBI turned over to Congress.

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Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
4.5  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  True American Pat @4    7 years ago

Skirting the CoC [ph]

Professor Silent
4.6  mocowgirl  replied to  True American Pat @4    7 years ago
Except Trump Haters......

Basically, it is Hillary supporters who never got over her losing to Obama in 2012 because she is one of the most untrustworthy political candidates in decades.

It required Clinton and DNC collusion to even secure Clinton the nomination in 2016 with Clinton running against basically no Democrats for the nomination.

Clinton's poll numbers are lower than Trump's poll numbers in June 2017.  

The continual hysterical claim that Russia propaganda was more damaging to Clinton than over 3 decades of Clinton's own words and actions is ludicrous.  

What Russian propaganda is being cited?  Leaked emails in the summer of 2016?  A google search will reveal that the Sanders campaign had told the media in early 2016 that the DNC was working with the Clinton campaign to undermine the Sanders' campaign.  So to claim that people did not know that the DNC and Clinton were colluding to appoint Clinton as candidate prior to the email reveal is ridiculous. 

However, the Clinton supporters have been seething since 2008.  They do not seem capable of accepting the reality that Clinton will never be POTUS and will still be waiting for an investigation to prove that some unnamed Russian propaganda changed a few voters' minds in a handful of states.  If unchecked, this rage will continue to divide the Democratic party and cost Democrats elections.

A Bloomberg Politics  poll  released Tuesday showed Hillary Clinton with a 39% approval rating, 2 points lower than Trump's approval rating in the same poll. It was Clinton's second-lowest approval rating since Bloomberg started tracking her in 2009. 

And a significant portion of Clinton's own voters said they didn’t like her. More than 20% of Clinton voters Bloomberg polled said they had an unfavorable view of her.

Professor Silent
4.6.1  mocowgirl  replied to  mocowgirl @4.6    7 years ago
her losing to Obama in 2012

should be 2008.....

10 years of seething.

Freshman Silent
4.6.2  Explorerdog  replied to  mocowgirl @4.6    7 years ago

How can there be illegal collusion in a primary? A party can nominate a stray cat.

Professor Silent
4.6.3  mocowgirl  replied to  Explorerdog @4.6.2    7 years ago

Why bother with a primary if the establishment nominee has already been selected by the establishment?

I do believe the Democratic party is playing a very dangerous game here, but it is their decision to make.  Maybe, this is a test to see if elections even matter in the US since they are subject to overthrow based on how gullible or apathetic the US voter is.

We live in interesting times.

Professor Silent
4.6.4  mocowgirl  replied to  Explorerdog @4.6.2    7 years ago
illegal collusion in a primary?

BTW, the Clinton campaign was spying on the Obama campaign in 2008, also....not to mention the various propaganda the Clinton campaign used against Obama.  Clinton's dirty tactics against Obama in 2008 may have cost her enough votes to lose the 2016 election despite running on the "I am better than Trump" platform.

What the staffers' intent in accessing the data was; whether the Clinton campaign engaged in similar activity during the 2008 campaign but was unsanctioned (as asserted in a suit filed by Sanders' campaign against the DNC); under precisely which circumstances the staffers accessed the information; the manner in which the proprietary software operated and the ease with which such data might be accessed deliberately or inadvertently.

Professor Principal
5  seeder  JBB    7 years ago

DoJ warns Nunes against political stunts with

That is Trump's Department of Justice. Trump does not want any memos released. What does that tell ya? You cannot have just one memo released...Rachel Maddow reports on a letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd to Rep. Devin Nunes, cautioning him that whatever political stunt he is trying to pull with classified material, he risks endangering national security in doing so"...

True American Pat
Freshman Silent
5.1  True American Pat  replied to  JBB @5    7 years ago

You lost me at "Rachel Maddow"....

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
5.1.1  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  True American Pat @5.1    7 years ago

You got lost a long time before that.  

Rex Block
Freshman Silent
5.1.4  Rex Block  replied to  Release The Kraken @5.1.2    7 years ago


It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.2  It Is ME  replied to  JBB @5    7 years ago

The FBI in their antics during the election, compromised "National Security".


...is it that the FBI doesn't want their ANTICS known to the public. Kinda like the IRS debacle on claiming the fifth ?

Sophomore Silent
6  luther28    7 years ago

To answer the question posed, a crock of shite as they say.

Something cherry picked and cobbled together by a proven nitwit (although that may be applied to anyone of elected nitwits I suppose). Nunes has already had His fifteen minutes, time to retire Him to the trash heap of History.

Our government has been turned into a daily episode of reality (if it can be deemed real) television. Secret Societies, Deep States, these fools would be better served (and us) by becoming science fiction writers.

The Sainted Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves, Teddy Roosevelt would simply slap them upside the head.

Pathetic and that's a compliment.

Professor Principal
6.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  luther28 @6    7 years ago
Something cherry picked and cobbled together by a proven nitwit

Nit Americans will take umbrance with that comparison /s...

Sophomore Silent
6.1.1  luther28  replied to  JBB @6.1    7 years ago

Applies to Nunes and His brother Johnson a.k.a. halfwit with His secret informant in the secret society (not).

Now they'll have something to complain about:)

Professor Principal
6.1.2  seeder  JBB  replied to  luther28 @6.1.1    7 years ago
Now they'll have something to complain about:)

I am okay with that...

Professor Principal
6.2  JohnRussell  replied to  luther28 @6    7 years ago

The biggest issue facing America today, in the 'political' realm anyway, is the brainwashing of "conservatives" by right wing media.  Fact checkers ROUTINELY debunk the lies and misleading content of Fox News, Breitbart, Limbaugh, talk radio, etc, and yet every day we see the "conservatives" of Newstalkers come on here and regurgitate these same discredited talking points. 

Sometimes it is comical and sometimes it is scary that so many Americans have given their minds over to this deception and serious mischief. 

For example, Devin Nunes allowed himself to be compromised in his role as a congressional investigator by the Trump white house. He has no credibility left. Yet, right wing media is promoting this "memo" as some sort of breakthrough into truth, even though the source (Nunes) is totally contaminated. 

America is being gaslighted by the right wing media complex and the fools are falling for it. 

Sophomore Silent
6.2.1  luther28  replied to  JohnRussell @6.2    7 years ago

Yup, P.T. Barnum would be very proud of them.

Professor Principal
6.2.2  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @6.2    7 years ago

  • Devin Nunes Puts Credibility of House Panel He Leads …

    https:// www.nytimes.com /2017/03/23/us/politics/ nunes -puts...

    Mar 23, 2017  · Intelligence Chairman Apologizes. Representative Devin Nunes put the credibility of the House Intelligence Committee in doubt after bypassing committee …

  • Nunes’ freelancing threatens an investigation into

    www.latimes.com /opinion/editorials/la-ed- nunes -russia-20170324...

    He warned that Nunes “cannot conduct a credible investigation this way.” He’s right: Nunes shouldn’t be briefing the president whose election campaign his committee is expected to scrutinize.

  • 'The damage is done': Devin Nunes 's Trump ... - CBC News

    www.cbc.ca /news/world/ devin-nunes -trump- credibility -house...

    "What the American people have found so far is that no longer does Congress have the credibility to handle this alone," he said. Nunes apologizes. Nunes , a congressman from California, was a member of …

  • Sen. Cardin: Nunes 'lost all credibility, he needs to step ...

    www.msnbc.com /craig-melvin/watch/sen-cardin- nunes ...

    Mar 28, 2017  · Ben Cardin, D-Md., a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, says House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes ’ conduct is “bizarre.

  • Rep. Devin Nunes 's credibility questioned as Russia ...

    https:// www.washingtonpost.com /video/politics/rep...

    Mar 28, 2017  · Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) is under fire from Democrats who say the House intelligence committee chair should recuse himself from the committee's investigation into ...

  • Shakesville: Nunes Has No Credibility

    www.shakesville.com/2017/03/ nunes-has-no-credibility .html

    Nunes Has No Credibility . Republican Rep. Devin Nunes , chair of the House Intelligence Committee, is not doing his job. His committee is tasked with investigating Trump administration ties to and possible collusion with Russia, but instead Nunes believes his job is to run interference for Donald Trump.

Professor Principal
6.2.3  seeder  JBB  replied to  JohnRussell @6.2    7 years ago
The biggest issue facing America today, in the 'political' realm anyway, is the brainwashing of "conservatives" by right wing media.

No doubt here and there is ample evidence above to illustrate that point convincingly...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.2.4  It Is ME  replied to  JohnRussell @6.2    7 years ago
The biggest issue facing America today, in the 'political' realm anyway, is the brainwashing of "conservatives" by right wing media.

You give MUCH POWER to one "Fox news" obi-won. peace

The one "Fox" can outwit the likes of NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN....etc.... ? thinking

Makes one wonder why the others are so Wimpy, Wimpy, Wimpy....Scared, Scared, Scared....at the sight of the "ONE" ! laughing dude

Professor Principal
6.2.5  JohnRussell  replied to  It Is ME @6.2.4    7 years ago

Your belief that Fox News has outwitted anyone proves my point. 

The only ones they outwit are their loyal viewers. 

Professor Quiet
6.2.6  Sunshine  replied to  It Is ME @6.2.4    7 years ago

Off topic [ph]

Professor Principal
6.2.7  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @6.2.6    7 years ago

Off topic. If you have nothing germane to add then please take your show on the road to elsewhere...

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6.2.8  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @6.2    7 years ago
The biggest issue facing America today, in the 'political' realm anyway, is the brainwashing of "conservatives" by right wing medi

Look at this thread, liberals braying about "collusion" with Russia without any evidence.  "Hands up don't shoot" and the destruction caused by that fake story. 

A majority of Democrats think Russia actually tampered with votes.

Your party believes in and promotes  absolute bonkers, made up conspiracies. 

Tend to your own garden.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.2.9  It Is ME  replied to  Sunshine @6.2.6    7 years ago

All of the below. 

For the challenged, that would be....A, B, C, AND D. laughing dude

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.2.10  It Is ME  replied to  JohnRussell @6.2.5    7 years ago
Your belief that Fox News has outwitted anyone proves my point.

Is that what I posted ?

Seems the wittiest of Liberals, are out witting themselves. laughing dude

Professor Principal
6.2.11  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sean Treacy @6.2.8    7 years ago
A majority of Democrats think Russia actually tampered with votes.

The majority of Americans believe Russia actually did influence votes in swing states in collusion of Trump...

Professor Quiet
6.2.12  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @6.2.7    7 years ago
The biggest issue facing America today, in the 'political' realm anyway, is the brainwashing of "conservatives" by right wing media.

that is relevant?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.2.13  It Is ME  replied to  JBB @6.2.11    7 years ago
The majority of Americans believe Russia actually did influence votes

Now how did Russians do that ?

Subliminal messaging ............. stunned

Did they write talking points for Trump, on what he should say during all the debates ?

Or did they give Trump the questions the candidates were going to be asked, Like good hearted Donna did for Hillary.

Maybe....just MAYBE, what happened in Cuba (The Mind control try), happened in this country, and caused ONLY the Trump voters to loose their minds. crazy

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6.2.14  Sean Treacy  replied to  JBB @6.2.11    7 years ago
The majority of Americans believe Russia actually did influence votes in swing states in collusion of Trump.

Do you, like the majority of Democrats, actually  believe Russia tampered with vote tallies?  

Professor Quiet
6.2.15  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @6.2.11    7 years ago

It was the DNC that rigged the election towards Hillary.  Right in your own backyard.

Just ask Donna Brazile, the head of the DNC.

Professor Principal
6.2.16  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @6.2.15    7 years ago

You are confusing the primary with the election but it should be noted HRC got millions more primary votes than Bernie so there is that to consider. In any case this is not about dividing the Democrats this is about indicting the damn gop and The King of Vulgaria. So, please catch up or drop out...

Professor Quiet
6.2.17  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @6.2.16    7 years ago
You are confusing the primary with the election

no I am not, well aware of when the corruption took place.  doesn't matter.

just responding to your post.

Professor Principal
6.2.18  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @6.2.17    7 years ago

It will be fine if you do not. Besides you have it all wrong, as per usual, anyway...

Professor Quiet
6.2.19  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @6.2.18    7 years ago

It will be fine if you do not also.  What do I have all wrong?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
6.2.20  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Sunshine @6.2.17    7 years ago
well aware of when the corruption took place.  doesn't matter.

Except it does because primaries are not bound by federal election rules. The parties could hand pick their candidate if they so chose. They are private entities that can put forward whatever candidate they want so all the behind the scenes party sausage making was perfectly legal which is why there haven't been any charges or indictments of Hillary's campaign team even with the Podesta emails being illegally stolen and leaked by friends of the Trump campaign.

Just like it didn't matter what the Watergate "plumbers" found in the DNC files they stole, the story is far more about the fact that they were stolen. In this case it was the Russians breaking into the DNC on behalf of the GOP and instead of it being a hotel room at the Watergate, it was in cyberspace. Personally I think it is a worse crime to have a foreign enemy do your dirty work, but I think at the end of the day the result will be the same when all the facts come out. It took over two years for the Nixon administration to come falling down. The Watergate break in was June of 1972, Nixon didn't resign till August of 1974. We're only 1 year into this investigation, I have no doubt it's going to really heat up over the next.

Professor Quiet
6.2.21  Sunshine  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @6.2.20    7 years ago
Except it does because primaries are not bound by federal election rules.

who said they where?

out in left field again.

Professor Principal
6.2.22  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @6.2.19    7 years ago

This is my seed. I have to be here. You do not...

Professor Quiet
6.2.24  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @6.2.22    7 years ago

Check yourself before you point fingers

Professor Principal
6.2.25  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @6.2.24    7 years ago

Skirting the CoC [ph]

Professor Quiet
6.2.26  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @6.2.25    7 years ago

so you can't support with any facts why I am all wrong.  go figure.

Freshman Silent
6.2.27  Explorerdog  replied to  Sean Treacy @6.2.8    7 years ago

A majority of Democrats think Russia actually tampered with votes.

Your party believes in and promotes  absolute bonkers, made up conspiracies.

So few lines and so much rubbish,Few  people believe that Russia tampered with votes, they do believe as the evidence already shows that they made serious inroads in altering perceptions of VOTERS. if I can change your mind about the vote there is no need to actually change your vote, you are already my bitch.

Just whom are the conspiracy junkies? People like ultra left Alex Jones and that bastion of liberal democracy Trump? Own it, the baby has your eyes.

Freshman Silent
6.2.28  Explorerdog  replied to  It Is ME @6.2.13    7 years ago
Maybe....just MAYBE, what happened in Cuba (The Mind control try), happened in this country, and caused ONLY the Trump voters to loose their minds

At least there is somewhat of an explanation for what has been unfathomable to date. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6.2.29  Sean Treacy  replied to  Explorerdog @6.2.27    7 years ago
few  people believe that Russia tampered with votes,

Yet a majority of democrats believe Russia tampered with votes.  What does that say about your party?

Just whom are the conspiracy junkies?

A party who believes that Russia tampered with vote counts. People who promoted the hands up don't shoot myth and continue to this day to do so.  What percentage of Democratic voters do you think still believe that fairy tale? 

PhD Quiet
6.2.30  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sunshine @6.2.12    7 years ago
The biggest issue facing America today, in the 'political' realm anyway, is the brainwashing of "conservatives" by right wing media.that is relevant?

THAT, is the most relevant issue facing the 'United' States   period, and as an example, take 911.

It was even occurring then, thus why so many were duped into being sold on Hallucinogenic Magic Mushrooms' Clouding there thoughts, when it came to invading Iraq, the WRONG DAMN COUNTRY!

Yet, over 50% of Americans believed 911 Terrorists that attacked US

on that fateful day, came from Saddam Hussein's Iraq, again          the WRONG DAMN COUNTRY! 

(15 or so of the 18 were from the same country as OBL, Saudi Arabia. The ONLY non military jet in the American skies on 9/12, was filled with Osama Bin Lading's family, being safely escorted out of our airspace by order of President George Bush's boss, DICK Halliburton Cheney) 

50%  probably STILL DO !


if you

cannot see what one of the above posters was referencing in what the 'Far Right News Faucets, and the likes of Fox' "News", have done to the 'Far Right' and Trump supporters/Truth Deniers, perceptions, 


As no matter how many times you are shown a clown like Nunes has no credibility, he is still taken seriously, then

with Donald Trump, times that by 100 !           WAKE UP PEOLPE !!!  U have been DUPED AGAIN !

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6.2.31  Sean Treacy  replied to  igknorantzrulz @6.2.30    7 years ago

Do you, like the majority of your party, believe Russia tampered with vote tallies?

Speaking of crazy 9/11 conspiracy theories, do you, like the majority of your party, believe George Bush participated in or intentionally let the 9/11 attacks happen to start a war in the Middle East?

PhD Quiet
6.2.32  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sean Treacy @6.2.31    7 years ago
Do you

have any evidence to rebut what I stated... I thought not.



But, I will give you your side car talking point replies.

NO, Russia did not manipulate vote counting, but they SURE AS HELL, influenced the outcome!


George Bush was not bright enough to conspire against US, Dick, is another story.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
6.2.33  Sean Treacy  replied to  igknorantzrulz @6.2.32    7 years ago

cannot see what one of the above posters was referencing in what the 'Far Right News Faucets, and the likes of Fox' "News", have done to the 'Far Right' and Trump supporters/Truth Deniers, perceptions, 


followed by:

George Bush was not bright enough to conspire against US, Dick, is another story.

 You should probably look in the mirror and figure out how you were brainwashed. 

Freshman Silent
6.2.34  Explorerdog  replied to  It Is ME @6.2.4    7 years ago

The ONE is in direct communication with the teachers textbook, everyone else has to do research and homework.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.2.35  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @6.2.28    7 years ago
At least there is somewhat of an explanation for what has been unfathomable to date.

laughing dude

I guess the saying IS true....Never "Underestimate" !

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise !

It Is ME
Masters Guide
6.2.36  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @6.2.34    7 years ago
The ONE is in direct communication with the teachers textbook, everyone else has to do research and homework.

I know ! stunned

Trump hating Leakers ARE NO T in direct contact with "EVERYONE" else. good one

Junior Quiet
6.2.37  Spikegary  replied to  JBB @6.2.11    7 years ago

Please explain how again?  If it was them, as opposed to wikileaks, that exposed the soft and disgusting underbelly of the DNC from their Top Candidate on down, showing the amount of collusion in Primary tampering to the fact that Donna Brazile gave the set of questions for ther debate to her cabdidate prior to the debate, to give her a leg up, and so on.  That's just a couple of things.

And your position is, well, if nobody knew the entire DNC was corrupt, Americans would have voted for us.


Junior Quiet
6.2.38  Spikegary  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @6.2.20    7 years ago

When you are talking Politics and people running for election, the optics are what really counts and it looked to pretty much everyone that the Democrats were doing whatever they decided regardless of the primary voteof the common democrat.  Once you appear to be crooked, it's hard to voercome that appearance, as Hillary and the DNC found out.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
6.2.39  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Texan1211 @6.2.23    7 years ago
If it was all legal and ethical, why are Democrats so upset over the leaked emails exposing their ways?

It was perfectly legal, though some can debate whether it was ethical. The parties have always claimed to represent their members, but the reality is that the leadership determines a lot of things without them. However they want to project the idea that they are a true democracy, sadly this is far from the truth in either party. I have no doubt the RNC emails during the last election were just as contentious and had as much infighting and backstabbing as the DNC did behind the scenes. Unfortunately, the Russians chose not to release the hacked RNC emails because they were rooting for them and didn't want to expose the same sausage making that occurs in every political party. If anyone believes the RNC was any different they're way more gullible and ill-informed than I imagined. 

Professor Quiet
8  Jasper2529    7 years ago

In the latest twist in the controversy, Schiff and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the senior Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, sent a letter Tuesday to the CEOs of Twitter and Facebook asking them to conduct an immediate examination into whether Russian bots and trolls are pushing the #ReleaseTheMemo campaign online.

"If these reports are accurate, we are witnessing an ongoing attack by the Russian government through Kremlin-linked social media actors directly acting to intervene and influence our democratic process," Schiff and Feinstein wrote. "This should be disconcerting to all Americans, but especially your companies as, once again, it appears the vast majority of their efforts are concentrated on your platforms."

Russian bots ...  laughing dude

Professor Principal
8.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Jasper2529 @8    7 years ago

Yeah Russian Bots and the American Trolls who spread their propaganda need to be exposed. Don't blink...

Professor Principal
8.1.2  seeder  JBB  replied to  Release The Kraken @8.1.1    7 years ago

Your hat would be way to small for my head which is XXXL. Comment on topic or float off. Thanks, JBB...

Professor Principal
8.1.4  seeder  JBB  replied to  Release The Kraken @8.1.3    7 years ago

Since you obviously are still unaware, I have said repeatedly that I want all memos released not just the gop's propaganda and then we can all decide. Unyil then I am open to all sources of informaton not just what the gop wants spoon fed to its synchophants. 

Professor Principal
8.1.6  seeder  JBB  replied to  Release The Kraken @8.1.5    7 years ago

It does no good replying to your impertinance if you cannot understand what I said the first ten times...

Freshman Silent
8.1.9  Explorerdog  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @8.1.8    7 years ago

Secret society communications?

Professor Quiet
8.2  Sunshine  replied to  Jasper2529 @8    7 years ago


Professor Principal
8.2.1  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @8.2    7 years ago

So,  are you admitting that Trump and the damn gop are a criminal organization with mob connections?

Professor Quiet
8.2.2  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @8.2.1    7 years ago

Off topic [ph]

Professor Principal
8.2.3  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @8.2.2    7 years ago

Last warning. Stop derailing this article with childish impertinance. Stay germane to the topic of go talk about cats...

Professor Quiet
8.2.4  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @8.2.3    7 years ago

Off topic [ph]

Professor Principal
8.2.5  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @8.2.4    7 years ago
If you have a problem, contact a moderator.


It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.2.7  It Is ME  replied to  Texan1211 @8.2.6    7 years ago
the next best thing is silencing it.

Such "tolerant" and "Free Speech" advocacy ain't it ? liar

I here psychiatry is the next job creation boom due to liberalism trying to break thru reality. winking

Freshman Silent
8.2.8  Explorerdog  replied to  Texan1211 @8.2.6    7 years ago

Why work so hard, all that is required is to call everything that does not show you as the awesomeness you perceive yourself to be as FAKE NEWS over and over and over. Those challenged as lacking critical thinking skills, easily hypnotized, or mindless followers will buy it hook line and sinker.

Professor Quiet
8.2.9  Sunshine  replied to  Texan1211 @8.2.6    7 years ago

the buddy is all over the place, but I am off topic. stunned

that's ok, just shines a light

Rex Block
Freshman Silent
8.2.10  Rex Block  replied to  Texan1211 @8.2.6    7 years ago

They have defeated it, multiple times

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.2.12  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @8.2.8    7 years ago
Those challenged as lacking critical thinking skills, easily hypnotized, or mindless followers will buy it hook line and sinker.

Good try ! chuckle

Freshman Silent
8.2.13  Explorerdog  replied to  Sunshine @8.2    7 years ago

Russians laughing knowing that 37% of the U.S. population will never believe it!!!!!!!!

Freshman Silent
8.2.14  Explorerdog  replied to  It Is ME @8.2.12    7 years ago

Been working so far so it is much more than a try.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.2.15  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @8.2.14    7 years ago

Working for Whom ?

Feeding the Media what they want in response to most of their ridicules reporting, isn't a good thing !

Freshman Silent
8.2.17  Explorerdog  replied to  It Is ME @8.2.15    7 years ago

You posture as an excellent example.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8.2.18  It Is ME  replied to  Explorerdog @8.2.17    7 years ago
You posture as an excellent example.

Of ?

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
8.3  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Jasper2529 @8    7 years ago

Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]

Professor Quiet
8.3.1  Jasper2529  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @8.3    7 years ago
Thanks for identifying yourself so easily as an enemy of this republic--but it's something you and your ilk  established long ago.

Precisely how did I identify as an enemy of this republic when all I did was directly quote from JBB's seeded article? It appears that you should accuse MSN of being the enemy, not me. 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
8.3.3  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Jasper2529 @8.3.1    7 years ago
Precisely how did I identify as an enemy of this republic when all I did was directly quote from JBB's seeded article? 

Thinking the Russians fucking with our elections is funny is a place to start. 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
8.3.5  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to    7 years ago
What makes you more angry, that the entire country got to find out what complete shitbags the democrats were in rigging the election?

When lies that ridiculous and blatant have to be created for you to deny the truth it just makes you people look worse than before when you just refused to accept the facts. 

Professor Quiet
8.3.7  Sunshine  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @8.3.5    7 years ago

what lies?  Donna Brazile telling lies?

Professor Quiet
8.3.8  Jasper2529  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @8.3.3    7 years ago
Thinking the Russians fucking with our elections is funny is a place to start.

Kindly stop trying to invent something that doesn't exist. I laughed at a quote which is in the seeded MSN  article, and you know it. NT's CoC allows comments that directly address media sources.

Professor Quiet
8.3.9  Jasper2529  replied to    7 years ago
Face it, Democrats cheated their electorate out of a fair primary. and now they are whining like little bitches because they got caught.

I can't believe that we still have to explain that Hillary, Obama, and the DNC cheated Bernie out of the Primary he would have handily won.

Professor Principal
8.3.10  seeder  JBB  replied to  Jasper2529 @8.3.9    7 years ago
the DNC cheated Bernie out of the Primary he would have handily won.

Democrats, including Clinton, are too decent to bring up the fact Bernie is a Jewish Athiest Socialist. Trump would have run with it. In any case Bernie was not cheated. Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote in the Democratic primary by a mile. 

Professor Quiet
8.3.12  Jasper2529  replied to  JBB @8.3.10    7 years ago

Democrats, including Clinton, are too decent to bring up the fact Bernie is a Jewish Athiest Socialist

Trifecta in Identity Politics that has nothing to do with why Bernie lost the Dem Primary. 

Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote in the Democratic primary by a mile. 

Big deal. On Tuesday, January 30, 2018  she will still not be eligible to deliver the State of the Union Address.

Professor Principal
8.3.15  seeder  JBB  replied to  Release The Kraken @8.3.13    7 years ago
The DNC had the nomination wrapped up before the votes. Donna Brazile certainly confirmed this.

Then how do you explain the vote?

2016 Democratic Primary Results...

Delegate count 2,842 1,865
Contests won 34 23
Popular vote 16,914,722 [a] [1] 13,206,428 [a] [1]

If you and BF register as Democrats we will give exactly one hoot as to your opinions on the Democratic Party.

Professor Principal
8.3.18  seeder  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @8.3.17    7 years ago

Democrat's votes are all that counts and HRC got three million more than Sanders. See how that works?

Everyone is aware the gop wants to keep stiring up shit among Democrats. It isn't working. Go figure...

Professor Principal
8.3.21  seeder  JBB  replied to  Texan1211 @8.3.19    7 years ago

If Clinton had not WON the Democratic primary by three million votes you might have a point but she did and so you do not...

Professor Quiet
8.3.22  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @8.3.18    7 years ago
Everyone is aware the gop wants to keep stiring up shit among Democrats. It isn't working. Go figure...

they stir up their own manure

Professor Quiet
8.3.24  Sunshine  replied to  JBB @8.3.21    7 years ago

remember those super delegates?

Clinton - 532

Sanders - 49

Professor Principal
8.3.25  seeder  JBB  replied to  Sunshine @8.3.22    7 years ago
they stir up their own manure

If that were the case than why is it only goppers who are stiring the Democrat's shit here and now?

Professor Quiet
9  Jasper2529    7 years ago
Yeah Russian Bots and the American Trolls who spread their propaganda need to be exposed. Don't blink...

Well, I might be more concerned about blinking if I saw pink elephants and might be even more concerned if I saw religious people who some folks claim try to break into houses. I'm not concerned about Schiff's imaginary Russian bots.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
9.1  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Jasper2529 @9    7 years ago
I'm not concerned about Schiff's imaginary Russian bots.

So, you're another one who thinks a foreign adversary fucking with out elections is funny.  

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
9.1.1  Colour Me Free  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @9.1    7 years ago

Why did former President Obama ignore this foreign adversary 'threat' for months, until after Trump won the election?

Professor Quiet
9.1.2  Jasper2529  replied to  Colour Me Free @9.1.1    7 years ago
Why did former President Obama ignore this foreign adversary 'threat' for months, until after Trump won the election?

Months? Try years. Remember this ... oh, the irony that showed how dangerous Obama was ...

Split Personality
Professor Guide
9.1.3  Split Personality  replied to  Colour Me Free @9.1.1    7 years ago

Biden said the other night, that it would look like they ( the Obama Admin ) were trying to influence the election...

If I remember, Obama and Congress started investigating this in August 2017, eventually discovering that the disinformation had been going on for two years;

Facebook and Twitter began admitting they had problems in September 2017, not enough time to undo whatever had been done.

Freshman Silent
9.1.4  OldUSAFGuy  replied to  Jasper2529 @9.1.2    7 years ago


Pres Clinton stated there was Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and used Military Action against Iraq. Hillary voted FOR the war in Iraq.

Is that why she LOST Twice?

Cold War Over?

Many here may think so but dont kid yourself.....................

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
9.1.5  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Colour Me Free @9.1.1    7 years ago
Why did former President Obama ignore this foreign adversary 'threat' for months, until after Trump won the election?

Jesus Christ!! do you not even know that president Shitbag's® toadies in the rightwing rage media and in Congress have been ping-ponging for nearly a year now with claims that the Obama administration both illegally acted to help the Clinton campaign while simultaneously accusing it of "doing nothing."  Nothing reveals  just how much corruption there is in Shitbag®'s administration better  than it has to invent directly contradictory lies to try to weasel out of it....with the help of people like you, of course.  

Freshman Quiet
11  AmericaRepublic    7 years ago


Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
11.1  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  AmericaRepublic @11    7 years ago

We'll know whom to blame for the deaths of any of our own agents or any of their contacts.  There's already been at least 9 eliminations of Russians* thought to provided information to Steele.  skriting the CoC [ph]

* Nine months, nine prominent Russians dead

Professor Quiet
11.1.1  Sunshine  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @11.1    7 years ago
You and the thugs you vote for are going to be complicit to murder

not nice to be telling a member they are complicit to murder

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
11.1.3  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Sunshine @11.1.1    7 years ago

You do protest too much, "madam." No one mentioned or even referred to any "member" or even a single individual anywhere.  But thanks for rising to the bait so easily. 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
11.1.4  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Release The Kraken @11.1.2    7 years ago

Those "people" you "have" --- would they speak Russian as a first language?  

Freshman Silent
11.2  Explorerdog  replied to  AmericaRepublic @11    7 years ago

And the tax returns

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
12  Hal A. Lujah    7 years ago

I demand that the memo about the memo's memo be released!  And furthermore, I insist that no more memos be written about the memo's memo's memo!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
13  Vic Eldred    7 years ago

"Mueller's probe has so far resulted in guilty pleas by former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign aide George Papadopoulos on charges of lying to the FBI. Former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his associate, Rick Gates, were charged in October with conspiracy, money laundering and acting as unregistered foreign agents. Both men pleaded not guilty."

That is a very misleading statement.  Manafort and Gates are facing charges based on events which took place in 2006 - long before they had anything to do with Trump or the Trump campaign. Flynn was perjury trapped over something that was legal. Papadopoulos was also perjury trapped based on boasts he made to a foreign government. Funny how biased rogue FBI agents allowed Lois Lerner and Hillary Clinton commit relevant perjury as well as the actual crimes they were accused of.

So don't tell us that Mueller has made any progress on the "collusion" investigation. 

Freshman Silent
13.2  owlsview677  replied to  Vic Eldred @13    7 years ago

Poor Vic. Still mature enough to believe all the facts matter.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
13.2.2  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Release The Kraken @13.2.1    7 years ago
A couple of J-Walking indictments seems to some how prove that?

There's a massive rake right in front of you and you're about to step down hard on it.  Don't cry later that you weren't warned. 

Freshman Silent
13.2.4  owlsview677  replied to  Release The Kraken @13.2.1    7 years ago

No they don't. Not even close.

Your comment is a bit off target. Perhaps you thought I was being snarky with Vic:). Well, I was if you call sarcasm snarky.

Vic and I go way back. He has always foolishly thought the whole truth counts. That makes us both fools. The best way to get "raked" is to bring partisan spin into a conversation we are both involved in. Doesn't matter if we agree on the topic or not. Plenty of voices of experience around here that have been there and done that. 

You have been on site for quite awhile today. I am really surprised that you don't appear to know my position. It seems Vic and I and I guess you are on the same side of this issue.

Freshman Silent
13.2.6  owlsview677  replied to  Release The Kraken @13.2.5    7 years ago

Yep. Same old Owl living in his own little make believe world. Same persona here as I had there. Noisy as heck and always hooting and with one exception early on stayed out of trouble with mods for seven years. Never even had to consider stooping to level of having to be a re-reg.

Prowess? Influence? Well, after all I did work for the "man". He gave me the power as a nation admin. As it turned out an admin. of one of the shall we say well known nations? As far as influence goes---LOL! I'm a Centrist for Christ's sake (oops, forgot your name)

Reputation? Obviously I have at least the one. The one you just gave me. Of course you might be the only one to believe that reputation. I figure I have many reputations, some good some bad all subjective.

Stuck in the rut of old age, not seeing a need to change my ways of relating to people.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
13.3  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Vic Eldred @13    7 years ago
Manafort and Gates are facing charges based on events which took place in 2006 - long before they had anything to do with Trump or the Trump campaign.

Talk about misleading.  It may (or may not) be true that Mueller went all the way back to 2006 but it goes on right up to all their involvement with the Trump campaign.  Gates stayed on longer than Manafort right through the transition and was part of the inauguration (where the $107M raised for it is largely unaccounted adding yet another possible criminal act).  Gates was Manafort's partner in many deals involving Russia and they have separate and non-cooperating defense teams.  I know you'll enjoy this very recent item about Gates:

Facing hard time can loosen the tongues of even the toughest "dudes." 

Freshman Silent
13.3.1  owlsview677  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @13.3    7 years ago

Great link! A CNN EXCLUSIVE. Maybe. Possibly. Could be. Sources close to. Sources without names. Somebody was seen somewhere and that could mean everything changes.

Where's the bloody meat?

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
14  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו    7 years ago

Rightwingers, trumpbots, putinbots:  do none of you remember (or maybe too young to know or care) how long it took the Watergate investigation to this point with two convictions and two solid indictments?  The Mueller probe is moving like a jet compared to a single engine prop plane in comparison.  And we got all the same type and level of attempts to corrupt the investigation (including firing the Special Prosecutor--oh, please, please "president" Shitbag®, try that one again) and just as ferociously nasty (and false) attempts to divert, derail and dismiss all the evidence from Nixon toadies.  And the thing that started that off was a "second-rate" burglary, not the hijacking of a presidential election.   You're in for a real come-to-Jesus moment  and you're not at all prepared. 

Freshman Silent
15  owlsview677    7 years ago

Prepared for what? The end of the world? The fall of America? We, as you have so gleefully pointed out, have been around this block before. Life goes on, we will recover.

Nixon's actions were not done out of or in a treasonous fashion. The acts of collusion President Trump is being accused of can be nothing else. If true.

Nixon was an overly paranoid Establishment good old boy. There are no comparisons between Watergate and the current charges being made.

Indictments Convictions for Nixon on Watergate? None. It was an 18+ minutes of gap on a tape which probably had the proof needed to be able to impeach and or indict President Nixon, that caused his resignation and provided most of us, including myself, with a reasonable assumption of guilt. The Presidents own tapes, not somebody else's.

Professor Principal
16  seeder  JBB    7 years ago

This has gone on long enough and I am not going to babysit so comments will be shutting down and for the record there were no thanks for keeping the lights on around here today and so I probably will not bother again...

Professor Principal
17  seeder  JBB    7 years ago

This has gone on long enough and I am not going to babysit so comments will be shutting down and for the record there were no thanks for keeping the lights on around here today and so I probably will not bother again...


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