
The Political Compass. Where do you rate?


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  epistte  •  7 years ago  •  133 comments

The Political Compass. Where do you rate?

I've seeded this same quiz on many forums and it will be interesting to see where many people on this forum rate. This is probably the most conservative forum that I have ever posted on, so so I expect that the results will be somewhat skewed to the top right quadrant. Many of the possible answers wont be exactly what you choose, but choose the answer that is closest to your opinion and move on. Don't overthink the questions.



jrDiscussion - desc
Junior Participates
1  seeder  epistte    7 years ago

This might be my most liberal score ever. I'm one up from the bottom on the lower left edge.

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.97

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
1.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  epistte @1    7 years ago

Apparently I'm right on Gandhi's dot. I suppose that's better company than Hitler.

Sophomore Quiet
1.1.1  lennylynx  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.1    7 years ago

I'm on Ghandi's dot too  Economic -6.5  Social -3.79  Which may explain why I like your comments so much!

Sophomore Silent
1.1.2  DocPhil  replied to  lennylynx @1.1.1    7 years ago

I show up on Emma Goldman's dot. Interesting, maybe I am more of a radical leftist than I thought.

Professor Quiet
1.1.3  cjcold  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @1.1    7 years ago

Me too.

Sophomore Quiet
1.1.4  lennylynx  replied to  cjcold @1.1.3    7 years ago

Cool, we should start a 'Gandhi' club! Happy

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.1.5  Raven Wing   replied to  lennylynx @1.1.4    7 years ago
Cool, we should start a 'Gandhi' club!

I agree......I see I would be in very good company. thumbs up

Sophomore Quiet
1.1.6  lennylynx  replied to  Raven Wing @1.1.5    7 years ago

I would like to nominate Raven for President of the Gandhi club!

Senior Guide
1.1.7  XXJefferson51  replied to  lennylynx @1.1.6    7 years ago

I’d prefer the Friedman club.  A great economists team.  A right to choose.  

Freshman Silent
1.1.8  bccrane  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.1.7    7 years ago

Mine was economic +2.63 social -0.82, which has anyone noticed, but those of us who are considered right or conservative are landing near the center of the graph, not even close to Hitler as many of the double negatives think we are.  Of course the other take away is the assumption that those that are on the graph would have answered the questions the way that would land them where they are shown.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.1.9  Raven Wing   replied to  lennylynx @1.1.6    7 years ago

"I would like to nominate Raven for President of the Gandhi club!"

Thanks for the vote of confidence, lenny, but, I already have enough on my plate at this point. The other Ghandi's are good candidates to pick from. (smile)

Professor Quiet
1.1.11  cjcold  replied to  lennylynx @1.1.4    7 years ago

Not really big into fasting. More of a hedonist/Bacchus type of guy.

Professor Guide
1.2  Gordy327  replied to  epistte @1    7 years ago

I'm close to the dead center.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.1  Skrekk  replied to  Gordy327 @1.2    7 years ago

I'm shocked, Gordy.    I knew you were a little bit more conservative than me but I always thought you'd be closer to my -7.75 / -7.75.

Although I haven't taken the test during the Trump regime yet so I might be even further out in the third quadrant.

Junior Participates
1.2.2  seeder  epistte  replied to  Gordy327 @1.2    7 years ago
I'm close to the dead center.

I expected you to be farther left and down.

Junior Participates
1.2.3  seeder  epistte  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.1    7 years ago
I knew you were a little bit more conservative than me but I always thought you'd be closer to my -7.75 / -7.75.

You are I are the closest of the lefty liberwacks. I'm not sure what I chose to make my result so far left. I'm ususally one or two squares farther to the right, and 2 squares up from the bottom.

I'll get my anarchist flag.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.4  Skrekk  replied to  epistte @1.2.3    7 years ago

I knew you and I would score pretty close.

Professor Guide
1.2.5  Gordy327  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.1    7 years ago
I knew you were a little bit more conservative than me

Really? I never considered myself to be either overly conservative or liberal. But I guess it depends on the issue.

Professor Quiet
1.2.6  Freefaller  replied to  Gordy327 @1.2    7 years ago

Same here, not surprised

Economic Left/Right: -1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.59

Professor Guide
1.2.7  Gordy327  replied to  epistte @1.2.2    7 years ago
I expected you to be farther left and down.

I was a tad left and down. But I found some of the questions to be poorly worded and I probably overanalyzed them too much, which may have affected how I answered. It would have been nice if there was a "neutral" response between agree or disagree.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.8  Skrekk  replied to  Gordy327 @1.2.7    7 years ago
It would have been nice if there was a "neutral" response between agree or disagree.

It's a forced-choice survey by design.   The FAQ has some details on the design:

  1. In some cases none of the four possible responses reflected my attitude

    One expert in the field suggested that we restrict the responses to simply ‘agree’ and ‘disagree’. But how many do you need? Ten? Twenty? If you choose the one that most nearly reflects your feeling, you’ll get an accurate reading … even if it niggles.

  2. You should have a “don’t know” option

    This makes it too easy for people to duck difficult issues. By forcing people to take a positive or negative stance, the propositions make people really evaluate their feelings. Often people find they wanted to select “don’t know” mainly because they’d never really thought about the idea.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.9  Skrekk  replied to  Gordy327 @1.2.5    7 years ago
Really? I never considered myself to be either overly conservative or liberal.

That's what I meant.

Professor Guide
1.2.10  Gordy327  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.8    7 years ago
It's a forced-choice survey by design.

I'm not crazy about the design, although I can see why it was done that way. "I don't know" may not be the appropriate phrase to use if there was a non or neutral answer. Perhaps using something as simple as "neutral" would suffice, as it doesn't show leaning either way.

That's what I meant.

I see. Thanks for clarifying.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.11  Skrekk  replied to  Gordy327 @1.2.10    7 years ago
Perhaps using something as simple as "neutral" would suffice, as it doesn't show leaning either way.

That simply allows people to avoid thinking about questions they'd rather not answer.    There are sound social science reasons for forced-choice surveys like this.

Professor Quiet
1.2.12  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  epistte @1.2.3    7 years ago

Economic Left/ Right :4-5 Social Libertarian/ Authoritative -1.85.  I am seriously trying to figure that one out!  That is not who I am! I am a conservative right leaning In dependent through and through! I would seriously like to know who came up with this test and their political leanings?


Junior Participates
1.2.13  seeder  epistte  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @1.2.12    7 years ago

The test in my experience seems to be liberal biased, if that makes you feel better. It is very rare that someone rates very deep into the top right quadrant.  I can count on one hand the people who have ever rated in the top left quadrant.

Professor Quiet
1.2.14  cjcold  replied to  Gordy327 @1.2.7    7 years ago

Felt the same way.

Professor Quiet
1.2.15  cjcold  replied to  epistte @1.2.3    7 years ago

The amount of ETOH onboard tends to change my score.

Freshman Silent
1.3  Fireryone  replied to  epistte @1    7 years ago

Economic Left/Right: -4.25 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.85

very near Ghandi. 

Professor Quiet
1.5  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  epistte @1    7 years ago

With all due respect, I found said test to disingenuous, misleading, and ambiguous. There were numerous questions that left no middle ground, based on the results that one was required to answer one way or another, leaving no middle ground. It resulted in skewed results that put one in a category they do not believe in. This is just my own opinion. I have always been a conservative right leaning Independent no matter what results this test tried to show, which made me out to left of center leaning. A good evening to all.

Junior Participates
1.5.1  seeder  epistte  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @1.5    7 years ago
This is just my own opinion. I have always been a conservative right leaning Independent no matter what results this test tried to show, which made me out to left of center leaning. A good evening to all.

I didn't create this test so I am not insulted by your disagreement. 

What questions did you disagree with?

Professor Quiet
1.5.2  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  epistte @1.5.1    7 years ago

I do not remember right off hand. Please let me review it and get back to you?

Junior Participates
1.5.3  seeder  epistte  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @1.5.2    7 years ago

Take your time. I'll be here all week.

Professor Quiet
1.5.4  cjcold  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @1.5    7 years ago

So the hard candy has a soft chewy center?

Junior Participates
1.6  seeder  epistte  replied to  epistte @1    7 years ago

Thank you to everyone for keeping this thread very civil. I appreciate the effort.

Senior Guide
1.7  XXJefferson51  replied to  epistte @1    7 years ago

Here’s mine.  

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: 7.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.51

Probably not what most would have expected.  

Junior Participates
1.7.1  seeder  epistte  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.7    7 years ago

I expected the economic number, but I expected your 2nd score to be much more authoritarian. 

Freshman Silent
2  Telo    7 years ago

Economic Left/Right: 1.63 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.77

LoL almost dead center

Senior Guide
2.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  Telo @2    7 years ago

We are close on the authoritarian/libertarian scale.  I’m a bit further to the right on economic issues.  

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
3  Dean Moriarty    7 years ago

Economic Left/Right: 8.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.79

Landed right on Milton Friedman’s dot.  

Senior Guide
3.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dean Moriarty @3    7 years ago

You and I aren’t far apart.  

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
5  Buzz of the Orient    7 years ago

Interesting. I didn't bother with a certificate but on my political compass chart, as I expected, my dot fell a very minimal distance below the horizontal line and the same minimal distance to the left of the vertical line.  Does that mean I'm a Centrist?

I am happy in any event to find myself in Ghandi's area, even though only JUST inside his square.

Sophomore Silent
5.1  GaJenn78  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @5    7 years ago

Same for me except mine was just slightly to the right of the vertical line inside Friedmans. I always knew I was pretty center :-)

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
7  Greg Jones    7 years ago

About where I expected to be.

Economic  +1.38
Social       -0.51

It Is ME
Masters Guide
8  It Is ME    7 years ago

Economic Left/Right: 1.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.15

Freshman Silent
9  DRHunk    7 years ago

Economic Left/Right: -3.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.51

I expected to be slightly left of center.  The greater good of mankind type questions is what skewed me a bit more left on the economic scale and Strongly agreeing people deserve to be treated equally no matter who or what they are type questions pushed me down in the social scale.

charger 383
Professor Silent
10  charger 383    7 years ago

economic -4.38

social 0.72

I am to right on some things and left on others

Here I often agree with some on one thing and argue the other way on a different issue

Professor Quiet
10.1  cjcold  replied to  charger 383 @10    7 years ago

Always thought that I was a centrist as well but seems I am now Ghandi.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
11  Galen Marvin Ross    7 years ago

OK, not sure about mine but, I think I'm closer to Ghandi.

Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -7.0
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.21

Professor Silent
11.1  mocowgirl  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @11    7 years ago
OK, not sure about mine but, I think I'm closer to Ghandi.


You and I wound up with almost identical scores.  

I am -7.13 and -4.51.

I have taken this test several times over the past 5+ years.  I usually score with Ghandi.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
11.1.1  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  mocowgirl @11.1    7 years ago

I think that's too cool, I've always been a fan of Ghandi and, your a pretty cool lady too.

Professor Participates
12  1stwarrior    7 years ago

Never taken one of these.  In fact I've never considered my political compass as a means to anything.

Economic Left/Right: -2.0 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.79

Almost, kinda, dead center.  Does that make me wishy-washy?

Split Personality
Professor Guide
12.1  Split Personality  replied to  1stwarrior @12    7 years ago

Weird, me too.Wink

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
12.1.1  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Split Personality @12.1    7 years ago

Weird... me three

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
12.1.2  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @12.1.1    7 years ago

Ha, I older than both of ya, I is 61. 

Damn I'm old.

Professor Participates
12.1.3  1stwarrior  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @12.1.2    7 years ago

Being old is a state of mind over matter - you don't mind, it don't matter laughing dude

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
12.1.4  Mark in Wyoming   replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @12.1.1    7 years ago

i remember taking this during the last presidential election cycle , I didn't change much if at all , 2-3 little squares to the right of the center line , and about the same going down  into libertarian territory . if anything I shifted a little further to the right and down by a half square  from the last time I took one like this .

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
12.1.5  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Mark in Wyoming @12.1.4    7 years ago

I remember that last time you and I were at the exact same spot but on opposite sides of the line and almost at the intersection. I didn't really move that much, so I guess my atitudes didn't change much either. I mean all you have to do is answer a question or two differently and you will shift a bit, and that could just depend on what is currently going on. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
12.1.6  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  1stwarrior @12.1.3    7 years ago

I don't mind but, for some reason my body argues with me about doing things I use to do without thinking about it, like jumping up out of a chair with ease, now i have to put my hands on the arms of the chair and, rock for a minute to get up momentum to get out of it and, don't ask me to get on the floor, unless you plan on picking me up off of it.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
12.2  Bob Nelson  replied to  1stwarrior @12    7 years ago
 Does that make me wishy-washy?

If there's one person on NT whom I would never describe as wishy-washy, it's you! winking

More likely, you're leftish on some particular topics and rightish on others. Same for the vertical axis.

Assigning "liberal" or "conservative" labels to various policies is kinda arbitrary.

Professor Participates
12.2.1  1stwarrior  replied to  Bob Nelson @12.2    7 years ago

Thanks Bob.thumbs up

I had a difficult time answering the questions because I didn't "strongly" agree/disagree with any of them except four.  Too much grey area in the interpretation of what the question was directed toward.

Professor Quiet
15  arkpdx    7 years ago

Economic Left/Right: 4.88 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.36

Professor Quiet
15.1  arkpdx  replied to  arkpdx @15    7 years ago

I think I am the only one here with two positive numbers. I show up to the right of Trump,  to the left of Hillary and lower than both. Nearest to me is Winston Churchill  

Junior Participates
15.1.1  seeder  epistte  replied to  arkpdx @15.1    7 years ago
I think I am the only one here with two positive numbers. I show up to the right of Trump,

You are the farthest right here and the closest to fascism so you cannot logically call other people fascist. You might be the most conservative result that I have ever seen on this test. It seems to be skewed to the center-left for most people.

I am so far left and so oppose authoritarian policies that I border on libertarian-socialist anarchy.

Senior Guide
15.1.3  XXJefferson51  replied to  arkpdx @15.1    7 years ago

Not any more.  +7.25 and +0.52.

Professor Quiet
15.1.4  arkpdx  replied to  epistte @15.1.1    7 years ago

Yes I do believe we are almost polar opposites but I didn't really need a test to know that .Oh well I still don't think badly of you after all you have the right to be wrong.  Shoot some of my best friends are uber left. 

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
15.2  Thrawn 31  replied to  arkpdx @15    7 years ago

It does look like you are the only one here who prefers more authoritarian governing styles. 

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
16  Colour Me Free    7 years ago

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -2.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.64


Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -1.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.95

I took the test twice... just because there were several questions the first time through I really had no opinion on - so second time through I put a bit more thought into my answer - should take it a third time and skip those questions : )

Sophomore Silent
16.1  GaJenn78  replied to  Colour Me Free @16    7 years ago

Wait! We are allowed to skip????

Junior Participates
16.1.1  seeder  epistte  replied to  GaJenn78 @16.1    7 years ago
Wait! We are allowed to skip????

The test won't let you move on to the next page if you skip a question. I just tried it to see if it would.

Colour Me Free
Senior Quiet
16.1.2  Colour Me Free  replied to  GaJenn78 @16.1    7 years ago

I tried, and was denied - I see epistte was denied as well ...

Junior Participates
16.1.3  seeder  epistte  replied to  Colour Me Free @16.1.2    7 years ago
I tried, and was denied - I see epistte was denied as well ...

There was a political test that would allow you to skip questions or ask for a differently phrased question. I'll try to locate that test later this evening.

Professor Guide
17  GregTx    7 years ago

Economic Left/Right: -4.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
18  The Magic 8 Ball    7 years ago
Don't overthink the questions.

 wish I could have taken the test but the results would not have been accurate.

 loaded questions produce skewed results. so whats the point?

If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.

the magic word "if"  (too funny) if a frog had wings it would not bump its ass_

  • countries have been trading globally for a very long time /

today's definition of "globalism" is a failed plan. already dead in the USA and the EU will be a shadow of its current self in 10yrs time  and broken into bits soon after.

I'd always support my country, whether it was right or wrong

our country is never wrong,  only the people in govt can do wrong and as result, they must pay the piper.

never confuse love of country with love of any current govt.

(we have the tools to save our country from any threat. even our own govt)



BTW just a tad right of dead center :)

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
18.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @18    7 years ago

I am not really a fan of the questions either, many of them really aren't as simple as agree or disagree. 

Sophomore Quiet
18.1.1  Skrekk  replied to  Thrawn 31 @18.1    7 years ago
I am not really a fan of the questions either, many of them really aren't as simple as agree or disagree.

That's actually the point - the test is designed to be a bit fuzzy.

Junior Participates
18.2  seeder  epistte  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @18    7 years ago
If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.

You are overthinking it. They are asking you if economic policies should benefit the majority of the people or should they benefit corporate profits instead.

Strongly agree



strongly disagree.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
18.2.1  Dean Moriarty  replied to  epistte @18.2    7 years ago

IMO free market economic policies benefit both equally. 

Junior Participates
18.2.2  seeder  epistte  replied to  Dean Moriarty @18.2.1    7 years ago
IMO free market economic policies benefit both equally.

You believe that outsourcing of jobs to low wage and low regulation counties benefits the working class?

 I wasn't aware that you supported NAFTA, the WTO, and the TPP agreement.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
18.2.3  Dean Moriarty  replied to  epistte @18.2.2    7 years ago

Free trade doesn’t require those agreements they are the opposite of free trade. They are regulatory agreements that remove freedom of trade. 

Junior Participates
18.2.4  seeder  epistte  replied to  Dean Moriarty @18.2.3    7 years ago

Ron Paul is not saying that he opposes the agreements themselves. He is saying that he desires that Congress is not doing its legislative duty and as such passes too much power to the executive branch. As a libertarian he opposes corporate regulations, which benefits those same corporations. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
18.2.5  Bob Nelson  replied to  Dean Moriarty @18.2.3    7 years ago
Free trade doesn’t require those agreements they are the opposite of free trade. They are regulatory agreements that remove freedom of trade.


I agree with Dean... ... ... stunned

Junior Silent
19  tomwcraig    7 years ago

I'm close to the center, just a little to the Right and a little to the Libertarian side according to this.  However, I do disagree with the race question that one race is better than the others as we are all of the human race.

Economic Left/Right: 1.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.15

Professor Quiet
20  bbl-1    7 years ago

Voted everyone up.

Not sure what this means, but--

Economic Left/Right: -5.25

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.56.

Liberal and conservative.  In all honesty I am not sure what those terms mean anymore.  There must be more to it than 'the birth control debate,' isn't it?

Junior Participates
20.1  seeder  epistte  replied to  bbl-1 @20    7 years ago
There must be more to it than 'the birth control debate,' isn't it?

You look to be the generic progressive. You're a bit more liberal than Bernie and Jill Stein. 

Professor Quiet
20.1.1  bbl-1  replied to  epistte @20.1    7 years ago

I had taken another test weeks before the 2016 election and found myself to be in the Stein camp.

However, I voted Clinton.  Stein turned me off when I saw her at that dinner with Putin and Flynn.  I still wonder what that was all about.

Professor Principal
20.1.2  JohnRussell  replied to  bbl-1 @20.1.1    7 years ago
Stein turned me off when I saw her at that dinner with Putin and Flynn.  I still wonder what that was all about.

There is an element of the left that believes Trump serves a purpose as a disrupter.  I doubt Stein gave two shits that Trump got elected, or that he is buddy-buddy with Putin. 

Junior Participates
20.1.3  seeder  epistte  replied to  bbl-1 @20.1.1    7 years ago
Stein turned me off when I saw her at that dinner with Putin and Flynn.

Jill Stein was a suicide vote unless you lived in a state that was guaranteed to turn blue.   I was registered as a green party member until my name was removed from the polls in November of 2004.

Hillary was the lesser of two evils vote for me.

Professor Quiet
20.1.4  bbl-1  replied to  JohnRussell @20.1.2    7 years ago

I still wonder why Stein was there.  Flynn, I know why he was there.

Sophomore Quiet
20.1.5  Skrekk  replied to  bbl-1 @20.1.4    7 years ago
I still wonder why Stein was there.

She was just one of Putin's "useful idiots".    It worked.

Professor Quiet
20.1.6  bbl-1  replied to  Skrekk @20.1.5    7 years ago

Yes.  Russian collusion/conspiracy is real.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
21  Thrawn 31    7 years ago

-4.13, -5.54 for me. Some of the questions/statements I wasn't the biggest fan of though, simply because I can agree and disagree depending on the specific situations. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
22  Sparty On    7 years ago

Damn near dead center:

Economic Left/Right: 0.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.38

Yeah i felt the same way about quite a few questions Thrawn.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
24  Raven Wing     7 years ago

Economic Left/Right: -3.0 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.18

I'm a Ghandi

Professor Guide
25  MrFrost    7 years ago

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -3.88  
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.1

personalised chart
Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
26  Bob Nelson    7 years ago

My bio has always read "bleeding-heart anarcho-socialist".

Economic Left/Right: -8.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.62


Yup. Anarcho-socialist looks about right...

Professor Guide
26.1  MrFrost  replied to  Bob Nelson @26    7 years ago

Mine had a footnote..."You are an awesome dude..". 

Professor Guide
26.1.1  MrFrost  replied to  MrFrost @26.1    7 years ago
Mine had a footnote..."You are an awesome dude..".

Ok, apparently not that funny. 

Junior Participates
26.2  seeder  epistte  replied to  Bob Nelson @26    7 years ago
My bio has always read "bleeding-heart anarcho-socialist".

I'm about 3 squares down from you. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
26.2.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  epistte @26.2    7 years ago

"Moderation" is my middle name! laughing dude

Junior Participates
26.2.2  seeder  epistte  replied to  Bob Nelson @26.2.1    7 years ago
"Moderation" is my middle name!

I think that I got my scores because I voted either strongly agree or strongly disagree on everything.   There was no middle ground for me.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
26.2.3  Bob Nelson  replied to  epistte @26.2.2    7 years ago


Professor Principal
27  JohnRussell    7 years ago

In the same ballpark with Gandhi

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -6.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

personalised chart

Professor Guide
27.1  MrFrost  replied to  JohnRussell @27    7 years ago

Looks like you and I were cut from the same cloth. 

Professor Silent
28  lib50    7 years ago
I'm even further down than Gandhi.   I'm always consistent with the quadrant when I take these tests.

Economic Left/Right: -5.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08

personalised chart
Freshman Silent
28.1  LynneA  replied to  lib50 @28    7 years ago

Evidently we're soulmates.

Economic Left/Right: -5.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.49

personalised chart No surprises here!
Professor Principal
29  Ender    7 years ago

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -5.38  
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.62

personalised chart
Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
29.1  Bob Nelson  replied to  Ender @29    7 years ago

Looks good!

Professor Principal
29.1.1  Ender  replied to  Bob Nelson @29.1    7 years ago

I actually thought I would be a little farther left. I didn't answer strongly on a couple of questions.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
29.1.2  Bob Nelson  replied to  Ender @29.1.1    7 years ago

I thought the questions were pretty well calibrated. Sure... it would be easy to game the questionnaire, but what would be the point?

pat wilson
Professor Participates
30  pat wilson    7 years ago

Screen shot 20180424 at 8.14.20 PM.png

pat wilson
Professor Participates
30.1  pat wilson  replied to  pat wilson @30    7 years ago

No surprise here, lol.

Sophomore Silent
32  luther28    7 years ago

Left of center Libertarian (where I usually seem to land).

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
33  al Jizzerror    6 years ago



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