How do you take your Coffee?
Being in good company, I am a coffee drinker. My favorite is a Caffè latte - a mixture of espresso and milk (1/3 espresso). My particular recipe uses unsweetened almond milk (so not really milk but arguably healthier). Most of the time I use cool almond milk (sort of like an iced latte without the ice). But there are so many varieties of coffee - probably a variant to meet every type of taste and personality.
Here is one list illustrating the many choices we have:
- Black Coffee – Coffee served straight from the carafe after brewing without adding anything to it to alter the flavor.
- Coffee with Sugar and/or Milk – Coffee brewed much like black coffee only after brewing is complete dairy such as cream or milk and sugar or an artificial sweetener is added to alter the flavor.
- Filtered or Drip Coffee – A method of brewing where coffee is placed into a paper filter and hot water is poured onto it allowing it to drip into the carafe below.
- French Press Coffee – Coffee made with a french press brewer that uses a plunger to press the coffee to separate the finished drink from the coffee grounds.
- Percolated Coffee – A brew method where hot water is cycled through the coffee grounds using gravity to reach the desired strength.
- Turkish Coffee – A traditional coffee drink served in the Middle East, fine ground coffee is immersed in water allowing maximum foam to form.
- Cold Brew Coffee – A method of brewing that doesn’t use hot water. Instead, cold water and a longer period of time is used to create the finished cold coffee beverage.
- Iced Coffee – Slightly different from cold brew coffee, iced coffee is prepared using a hot brew method and then cooled before serving.
- Vacuum Coffee – A brew method using two chambers where vapor pressure and vacuum produce the final cup of coffee.
- Espresso – A brew method and coffee that is ground and packed very fine. A small amount of water is added creating a different taste and strength of the coffee.
- Caffe Americano – An espresso drink where hot water is added to espresso creating a coffee similar in strength but different in taste to regular drip coffee.
- Cafe Cubano – Originally from Cuba, this coffee drink is an espresso that has demerara sugar added.
- Caffe Creama – A long espresso drink primarily served in Switzerland, Austria, and northern Italy beginning in the 1980s.
- Cafe Zorro – A double shot of espresso added to water using a 1:1 ratio.
- Doppio – A double shot of espresso served in a demitasse cup.
- Espresso Romano – A shot of espresso served with a slice of lemon on the side.
- Guillermo – Two shots of hot espresso poured over lime slices, sometimes served on ice.
- Ristretto – Espresso made with the same amount of coffee but half the amount of water.
- Lungo – The opposite of the Ristretto, this drink is made with more water.
- Cappuccino – Espresso made with hot milk and steamed milk foam.
- Latte – Espresso made with steamed milk in a 1:3 to 1:5 ratio with a little foam.
- Flat White – An espresso made similar to a latte only with textured milk.
- Macchiato – An espresso made with a small amount of foamed milk, similar to a cappuccino only stronger.
- Breve – Espresso served with half milk and half cream.
- Antoccino – A single shot of espresso served with steamed milk in a 1:1 ratio.
- Cafe Bombon – Popularized in Spain, this drink is an espresso made with sweetened condensed milk.
- Caffee Gommosa – An espresso poured over a single marshmallow.
- Cortado – An espresso cut with a small amount of warm milk to reduce the acidity.
- Espressino – A drink made from espresso, steamed milk and cocoa powder.
- Galao – Originating in Portugal, this drink is an espresso mixed with foamed milk and served in a tall glass.
- Cafe au lait – Strong coffee made with scalded milk in a 1:1 ratio.
- Ca phe sua da – A coffee drink originated in Vietnam that literally means “iced milk coffee.” It is made by mixing black coffee with a quarter to a half as much sweetened condensed milk and poured over ice.
- Egg coffee – A Vietnamese drink made with egg yolks, sugar, condensed milk and Robusta coffee.
- Eiskaffee – A German drink made with iced coffee and vanilla ice cream.
- Kopi susu – Coffee made with sweetened condensed milk that is then allowed to cool so the grounds sink to the bottom of the glass.
- Vienna Coffee – Coffee or espresso made with whipped cream with milk added on some occasions.
- Espresso con panna – Coffee made with whipped cream.
- Black tie – A double shot of espresso combined with traditional Thai iced coffee and sweetened condensed milk.
- Chai Latte – Espresso mixed with spiced tea and steamed milk.
- Liqueur Coffee – Coffee brewed with 25ml shot of liqueur. Sometimes served with cream.
- Irish Coffee – Coffee combined with whiskey and cream and sometimes sweetened with sugar.
- Mocha – Sometimes called a cafe mocha, it is similar to a latte only chocolate syrup is added.
- Moka – Coffee brewed in a moka pot, which passes water through the coffee using pressurized steam.
What is the best coffee drink? Have some new variant to share?
Could this be a topic that does not raise animosity?
That depends. Is there anyone that prefers decaf?
Nah, I'll take my phormaldihyde when I die.
As I always say: death before decafination. Lol
I just have to have that kick start in the morning. Strong coffee with half and half works the best for me
You'll NEVER die~! You'll live forever in my heart ... forever, I say!!
Thank you love, you always make me smile and, laugh.
I like my coffee black. Just good Arabica or Kenyan AA beans and filtered water in a drip coffee maker. I have a French press but I tend to use it more for brewing loose leaf tea.
Café au lait
A strong brewed coffee (Folger's Supreme when we're in the States), and then add 1/3 to 1/2 milk anything from whole to skim, according to taste and digestion).
BIG cups.
I take two of those big cups every morning as I go through my email, RSS feeds, and all, ending with... NT!
Every day, with breakfast, I drink one good sized mug of coffee black with one packet of Equal sweetener, having made the coffee with my Phillips coffee-maker that is exactly like this:
I buy UCC Coffee, a Japanese regular blend that is already medium ground, that comes in a sealed 400 gram can. In Canada I used to grind my own beans - I had an electric coffee grinder, but I left it there. My brother sent me a hand grinder, but it was a pain in the ass, took too long and too much effort.
However, when I had my lakeside home in Ontario's Haliburton Lakes District, I had the best coffee in the world. We used to call it Gull Lake Coffee - A good-sized mug of 1/3 Baillie's Irish Cream and 2/3 strong black coffee. With our mugs we would go out and sit on the dock and watch the sunrise while listening to the echoing Loon calls coming through the mist. Those were the best of days. This is a photo I took of our Gull Lake sunrise view from our dock.
Click this link to imagine yourself there, listening to the calls of the Loons:
I don't have many requirement for my coffee. It has to be black. It has to be able to strip paint. It must at least soften metal spoons but alien blood (from the movie) is better.
cant deink it
I have enuff trouble with sleep deprivation
coffee iceream will keep me up all night
I once drank 3 Brisk iced teas, and drove across entire state of Oklahoma over night
never indulged in caffeine, and have NO tolerance
If a cuppa joe does that to you then by all means please do stay way from all amphetamines. M'kay?
One night Dad took one of Mom's diet pills thinking it was his similar looking Contact antihistamine...
By the next morning he had mucked out the barn killing about 100 rats and rearranged the cabinets.
The Stepford Wife Program - Speed at daybreak, Valium in the afternoon and Nembutal at bed time.
A man could expect a clean home, a by then calmed down wife and a compliant corpse in their bed...
Id take a good ole valium over any of em, any day
Done my share of a lot
Like my beer and some smoke
Thought I had ADD, but it didn't add up
Tried Aderal, thought it helped, till I accidentally nocked over 73,435 Dominoes, that I'd set up that day
All I could think of
Pizza Hut
Coffee, Cocaine, or Fish...?
Once, in college, I washed down caffeine pills with Mountain Dew because I had a microbiology test to study for.
Can't say I recommend it.
How far up the walls did you climb
That, what is it, Code Red Mountain Dew is enuff to keep me Russian, sorta like Trumpp
I have to avoid caffeine , from N E source,
it counters the affects of the Roofies I'm slipped
just BCosby
Not very. The reason I had to study all night was because I was on crutches, and going about my daily classes and to the dining hall took for-friggin'-ever. It was a small residential college - everyone lived on campus and walked to class, and there was no parking near the class buildings even if you did try to drive. Some buildings didn't have elevators, so that was fun. So by the time I got back to my dorm after my last class, I was beat. And still had a micro test the next day.
I aced the test, then went to sit outside and enjoy a rare (in that area) sunny late fall day. One male acquaintance stopped to talk, and did something to annoy me (can't remember what), and I laid into him much harder than was probably necessary. Not something I'd have done if I hadn't been crashing from a pretty bad caffeine buzz.
I haven't had any Mountain Dew since then. The thought of it now makes me just a little bit queasy. I guess that's a pretty good food aversion to have.
I probably would have puked. As I get older I find that I can't drink my usual 12 cup pot of coffee in the morning
Oh dear god!! Mountain Dew is almost injectable. Drank that once and I had the jitters. And I drink tons of coffee!
It only took me once to learn my lesson.
100% Kona coffee, not the blend but the real deal. Expensive but worth it..
Another one that's well worth it is 100% real deal Jamaican Blue Mountain!
I bought some in Jamaica, but didn't care for it. It was ok, but I didn't see what the big deal was.
I'm glad that I am not the only one who thinks that it is overrated. I felt the same about a pound of Kona coffee beans that I bought from a hipster coffee place.
Was it a kona blend or 100% kona coffee...There is a huge difference between the two.. Also a huge price differencel
To me, it tasted like roasted peanuts. My mom thought the same. I like peanuts, but I don't want my coffee to taste like peanuts.
I've never had kona coffee.
It was fair trade organic 100% Kona coffee. I was expecting caffeinated nirvana but it was just OK to me. I must have the taste buds of a coffee troglodyte. I prefer 8 Oclock Columbian coffee with the occasional bag of coffee from Trader Joes.
I'm a Maxwell House girl. The Colombian blend, usually. Sometimes the French roast.
I'm not sure how all these folks here are talking about Folgers as their fave supermarket brand. Yech.
If I had to drink Folgers I'd switch to tea in the morning. That stuff tastes like bitter mud to me.
I have tried quite a few of the "supermarket brands" including Maxwell House, including Folgers, and Hills Bros. and Chock Full O Nuts , and Eight O'Clock, and Mc Donald's store brand , and Dunkin Donuts store brand and a few others, and while I do agree they all taste somewhat different from each other, I wouldn't necessarily say one is better than the others, just different. If I had to pick I would say Folgers, but I could be happy with Maxwell House too. The taste buds adapt.
My mom bought Folgers for years, and I wouldn't drink coffee when I visited her, so mine didn't adapt.
o k .
I like my Maxwell House French Roast for weekdays when I have to wake up. If I'm just kicking around the house on the weekends I like my fru-fru coffee. The commissary used to sell Millstone where you could grind it right there in the store. I haven't seen that any where lately. So now I just look for a chocolate flavor and a caramel flavor and mix them
Last time I saw Millstone was at a Krogers, years ago.
I remember when Denny's served Lona coffee. It was good!
Lona coffee, you mean kona right?
Yup! I hate auto correct.
I started my coffee drinking career with "Cuban" coffee. I was about 6 yrs. old when I got my first cup.
After that any coffee seemed tame to me.
Have you ever tried Turkish coffee?
Yes, I have and, I went to sleep after that, about an hour after, and, had the best nights sleep I've had in years.
I had greek coffee at a restaurant one evening and I was so wired that I didn't sleep that night.
I don't think I've tried a Greek coffee. But I usually have no trouble falling asleep after a cup or two.
Lol not me, if I have a coffee after say 5(ish) I'm not sleeping that night
My condolences. Lol
It's pretty much the same thing. I was shocked how strong it was.
Ditto. There's usually a pitcher of sweet iced tea in the fridge, and it's decaf, because I'm enough of an insomniac without caffeine.
Strong coffee is a good thing.
The cup could have been optional with that coffee. I'm also not a fan of coffee that you can chew.
You just don't know good coffee. Chewing a chunk for a couple of hours can be very stimulating.
I like chocolate dipped coffee beans as candy, but when I am drinking a cup of coffee I don't want to have to chew it.
That's when you know it's been sitting in the coffee pot too long.
I like a (preferably) light roast coffee, strong enough to hold the pot up on its own when you pour it.
I usually take it with a little milk, but black is ok too. Nothing beats freshly ground coffee beans (I have my own grinder) put through a French press with boiling water. It takes a little more time, but the quality is worth the effort.
Yeah nothing beats quality equipment. I have a regular coffee shop at home with a high-quality grinder (this is absolutely critical for espresso drinks) and a very good quality (not top of the line but reliable and accurate) espresso machine. When we have parties one of my duties is barista. We keep a stock of sweeteners so we are able to make a variety of drinks for guests. Oddly, most just want a vanilla latte but we are 'packin' if someone wants a salted caramel mocha.
Just don't think about the unit price....
Except possibly quality ingredients. The fresher the coffee (and beans) the better the flavor. Proper preparation is also important.
I'd say it's critical for any decent cup of coffee. Pulverized coffee beans mixed with boiling water (the hotter, the better) can really bring out the flavor.
Agreed. One must have good ingredients.
when I need coffee I am perfectly willing to drink rot gut. I got used to the coffee aboard my shirt .No one on board really knew how to make coffee. Everybody would continue to scoop new coffee onto the old grounds until the basket would not hold any more the best was 2 Am coffee from the wardroom that was made about 6 the night before You could chew that for the rest of the night.
I have a theory of where the Navy got the coffee we had. There used to be a commercial where some guy went thru a coffee warehouse and picked only the best beans. After he was done the other buyers went in and bought for their respective brands then the Navy came in, swept u the warehouse floor and roasted and ground that.
I like lattes and cappuccinos from time to time, but my daily stand-by is just regular old black coffee, made fresh by the cup every time.
I've developed a rather unconventional way of making it, though. I use an electric kettle to heat distilled water. While it's heating I toss an ice cube into my favorite stainless steel travel mug and set a metal cone filter (which is pointed) down in the top of it. I insert a regular basket coffee filter (special cone filters are not required for this) to filter out the dust that the metal filter won't get, and then I add some ground coffee. When the water boils I just pour it through. The ice brings the temp down from way too boiling hot to very, very warm (which is immediately drinkable and just how I like it), and the insulated travel mug keeps it that way for a good long time.
Voila! As fresh as pre-ground coffee can be. It's basically the same as making coffee by the cup with a French press, but with much better filtering and without having to bother with the apparatus itself. It takes less time than brewing a cup of tea, and when I'm done I just toss the paper filter (and grounds) in the trash, and put the metal filter in the dishwasher. Easy peasy.
Similar to the way I make coffee, except I use the microwave to heat the water and no ice cube. I like to smell the coffee as it cools.
I like a particular black cherry Peruvian bean available at MOMs but usually get plain old Folgers. You wouldn't think it is Folgers when prepared this way.
Straight black, smooth as glass.
That is what I was thinking reading your comment. For a while I offered French Press coffee to our regular coffee guests. But based on the time to prepare I have gravitated to Caffè Americano - basically diluted espresso shots. That turns out to be very quick to make (with my equipment) and makes a great tasting regular coffee.
I like all kinds of coffee, but am not all that impressed by expensive brands.
Of the popular brands from the grocery store, I prefer Folgers.
For instant coffee, which I do use sometimes, Nescafe is the best.
I take coffee with half and half and sugar.
Tap my veins and, that's what you'll get, Folgers. While I was driving truck I use to drink the strongest of the coffee you could find at a truck stop, it still didn't work well enough for keeping me awake.
With that mix most any coffee will do since the cream and sugar will overpower the coffee.
Extra large Sheetz with cream and sugar. when I retired I decided that going to get coffee would get me going in morning instead of laying around the house
Dark Italian roast. Straight up. The stronger the better.
sounds sexy
Well, when the pool boy serves it to me in his speedo, it kinda is.
Guatamalen is a good medium brew coffee. Not too strong or too weak.
"Jet Black" ( eight o'clock ) with a tinge of sugar.
Posting "Jet Black" wasn't racist …… was it ?
Everywhere in the North, East and Cali.
My Bad !
Best coffee out there and a bargain, too!
Exactly.....Luv It !
I buy either the standard 8 O'clock Arabica beans or the Columbian beans with the brown stripe on the bag. I grind them fresh every day.
The Columbian version is good too. I like going to the grocery stores that still have the coffee grinder in the coffee section. Fun to use.
I remember those grinders at the Kroger that my parents shopped at in the 1970s, but I haven't seen one since. I've burned through 2 different grinders (Krups and Hamilton Beach) and my current one is starting to fail at the switch. I'm going to try the Kitchen-Aid grinder when it goes belly up.
Aldi has a decent whole bean coffee if you like a lighter (Dunkin Donut) roast. It's not as good as 8 O'clock but many at the office prefer it.
Basic grinders (especially domestic) are all rather poor quality. The ones that do work well will very likely fail sooner than you would think. So the choice (from my experience) is to keep buying replacement grinders or go for a high quality grinder that will do the job for a long time. My grinder of choice currently is the Baratza Vario. It has ceramic burrs (ideal) and does a great job. However, it requires maintenance. One must clean it regularly (~monthly) and tune the grind. It will start acting very strange if not cared for, but if properly maintained will continue to perform quite well.
I think most people will go with the inexpensive domestic grinders and just replace them when they fail. For many I suspect this is the best way to go.
I am now considering them to be borderline disposable, much in the same way as Teflon frying pans. They average between $20-30 and last about 5-7 years.
I bought my daughter a K-A grinder a few years ago for grinding spices and she loves it, so I'll buy one for myself.
Dunkin Donuts is okay when on the run, but when you have time....8 is great !
I've had the clear plastic top wear out from the inside out on those bargain grinders.
No taste from the plastic, lol
At least you got your money's worth. Wore that grinder down.
Black, strong, cold and lots of it. If I have creamer and sugar substitute, it's a dessert. I drink it for the buzz, nothing more. Not the taste [although my favorite is Target's butter caramel coffee], not for relaxation, none of that. It wasn't until my doctors noticed that I'm the only non-diabetic family member that they questioned my daily diet. They attribute my copious coffee drinking for my A1Cs being well below even the pre-diabetic numbers. I did get a reality check when I was hospitalized and had not a drop of coffee for several days. I had a headache that wouldn't go away. I finally realized it was probably from a lack of caffeine. I drank a Dr. Pepper and voila! It's was like a non-alcoholic hair-of-the-dog shot I needed.
If it wouldn't be socially unacceptable, I'd tie a rubber hose tightly on my upper arm, slap my veins on the inside of my elbow into bulging submission and take it intravenously.
Lovely to leave politics alone. How 'bout those Starbucks gift cards? [PS: I refuse to go to Starbucks; will not pay that ridiculously exorbitant amount of money for coffee.]
I've had that headache. It's no fun at all.
How one feels when one runs out of coffee: depresso.
I just go psycho! lol
Sign in badfish's office .
Coffee? Eh, give me a mimosa.
I'm a coffeeholic and fussy too.
My coffee is mellow, coffeemate and sugar. No cream, milk, or some cheap creamer.
I'm not big on foo-foo coffee. About the farthest I stray is hazelnut. 8 O'clock is the everyday coffee.
Oh! And a big OH! at that, I haven't dripped coffee in 30 years. I have an electric percolator and a stovetop percolator as a backup or power outages. We have a huge coffee urn for guests and several vacuum pots.
I finish a pot before my wife wakes, then we kill another pot and I pack a thermos when I'm out and about. We drink coffee right up until bed. Sleep like a drunk ( without pissing my pants).
Gosh, I hate those beautiful, supportive, funny, intelligent, loving wives. They ruin it for me. You could be mine if she didn't have all those damned attributes. I hate that shit. But I like coffee. [Staying on topic is paramount to me.]
Can't believe no one has mentioned Irish coffee (Baileys and coffee) Mmmmm tasty
But since work frowns on that sort of thing I drink my coffee black and strong.
I like an Irish coffee now and then.
Black, most of the time.
On occasion, I'll have a frozen latte or frappe, mostly when it's hot out but I still want something coffee-ish. But they're sugar/calorie bombs, so I don't indulge in them very often.
Cafe Panamenyah.
Mix dark roast fresh ground blend of Kenyan, Columbian and Brazilian coffees.
Put the coffee at the bottom of a ceramic mug.
Add orange blossom honey.
Mix until they are a paste.
Let sit to harden.
Slowly add piping hot water and stir.
Add two teaspoons of Gran Duque D'Alba brandy.
Line the rim of the mug with chilled fresh whipped cream.
Sip the coffee through the whipped cream.
This will cool and sweeten.
Now that is unique.
The only bad habit (mostly) that I never took up. I love the smell of ground coffee beans and the smell of brewing coffee, but I've never enjoyed warm/hot beverages.
Not even hot cocoa (hot chocolate)? When I was a kid and mom made that it was indeed a special day.
I'm not sure it is a bad habit, in moderation. I like coffee, but I usually only drink one big mug in the morning on weekdays, maybe more on weekends when I don't have to go to work. I doubt I'm doing any damage with that much caffeine, and I might be warding off diabetes, which is a problem in my family.
True dat. My Beloved Daddy, my Sainted Momma, my sister and my brother all have diabetes. I'm far below in A1Cs for even pre-diabetes. My doctors attribute it to coffee drinking. A lot of coffee drinking.
It runs in both my parents' families. My dad hates coffee, but gets quite a bit of exercise. My mom drinks a pot a day, and hardly exercises at all. Guess which one is now on metformin?
Kind of depends on when you ask. I recall at one time any amount was bad for you then a bit later they said drink it by the gallon .It also seemed that at different times they said any and all amounts of caffeine was first bad then good. I drink it regardless,, I figure I gotta die from something, u mind as well enjoy myself.
Yeah, I remember it was supposed to be terrible for your blood pressure and so forth, but mine is fine, most of the time. Stress raises it more than caffeine.
I remember when pregnant women were supposed to shun caffeine the same as they shunned alcohol, but the positions regarding both have moderated a bit.
I'm like you - I'm going to keep drinking it, in moderation, likely no matter what they find out about it. I figure people have been consuming it in some form for so long (what, centuries? Millennia?), and yet we've still managed to thrive as a species. Even heavy coffee drinkers I know are in fairly good health, like my mom. If my cup of black coffee a day kills me, so be it. I don't want to live without it.
Might not be related I love my coffee, around 4 travel mugs a day (used to be more) and am a full blown type II with typically high A1Cs.
The second most traded commodity is coffee....first is oil.
This is one of my favorite coffee's....Long Dog and he works directly with Juan Valdez...
I love that doggie!
ps: Love you too!
And Wiki Warrior Wonder Wiener loves ya back.
Among my favorites is the Air Force One Blend. The finest in Colombian beans, smuggled over a big beautiful wall without tariffs, ground between Stormy Daniel's ample bosoms, and filtered through Putin's soiled bed sheets. And brought to temperature over the smoldering wreckage of the Clinton campaign. Ahhhh! Top of the morning to you my friends!
Sorry TiG could not resist!
To go... generally.
Ha ha! Clever.
Ya know? I just can't do that either. I'm such a fussy (and anal)person about my coffee that I make at least one thermos to 7-11 lol
Seriously though, I drink my own.
Hey Studius! How the heck are ya? Been awhile, hope you have been well my friend.
Not really much of a coffee drinker myself so making it myself is pretty much out of the question. Every once in awhile I'll grab a Starbucks just so I can use the little bar code app/gadget on my Fitbit. I get more of a jolt out of using the technology than I do from the coffee itself... and I'm not even the pocket-protector wearing sort of engineer.
I like fresh ground Arabian Mocha Sanani brewed in my French Bodum. I buy the whole Arabian Mocha Sanani beans and fresh grind them each morning, then brew them in the Bodum. I like my coffee bold and black, with no sugar or flavorings.
I also like my Green tea strong and without sugar.
Ditto that! Same with coffee.
You'll have to forgive me for my third grade school-boy sense of humor, but "...brewed in my French Bodum" almost made me shoot my tea out through my nostrils. Please tell me it isn't pronounced like "bottom"...
LOL!!! does look rather odd...but, it is pronounced bo-dum. It is also knows as a French Press.
This is what it looks like;
The coffee grounds are poured into the bottom of the Bodum
The filter screen is raised into the top of the Bodum by the knob on the top of the lid
Then the boiling water is poured into the Bodum to the spout level.
The lid is then placed on the top of the Bodum and the grounds are left to steep in the boiling water for approx 1/2 hour
Then the filter screen is slowly pressed down to the bottom of the Bodum to filter the grounds from the coffee
The coffee is then ready to be poured
For me, this brewing method gives the coffee a much better flavor than using a drip or percolator method of brewing
And using the fresh ground coffee makes sure the coffee has a rich, full bodied flavor