WATCH: Dem VA Governor Endorses Murder of Born-Alive Infants

Appearing on WTOP’s Ask The Governor, Northam was asked whether he supported a Virginia legislator’s statement that Virginia Democrats’ proposed legislation would permit abortion for a woman in labor. He stated:
This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of the mother, with the consent of physicians, more than one physician by the way, and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus which is non-viable. So in this particular example, if the mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if this is what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother.
This is pure infanticide. It's also an argument for eugenic murder (see his comments about deformities). Northam is specifically talking about delivering an infant aliveand then asking the mother whether the infant should live or not. This is not an argument about the morning-after pill. It’s not an argument over whether a fetus feels pain. This is a statement that a fully-formed infant, born alive, ought to be murdered if the mother says the infant ought to be murdered.
This is pure evil.
And yet this is the position of Democrats across the country.Northam was speaking about a bill proposed by Virginia House member Kathy Tran, which would legalize abortion up to birth. Tran had explained just yesterday that a woman should be able to opt for abortion as she is dilating for birth.
In New York, this is already the law – and Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) celebrated that new law by lighting up state sites pink in honor of the killing of fully-formed infants. In Rhode Island, Governor Gina Raimondo (D-RI) has already signaled that she wishes to support a similar law.
There is virtually no reality in the seeded article above. It takes comments out of context to demonize Democrats who support bills that allow "up to dilation" only when the health of the mother is at risk or the fetus is already stillborn. I know you like to skip over the part where he says "with the consent of physicians, more than one physician by the way" but to me that makes a big difference and says this is not "pure infanticide" as the intentionally inflammatory seed claims.
I think I would have a lot more sympathy for anti-abortionists if they were actually honest about the issues. They appear to believe that they just can't win on facts alone and must obfuscate some facts while blowing others out of proportion to win their argument. I imagine in their minds, the ends justify the means, even if it means they have to tell bald faced lies.
It is an opinion piece by Ben Shapario. Facts are unnecessary.
More pro lifer misinformation and seeing the boogie man where none exists.
Facts never matter as long as they have a bumper sticker slogan to chant on repeat.
Can you point to the language in the bill that requires more than one physician?
That's an accurate statement. There are many potential health complications associated with pregnancy.
Whether it's a "big deal" or not is a matter of opinion. But one thing it is not is anyone else's business!
removed for context
So weak it isn't an argument. If you believe that having weak laws or no laws is OK because no one will ever break them you would be fine with getting rid of the EPA and FDA just for starters and I am sure you have no problem at all with Trump rolling back EPA laws becuse who would be evil enough to break them./s
Probably, since it's pure and utter bullshit.
These people don't give a crap about women, that's for sure.
It is not mandatory for opinion articles that are NEWS/POLITICS be posted in Opinion. Perrie clarified that on the front page weeks ago. Only opinion pieces that are NOT NEWS must be posted in Opinion. Her statement still appears on our Tracker page.
The only decision to be made is burial or cremation. You do understand what stillborn means, don't you?
It is truly sad when a wanted baby is stillborn or will not live very long. I had a Captain who's wife gave birth to a very sick baby who didn't live longer than an hour after he was born. Capt B held him while he died. It was heartbreaking
I know.
Sorry for their loss, I know a few that lost there fetus? What is the other term the left uses?
Was that really called for in what was ostensibly a statement of condolence?
Legal murder of viable children.
That's a contradiction in terms.
It's the same old story. Talk moderate and pass extremist laws.
Northam will probably walk back his advocacy for infanticide publicly, but will fight tooth and nail to ensure that the law allows mothers to let their kids die after delivery, should they choose.
A mother whose fetus is 'severely deformed or a fetus which is non-viable' can legally sign DNR order prior to delivery. It's also legal, for a mother to take a child off of life support.
So tell me Sean. Exactly HOW is what the Governor said different?
different than what? He just supports leaving babies to die (and not just non-viable ones).
Do you think parents shouldn't be allowed to sign DNR orders? Do you honestly believe that extraordinary life-saving measures (which are prohibitively expensive) to try and save a child that might live a week at best?
Hospitals must absorb millions treating microencephaletics when families will not sign off...
Families demand futile exceptional treatment while they pray for God to perform miracles.
My daughter is a NICU nurse so she sees all kinds of sick newborns....preemies, microencephalus, hydrocephalus, and drug addicted babies. These babies are attached to all kinds of monitors and IVs and I don't think that's the half of it. All that equipment, drugs, and staff time is expensive.
I always joke that the next time I need an IV I want her to go with me and do it because if she can do IVs on tiny, sick babies, she can do it anybody.
And parents will also demand it for a microencephaletic two year old.
Does that bother you too?
Is the 2 year old dying? Would life saving measures actually help him live or only prolong death?
These are the questions that both medical professionals and parents deliberate over.
Yes, there are parents out there who deliberately kill their child because they don't want to take care of it anymore and we have a name for them...monsters
For a baby that may not live for an hour? Just what are you talking about?
Nobody condones killing a fully functional, healthy baby immediately after it's born...except for monsters
yep RI is jumping on the bandwagon.
Nah, that's the right wingers who think that once a baby is born, it's just fine if it starves or dies of disease. They only care about fetuses as a vehicle to try to control women. But then, half of them are so warped they think sex is evil, and that women should be punished for having sex.
As allhapundit says, "Ask a progressive to name the most vicious thing Trump has done while in office and they’re apt to cite his family separation policy at the border. Practically to a man or woman, all of those same people either enthusiastically support or comfortably tolerate a Democratic leadership that thinks actual out-of-the-womb infanticide is unproblematic."
People can justify anything if they try hard enough.
Once you start blatantly denying reality it's easy.
As a Virginian, I am not a fan of Gov Northern but I have no problem with what he said.
The woman has done all the work so she gets to make the choices and it just ain't nobody else's business
Please learn biology, a new born is NOT a 9 month old. And once again, keep spewing prolifer falsehoods.
The over 300,000 preemies born each year in the US would disagree with you.
It's the difference between 9 pounds and 19 pounds
But we are talking to men here who probably don't know the difference
Not a goddamn thing.
The answer is clearly apparent to the even the most average of observers. Unbiased observers i should say.
They are born at or before nine months into the pregnancy. Therefore, a new born.
Enough with the word games and semantics .... but considering the sources, i shouldn't be surprised
Admit you fucked up over your word usage and everything will be ok
9 month gestation does not make a 9 month old. You can go all spastic that someone is calling you on your error - it would be more dignified to admit you made the error.
Sure if i did but i didn't. So no worries, everything is still okay.
Last i checked this seed is about born alive abortion not homicide after nine months.
Tell that to the people that are equating abortion with murder.
[Removed, please keep comments to the topic not members of the forum.]
You did not see the deleted post.....part of it was referencing aborting a 9 month old, hence my post
Then why don't you go gripe at the people you normally side with? They're the ones turning this seed into screech fest about infanticide
That was not my intent. Perhaps not clear enough but not my intent just the same.
Clearly a nine month old is not the same as a baby nine months into gestation.
Anyone alluding, that i thought that was the same thing, is simply playing word games.
Silly word games
To quote [the rules, please make your comment on the topic of the article.]
Go have a cup of tea and relax
"This is pure infanticide."
Give birth, resuscitate if needed, then discuss if the CHILD should be "MURDERED" or not (his radio station input)!
Josef Mengele's spirit is upon us !
Except that is not happening and is pure hyperbole.
Not Yet !
The NEW "Law" is just in it's infancy.
"Infancy" .…..get it ?
Oh, so you nothing then! Just hyperbolic speculation, with a hint of paranoia and bad jokes. Got it.
Hilarious how many people are still in denial after hearing it right from the horses mouth. This is the woman that is trying to pass the bill and she told you the truth and they still refuse to beleive it
More SAD and pathetic !
The "Left" has gotten to the point of no return on this one.
The "Sleeping Giants" will awaken again !
That is not what the governor is saying. He is the person who signs the bill.
And for the record, whether you know it or not, what the Gov describes has been going on in hospitals all over the US or decades.
My sister's sister in law had a full term pregnancy and stopped feeling the baby moving. She called her doctor and he said there was nothing to worry about. That full term babies often stop moving because they are cramped. 12 hours later she gave into her worries and went to the hospital. When they gave her an ultrasound, they could see that the baby had made its meconium in utero. The nurses (yes there were no docs available at that moment), did a lateral C section, and the baby was not breathing. At that point, the doctors came in, and said that the baby was probably brain dead and she should just keep the baby comfortable and do nothing. She insisted on care.
Well, that baby is now a 26 year old women. She has never said a word. She has constant seizures. She weighs 60 some odd lbs in a wheelchair with severe CP. Her mother has often said, that seeing her in pain like she is, she feels she made an awful mistake.
This is what they are talking about. She could have denied care and we would not have a person living an existence. This is a living hell for both the child and the parent. But the bottom line is, the option to have denied care, was there 26 years ago. It was just not talked about.
"That is not what the governor is saying. He is the person who signs the bill."
Weird !
His Words:
"So in this particular example, if the mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, t he infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if this is what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother. "
VERY Straight Forward !
"Do you want your baby or not" !
No, that is only part of what the governor said. Here is what he said in its entirety straight from his mouth:
I listened to the entire thing.
For "The Health of the Baby (which by the way is breathing on a table somewhere according to him), and the "Health of the Mother" (which already gave birth)…..just doesn't seem to fit the "Health" argument at all !
That isn't even a quote. Here is what he said:
So this is exactly like the case I told you about. Nothing is different. In the case I told you about, the decision by the mother was to try and keep the baby alive.
It isn't hard to understand !
"done in cases where there are extreme deformities, there may be a fetus that is non viable......I can tell you exactly what would be done, the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable and the infant would be resuscitated"
Birth the baby, get the baby breathing, make it comfortable, then decide to hack it dead or not....before the mom, dad, doctor conference that is. Oh, and maybe a second doctor can give his two cents too. In the meantime, at least the baby is breathing in comfort somewhere !
Just another Outdated new "Law" idea brought forth by ……….. "Extreme's" !
Did you know our "Science" is really good now. We even have sonar that can see inside a mothers womb. They can even do tests without birthin' babies. They can tell how the "Baby" will be, waaaaaaay before the time of birth !
For your reading pleasure ...
Isn't that wonderful ?
"Animals"are Great, "Animals", "Animals" are Great !
Cows, especially pregnant ones, must be sacred in deep blue states!
"Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) celebrated that new law by lighting up state sites pink in honor of the killing of fully-formed infants."
From the daughter of a Holocaust survivor that is a disgusting comparison and shows how hyperbolic this discussion is and how out of touch with the reality of the situation.
I agree !
At least this "Law" keeps the "Wee one" "Unaware" of what's happening huh ! The "Child" isn't mature enough to know yet !
Do you ever read what people post?
This practice has been going on years. No woman carries a baby for 9 months to abort it. No doctor would do that. We are talking about extreme circumstances.
And where is he?
And he had enablers who turned a blind eye.
As the original law said they couldn't !
This "Newbie" now gives "FREE RANGE" to ALL.... no matter when !
As to:
"This practice has been going on years."
"This" ….... is new. If this was going on for years before the "New" was in someone's basement.
And he got caught and went to prison. I think that's a good cautionary tale for anyone else who might...might consider doing the same thing he did.
Poor Kermit. He was a few decades to soon !
I doubt it....some doctors will doing anything to make money. We have pill factories, etc.
How he was able to maintain a license is disturbing.
A lot of evil people will do anything for money.
He is the exception and not the rule.
If that were true, (and it's not) this law would be pointless. That's already covered under the existing Virginia law. The whole point of this law is to make it easier for late term abortions to take place without having to claim "extreme circumstances."
It is true, you just don't want it to be
The change in the law does two things. One is it takes it out of the criminal realm and puts it into the medical and two it puts it into the hands of medical professionals. Also, roe v wade has been chipped away at on the state level and now with the conservative bend at SCOTUS, this is protection for the states that value roe v wade. I don't think that anyone is advocating for abortion of full term babies.
No. it doesn't. Honeslty, I have no idea what you mean. It's always been in the hands of medical officials. As I said, the whole point of the law is to lower the bar for late term abortions.
Thanks to the strike-feature on the Virginia website, you can see exactly how the bill would change current law:
As you can see, it removes the requirement that continuation of the pregnancy must "substantially and irremediably" impair the mental or physical health. It's right there for you. It's a new, lower standard.
is is protection for the states that value roe v wade
Virginia already allows late term abortions. Overturning Roe vs Wade wouldn't chage that.
I don't think that anyone is advocating for abortion of full term babies.
I know they don't talk publicly about that, but that's the whole point of this proposed law. Just look at the statute. It's to make it easier to abort full term babies. T
Please provide me with the link to this, since this is only part of the law. Removing the words "substantially and irremediably" does not necessarily lower the bar, if the rest of the law states that 24 weeks is the usual marker.
Attached is the proposed law.
The English language cannot be corrupted enough to sustain the sidea that removing the modifiers “substantially and irredeemably” doesn’t count as lowering the standard. That’s not how our language works.
knock yourself out trying to prove otherwise, but it’s right there in plain English.
It's quite clear no matter how hard others cover their ears and avert their eyes.
He's exactly where he belongs. I hope he never sees the other side of the fence ever again
I was going to say to that post - So in other words he is in prison for "breaking the law". As any other doctor would be for "breaking the law, but the post vanished.
Is that why both our comments ended up at the bottom?
I think so.
Nah, it's just the commenting system. First come first served.
We both replied to BF's comment but ended up on the bottom. His comment vanished
If it was in the 10 min grace period, that can happen. He can just delete a comment. Not sure how that gets you both to the bottom.
No comment regret.
A couple of years ago a fifth grader in my home town gave birth to a full term baby fathered by her own father. The pregnancy did not become known until the fifth or sixth month when she became plainly visibly pregnant and she was way too far along to terminate so she was forced to gave birth. Consider that for a while. BTW, nothing was done to the father and the girl's parents kept the baby.
That makes me ill. Very ill. I hate to think of the physical, emotional and mental damage the young girl gone through.
But the same people lamenting over these new laws don't give a flying fuck about this little girl and her evil parents.
Hey! She had the baby and that's all that matters!!!!
As they go skipping merrily down the street....
She isn't a fetus.
The little girl told her teachers she badly wanted to terminate. I could tell you many more horrors from way out in Oklahoma's Christian Country. Two girls that I graduated from high school with died during childbirth while tied to doors that had been removed from their hinges and put on saw horses. Both were then butchered after death to remove their babies. They were sisters, not twins but only 9-10 months apart in age, who belonged to a strict Christian sect that does not believe in doctors or modern medicine. Approximately 100 of their fellow churchgoers knelt and prayed around them for days and days while they struggled to give birth. It was all a horrid bloody mess and, of course, the two surviving babies who were both boys, grew up to be seriously damaged psychologically...
Both men just got remarried within their sect. Religious Freedumb!
wouldn't that be considered normal to the adam and eve crowd?
Seems like all the systems we have in place for abused children have failed her. The school, the parents, the hospital/doctors. Hard to believe that the father is not imprisoned.
Oklahoma law failed her. Before anyone knew WTF it was almost too late to terminate.
Besides, without parent's permission termination is illegal and they would never give it...
The parents stalled on it legally in count until it was too damn late to do a damn thing.
You would be surprised what sway religious sects have in lower population rural areas.
Most states have an exception for late term abortions for rape or incest.
The child should have been removed from the home and under the care of a state agency. The doctors did not report her pregnancy or the school?
Very odd story.
The school would be in a great deal of trouble. They are mandatory reporters of child abuse or suspected child abuse.