Ilhan Omar Doesn’t Represent American Muslims, She Represents Islamists

When the newly elected Rep. Ilhan Omar kicked off her acceptance speech with “As-Salaam-Alaikum,” I felt a space of belonging. There was a feeling that American Muslims had arrived—but what arrived with them, and which version of Islam was going to be represented through her and fellow Muslim freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib?
As-Salaam-Alaikum means “peace be with you,” but how Omar has carried herself in the weeks that followed has been anything put peaceful. Here’s a quick rundown of her recent actions.
Omar accused American Jews of holding dual loyalty toward Israel. However, there was no word of her loyalty to Islamist supremacism and its gold star prize of advancing the Palestinian cause by decimating the Jewish state’s right to exist.
Omar dehumanize d President Trump by saying he’s not really human. Now, Omar has survived a war zone. It takes a distorted mind to have received dehumanization at such scale, then dehumanize another.
Omar had trouble distinguishing between her opinion and a fact when discussing Sen. Lindsey Graham, whom she accused of being compromised with no evidence to support the smear.
Her high frequency of tweets and statements peddling anti-Semitic tropes led to congressional resolutions against anti-Semitism, which Omar made about Islamophobia . With the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ influence, the House resolution mutated from a specific issue to a catch-all that includes Islamophobia — a term that has no tangible meaning and has extended from initially meaning “fear of Islam” to being any perceived criticism toward Islam or Muslims (even if it comes from other Muslims).
The Lack of Accountability Continues to Grow
Omar frequently backpeddles on her statements, saying she’s been misunderstood. There is a term for this: gaslighting . As fellow Muslim reformer Dr. Zuhdi Jasser pointed out, Omar relies on the excuse of naivety granted her by the Democratic Party.
The gross level of permission given Omar to continue to be hateful and unrepentant is its own form of prejudice that sounds a lot like an inner Democratic monologue that might go like this: ‘The poor little oppressed brown Muslim girl is overwhelmed. We need to help her.”
Yes, we need to help her. We help her by giving her the dignity and respect of being treated as an adult, a peer, and a colleague. If we’re going to be generous, we help Omar by recognizing we’re looking at someone deeply affected by war and powerlessness , and unsteady in wielding power . We help her by holding her accountable.
The reluctance to hold her accountable stems in part from this idea that these are clumsy missteps. Yet none of this is new for Omar, who served in Minnesota’s House of Representatives in 2017, a role she stepped into after being politically active in her community. This is her second public office, and she enters her term with a trail of interviews that show a consistency in provocative and extreme views.
Past interviews offer telltale signs of revulsion toward America and a disturbingly odd defense for terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Omar has also asked for leniency toward ISIS terrorists (even though Minnesota’s Somali community has a radicalization problem ), but has been hesitant to commit to defending young Somali girls against female genital mutilation (the Somali community also scores high for ritualistic cutting).
Complicated Effects on American Muslims
For the public at large, Omar isn’t destroying any stereotypes in public office. In fact, so far she reinforces the stereotype that someone like her would believe what someone like her actually appears to believe, and that makes it almost insurmountably more difficult for other American Muslims. Because of her behavior, we will be hated more and trusted less.
Her effects on the American Muslim community are complicated to tease out. Pushing aside her unwavering Islamist allies (and most ardent public supporters), we find a mixed bag of American Muslims who find themselves struggling with her representation as a Muslim.
As one American Muslim pointed out to me in private conversation, “She has the right enemies.” Those enemies include Saudi Arabia , which despite its current favor with the Trump administration, is collectively hated by American Muslims for their unwillingness to sever the head of Wahhabi ideology and terror funding. It’s also hated for its gross human rights abuses and failure to leverage its wealth and power to offer humanitarian assistance to displaced Muslims. Yet Omar is pictured sitting in private meetings with Turkish President (and Islamist dictator) Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Her position on LGBTQIA issues is also divisive. Deeply disapproving of her anti-Semitism, liberal Muslims will align with Omar on her support for gay and trans issues , while traditional or conservative Muslims will further distance themselves. Meanwhile, Muslim reformers and traditionalists all but align on Omar, except on her criticisms of Jews, the state of Israel, or however else she might package those views. On that, traditionalists and fundamentalist Muslims are divided even amongst themselves.
All this is to underscore that it is not possible to peg Omar as representative of a collective Muslim identity. However, she checks off the boxes for Islamist representation, and that comes down to three key factors:
- Vitriolic hate for Israel, while blurring or tolerating gross anti-Semitism alongside sloppy scrutiny of Israeli policies.
- Absolute disinterest in good faith engagement and dialogue with non-Islamist personalities, particularly Muslim reformers.
- Using Western political channels to advance the agenda of Islamic supremacism, where Islam is narrowly defined by a small segment of a Muslim demographic. This demographic drives the public narrative through a visible Muslim identity, which must currently be seen as oppressed or victimized to gain additional public favor and tolerance that then reinforces the underlying supremacism.
Islam weaponized as a political tool, including weaponizing language such as “Islamophobia,” only advances Islamists. Islamism is not a representation of Islam. It is, however, a representation of an expansionist ideology among Muslim supremacists.
That 9/11 Poster Is the Problem in One Picture
The clumsy poster displayed at the West Virginia statehouse of Omar paired with the falling Twin Towers kicked up a fresh hysteria. The poster generated all sorts of jumping to conclusions, including fanning the fear that (1) Omar is a terrorist or a Trojan Horse, (2) Omar is responsible for the 9/11 attacks, (3) Omar is in some way linked to the 9/11 hijackers, and so forth.
It is as absurd to jump to any of these conclusions as it was to have created that poster. However, that poster exists, so let’s talk about it. Let’s start by putting the poster into words: the ideology of “tick tick boom” went from crashing into the Twin Towers to walking the halls of Congress.
A destructive ideology is hijacking Islam, and it see-saws from violent extremism to Islamism. Both the ideology of terror and the ideology of Islamism are destructive.
We’ve spent nearly 20 targeted years fighting terror at home and abroad. After all that, the West is seeing an increased tolerance toward radicalization, including from American politicians who in some cases can’t identity basic terror groups and in other cases lump terrorists of one ideology with non-violent Islamists of another ideology, as we see in the poster.
Among the far-left, terror ideology is no longer outrageous—it’s bundled under a banner of inclusivity. Among the far right, all Muslims are practicing taqiyya (the stealth art of lying). Almost 20 years after 9/11, most American political influencers and thinkers on the hill still struggle with discriminating between the faith and the ideology, between everyday Muslims and Islamists. Most still don’t know what a Muslim reformer is.
So yes, of course someone was going to create that poster because that is where we are in the conversation. We’ve bombed and killed a lot of people overseas, while allowing dangerous Muslim supremacists to rise as political and culture leaders at home.
Meanwhile, for the rest of us, having a public conversation on this level is only possible once an individual has swashbuckled her way through the Islamophobia accusations, because everything is Islamophobia — even if you’re a Muslim. Especially if you’re an anti-Islamist Muslim.
In sum, criticism of Omar’s actions is not an attack on her faith, nor is it an attack on the Somali community, or her skin color. It’s an attack on Omar’s actions, while raising the question of if and how America failed in integrating Omar and the community that influenced her.
As we pan through her tweets, interviews, and legislative work, we’re looking for American values that transcend race, color, and creed. Those American values aren’t defined by whether she practices Islam, chooses to wear a hijab, and so forth — those factors are absolutely irrelevant here. We’re looking to see if she can isolate the values that gave rise to a nation she and her family sought refuge in from war-torn Somalia.
If you have difficulty identifying what distances America from foreign terror groups for example, or deflect criticism with accusations of racism or bigotry versus engaging in a sophisticated debate of ideas, then once at the helm of power, you run to risk of not being able to keep America from becoming another country to escape from.
Omar is part of a growing legislative arm of the Islamist body, a body that was already well-formed with lobbies, cultural icons, and academics. Yet, as a Muslim reformer, my concern is less with Omar and more so with the debilitating chaos, controversy, and polarizing communication breakdown she brings. That is what Islamists do. They create chaos because they thrive in chaos.
By Shireen Qudosi
MARCH 18, 2019

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The question raised here is a valid one.
A fox News host dared to ask the same question:
"Omar wears a hijab, which, according to the Koran 33:59, tells women to cover so they won't get molested," Pirro said Saturday. "Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?"
Fox News (after strongly condemning Pirro's remarks) canceled her highly rated weekly show " Justice with Judge Jeanine ."
How about examining Pirro's logic:
"Think about this. She's [Omar] not getting this anti-Israel sentiment doctrine from the Democrat Party. So if it's not rooted in the party, where is she getting it from? Think about it."
Again I say, the question is valid
Fellow freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has recently tried to put Omar in a bubble by attacking those who dare criticize her:
Actually, Congresswoman Omar just represents her home district in Congress.
Last I heard she still has widespread support among her diverse constituency.
I suppose if this is not plainly true then she will have no chances for reelection...
A district which may be having second thoughts:
It is hard to get reelected if you do not represent your constituents well.
Ask Joe Crowley or any of the 41 gop congressthugs booted in 2018...
Do tell us about her "constituents"...
Shall I use the words of Ms Qudosi?
"Past interviews offer telltale signs of revulsion toward America and a disturbingly odd defense for terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Omar has also asked for leniency toward ISIS terrorists (even though Minnesota’s Somali community has a radicalization problem ), but has been hesitant to commit to defending young Somali girls against female genital mutilation (the Somali community also scores high for ritualistic cutting)"
How did Minneapolis end up with such a "constituency"????
What are you implying? Omar represents a plurality Muslim district...
So what? Is that not the way it should be? There are thirty seven Jewish members of Congress. Only a measly two of whom are in the gop. All nine Jews in the US Senate are Democrats including Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein. If they were demonized for their faith it would rightly be considered to be rank antisemitic prejudice. Just ask Ilan Omar. Likewise, dehumanizing Omar in a vain attempt to delegitimize and debase Omar based merely on her faith is plainly anti-American anti-Islamic prejudice. Just ask Dumb Judge Janine Pirro of Fox News. She just got canned for just that. Islamaphobia! Which is, BTW, just as morally repugnant as antisemitism is. You are not an Islamaphobe, are you? I surely hope not...
We know that American Jews tend to be liberal, but I doubt any American Jew agrees with what rep Omar says about them. As a matter of fact many of those you listed already have condemned her remarks.
Just ask Ilan Omar. Likewise, dehumanizing Omar in a vain attempt to delegitimize and debase Omar based merely on her faith is plainly anti-American anti-Islamic prejudice.
You mean using Omar's own rhetoric on herself is anti-American and anti-Islamic? Got it. She can do it, but we can't ask the same question of her.
What are you implying? Omar represents a plurality Muslim district...
I'm only asking how that district became plurality Muslim so quickly? Is that a valid question? I'm interested in the demographics, which are so closely linked to democratic elections.
Ethnic groups tend to migrate to locations welcoming to them. Eventually, if enough converge in a specific area, they become enough of a plurality to gain representation. It is just the same as any other district where any ethnic American gets elected. Omar absolutely denies the allegations you are making, by the way. She was roundly criticized for even implying congressional Jew might not be faithful representatives of their districts or might put Israel's interests ahead of America's. Now you are doing the same damn thing to Omar but in reverse. Omar appologized. Will you?
Omar apologised out of sheer political convenience only. She finally realized she created enough of a political shot storm that she had to try to backtrack herself out of it. There was absolutely no sincerity or altruism in her apology whatsoever. If you are naive enough to believe otherwise, like that old George Strait song goes, "I"ve got some oceanfront property in Arizona.", I'll sell you real cheap!
She sure does.
Birds of a feather praise each other, right?
More propaganda from the right where any critique of Israel (except of course torch bearing neo-nazis chanting Jews will not replace us) gets labeled anti-Semetic. I'm not buying it, nor are most Jewish-Americans.
No, I'm afraid Ms Omar has made her opinions quite clear. She has questioned the loyalty of American Jews. When she gets questioned for the same thing, we hear the cry of Islamophobia!
I can't believe this. I must have posted TEN TIMES if not more the clause from the International Holocaust Memorial Alliance, echoing the Ottawa Protocol, that says:
Do I have to ask Perrie to put it in a banner that is permanently displayed on the Front Page? What the fuck is the MATTER with some people?
Hi Buzz! The IHMA, to my knowledge is NOT a member of The NewsTalkers, nor have they ever been a topic I've posted on. I'm talking specifically about the alt+right's spreading lies. Blatant and obvious lies. This article's headline is one of those.
The article is an opinion piece. The title is subjective
It's a fucking lie. I can write an article saying everyone that supports Trump is a Nazi and it's okay since it's an opinion? NO, it would still be a lie.
That would be an opinion (as long as you believed it). Then your argument might be proven to be baseless or proven to be based on facts or may remain an open question. Based on Ms Omar's brief history of commentary as a US representative, it won't take very long to substantiate arguments made for or against her.
A baseless opinion (not an argument) is a lie. You can keep arguing semantics to make it seem like the seeded article has a point other than smearing fear.
Well Vic, now that you've posted this seed, I must say I'm surprised that those members who are so quick to scream "Islamophobe" have not already labelled you as such.
From the article:
That is exactly what I said in a comment on a previous seed about watering down the antisemitism resolution. I pointed out that when Trudeau passed a resolution about Islamophobia, the Canadian Progressive Conservative Party argued that there is no recognized definition of or parameters set for that word, so what is Islamophobia and what is NOT Islamophobia? - but as you can see, now EVERY criticism of Islam or Muslims, fair or not, DESERVED or not, will be considered Islamophobia, and the person who makes such a statement will be labelled an Islamophobe and most likely the SPLC will list him/her as a hater. Compare that with antisemitism which is clearly defined by the International Holocaust Memorial Alliance echoing the Ottawa Protocol indicating the parameters of what is and what is NOT antisemitism, and it has been ADOPTED by most civilized nations including the USA.
Shireen Qudosi has now joined my list of Muslim heroes, mostly devout Muslims, reformers who are not afraid to criticize Islamism, like Dr. Jasser:
I'm a little surprised myself. Maybe our resident progressives are able to address the argument, which in this case involves a valid concern, double standards and anti-Semitism.
Compare that with antisemitism which is clearly defined by the International Holocaust Memorial Alliance echoing the Ottawa Protocol indicating the parameters of what is and what is NOT antisemitism, and it has been ADOPTED by most civilized nations including the USA.
And as Iv'e told you before, I am shocked to see the level of anti-Semitism right here in the US. I am not Jewish, but I have good reason to be sensitive to this issue.
Shireen Qudosi has now joined my list of Muslim heroes, mostly devout Muslims, reformers who are not afraid to criticize Islamism
A true Heroine!
There's a fucking difference between criticism and hyperbolic bullshit and you know it, Buzz. There is absolutely no evidence Ms Omar represents Islamists, or Sharia Law over the US Constitution as has been put forth by some at Fox News and the online Trump twits. If you want honesty you won't find it at Fox News or from the various online Trump twit alt+right.
HI WallyW! How's it going today? Ms Omar is already a pain in the ass as are most of the Democrats' Progressive wing. They are as much a pain in the ass as the "Freedom Caucus" is in Congress.
I do know that devout Muslims have more in common with ultra-conservatives than progressive Democrats.
Unless they've blocked Trump's phone number and stopped taking his calls, I doubt conservative opinion is dead at Fox.
When "Things" are actually going well, The "Far Left" needs NEW "Phobia's" to cut the "Wellness" down to size. The "Far left" doesn't like "Things Doing well", they loose votes if it does !
The "Left" is all about "Crises" !
Nothing more....nothing less !
It's called silencing the opposition
I think they call that "Socialism/Communisim" !
The effect is all the same - delegitimizing dissent!
Yippers !
Is that like a President asking for the FCC to open investigations into TV shows he doesn't like? He seems to be channeling Stalin a lot lately. Stalin also called the free press the enemy of the people.
Sorry, Trump is off topic
Such a rebuttal! Impressive!
You're the one that brought up silencing the opposition. If the right wasn't in full projection mode 24/7 I'd have nothing to comment on.
"What utter nonsense."
The BEST "Lefty-Go-To" EVER !
Another respected Muslim who, like Dr. Jasser, condemns Omar's blatant anti-Semitism is Dr. Qanta Ahmed in her Op/Ed: