Ted Koppel says the media is anti-Trump

The msm has finally been called out for what it has become.
The criticism comes from none other than Ted Koppel, who put it this way:
"I'm terribly concerned that when you talk about the New York Timesthese days, when you talk about the Washington Post these days, we're not talking about the New York Times of 50 years ago." "We're talking about organizations that I believe have, in fact, decided as organizations that Donald J. Trump is bad for the United States." "we have things appearing on the front page of the New York Times right now that never would have appeared 50 years ago. Analysis, commentary on the front page."
It is refreshing to hear a legendary reporter of Koppel's stature admit what most people know to be true. How do I know it's most people, you ask?
Here from Gallup:
"Gallup first began asking if Americans trusted the mainstream media in 1972. America’s trust and confidence in mainstream media stood at its highest level back in 1976 at 72%. Of course, that was due to the investigative journalism regarding Vietnam, and naturally Woodward and Berstein, with the Watergate scandal. Following that period, the media began to attack the right with Reagan. By the late 1990s, the Americans’ trust in the media fell steadily into the low to mid 50% level.
Following 2005, the trust in mainstream media dropped into the mid 40% range. It has consistently been below a majority level ever since the 2007 economic decline. However, after the 2016 election and the extreme bias for Hillary, where virtually 99% of mainstream media deliberately tried to manipulate the people to vote for Hillary, the trust factor has collapsed to 32%. When they polled just conservative Republicans, it was 14%. So the 32% level is the average American."
The media went all out trying to un-do the 2016 election. They decided that Donald Trump was bad for America (Koppel has that right) and they destroyed not Trump, but their own credibility.
Perhaps many journalist recall the giddy feeling they all got when they were an integral part of the take down of a President. The words of that fallen leader may have been missed by them:
“Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.” .......Richard Nixon

To be filed under "Truth to power"
What most people know is that Donald Trump is a total asshole.
People give him a hard time? Well knock me over with a feather. The only questionable thing is why everyone isn't giving him a god damn hard time.
We always knew that conservatives would be desperate to try and "normalize" this comic tragedy, and indeed people like you attempt it every day.
The New York Times the Washington Post and all media have a duty to oppose this sham of a president, and they don't do it near enough to tell you the truth.
Not really. I don't think that's the "duty" of the press. They have a duty report the facts, but they should not be in the practice of deciding that the president is a sham except on the editorial page. The readers are the ones who are supposed to decide if he is a sham or not, but when all you hear is negative, it's hard to think otherwise.
The media report virtually everything about Trump in the worst possible light and minimize or ignore anything positive.
The extreme coverage of this president is a dramatic contrast to the persistent fawning for eight years over President Obama when we saw the White House Press Corps cease to be reporters and turn into the National Steno Pool, obediently repeating everything they were told without question.
Used to be ….. the "Media" was all about reporting on the actual issue, to let YOU decide right and wrong. Now, as you say, it should be ALL ABOUT "opposition", to tell you what you should think as to right and wrong !
"...the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious."
"The money pigs of capitalist democracy: Money has made slaves of us. Money is the curse of mankind. It smothers the seed of everything great and good. Every penny is sticky with sweat and blood."
"The masses need something that will give them a thrill of horror."
Joseph Goebbels
Let's not forget the Hillary fawning and stroking as well.
What has Trump done that is objectively positive? Putting more partisans on the Supreme Court and meeting with Little Rocket Man dont count as objective.
It is true that the economy is doing well, and the media pretty often reports that, but there is a question as to what credit for that belongs to trump.
He is a disgrace of a human being. Evidently that doesnt interest conservatives in 2019.
Riiiiiight. We all somehow missed that. Gee...all this 40 years of Trump's publicly televised life I thought he was just out raising money for charity and spending his evenings feeding the homeless. He's an asshole?? Who knew??
Do you actually read the bullshit you type? Of course people know. They don't care.
Out of curiosity, what else do you imagine "most people don't know"? That fire is hot? Water is wet?
Or....in the real non-deranged world... they have a duty to report the news objectively and without bias.
And if you read the NY Times or Washington Post, I can see why you would think that. That's what we're talking about.
Although with you, you can't even acknowledge the good stuff here that was just listed for you, so maybe it's not just the papers.
In addition to the stuff listed @ 1.2.6 , let's remember the fact that many people predicted - before Trump took office - economic collapse or similar disastrous results from his administration. There has been plenty of time now and the opposite is happening. Economic factors continue to improve across the board. It's not Utopia - yet
- but there has been a broad range of economic improvements and he continues to fight to secure the border. Those are really the two main reasons he was elected.
Trump Administration Accomplishments
Trump's Top 10 Achievements of 2018
You can keep saying it, but that doesn't make it true. Several things have been listed and you won't touch on any of them. You claim it's all for him and his donors, but you can't show how. It's just empty rhetoric.
Obama was a NATO tool; Bush on steroids increasing extra judicial drone killings across the world- including two US citizens w/o trial ; global destabilizer Libya, Ukraine, Yemen, Syria; and Iranian appeaser.
Trump sucks, but no where nearly as bad as Obama.
It was 5 years ago this week when Trump stood by and watched Russia invade the Crimea.
Well, so sorry you did not get a president willing to suck up exclusively to the progressive liberal left and their agenda. 2020 is around the corner. Better luck that time around....
Actually, due to Trump's taunting, Lil Kim launched at least 19 successful missiles. More than all of the successful launches and attempts dating back 50years.
Had NOKO's own Hydrogen bomb experiments not collapsed their test site mountain, they would still be testing atomic bombs and test launching ICBMs. imho.
The lull is probably due to how long it takes to hollow out a new mountain, while the world watches Kim get treated like an equal on the world stage by Trump.
Got to ask...... Who threw the first punch..... Trump at the press, or the press at Trump?
And it is as true as ever.....Never argue with a man who buys his ink by the barrel!
Most would agree that Trump in his demeanor has stepped way outside of what was considered "historically normal" for the Oval Office. Trump's constant and unnecessary lies about the smallest of things is like ringing the dinner bells for the salivating press dogs. Trump is making it too easy for the press to attack him. Seriously.... attacking a dead senator by tweet does what to move discussions along on important topics?
the media has been throwing BS/punches at us for decades prior to trump.
trump is the first president to punch back. (just one reason why he got elected)
if anything about trump was historically normal? he would not have been elected.
our politicians have been selling us out for decades as well.
Well, we'll find out if people want him and his demeanor returned to the WH in another few months won't we...?
if "a few months" means almost 2yrs? yepp, it will be good fun.
As to who threw the first punch, to me it doesn't matter as the other side didn't have to punch back. But that's all water under the bridge now so we have what we have.
Does Trump lie a lot? yes. However there are many of his 'lies' that are reported as lies when in reality they are not what the other side wanted to hear, or he didn't go far enough. Or the MSM calls it a lie even when they cannot fact check it. Exaggeration seems to be allowed. And I am very tied of so called news reporters who provide a report but have to inject their opinion without indicating it's their opinion. Or the exaggeration in the process such as instead of saying 'he did poorly' they will say 'he did SO poorly'. They over-emphasize too much IMO.
I'm pretty sure that all media sources left and right and sometimes even center fit your description from time to time. I think you would agree with that as well.
This all goes back to "What is the truth?"
I can agree with that as well. even fox is not much more than controlled opposition.
it all started with "entertainment - news"
journalistic integrity has been all downhill ever since.
FlyNavy, please don't collaborate in the normalization of President* Donald Trump.
John..... Has it ever occurred to you that maybe if people could have discussed things as far back as Newsvine without rubbing each other's noses in shit, that we just might have avoided the dumpster fire that Trump is?
Yes, I'm an optimist, but I leave the hopeless POS cement-heads to themselves. The rest here I try to be civil and communicate with.
Seriously? The media needs someone to point their own bias out to them?
In other news water is found to be wet. Unless it is solid, which it is then ice, and cold. Or it is in gaseous form, steam, which is hot; which might make you sweat- which is a different form of wet- and smell. Mainstream media blames Trump for the confusion; and demands his immediate impeachment.
More congrats for Koppel:
"Ted Koppel speaks the truth. Yesterday he was talking to my old Harvard professor Marvin Kalb at some seminar and told him that The New York Times, The Washington Post, and network news are all violating basic rules of journalism by trying to destroy the President of the United States.
Mr. Kalb, who obviously did not expect Koppel’s assessment, had no reply other than Trump deserves it.
Uh, professor, that’s not what reporters are supposed to do. They are not in business to punish people they don’t like. That is a violation of journalistic ethics. I’m sorry, did I just write “journalistic ethics?” Must have had a flashback to 30 years ago.
Anyway, way to go Ted K. Thanks for the reality check. I will expand on your truth-telling tonight on The No Spin News. Hope you will watch.".......Bill O'Reilly
Koppel is one of the few remaining "old guard" of journalists that had ethics, integrity, and a well founded moral center. I respect this man!
We have a president that does and says things that one wouldn't have 50 years ago.
Goes hand in hand.
So what? That dosen't mean opinions get substituted for factual news reporting. We depend on the media for news, not politicians!
Most so called news is opinion and fox is no exception.
This has been so obvious for so long, you wouldn't think it would even be controversial.
Freedom of the press is guaranteed, but trust and respect has been lost. The media and many others have brought this upon themselves
The NYT and WaPo aren't the only sources that do this. Even my anti-Trump/anti-Republican local/regional newspaper is guilty. The front page is filled with sports, celebrities, and opinion even though there are sections dedicated to each. World and US news are buried at least 6 pages into the first section instead of being first page.
This is just Koppel showing his age. The front page's purpose is to attract readers. NYT & WaPo have web versions. They can tell by clicks what people are looking for, and the articles with the most clicks are going to tend to land on the front page.
That's a nice ageism attack. BTW, he's only 79. In today's world, that's far from ancient. Joe Biden is almost 77 and Bernie Sanders is 77 - both seem to be running for presidency, and they'll be nearly 80.
The front page's real purpose is to report unbiased world and US news for a particular day, with the most important news above the fold. There's a reason newspapers have what's called an Op/Ed section.
Yes, I know. I subscribe to both the NYT's web and paper editions.
Anything else?
You've hit the nail squarely.
They are looking for clicks. Professional, impartial, ethical journalism does not generate as many clicks as biased, half true, sensationalist yellow journalism.
One of the good things about the Trump era is that it's destroyed the pretense that the media is objective. The media never has been objective, but CNN etc are openly agents of the Democratic party now.
Here's Woodward on Trump in 2018: "I've never seen an instance when the President is so detached from the reality of what's going on," ... "This has not been treated seriously enough. Some of the things Trump did and does jeopardize the real national security."
Bernstein on Trump in 2018: "The idea of being a grifter while at the same time being President of the United States, a flim-flam artist, a con man, someone who lies, somebody who uses instruments at his command to obtain and do things that are untoward and underhanded."
While I agree with their assessments, I believe that many people are unhinged about Trump. This is unnecessary, Trump's got the unhinged part fully covered. His behavior should simply be reported clearly, and his lies pointed out just as clearly. Theories as to why he does some things should be, and usually are, opinion pieces.
Once Reagan vetoed the Fairness Doctrine, what did we expect? There are many newspapers that are equally in the bag FOR Trump, no matter what he does.
Think of it this way ... have you ever seen a feel good story about mosquitoes? Of course not. Some turds are impossible to shine.
Somebody went to see "vice"