
Your next car may not allow you to speed on the highway


Category:  Health, Science & Technology

Via:  perrie-halpern  •  6 years ago  •  124 comments

Your next car may not allow you to speed on the highway
More than 37,000 Americans have been killed in high-speed crashes in the past 25 years, and automakers are now under increasing pressure to limit the top speeds of vehicles.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

By   Paul A. Eisenstein

As many as 37,000 Americans have been killed on the highway in the past 25 years as a result of increased speed limits, according to   a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

In some states, speed limits have now climbed as high as 85 mph since Congress repealed the National Maximum Speed Limit in 1994. And, according to U.S. safety regulators, excess speed plays a role in about 26 percent of all highway fatalities. With ever more powerful vehicles taking to the roads every year, automakers are coming under increasing pressure to take steps to limit the top speeds of their vehicles.

Swedish automaker Volvo said last month it will cap the top speed at 112 mph in its cars, starting with the 2021 model-year. That’s well above even the fastest legal limit in the U.S., but federal records show it’s not unusual for speeders to exceed that number — and the faster you go, the lower the chance of surviving a crash.

“Because of our research, we know where the problem areas are when it comes to ending serious injuries and fatalities in our cars,” said Håkan Samuelsson, president and chief executive of Volvo Cars. “And while a speed limitation is not a cure-all, it’s worth doing if we can even save one life.”

America began phasing out the National Maximum Speed Limit that was put in place in 1974 in response to the first Mideast oil crisis. Noncompliance was high and there was strong pushback from states like Nevada and South Dakota. In the early 1980s, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration tried to get motorists to slow down by requiring that speedometers couldn’t read out anything above 85 mph. The blowback from consumers eventually led the NHTSA to drop that rule. In 1987 the speed limit was raised to a maximum 65 on interstate highways, and Congress repealed the NMSL entirely in 1995.

Currently, the fastest highway in the country is a 41-mile stretch of SH 130 in mid-Texas, where passenger vehicles can top out at 130 mph. But for those with a real need for speed, their mecca is the German Autobahn, which has thousands of miles of roadway with no speed limit whatsoever. Some sections do now have restrictions: Travelers driving the 600 miles from Cologne to Berlin will barely find a spot to drive above 100 kmh, or 62 mph — lower than most U.S. superhighways today. And there are proposals backed by Germany’s powerful Green Party that would limit speeds to 130 kmh, or 80 mph.

When it comes to limited-access highways, not everyone buys into the conventional wisdom that “speed kills.” In some places, “increasing the speed limit (will) make the roadways safer,” contends safety expert Tom Sohrweide. He claims his studies show that what’s more important is keeping traffic moving at consistent speeds, with relatively minor gaps between the fastest and slowest vehicles. Sohrweide doesn’t propose eliminating speeds entirely but recommends they be set at the 85th percentile, or the speed at which 85 percent of traffic is moving.

Not everyone buys that argument, however — and some experts contend that lowering speed limits is necessary because of the high number of distracted drivers. Others point out that lower limits reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

What’s clear is the debate over vehicle speeds is only going to continue.


jrDiscussion - desc
Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    6 years ago

Is being able to speed a right? (she says as a joke... kind of).....discuss. 

Junior Participates
1.1  epistte  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1    6 years ago

Most Americans cannot competently drive and they are too busy playing with the various toys in their cars to drive.

Speeding cannot be a right because a law cannot be unenforceable. It is doubtful that most people ever break 100mph in their cars, so Volvo's idea is not new nor it w it have any changes for most drivers.

Professor Guide
1.1.2  Gordy327  replied to  epistte @1.1    6 years ago
Most Americans cannot competently drive

Indeed. Many probably cannot even drive a stick shift.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.1.3  seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.2    6 years ago


Funny that you say that. I was just talking about how only a handful of my kids' generation can drive a stick. What's up with that?

Professor Guide
1.1.4  Gordy327  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.3    6 years ago
Funny that you say that. I was just talking about how only a handful of my kids' generation can drive a stick. What's up with that?

I guess people want to do things the "easy way." So they don't bother to learn a stick shift or are taught only on an automatic. I sold my stick shift car some years ago and one person was interested in buying, but backed out when they found it was a manual transmission, saying they didn't know how to drive it (stick shift). They didn't even know what a manual transmission was. That's like saying you don't know what an engine is. I was stunned. I always said, if you learn to drive a stick, you can drive anything.

Sophomore Quiet
1.1.5  katrix  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.4    6 years ago

My truck is a 5-speed, but to be honest, it's a pain in the ass in heavy traffic.  They can be pretty scary for new drivers on hills, too, especially if some moron pulls up too close behind you.

Professor Guide
1.1.6  Gordy327  replied to  katrix @1.1.5    6 years ago
They can be pretty scary for new drivers on hills, too, especially if some moron pulls up too close behind you.

Hills are no problem if one has the driving skills. Hills presented a little challenge for me when I first learned to drive (on a manual transmission). Now they're nothing to me. I can start up on a hill as easily as I can on a flat road surface.

Junior Participates
1.1.7  epistte  replied to  Gordy327 @1.1.2    6 years ago
Indeed. Many probably cannot even drive a stick shift.

It is a fact that cars with manual transmission are stolen less because car thieves cannot drive stick. A clutch pedal is a virtual anti-theft device.

I prefer manuals and I made sure that my daughter could drive a stick shift, but apparently, she is one of the few millennials who can. 

Junior Participates
1.1.8  epistte  replied to  XDm9mm @1.1.1    6 years ago
We just do our best to not get caught.

My biggest ticket was a 7mph over the limit, about 20 years ago, despite the fact that I have cracked 3 digits a few times on the highway, usually about 3AM.  

Professor Guide
1.1.9  Gordy327  replied to  epistte @1.1.7    6 years ago
I prefer manuals

As do I. jrSmiley_79_smiley_image.gif

Junior Silent
1.1.10  zuksam  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.3    6 years ago

I think most of the problem is Manual Transmissions just aren't available on most cars or trucks. People are used to buying the New Car or Truck they like then choosing the options but if a stick shift is what you want that's where you need to start because that knocks 98% of the New Vehicles right off the list. Even most New 18 wheelers these days are automatics. This has been the trend for 25 years and for those of us who were driving in the 70's and 80's it seem odd not to know how to drive stick because a third of the cars and trucks on the road back then were manual. By the way the best way to learn to drive stick is on a small dirt bike like a xr80 you get the feel for starting and stopping and shifting on a much more forgiving platform. That's how I learned and I was taught to ride a motorcycle young and then driving cars came naturally, just a bigger vehicle.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.4  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1    6 years ago
Is being able to speed a right? (she says as a joke... kind of)

when crossing  the usa I used to factor in tickets as part of the cost of travel.

 to save 8hrs time or more was worth a couple hundred dollar ticket.

still is :)

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.4.2  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  XDm9mm @1.4.1    6 years ago
Use caution where you do that.

of course.

radar detectors and CB radios help with that greatly

40yrs driving and only one ticket.

blew past a cop on the interstate like he was not even there.

I used my blinkers when I passed him.  (safety first)

I just didn't know it was a cop for another 10-15mins until he caught up

he asked whats the rush?

I said I had been driving for days and once I'm over those mountains in front of us, I get to sleep

he only wrote me a ticket for 10mph over the posted limit.

on my motorcycle, I recently passed a cop on ocean drive "limit 35" doing 90mph

he asked for my ID, checked his radio, came back handed me my ID

and then simply said?   thank you sir. have a great night.

(no ticket - not even a warning to slow down.)

if you try this - results may vary :)

Professor Silent
1.4.3  SteevieGee  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @1.4.2    6 years ago

Wow.  You guys have a total disregard for the laws of this nation, or for the safety of others.  It's all about law and order for anybody else though.  You guys should lose your licenses.  I have never had a speeding ticket or any other moving violation.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.4.5  It Is ME  replied to  SteevieGee @1.4.3    6 years ago

WOW what ?

Bet you've spit on the sidewalk at one time or another. There are laws about that dontchyaknow !

charger 383
Professor Silent
1.4.6  charger 383  replied to  XDm9mm @1.4.1    6 years ago

"I believe 20 MPH over in VA might be a felony charge"

20 over or over 80 can be reckless driving in VA, crazy law

Professor Silent
1.4.7  SteevieGee  replied to  It Is ME @1.4.5    6 years ago
Bet you've spit on the sidewalk at one time or another. There are laws about that dontchyaknow !

Actually I'm not aware of any laws about spitting on sidewalks.  I guess they exist. I would never spit on a sidewalk or anywhere else because I'm not a disgusting pig.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.4.8  It Is ME  replied to  SteevieGee @1.4.7    6 years ago
I would never spit on a sidewalk or anywhere else because I'm not a disgusting pig.


That's what EVERYONE says !

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.4.11  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  XDm9mm @1.4.4    6 years ago
if you're courteous to the cop, he/she will reciprocate and ease up a bit. 

word. I'm always nice to the police

and they have never gone out of their way to screw me over.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.4.12  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Tessylo @1.4.10    6 years ago
Wow aren't you a bad ass?

im not a badass... and im no pussy either.

if your not living on the edge? yer takin up too much space in the middle.

cheers :)

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.4.13  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  SteevieGee @1.4.3    6 years ago
You guys have a total disregard for the laws of this nation, or for the safety of others.

rule 1) no one gets hurt around me unless they deserve it.

rule 2) see the first rule.

have lived by those two simple rules my entire life, not going to change now.

as for disregard of our laws? if the govt had won the drug war? weed would not be legal in some states like it is now. civil disobedience gets things done over time.

if everyone drove the speed limit in the past they never would have raised it above 55 which was the speed limit at the time of my examples above.

with today's 85mph speed limits... 90mph is fast enough for me.

cheers :)

Professor Silent
1.4.14  SteevieGee  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @1.4.11    6 years ago
word. I'm always nice to the police and they have never gone out of their way to screw me over.

That's because you are really more like a cue ball than an eight ball.

Professor Quiet
1.5  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1    6 years ago

I make concious effort to drive the speed limit on the highways. If the sign says 65, I do 65 except when passing another slow moving vehicle. No matter what the posted speed limit, there are always idiots that have to go faster. Yesterday I was driving home from another town 60 miles away. I was doing 65 when a nice looking shiny new SUV with plates from Mexico on comes roaring past me at about 80 or so with a couple of young guys in it laughing their heads off. A couple of miles down the road, that same vehicle had been pulled over by the Arizona Highway Patrol. Those two guys looked at me and I just smiled and waved at them as I drove by...

Sophomore Quiet
1.5.2  katrix  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @1.5    6 years ago

If I went 65 on highways where the posted limit is 65, I'd cause an accident.  Even in the right lane, sometimes.  I try to keep up with the traffic flow.  I'm generally going around 75 in the left lane - but I always move over if someone else wants to go faster.  And not at the last minute, either ... I can tell that they're coming up on me and move over.  The exception is when I'm going past an on-ramp.  For some reason, despite all the farmland, the idiots who designed one of the highways I take decided not to put in a merge area.  So whenever possible, I get over in the left lane while passing the on-ramp, even if it pisses someone behind me off for a couple of minutes.  The people merging don't care that they have no merge area, decide they have the right of way, and pull right in anyway, even if there are cars in the right lane going 65 or 70 mph.

Yesterday I was passing someone, I was going 75 in the left lane along with the rest of the left-lane traffic  ... some idiot came flying up in the right lane behind the car which was now about next to me, realized at the last minute there was no room in between me and the car I was passing, and passed the right-hand car on the shoulder.  Idiot.

Generally cops won't give you a ticket if you're going 8 or 9 over on a higher speed road, and 4 or so over in a 25 mph zone.  In rush hour, usually they won't pull anyone over ... but then in rush hour around here, you're generally not speeding anyway because traffic is too heavy.

Professor Guide
1.5.3  Gordy327  replied to  katrix @1.5.2    6 years ago
Generally cops won't give you a ticket if you're going 8 or 9 over on a higher speed road, and 4 or so over in a 25 mph zone.

Unless they need to meet their ticket quota for the week. jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2  Buzz of the Orient    6 years ago

There was a time when "governors" (a device that sets a top speed that cannot be surpassed) were installed on car motors (in Canada, at least) but eventually they were no longer mandatory.  I think that the top speed limit control in cars should be at least 20 mph above the highest posted speed limit for safety reasons.  There can be situations in driving where a car must put on a burst of speed, such as when passing an 18-wheeler, and being unexpectedly confronted with a car coming towards you on a 2 lane highway, in a situation where cars are backed up behind the truck so slowing is no solution. 

Sophomore Quiet
2.1  katrix  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2    6 years ago

Or when you're running away from a police car that's chasing you!

Sophomore Quiet
2.1.3  katrix  replied to  XDm9mm @2.1.2    6 years ago

Yeah, which is something the people who try to outrun cops never seem to think about.

Professor Guide
2.1.4  Gordy327  replied to    6 years ago
Camaro ZL1 1LE over 600 hp and 170 mph

Nice. jrSmiley_79_smiley_image.gif

Professor Quiet
2.1.5  Sunshine  replied to  katrix @2.1    6 years ago
Or when you're running away from a police car that's chasing you!

My husband did that on a motorcycle with me on the back.  He didn't get caught but he caught a lot of fury from me.

Professor Quiet
2.1.8  Sunshine  replied to  XDm9mm @2.1.7    6 years ago
I hope you STILL give him hell about that!!

Not the first time he did it either, not with me, but other times by himself.  

I was so damn mad.  I'm getting mad again!  lol

Professor Quiet
2.1.11  Sunshine  replied to  Release The Kraken @2.1.6    6 years ago
I did 90 past a motorcycle cop the other day

I hope you where wearing a helmet.  Michigan does not require helmets anymore.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
2.1.15  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Release The Kraken @2.1.14    6 years ago
I wear a helmet, but the trick is unbaffled drag pipes. 

if I have someone on the back who wants a helmet, I wear one also to protect my self from them clocking me in the back of the head with their head.

as for straight pipe? nothing will save a life faster than that.

I had one so quiet it was silly, and almost every day someone would try to push me out of my lane like I was not even there. (they didn't even look before changing lanes)

after straight pipes? everyone for a mile knows exactly where I am at all times.

id rather be flipped off for my pipes than ran smooth over.

people get mad, I just smile :)

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
2.1.17  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Release The Kraken @2.1.16    6 years ago


my only limits on passengers are:

  1. no guys
  2. no liberals

I'll let em all walk.

here is my scooter


Sophomore Quiet
2.1.19  katrix  replied to  Release The Kraken @2.1.14    6 years ago
I wear a helmet, but the trick is unbaffled drag pipes.  Every car with in a mile rattles

I used to wonder why people liked their bikes to be so loud, until a friend explained it to me.  Makes perfect sense.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1.20  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  katrix @2.1    6 years ago

I'll bet police cars, ambulances, fire trucks and certain government vehicles (like secret service, FBI, CIA and the POTUS limo) will not be subject to the limitation.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1.21  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  katrix @2.1.19    6 years ago

Up until now I thought noisy bikes were childish, but now I see the point.

Junior Participates
2.1.23  epistte  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2.1.20    6 years ago

You do not want any fire truck driving over 100mph. Trust me on this.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1.24  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  XDm9mm @2.1.22    6 years ago

Thanks for the info.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
2.1.25  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  epistte @2.1.23    6 years ago

Okay, I guess you're right.

Junior Participates
2.1.26  epistte  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @2.1.25    6 years ago
Okay, I guess you're right.

Those trucks don't handle well at much over 75MPG, especially in anything but a straight line.   The truck suspension is actually quite crude live axles and beam axles.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
4  The Magic 8 Ball    6 years ago
Not everyone buys that argument 

or will be buying that car.

besides, im not sure they have met the motorheads in the usa.

any part, govenor, or computer program holding a car back can be replaced, removed, and or rewritten.

they will have those cars on the dragstrip in no time flat

back yard mechanics in this country will make a game out of it.

if they love the car but hate limits - they can simply replace the motor with a blown 350 small-block :)

Professor Principal
4.1  Ender  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @4    6 years ago

Thought the same. There is always a way around things.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
4.1.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Ender @4.1    6 years ago

regulations only unleash the awesome creativity of man.

cheers :)

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5  It Is ME    6 years ago

"What’s clear is the debate over vehicle speeds is only going to continue."

Can't wait for some dipshit in congress to propose some idiotic rule that makes car companies put a governor on ALL new cars to limit their speeds to 55 mph max.. jrSmiley_99_smiley_image.jpg

charger 383
Professor Silent
6  charger 383    6 years ago

I would not like a car like that.  

It Is ME
Masters Guide
7  It Is ME    6 years ago

If ya think about it, 37,000 deaths due to "High Speed" in 25 years, ain't bad at all, if you compare it to the yearly automotive deaths that occur from "Other" (37,000/year).

I'll take my chances with "High Speed" then.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
7.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  It Is ME @7    6 years ago

was just going to make the same point.

37,000 deaths in 25yrs?  with over 20,000 cities in our country?

 this is so not even a national emergency of any kind.

automakers are now under increasing pressure.

I'm calling bs here...  the consumer is king.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
7.1.1  It Is ME  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @7.1    6 years ago

Some Politician always has this need to "Restrict" based on some "Study" or another, and it sucks !

Professor Quiet
8  Freefaller    6 years ago

Can't say whether it's a right or not but as sufferer of LFSCS (lead foot speed creep syndrome) I thank god everyday for the invention of cruise control.  It has saved me a lot of money oven the years

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
9  Trout Giggles    6 years ago

I treat speed limits like suggestions

charger 383
Professor Silent
10  charger 383    6 years ago

Speed limits are more for revenue generation than safety 

Sophomore Silent
11  Phoenyx13    6 years ago

a very interesting article and corresponding comments with bragging about circumventing laws and not being caught.... very interesting... i suppose it's fun to plan how to circumvent laws and not get caught, or just factor in breaking the law to your trip.... is it ok just because of the law that's being broke (the speed limit) ?

Professor Principal
11.1  Ender  replied to  Phoenyx13 @11    6 years ago

For the land of the free, we sure have a lot of laws.

Even Germany has the Autobahn.

Sophomore Silent
11.1.1  Phoenyx13  replied to  Ender @11.1    6 years ago
For the land of the free, we sure have a lot of laws. Even Germany has the Autobahn.

tis true - we do have a lot of laws. i guess it's "cool" to break some and not so cool to break others ? (i love the Autobahn, but i don't think that would work in the USA.)

Professor Principal
11.1.2  Ender  replied to  Phoenyx13 @11.1.1    6 years ago

Eh, everyone has probably jay-walked before.

Lets just say that I do slow down for school zones.

love the Autobahn, but i don't think that would work in the USA

True. A lot of idiot drivers around.

Sophomore Silent
11.1.3  Phoenyx13  replied to  Ender @11.1.2    6 years ago
Eh, everyone has probably jay-walked before.

oh probably true, myself included. Except i'm not giving tips on circumventing laws or advice on how to handle law enforcement... but to each their own.. it's just odd that on other articles many people are all up in arms about lawbreakers and yet here they brag about being lawbreakers and give advice on it.... it's very interesting to me :) i guess some laws are "cool" to break and others aren't... i wish i had a list of which laws fell into which categories...

Lets just say that I do slow down for school zones.

very good to hear

True. A lot of idiot drivers around.

absolutely !

Sophomore Silent
11.1.5  Phoenyx13  replied to  Texan1211 @11.1.4    6 years ago
I know lots of people who think it is cool to break immigration laws. That's a start to your list.

oh ? so in your opinion - immigration laws are cool to break ?

Sophomore Silent
11.1.7  Phoenyx13  replied to  Texan1211 @11.1.6    6 years ago
WHAT? Did you read what I wrote?

WHAT ? you couldn't answer the question about your own personal opinion ?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
11.1.9  Trout Giggles  replied to  Phoenyx13 @11.1.3    6 years ago

It's a game to me. If I get caught speeding, I just take my ticket and politely thank the officer and go on my way...

....of course I've only been stopped 3 times and haven't received a ticket yet.....

Sophomore Silent
11.1.10  Phoenyx13  replied to  Texan1211 @11.1.8    6 years ago
Sorry, it was such an inane question I was momentarily taken aback. Of course I don't think it is cool to break immigration laws. That's why I don't.

ok, so immigration laws are in the "not cool to break" category... so what about speed limits ? do you break those because it's "cool" or do you obey them because it's "not cool to break" them ?

Sophomore Silent
11.1.11  Phoenyx13  replied to  Trout Giggles @11.1.9    6 years ago
It's a game to me. If I get caught speeding, I just take my ticket and politely thank the officer and go on my way... ....of course I've only been stopped 3 times and haven't received a ticket yet.....

ah gotcha. do you think it's ok to break speed limits but not ok to break other laws ?

Sophomore Silent
11.1.13  Phoenyx13  replied to  Texan1211 @11.1.12    6 years ago
Perhaps to you. I know lots of people who don't mind breaking immigration laws at all. I dare say some probably think it is cool.

are those people on this article or commenting on this article ? ... or did you not comprehend my comment you initially replied to:

it's just odd that on other articles many people are all up in arms about lawbreakers and yet here they brag about being lawbreakers and give advice on it.... it's very interesting to mei guess some laws are "cool" to break and others aren't... i wish i had a list of which laws fell into which categories...

i even bolded (and increased the font size) for you to help you out this time. Please let me know if you need any further help.

I'm all for speed limits. I don't break them because I think it is cool nor do I obey them because I think it is cool.

ah ok, thanks for the info :)

All I was doing was trying to help you with that list you seemed to want.

well you helped with your opinion, but your initial comment was not helpful since these "people" you know are probably not on this article.

Sophomore Silent
11.1.15  Phoenyx13  replied to  Texan1211 @11.1.14    6 years ago
I suspect some are. That wasn't what you initially asked.
or did you not comprehend my comment you initially replied to:

My comprehension is just fine. Yours appears to be lacking.

Part of your comment I responded to is this:

i wish i had a list of which laws fell into which categories...

yes, you responded to that which was preceded by..... (are you ready ?)... this !:

it's just odd that on other articles many people are all up in arms about lawbreakers and yet here they brag about being lawbreakers and give advice on it.... it's very interesting to mei guess some laws are "cool" to break and others aren't...

so yes, your comprehension appears to be lacking since i wish i had a listdue to the comments already made on this article... i guess context goes along with comprehension ? it's not like i was asking for a random list from "people" you supposedly know, right ?

I didn't claim they were here, nor is it what you asked.

don't forget about context ok ?

You're welcome. I don't mind answering when you ask nicely.

awesome :)

Do what you will with that!

i did :) you seem pretty consistent with laws and adhering to them - so thanks :)

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
11.1.16  Trout Giggles  replied to  Phoenyx13 @11.1.11    6 years ago

Sometimes I jaywalk. And speeding and jaywalking are not victimless crimes so I'm bad for doing that.

But I don't cheat on my taxes.

Sophomore Silent
11.1.17  Phoenyx13  replied to  Trout Giggles @11.1.16    6 years ago
Sometimes I jaywalk. And speeding and jaywalking are not victimless crimes so I'm bad for doing that.

ah good. you acknowledge that breaking the law is bad so you don't advocate to break the laws or give advice on how to handle law enforcement if you intentionally break the law - that's good :)

But I don't cheat on my taxes.

it's always stupid to cheat on your taxes in my opinion - they eventually catch up to you.


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